
Little Nemo's Marathon Adventure



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    Hi all,

    Well done on sunday Shuffler. 2.18 is the kind of time I can only dream of!

    Jaq, glad you're resting. I hoep you'll be fine soon too.

    little N, well done on fitting the morning runs in - I find running first thing so difficult let alone when you haven't had a day off for 5 weeks. I hope you enjoy Wednesday!

    My knee is feeling ok thanks. The physio didn't think it was anything more serious than the fact I have wonky hips!! It looks like I've got a weak muscle in my hip which has meant muscles further down my leg have been under extra strain meaning tendons around my knee are getting sore. therefore she gave me these exercises which kind of 'clunked' my hip back into place and made everything feel amazingly better. She said I need to carry on with the exercises, stretch and work on my core stability. She also said I'd be okay to run on Sunday as long as I stopped if I had any more pain while running - therefore I ran slowly for an hour and stopped when I started to have twinges again. did some good stretching, icing and elevating on sunday pm and it feels absolutely fine today. I think I'm going to just use the bike and cross-trainer this week so I'm well rested for the Silverston 1/2 at the weekend.
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    Just bumping this to say good luck with the long runs this weekend!

    Jaq, I hope you are recovering/recovered!

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    Thank you! Physio tomorrow-fingers crossed as calves still a bit sore but I'm determined to beat it.

    have a good weekend everyone
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    Hi all,
    Hope the long runs went well. Mine didn't and feel very sorry for myself today....
    Due to do 16 miles on Saturday, only managed 14 and had to walk last mile due to bad pain on outside of my left knee. Came on early in my run but I pushed through it and it went off for a while..... I hope it is just to do with the new orthotics I am wearing in slowly and I am seeing the podiatrist again tomorrow. I think it's an iliotibial band strain.
    Sorry to moan but have felt very sorry for myself this weekend. How are all the other injuries doing ? Good news please !
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    Hello Shuffler, sorry to hear of your injury. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the podiatrist can sort you out. This thread is for venting all sorts of feelings and you’re not feeling sorry for yourself, you just need a bit of support. Hope you can feel positive vibes coming your way!

    Managed a 2:30 long run on the way into work yesterday. Had to leave home at 6:20 so it was a bit chilly! I’m starting to panic a bit now. I think it’s because my project has nearly finished (hooray!) so I now have time to think about other things. I’m supposed to be doing the Hemel Hempsted 20 miler on Sunday but I’m having a real crisis of confidence. Firstly the longest time I’ve run for is only 2:30 and the longest distance is only a half-marathon. It now seems such a big step up that I’m really worried if I can even do the distance, especially as it’s actually a 21 mile run! Secondly I think it’s going to take well over 4 hours so I’m worried this will be too slow for the organisers. I’ve sent them an email to check but I hate to think that I’ll be plodding away on my own right at the back keeping everyone waiting.

    Bugger, I’m starting to feel really sorry for myself... I know I shouldn’t as my knee is much better, my blisters are a lot less and even my mashed up left heel is on the mend. Someone please tell me that feeling like this is just early nerves and that I should just stop whinging and get on with it. I KNOW I’m going to finish this marathon even if my training isn’t quite up to scratch. Wibble…

    33 days to go!
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    Yahoooo! Went running at the weekend. My calves felt a lot better on Saturday so, as I was going to physio in the pm anyway, thought I would just see. Did 3 miles and it was a bit sore to start with but OK. Physio gave me a good pummel and said he was happy with progress and to run as much as I felt ok with so did 5 miles yesterday. Calves grumbled a bit but today they're not to bad so all being well (fingers crossed) I will be back to my club runs on Tues and Thurs and ok for Broadland 1/2 on Sunday. Have booked physio every weekend up to FLM to be on the safe side.
    Have to say being able to run inspired me to eat really healthily this weekend too.
    Hope everyone is OK this morning and on the mend if injured.
    Sorry but...I'm SO HAPPY!
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    That's great news Jaq! Good luck with your next runs.

    I'm feeling cheerier already :-)
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    Hi All,

    Shuffler, hope you've had good news at the podiatrist.

    Little N, wait and see what the organisers say before you decide whether to do the 20 miler or not. Or alternatively why don't you pick a distance in between half mara and the full 21 miles and try that this weekend instead? I'm no expert but it is quite a big jump in distance so you might be better off with say 16-18 miles instead and then 20 the following weekend?

    Jaq, glad you are getting better!

    I'm also feeling a bit wibbly - did the Silverstone 1/2 yesterday and had a mare. Took me 2hours and 50 mins to get around. Got to about 7.5 miles and felt like going home so crawled around the last 1/2 of the race in very very slow time. I think it was my own fault tho - spent all of Saturday shopping in London with a friend when I should have been resting. It hasn't helped with the 'how the hell am I going to do twice that distance' nerves however! Knee was ok although I'm finding it very difficult to bend my legs today due to very sore thighs!

    From reading other threads though I think that these thoughts are all part of the process. A friend of mine said that these few weeks were definitely the worst for her.

    Right off to eat lunch now so catch up with you all later in the week I expect...
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    Hello all, hope you're all having a good week. Well done on finishing your half-marathon hkp, that showed real determination. It’s kind of comforting to know there are other people out there having the same doubts as me. I’m sure it’s just a phase and I’m starting to feel a bit more optimistic again now, hope everyone else is too.

    I’ve just got an email from the organisers who say 4:15 for 21 miles is fine with them – obviously they have nothing better to do on a Sunday morning! So at the moment I’m edging towards doing it. I can have a nice restful Saturday, kill myself in the race on Sunday and spend all day in bed on Monday! Then I can do one more long run on my own over the Easter weekend before going into taper mode.

    I had my last Adirun around Hyde Park last night. I’ve really enjoyed these and I’m sad they’re not continuing. It forced me to do a certain distance and I normally got dragged round at a faster pace to try and keep up with people. I did 7 or 8 of these and I was last every single time but I did get faster as I went. Also met some nice people and had some good chats. As it was the last one they had a bit of a party back at the store. We had pasta, salad and wine and some people came to talk to us and answer questions. The best one of these was Bud Baldaro (sp?). He was really funny and gave loads of useful advice and encouragement.

    I’m off this lunchtime to get some new shoes. I’ve probably left this way too late but hopefully if I get the same model I’ll be able to break them in in time.

    1 month to go – da da DAH!!! (scary-type music from film)
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    Hi Little N,

    Sounds like you're doing well. I did a hideous 60 mins on the tready last night as i got home from work too late to run outside... almost killed me, it was so hot. Feel fab today though, realised I've busted my fundraising target by a few hundred pounds AND I just got home and have got the magazine and registration info from FLM... I can't stop grinning as it all seems so real and exciting now!

    h :)
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    Morning peeps,

    Yes, I got my number too-I'll be on the red start. Paranoid about losing reg form now. Starting to get really excited though!!
    My calf has held up really well this week and I had a great club run last night, but I have been really good about icing and stretching and it seems to be working. Doing the Broadland 1/2 on Sunday, which should be good as it's going to be sunny but slightly cooler on the coast here in Norfolk. Aiming for a 17-20 miler next week before tapering. Starting to get my confidence back now and feeling really "bring it on!!!". Must be careful not to go mad and get injured again though.
    Got my Guide Dogs runners vest yesterday as well and it's fab-really lightweight.
    Ooooh, I'm in such a good mood. How's everyone else today?
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    Hi everyone,
    Just had to come on and share my good news. I managed 5 miles today with no ill effects and have got the all clear from the physio. I have missed a whole week's training with a nasty viral arthritis and what i feared was a knee injury also. Seems the knee is actually part of the same thing and now - at last - seems to be clearing up well too.
    I am so happy tonight - been awful for the last week ! Disappointed to miss the Hemal 20 on Sunday - how did it go Sezz and Little Nemo ?
    How is everyone else doing this week ?
    For the first time in about 10 days I can honestly say I'm now feeling really excited about it all again - in fact, I can't wait !!!! I'm picking up my running vest tomorrow too Jaq. i am running for ASPIRE.
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    Hi all,
    I'm new to this thread. This is my first marathon, in fact only started running on 31st December. Glad to see you are all feeling positive. I've been really excited but suddenly I've stated to panic a bit. Did a 16 mile run on Sunday, expecting to do it in 3 hours but was amazed to finish in 2.32. But the rest of the day was awful. Could hardly move and had a bit of a dicky tummy. Is this normal. Scared about doing 19 miles this weekend, feel like my legs have had enough.

    Looking for a confidence boost.

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    Hi Nikster,
    16 miles in 2.32 - that's amazing ! Did you run or fly ?
    Rest of the day sounds pretty normal to me...What time are you hoping for at FLM ?
    Sounds to me like you'll have no problems. Maybe slow down a bit on the long runs though, especially now we are getting so close....
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    Hi folks,

    Did the Broadland 1/2 on Sun in 2.05-quite pleased at that but have got a nasty cold asa result of running in the rain. Started coughing around mile 9 so I knew I was in for something. If it's not one thing it's another eh? Never mind-at least I won't still have it on the day (I hope!!)
    Well done Nickster-expect to feel a bit crap after a long run, it is perfectly normal-especially for us first timers. You'll be fine this weekend if you take it easy. I'm trying 20 on Saturday and have bought jelly beans to experiement with-if they last until then!
    Glad the knee's getting better Shuffler-don't you go overdoing it now.
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    Hello all! Just a v. quick post as work has got busy again. Managed the 20 mile HH run on Sunday and don't feel too bad apart from a couple of blisters. Glad to hear that people are getting over injuries and/or illnesses and keeping on running. Some great distances and times being done as well.

    Welcome to the thread Nikster and good luck for your 20 miler. You'll definitely be fine but as Shuffler says maybe start off a bit slower. You can always get faster towards the end if you're feeling good.

    Have a great week everyone, I'll post more later on.

    24 days to go!
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    Hello, thanks for making me feel so welcome. After the scary 16 miles on Sunday I went to the gym yesterday for some cross training and 4 miles on treadmill. Today I went for a 6 mile run and it was great. The sun was shining, no aches and pains and no dodgy feelings from my tummy. Hurray! Can get on with being excited again. I don't know about you but I train alone and listen to my ipod on the way. Last week I downloaded the BBC theme tune to FLM and when that comes on during a run it really perks me up. Its a great boost. Oh by the way I'll be trying jelly babies this weekend for the first time too.
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    Sorry shuffler - i'm aiming for 4.30-4.45 ish! What about you. Is this your first time?
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    Not posted for ages as I've been feeling glum about my training.

    I managed to do the Wokingham Half in 2:01 and then had a chest infection which meant no running for 4 weeks, missing Reading, Bramley etc.

    Finally started again with a few 5 milers and panicking like mad!

    I've entered the Maidenhead Easter 10 this Friday to try and get some "long" training in.

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    Welcome back andyp, sorry to hear of your woes. Positive vibes coming your way - good luck for Maidenhead!!!

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    Thanks Nemo. Much appreciated. i'll enjoy my hotXbuns more after running :-)

    Well done to you for the 20m at the weekend, fab news.
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    hi all,

    Not been on for a while either as work is manic for me too... had a fab run on Sunday - only 8 miles as on an easy week but a really good one and finished feeling like I could run further which I suppose is a good thing seeing as I have to manage another 18 miles on that!!

    andyp, i think we have all had glum bits in training, you've done brilliantly in your 1/2, 2.01 is a time I can only dream of. Well done. Good luck for Friday, the weather forecast is really nice so I hope you enjoy the sunshine.

    Little N, well done on your 20 miles, great stuff, especially with all your work hassles going on.

    Shuffler, glad the knee's on the mend.

    Jaq, fab time in your 1/2 too. Well done. Hope the cold is almost gone - don't overdo it or it will take longer to get over (god, I sound like my mother!!!)

    I hope everyone else is doing well. I was talking to a friend of mine who has been panicking slightly, and we both realised that in just over three weeks time it will all be over, we'll all be wearing our medals and collecting loads of sponsorship money... something we should all be proud of!

    Am going to try 18-20 miles this weekend which is going to take me at least 4 hours... wish me luck!
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    Thanks HKP, hope you get on well with your long run. Just imagine how much chocolate you can enjoy afterwards and not feel guilty ;-)
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    Hi everyone,
    Andyp - glad to hear you are back training.

    Nikster - yes, it's my first marathon too. I'm hoping for about 4:45, but in truth I'll be so thrilled just to finish I think.

    Well done at Hemel Litle Nemo - must be great to have got the 20 under your belt.

    Hkp I find the treadmill hard too - time seems to go more slowly on it than outside.
    I've done only 2 sessions since I restarted training this week - both on the treadie - 5 miles and 4 miles, cautiously edging myself back in. I'm hoping to do a bit longer outside this weekend though.

    Got my running vest yesterday (Aspire)and going to try it out tomorrow - can't wait !

    What day are you all going to the Expo ?
    I am going up wednesday morning if anyone wants to meet up ?
    Geting excited now and a nice feeling of all being in it together don't you think ?
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    Happy Easter everyone-have a good one!
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    Hi everyone,
    Happy easter !
    How did Maidenhead go andyp?
    I am really chuffed as i managed 20 miles yesterday - took me 4:05. After missing a week's training 2 weeks ago I had pretty much given up on doing a very long run but things went very well last week so i thought, why not try it and see how it goes?
    I felt pretty wiped for the rest of the day, but not that bad really and definitely less stiff than after doing the Hemel 12 a few weeks ago.
    How did you all get on this weekend ?
    Hopefully all the injuries and illnesses are nearly behind us now. Only 20 more days to go !
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    Hi everyone,

    I am running the FLM for the first time this year. I did the Stafford 20 in 3.18, so will probably try for sub 4.30 and see how I do. I am at the blue start.
    I must say I agree with andyp. It was an ideal day to do the 20miler as could then eat lots of chocolate!
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    good luck all, signing off this thread
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    Hi All, Happy Easter!

    Well done Shuffler - that's fantastic, I hope you refuelled yourself with lots of mini eggs or similar!

    Hi Stewy, welcome! Well done on the time for the 20miles, amazing!

    I did my longest run before the big one yesterday. its a bit of a saga but quite funny so thought I'd share it with you all...

    I had a 20mile circuit all worked out. Started off really well. My boyfriend was with me on his bike. Got to about 8 miles well on target for 12 min mile pace. I then decided it would be a good idea to take a detour off the planned route down a pretty looking public footpath. first couple of miles were pretty good, nice new scenery, lots of wildlife to look at and not too muddy. We crossed a golf course, all good so far and then on across a farmers field where it all went wrong - it was soooooo muddy, I was stumbling around all over the place with so much mud stuck to the bottom of my trainers they became 2inch platform soles!! my boyfriends bike wheels were so muddy he couldn't even push the bike along and had to carry it. We eventually crossed the field in about 20 mins walking! when we got back t the road at about 11 miles or so I then started back up running and made it to 17 in 4 hours when my legs wouldn't run any further. I walked the rest of the way home. I was gutted I hadn't managed the full 20 in the 4 hours I had planned but I reckon wading through that mud while crying with laughter was exercise enough!

    Phew, sorry that was so long, I can't believe what an adventure this training has been. I don't know what we're going to do with our sundays after its all over.

    I hope everyone else has had good weekends, not long to go now!
    h :)
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    My 20 miler was a mess too, but because I coughed and sneezed my way round 12 of them before collapsing in a heap. Managed 17 yesterday though so feeling a bit more positive. Oh for an injury and illness free run!
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