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FLM 2007



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    I try to run 3-4 times a week and from January onwards I have so far entered myself into about 5 runs ranging from 10 miles to 17 miles as I find it keeps me motivated and makes me do a long run on the weekend. I am working away a lot in Ipswich at the moment so am running a lot in the gym then run outside at weekends.

    Luckily my boyfriend is hoping to get a marathon place as well so we try to keep each other motivated. I have had my place confirmed from a charity.
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    Where do you find the Shades training plan from?
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    If you go on the training forum and look for a thread named Shade's training plan, then ask her to e mail you one, she's pretty good like that.
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    Or ask me. By clicking on my profile send me an email and I’ll forward it to you.
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    Evening All

    Now here's a question for the experienced amongst you...

    I'm almost certain that I've been rejected again - this will be the 5th time in a row - and so will have a guaranteed place next year...

    - and they say they don't discriminate against midfield club runners???????? -

    I might still get a place via my club in which case I have to fill in a form to claim the place.

    Now the crunch..

    If I won and accepted a club place, would I sacrifice my 5 in a row in the eyes of FLM??
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    IMO No, because 5 rejections via the ballot and you have a guaranteed entry whether you have done it by getting by other means or not.
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    Hi all

    Thought I should chip in on a couple of topics that have come up -

    1. Shin splints - don't get me started. Well, you have already ... I started with shin splints (or MTSS mainly) in my right leg last Oct and it ran until about Mar. I had 3 weeks of no pain and then it started in my left leg. It finished in the left around Sept. I had no pain until Nov. Now it is not so much pain as niggles - possibly simply because I am so worried about the pain coming back (it got quite bad at one stage!). I have tried a number of things and found the only thing to do was to run through them (my physio says ok but there seems to be 50/50 views at the running club!).

    2. Motivation - perhaps because of all of the pain in the past, I feel really motivated at the moment and just wish my legs could keep up!

    3. Training - I have recently stepped up to 6 days per week. Wed and Fri are my 'easy' run days where I try to stick to 60% of my heartrate (seems harder still in the cold). Work is going to interfere with the next few Thurs but I should be able to maintain 5 days a week. My Sundays still alternate between XC and long runs (which I am trying to do as per Stylish's advice!).

    I have tried to be good and build gradually. In some ways I have built to 6 days so that when the injries occur (which seem to be inevitable with me) I can drop back a day or two - which my legs will see as extra rest (and therefore recover!) without me missing out on the other 4.

    I do find that remembering how miserable it is when you can't run through injury or illness is a great motivator to get out while you can!

    Clairej - which half are you doing on 10th? I am at Kenworthy Turkey Trot on that day - hoping to get at least on decent (injury free) half in before the end of the year. Best of luck with yours - they always feel great once you have finished.

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    “I have tried to be good and build gradually. In some ways I have built to 6 days so that when the injries occur (which seem to be inevitable with me) I can drop back a day or two - which my legs will see as extra rest (and therefore recover!) without me missing out on the other 4. “

    Hi NT, I don’t really agree with the above. I personally think that 6 days a week is too much and you shouldn’t run on the basis that if you get injured you can step back two days. Shin Splints normally occur when the mileage is increased too quickly especially on hard surfaces. If one has Shin Splints the only cure is to stop running for a while 2-3 weeks min and then start back very gradually. You shouldn’t run through pain, the body is telling you something. Sometimes less is more.
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    Received the magazine and confirmation I have a place this morning. I had better get my motivation head on and get out there!
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    Received mine too. Now to get planning!
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    Got my rejection mag this morning as expected as my cheque wasn't cashed. Best start fundraising in earnest then!!

    Should have done long run today - (in view of tomorrows forecast)... but was out with horse - so will just have to put my head down and get out there......

    Hope everyone is well.
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    Hi everyone after last weeks drenching I too looked at the weather forecast for this weekend and decided to do my LSR today as its heavy rain with wind predicted for tomorrow. Did 11.5M today but was quite tired during the last 1.5M. I think the lack of running over the summer months has something to do with that. But pleased that I'm up to that level.
    Got my rejection mag today too but should find out within next two weeks if I get a club place or not.
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    Snails: sorry to hear that you didn't get a place, I know how it feels as I have been there twice before :-( Do you know what charity you are going to run for?

    Stylish: you were very wise going for your LSR yesterday, well done on 11.5 miles! Good Luck with the club place :-)

    I am now psyching myself up to go for a run in the wet & wind... I have had some bad headaches the past week and think I have got blocked sinuses, had to take some Sudafed yesterday and go back to bed so promised myself I would go for a run today. I feel a bit better but must go to my GP as I don't usually suffer from sinus problems :-( My head and eyes feel very heavy. Hopefully the wind will clear out any cobwebs!!!
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    Sun's out now so I'm off out for my plod :-) Ciao
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    I managed a very good 8 mile run this morning and it turned out to be a lovely sunny day although a bit windy. Motivation is on the up now, thank goodness!
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    11 miles this pm ... windy but not wet; so I was quite relieved really. Did 3 miles in the mud with the dogs (yuk it was horrid - its so wet )- then the rest on road - felt like a reward!!

    Yes BF - I already have a confirmed place through The Children's Trust in Tadworth - just a small matter of £1400 to raise.... I have some connections ( through friends/work in past)with Tadworth so am very motivated to run for them - which helps. Would have been nice not to have the pressure though......

    Hope all the plods were happy ones?
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    Morning...where are you all? Obviously all out running and not enough time to type on here???

    I did 25 mins on the cross-trainer and 40 mins on the treadmill in the gym this morning. Feel good and motivated again.

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    Snails: I know what you mean about the pressure to raise the money but if you start early enough, I'm sure you'll get there.
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    Hi all

    Got my acceptance mag Saturday Number 18356
    Only did 4.5miles this weekend but it is a drop back week:-) Just the small matter of christmas parties in the way as I have one every Saturday until chrimbo better do the LSR runs Friday or Saturday afternoon then.

    Good luck to all who got accepted and comiserations to those who didn't. Fingers crossed for Stylish and the club place.
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    I got my rejection magazine so am now on track for organising the money for my Golden Bond place. Stylish I couldn't find the Shades training plan. Any chance you can send it to please? I didn't run Saturday or Sunday this week. Been feeling run down so thought I should have a rest. Off ot barbados on Thursday and hoping to do a few runs there, will have to see how the heat affects me.

    Well done all thouse who got places.
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    Hi Lucy, plan has been sent 2 U.

    Allover and others, crossing those fingers have helped as I got a club place. So Thunderbirds are go.
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    Hey Stylish......WHOOPEE!! that's great news...

    ...'Captain Stylish..indestructible...'

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    Allrover: you social butterfly!

    Lucy: lucky you going to Barbados but won't you miss all this wind and rain to tun in???

    Stylish: Congrats, I bet you are relieved?

    I did 5k on the treadmill in the gym this morning, it was just too dark, cold and windy to run outside. Went to my GP last night and he has diagnosed chronic sinusitis and prescribed antibiotics which I don't like taking but may have to give in. I just hope they make me feel better.
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    Stylish that is great news. I should hear tonight if I get one of my club places.....
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    Thanks everybody. All cross whatever you have for Seren Nos now :0)
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    seren nos: good luck, more fingers and legs crossed for you too! Sending FLM good news vibes your way!!!
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    bambina ferrari, I prefer animal.

    Seren Nos all crossed up here :o)
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    Well done Stylish

    I did my LSR run for this week this morning before work 9Miles, I don't start until 12:00 so don't worry I wasn't up at some unearthly hour.

    Lucy- Any room for a small one?
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    Hi all, I have just sent off my deposit for my Golden Bond place with Anthony Nolan :) so I will be part of the 4.15 to 4.30 camp.

    RW suggests that in order to be running those sort of times you need to be able to do a 1.50-2.00 half. I'm doing the Bedford half next weekend but not expecting any PBs from that as it is more than "undulating", apparently. But will be interesting to see how I do. I reckon if I can run sub 2.05 on a supposedly hilly course having not trained a great deal recently (although my 10k is now about 52:00) I should be on track for a sub 1.55 half by February/March? Does this sound possible?

    I am entering a lot of halves in the buildup to FLM, the Fleet pre-London in particular. Anyone else doing that?
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    Hiya Zoe and welcome to the thread. I think the times that you have quoted above are not far of the mark. Sub 1.55 by feb/mar is possible but it all depends on how your training goes, the course, the weather……I’m not going to be entering more than two and possibly only one half. I’ll do the halves after FLM and then try for a PB.
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