
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, it is still variable, with apparently quite large swings from day to day at the moment in Boston :) But in the main it looks like it could be nice in both NYC and Boston, and not too hot. Boston looks to be around max 18deg, dry and a slight tailwind, which if that ends up being accurate I’d happily take right now.  But, some sites are saying warmer than that so I’m ignoring those :)
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Shades, my RHR is normal. I guess it may just be the common taper sluggishness, magnified by the virus. I don't feel ill as such, just run down, heavy-legged and a bit chesty.
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    Big G  - weather sounds pretty good.   A bit warmer would still be better than that awful wind and rain they had a few years ago. 

    Cal  - good your RHR is normal,  should mean you're over the worst of it and maybe need a couple of rest days.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Rob - A chatty London Ultra plod is actually a very good shout but eldest has got a music event that day sadly. 

    Big G - Must be getting exciting. Will be great to tick off Boston. Are you all sorted on things you want to do during your visit now?

    Steve - Seems like you’ve really got the most out of this training block

    6 miles around the common this afternoon as came home early from work to meet the girls and get things ready to fly tomorrow. A quiet common meant that HR was incredibly low. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    RCouture, yeah, we’re all sorted. Decided not to do baseball, but we’ve got loads planned. As well as all the sights, I am a big live music fan and there’s an area in NY that has lots of live music bars, often with 3 or 4 bands on in one night, for a $10 entry fee, so I’m looking forward to that. Also been busy googling ‘New York Cheesecake’. :)  Pretty sure we went to a place called Junior’s last time I was there, which I think is quite well known, so probably we’ll go there and find some other places as well. Boston will be a bit more relaxed but we’ve got a city card for there as well.  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Hope you feel better,still got plenty of time to go.
    Big G-Exciting tines ahead,my run the other day got me really jealous of you guys going out.Did you see the weather tracker I posted? It's a great tool for Boston.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, thanks, yeah I saw that tracker. Looks good.  
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    Rcouture - I'm sure Robert could find you an alternative ultra to do  ;)

    Enjoy your holiday in Ibiza  B)

    Big G - all those monster portions of food to enjoy, lovely.   

    Not many foods I don't like but baked cheesecake is one of them.

    5 hilly miles today.   Now my knee has settled down I need to do as much hill work as I can before Connemara but am keeping distances short.   Sunny morning, but very cold.   We have frost, heavy frost on the cars but roads bone dry so fine for running.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I had a lovely run this morning, much better than Wednesday’s. Beautiful weather, and due to the holiday, very quiet out this morning and I went over to my hilly loop where I never fail to enjoy the views over there. Although a tougher route than Wednesday, today was about 45s/mile quicker, which goes to show how bad Wednesday was!  Conditions felt much fresher today though, and that was just over 10 miles today. 
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    Big G - what a difference a run makes!

    Just sent my review to Amazon for the Kinesiology tape, see if I get my £3 credit now.

    But no need to exaggerate, definitely the best tape I've ever had.  Knee has been taped for 7 days now and taping still perfectly in place and no fraying.   Tape is thinner than others I've used, but just as strong, if not stronger.   I can wear my skinny jeans over it which has been a problem in the past with other tapes.
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    Big G your plans for NY sound great! Amazing how one run can differ so much from the next.

    Rcouture plenty more races around 😉 , One for the family… Wendover Woods in July, choice of 50k, 50 or 100 miles each 10 mile loop has 2000ft elevation.  Think there is a small kids race as well and loads to keep the kids entertained go ape amongst other activities. 

    In all seriousness there are loads of great trail marathons which would keep you motivated, I really enjoy summer trail, ease off the pace, spend time on feet and have time to yourself and have the odd chat too without the pressure.

    Shades fingers crossed you get the credit, if not then least you got some decent tape.

    Cal I’m still feeling sluggish and chesty following my illness last week, might be part of whatevers going around.

    rest day yesterday, no cricket as didn’t want the expense to have a distruptive day.  Marshalled ATW 10k this morning, managed to get a couple of miles to my marshal point and then 5 miles after.

    hoping to get to lords tomorrow, weather looks good but Middlesex are trying their best to lose 20 wickets in todays play. Currently 4/4 

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    edited April 2023
    Robert - entering those marathons leading up to your 40th seems to have kept your training motivation going.

    You must have a healthy amount of race credits with ATW now for all your marshalling duties.  

    6 miles this morning, some challenging hills, 572ft for the run.   Knee was OK and I was a little more confident on the downhills today.   Cold, sunny and light frost today.  According to the forecast that should be the last of the chilly mornings for a while, I hope.

    Confirmation received for switch down to the marathon at Connemara.   That is, as long as I go along on the Saturday to physically swap the race numbers, if I don't go I'm still down for the ultra.

    Gym later
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    10.5 miles this morning, including parkrun. 

    Miles 2-6 were MAF and came out at 9:31(not sure why this was quite slow), 9:00, 9:00, 9:09, 9:09. It’s ok, but I remember it took me months to get them all under 9 for a MAF test and I’m still not back there yet. That took me up to the start of the event, and then I put in a decent effort and did about 22:20 (results not out yet). Enjoyable but goes to show where I am, but I’m fine with it. I would have gone under 22 but the event is back to the field for the third mile, which I don’t like, and I took it very carefully at certain muddy points as last thing I need at the moment is to fall over!

    That’s 41.5 for the week, and travel day tomorrow. Hoping to get out for a leg loosener on Monday, but we’ll see, and no firm plan for running in the days prior to the marathon. I’m hoping to get out to a Boston parkrun, but again we’ll just have to see how things go.  Must try not to pile on too much weight, which could be the main challenge over the coming week!
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Good luck Big G. Jamaica Pond is the one a lot of people do (especially as it starts with a J) but there's another one that started after that...not sure of the name.

    Shades, good luck with Connemara, whichever distance you end up with.

    Rcouture - are you going to do the Wimbledon Trail series? First race is 10th May (7pm). I've signed up even though I'll not be fully recovered from Manchester...I figure 3.5 weeks is probably enough though. I can send you the link if you need it.

    Rob, lovely day for cricket (not that I watch it, but it's a lovely day...)

    I did feel a bit better yesterday although I just went for a walk...but then my right hip/groin hurt all afternoon (they seem to be taking turns...typical taper nonsense).  Today I felt well enough to parkrun, especially as the weather is lovely. I'd agreed to meet my friend Tunde at Highbury Fields, which I've done before but he hasn't. It's a low stress one as the park is literally across the road from the tube, and it's fairly quick journey. 
    It's well known as one of the parkruns with the most laps (5 and a bit) and is on an incline. They'd changed it a bit from when I was last there (in 2018) so the start and finish were at the bottom and the extra bit was along the bottom rather than up the "hill". 
    I did a mile to warm up as usual but I didn't push myself too hard, just enough to give the legs a bit of a stretch without burning my lungs (I finished in 29:15). Around what I hope MP will be next week though that might be ambitious! :lol:
    Feel OK now so I've not overdone it.
    I'm hoping I can manage a few miles tomorrow morning but I'm volunteering at Tooting juniors so I'll have to get it done early, or put it off until Monday.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, if I do one, it’ll be Jamaica Pond, but that’s just because it is closer to where I’m staying and I’ll need an Uber if I decide to do it.  
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    Cal - good you're feeling a bit better, let's hope your recovery continues. 

    Connemara isn't until the 23rd,  have Newport to do first, next weekend. 

    Big G - I think you could be right that piling on the weight might be your biggest challenge.    But it's not as if you're running for a PB, so a couple of pounds won't make that much difference. 

    Hope your journey goes well tomorrow and that Tigg enjoys his holiday too.

    Gym was very quiet,  less than 10 there.  Was able to do a little more on legs today and knee was fine. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Have a great trip,very jealous now of you.
    Shades-All quiet on the race front this week then full steam for 2 weeks on the list.
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    Ian - yes, marathons seem to be like buses, they all arrive together.

    Enjoy your day off today.

    Rest day for me today.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Big G - Hope you have a cracking trip

    Got to Ibiza day before yesterday. Lucky with the weather as was forecast to be rainy but that’s all cleared so sunny and around 20c all week. Didn’t run yesterday as fancied a lie-in after the travel day with the girls which is always knackering.  Went out for a nice 5 miles this morning though. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Enjoy yourself! 

    I usually do 10 the week before a marathon but what with me being poorly and also needing to be back in time to marshal junior parkrun, I figured 8 would be OK. Started increasing the pace a bit after half way and also found I had time for another mile so it ended up being 9 with a faster finish (MP...ish).
    Didn't feel too bad - a bit of an ache in the right glute but the groin was alright (however, groin was grumbling when I walked to juniors after - it seems way worse on walks than runs). Anyway, job done. One week to go.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    RCouture, pretty sure Ibiza marathon was a week or two ago :) 

    My club mate looks very unlikely to toe the start line of Boston, for the second year in a row :( He’s got a doctor’s note to claim a refund for the race but he’s still going to travel. He’s doing it the opposite direction as us, as he’s going Boston and then New York afterwards, but he up after 2.5 miles yesterday on a test run.   

    Just waiting at Heathrow and due to board in about an hour.  We came up on the coach and motorway was clear, actually arriving at Heathrow 15mins early!  Got here stupidly early really but the later coach would have been pushing it.  
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    Rcouture - you sound nice and relaxed and enjoying your holiday   B)

    Cal - that's a decent run from you today.    Hope the aches are just a touch of taper fever. 

    Big G - you should be taking off now.    :)  it would be foolish/risky to cut it fine on travel time to the airport.  Not worth it.

    Those days when we could rock up  30 minutes before take off are gone.   

    Many years ago my uncle was late for his flight and he rang BA and asked them to hold his flight.   They did and were very cross with him as when he arrived he wasn't as important a passenger as they thought he was.  At the time there were only 2 flights a week to where he was going. 
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    6 miles this morning, lovely and mild today.   So quiet on the roads, reminds me how pleasant it was to run during lockdown.

    Saw a pair of mandarin ducks on the river, the male nearly got swept away in the current but managed to recover and get back to the female.

    Gym later
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    Update from me:

    Got into pretty good shape for London, but picked up a calf (soleus) strain which is not healing quickly :( fortunately have Bupa through work so having an MRI on Tuesday to rule out anything more sinister (maybe stress fracture? I hope not). 

    Can’t even run 1 mile on it so 😫 looks like I’ll be going to London to support. Trying not to feel bitter but feel like all the training has been for nothing!

    BigG - good luck for Boston
    Cal - good luck for Manchester 
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    Bradders - so sorry to hear you've had to pull out of London due to injury. 

    Good you've got health insurance and can get that MRI .  Hopefully it's nothing worse than a soleus strain/tear, but at least you'll know for sure. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear that Bradders!  Is there still a small chance you’ll toe the start line, or is that it?  My club mate who is supposed to be doing Boston is a definite ‘no’, after also missing out last year. 

    Got to NYC ahead of time and got into the city quickly. Just went for a quick drink last night and got a fairly early night. 

    I was up and out tor a run this morning. We’re close to Central Park so I around there, for a total of 7 miles and I loved it!  Nice weather for running and loads of runners out, as you’d expect.  
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Oh bradders, that's rotten luck! I hope it's nothing too bad.

    Shades, we have a pair on the pond on Tooting Common - they're lovely looking birds.

    Glad you got there OK, Big G. Have fun.

    Another dodgy day today - swimmy head, chesty feeling...guess it's two steps forward, one step back. I did go to bed later than usual last night so I'll get an early night tonight and try to get plenty of sleep this week.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Bradders-Bad news on London,hopefully you can get it fixed.
    Big G-Good to hear you got there,nice place to go running,there's always tons of runners there,as there's not many places to run.Have a good few days.
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    Big G  - good start to your visit to NY.

    Shame about your club mate, that's really bad luck not being able to run 2 years on the trot.   Difficult decision whether to cancel trip or not. 

    Cal  - the female mandarin is quite dull but the one today made up for it in personality, she was definitely in charge. 

    Early nights all week for you perhaps, you need to be nurturing yourself. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah, I don’t know what I’d do if I was him. He’s paid a lot for hotels (refundable) as he’s in central Boston but can’t get a refund on the flights. It’s really tough on him :( 
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