
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I haven't bought a pair and I was having similar thoughts to you regarding the v13s.  Also, the reason I got them in the first place was the design of the heel, but that has been changed as well (I didn't buy the v12s because of this).  I think I probably need to have a look around for something else for my daily mile-muncher.  I used a brand new pair of V11s at Chicago Marathon and had no problems with them - I chose the wider fitting and they work well for the longer distances for me.  The reviewers will say they're not snappy, which is definitely true compared to the super shoes, but I have done a few marathons in them and they're fine for me in that I don't find them ploddy or heavy etc.  Pretty sure I have done something like a 3:25 in them which is good for me for a non A-race.

    It is a few days late now but I came across this about a club runner who looks to have cheated at Cardiff Half.  Made the news in a few papers/sites etc.  Looks to have been premeditated in some way as his 'proof' was a GPX file, but from 2022 when the course was slightly different, and of course the organisers spotted it, as well as pointing out he would have had to have ran the last 11km in world record pace.
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    I spotted this on the day of race almost two weeks ago.He is a local to me runner from Llanelli club but runs a 79 minute half(this is from memory and a 16 minute 5k) I had hoped it was a geniune mistake as seems so weird.But heard no more news about him.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    WP, earlier on I did have a look at his powerof10, as a matter of interest, and saw he was quick.  Just not that quick!
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    I think he cut two miles out of race either by accident or deliberate.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Big G/WP - that's a disgrace by that Llanelli runner.  I hope his club chuck him out and he gets a lengthy ban from UKA/Welsh Athletics too.  What an idiot 🙄 

    I saw that the first 2 finishers at Kielder Half were running under other runners numbers,  one bloke even using a number issued to a woman.  So the bewildered 3rd finisher was quite rightly awarded the win. 😀

    Big G - I'd strongly recommend you try v12, and you shouldn't need to size up in width.  For me the v12 is a lovely shoe and sizing is just right.  No problems with the heel tab either. 

    I don't suppose there's many v11's left? 

    I've raced on v10's too and would use v12's if I wasn't using my Novablasts 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    That's a pity about the 1080's drop.I still have an unopened pair though,and currently using up all my old shoes before I buy more.TBH though I usually shop at the outlet village now so will keep my eye out,don't think I've paid more than £56 for my last few pairs.
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    This morning while I was waiting for daylight I read up on the v13 reviews.  Overall, reviewers impressed with the changes.  Stack has been increased as has cushioning and more of a rocker feel, no negative comments about the change in drop.  Cushioning now as good/better than the More 4's, which is considered NB's top cushioned shoe.

    So I would buy a pair, if/when I can't get any more of v12, I do plenty of short runs if I was unwilling to run long in them.   Can't remember the last time I did a long run anyway 😊

    5 miles today, temperature has dropped by 10 degrees, a fairly chilly 7 but good conditions.   Heating is on.  :)

    Gym later
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Had a late night as we went to Exeter for a meal, and went to a gig afterwards. 

    Nice running conditions today and went to parkrun. I was sure they wouldn’t have us running around the grass field as we’d had a lot of rain, but we did have to go around, and it was indeed very soggy. Not my favoured conditions at all, and I took it very easy with some short walking breaks as I didn’t want to fall, but got it done for 7 miles in total. 

    Just watching Chicago marathon extended highlights, as I hadn’t seen much of it. Seems odd we were there last week. I saw some YouTube stuff from Molly Seidel and she was staying at my hotel - I guess she didn’t have one of the cheap and cheerful ‘interior view’ rooms that I had :) She did a shakeout run on a lot of the paths that I had ran on the Monday. She did a PB of 2:23 in the race. 
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    Big G - surprised you had to run round the field as we've had a lot of rain.    No chance of seeing my kingfisher this morning as water was so high and muddy too.

    How's the foot post marathon?

    I don't mind interior hotel rooms as they're often quieter.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Foot is odd Shades. Obviously it was more than manageable at last week’s marathon, which was a surprise to me, but I can feel it today again. I haven’t ran since Monday (I’ve been too tired) and it’s been broadly fine, even with all the travel etc. I think I was very lucky last week as some other days it’s difficult to even walk on, whereas on others I basically can’t feel it!  I need to get this NY virtual done and I’ll tick over until then, but need to think what to do (or not do) for the rest of the year. 

    I do think walking around and being generally active helps it, rather than hinders it.  Noticed this after our europe trip too. Tigg doesn’t know what’s hit him since we’ve been back as he’s getting more walks than usual. Mind you, the beach is open for dogs again and we both love it down there at low tide. 
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    Big G  - that is a bit weird about your foot with what appears to be no particular reason when it flares up, or doesn't and no significant reaction to even running a marathon.

    Do you think perhaps it's more a nerve type pain now?    

    Good to hear Tigg has forgiven you for deserting him and is enjoying quality time together.    (Tokyo is a fair while away, before you leave him again)

    Cal - good luck for your 10 mile race tomorrow 🙂
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    I don't understand reducing the drops like that either. I don't use that brand (I did like the look of them and tried some on but they didn't feel right) but I generally go for 8-10 drop as I have rubbish dorsiflexion. I don't wear Hokas for that reason alone.

    A solo parkrun today which meant either doing a local one or going somewhere on the train. I settled on Wycombe Rye as it's not too far from High Wycombe train station and course description seemed to hint that it was mostly on hard path. As it turns out there was quite a lot of grass which was very wet after the last couple of days, so I ended up with soggy feet. With the race tomorrow, I wasn't going to risk slipping on the muddy bits or soggy leaf mulch, plus there was a flight of steps partway through the course, so it wasn't fast. Finished in 29:17 and was just happy to be under half an hour.
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    Cal - hope it's not too chilly at the start.

    5 miles today, two days ago it was 'feels like' 20 degrees, this morning 'feels like' 3 degrees.   Even though I'd dressed for the weather it still was a bit of a shock to the body, my legs don't like the cold.   Light frost on fields and some cars, roads dry though.

    Gym later.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
     Cal-Good luck today.
    Shades-Similar weather here this morning,7 miles done before work,got work going on in store later so not sure what time I'll finish so thought I best get it done.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Not sure about the nerves, Shades. It could be that I suppose. It’s very frustrating, that’s for sure. Coming up to 18 months now. As I said, it was more than manageable at the marathon, but can flare up unexpectedly. I was applying liberal amounts of ibuprofen gel in the 2 or 3 days prior to the race and also on race day, plus I took one lot of painkillers at 5:30am, both of which I don’t do at home.  I did do similar at Boston too, and replicated what I did there for Chicago. 

    Good luck, Cal. 

    Well done for getting out there early, Ian. 

    I’m pretty tired, I think from the flights still. Flights were 8.5hrs there and 7.5hrs back (plus the journey to/from Devon), and Chicago are 6hrs behind us. I’m sleeping okay but I think, also from previous flights, it just takes me a while to get back into the swing of things. No running today but planning to get out tomorrow. That’s one thing I’m not looking forward to for Tokyo as it’s 15hrs on the flight, but I’m arriving as early as I can and then we’re travelling around Japan a bit afterwards so hopefully I’ll get into a routine over there - I’m sure I will :) 
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    Ian - hope that you're not kept too late at work today, at least your run is done.

    Big G - well at least you have race day pain control a well practised routine now and it seems to work.   I only asked about the 'nerve' type pain as it seems so random and unexpected at times.   18 months is a very long time  :cry:

    I've only ever flown once to USA so not really enough to assess if I'd suffer from jetlag or not.   Not sure I would, plenty training from my nightclubbing days, couple of hours sleep (if that) then onto a full day's work.  I've done a few 24 hour events too and a couple of 12 hour events that started in the evening and went through the night and no residual tiredness.   I have lost all sense of what time of day it is  :/ 

    That is a long flight time to Tokyo 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Any further thoughts about Frankfurt Shades, or still a bit too early to say one way or the other?
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    Big G - I'm not going to make a decision about Frankfurt until next weekend.    But at the moment it's not looking too hopeful. 
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    I'm a weirdo in so far as I travel east a lot better than west, though coming back from the US can be hard if you're on an overnighter and don't sleep. I do envy people who can sleep on planes - I have difficulty sleeping in my own bed most of the time.

    Cabbage Patch 10, then. I had to walk to Clapham Junction (just over 2 miles) to get the train as there was no connecting train from Balham until much later (there was an earlier one that would've meant 35 minutes freezing my buns at Clapham Junction, so I figured I'd rather just walk). Met some Chasers there and we travelled to Twickenham together. It was definitely chilly but perfect conditions for me, even if I'm not in perfect condition. Glad I remember my bin bag - it did keep the cold off at the start.
    Given I'm far from race fit and still have some niggles, so figured I'd try and shoot for around 1:35 (9:30 pace) but at least less than 1:40. I managed that for the mostpart and felt relatively strong though I did start to slow a little after 6 miles (I was running 9:20s before then and 9:30s after, with one mile around 10 pace but it had a water station, a steep ramp up to Richmond Bridge and a couple of tight turns). That tells me 9:25 is my LT pace, so need to figure out how to improve that. However, I am pleased I managed to push on for the last mile, which was just sub-9, so perhaps getting my paces back up is more a matter of getting comfortable with being uncomfortable again.
    Another positive was that I was OK on the two bridges we did. 
    Minus points were achy right leg - it went all the way down from my bum to my calf and even my foot a bit so I'm thinking it may be sciatica rather than hamstring tendinopathy. The other thing I'm kicking myself about is that I'd forgotten the race shirt was a nice long sleeved top and I'd gone for the plant a tree option instead. They were very strict about seeing what was written on your race number so I couldn't sneak one, unfortunately. The medal really is rather crap, sadly, so no compensation there. I understand races going for the wooden medals for eco reasons but at least make them colourful. This one was the medal equivalent of a Rich Tea biscuit.
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    Well done Cal.   That's a good run from you today.   And very good news that the bridges didn't cause you any concerns. 

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    Shades, start of CW50 70meters from hotel, 70 miles from my door.  Not sounding promising for Frankfurt, if you have to cancel hopefully you can change the flights.

    Cal CW50 is September 18th, stunning scenery! Entries open on Saturday, don’t tend to sell out for a few months. Wendover isn’t too muddy, ran 9 loops there in road shoes in December.  Well done on the race today a strong finish!, you keep opting for the trees 😆 many races are dropping t shirts, both Centurion and Challenge running have dropped the T-shirt to keep the cost lea down but you can buy the shirt at a reasonable price. Bit gutted about centurion shirts as I like them and enjoy seeing runners at races in them.

    Big G, I don't think there is any logic with pf and the niggles experienced.  The odd day I get twinges there’s no reason I can think of. Hope Tigg is settling back in.

    Day of sport and the sofa today with a bit of a sore head.  England World Cup cricket followed by rugby.

    got out for a 6.5 mile run on Friday after work,
    got soaked as the heavens opened but needed to get a run in.  Squeezed a 7 mile run from home to Welwyn Garden City FC to watch them play Hertford, a dire 0-0 game and was a bit chilly with a shirt and waterproof coat and jogging bottoms to fend against the autumnal chill.  Got the bus back as best not to run on a few pints. 

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    Rob, I do...I do regret not getting the ultra shirt too, as it was my first one. But moreso this one as I don't have many long sleeved tops. 😫
    I'll have to think about CW50. On the one hand I'd like to do more ultras but I really want to concentrate a bit more on trying to get faster again. I've not entirely given up on my GFA dream.

    Shades - shorter bridges with higher sides, I think, and the fact plenty of people were around me. Chelsea Bridge is a bit bigger (being further down) and has lower sides so I feel more exposed on it. And we'll not mention Severn Bridge. :lol:
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-A bonus of the tokyo flight is you can tell people for ever that you did a 15hr flight,its become a running joke in our family now as I make sure I tell everyone.You will probably come back across the Pacific so you can also bore everyone that you literally flew around the world.
    Cal-Well done,sounds like you enjoyed it.
    I Know I've mentioned him a few times but I find him really inspirational, our 50 Yr old paced the 3hr at Chester last week,then today ran a new PB in 2:32,I know he also has a very stressful and demanding job so I find it incredible what he does.
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    Robert - that's dedication running to the match.   Can't think of anything worse than trying to run home after a few pints 🤮

    Depending on the race I sometimes miss not having a shirt.   But at least I no longer have to pay for a shirt that is then thrown away as it doesn't fit.

    Cal - that's still good about the bridges, it would be easy to extend your anxiety to smaller bridges.   I would think half the population would feel uneasy going over the Severn Bridge.

    Good to hear you still have plans to go for a GFA.   You definitely have the ability to get a GFA time. 

    Ian - your speedy clubmate certainly deserves a mention.   That's impressive running, do you know any details of his training/mileage?

    5+ miles today.  Was overdressed and had to stop after a mile and take my jacket off.  A lot milder than yesterday and the forecast.   Legs felt tired and knee had a slight grumble, not sure why as I did only upper body session in the gym yesterday.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, amazing from your clubmate. I’d be interested in his weekly mileage, if you know it?  Our fast V60 was in an England vest at Chester but didn’t get what he wanted, running 3:07 I think, coming 4th in his age group. He is desperate for a sub-3 having not done it before, but he’s licked his wounds, and he told me yesterday that he has got a late place for Valencia, booked an Airbnb, so is having a few weeks of a build and going again. My clubmate doesn’t do high mileage (40-44ish, with a peak of 56 which was a stand out week, and he tapered quite heavily too), but he has a coach. I asked him yesterday if he was going to tweak anything and he said he felt his training had gone perfectly. Of course I am in no position to say anything to him and I wouldn’t as he knows what he is doing, but between me and you, I think he could do with some more mileage, although I know everyone is different. He did say to me a while back that he is considering not doing London this year as he finds it too busy. 

    Did 90mins on the bike yesterday, first time I’ve felt like it since I’ve been home. Woke this morning feeling pretty groggy so haven’t venturerd out yet. Will see if I become more sprightly after a coffee or 2. OH is off with friends to Go Ape today so it’s just me and the hound, although we have got an engineer coming at some point this afternoon as we’re upgrading our broadband, which requires an engineer visit. 
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    Big G  - bad luck for your v60 clubmate at Chester.  Some runners did find it unexpectedly warm at Chester, I don't know if humidity was a bit high too.   Both could have contributed as to why he missed his target time. 

    I agree with you, his training mileage seems very low for a sub 3 attempt. 

    I'm sure Tigg will enjoy your undivided attention today  🐕
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    Good to see an athlete avoiding the bigger and more predictable races, such as Berlin/Chicago etc and getting a fantastic time.  Will make Olympic selection interesting. 

    BBC News - Calli Thackery wins on marathon debut in New York

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades/Big G-He has averaged 80mw for this block by the looks of it,and he is averaging 60 for the year.He tends to do 1 track session at the club a week and the rest is mainly easy,he runs his easy from 7-7:30 mile,pretty sure we all know people a hell of a lot slower who say their easy runs are that pace 😉 
    1 thing I've noticed is he very rarely seems to get injured,he races a lot but seems to be bulletproof,I know he does a fair bit of S and C,but mot sure how much.
    Decided to take today off,only just finished work after 11hrs and going to run with OH in the morning,looking at my rota though I should be able to get a decent week in again,got 42 last week so would like 45 this week.
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    Ian - that's the sort of training I would expect to see from a runner of his ability.   If he's a frequent racer he wouldn't require anymore speedwork than his weekly club track session.

    Hope you enjoyed your early morning run  ;)    Good news on the weekly mileage.

    Just over 5 miles for me today, good run, no niggly knee.  Milder but very windy.

    Gym later
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    That’s great mileage and consistency from your clubmate, Ian. It’s injuries that always seem to be holding me back :( 
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