
Eating disorders article



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    combination....i keep getting struck by illness in training or do i. i suffer from panic...mainly panic about vomiting....yes i know what a terrible eejit i am!! but obviously thats just a distraction for the real issue...trying to find what that is but more and more in training i am getting panicky about feeling terrible and am backing out of it and obviously you dont require as much food when not training as hard but my mind got frightnd at the thought of reducing food, so ultimately i ate more and put on more weight than would have liked even my coach said "glad your lookin better but not too much!!" he laughed but it hurt am 9st and 5f6 and feel very ashamed bout being there, would like to be 8.5 (not unreasonable) but when its not going my way i am resortin to extreme measures...how do you do it healthily!
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    GlennGlenn ✭✭✭
    You could start by throwing away the scales?
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    em im actually not a weigher not at all i learned that lesson but like saying that i do weigh maybe once every 2 or 3 weeks i mean i think one has to be a little responsible too
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    Therese, you know that 9st is in the lower range of healthy weights for your height, and 8 1/2 st pushes you to being underweight. I do know what it's like for you at the moment, but you have to find out what the real issue is for you here. If you can do that, then everything becomes easier (note I haven't said easy). Can you find another release than the food thing? As I have got older I find that cleaning is my outlet most of the time (I know it's not great, but it is better for me) and I only have food problems when things are really bad. People don't realise that their comments about gaining weight can be terrifying. Your coach didn't mean anything by it, I'm sure. You will find that your weight will even out as your life becomes a little more stable. You are probably getting ill due to food intake issues. I find it easier to eat well when I train as I see food as fuel.

    Sorry if this is rambling or doesn't make much sense, but I am trying to understand!
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    no your not rambling.....your making perfect sense! i know what you mean about the outlet but i do anything to get away from the panic that everyting i take on becomes obsessive. for yrs it was horses. was a groom so hadworking and dedicated it nearly killed me, then college, then i decided to try a diet and was so gud i developed a mighty e.d.. the best thing about that was i didn have the energy to panic so it al went away, my only focus was where my meal was coming from and how hard do i have to work for it. and now its like a punishment for my body :if you panic about the funny sensations during a session or tempo run and you back out of the run your not gettin fed, no matter what i win, i run you'l be fed, i dont run fuck you. i know i am so warped and i am so angry with my body. so angry. ive just wanted to be normal and have battled bull-shit for so long. at least if i had something awful like cancer it wouldn be my fault or so easy to rectify but the power is always in my hands and today they're struggling to holf a glass steady never mind my life
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    Say, Therese, what would you be doing with your day if you weren't doing this? I mean, imagine for a moment that you're running great - training hard but sensibly, eating well, all that stuff. How would your day be if those things were in order?
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    WEL INSTEAD of having deferred my exams til the autumn i wouldn be studying for them because they start monday. id start my day early 6-ish breakfast make my way to the track run... up to the hospital for some good quality shadowing...in paeds at the mo its lovely. finish there at lunch and head down for a swim, then id head up to down and buy something for dinner, go home have dinner and do something in the evening maybe cinema with the girls out to the horses play with the puppy i was supposed to get for my 21st last yr but didnt because i screwd myself up.... or id go out for dinner with this great guy i know who runs and is brill at it and makes me feel so good about myself coz he's always saying "dont let anyone ever tell u wat to weigh in running or tri. u go best at your best weight!" He's great and i havent the guts to let him take me out for dinner....well today i took steps to change. i found myself in an awful place this more. this is pathetic i know i was sobbing (uncontrollably) listening to sad song and writing my goodbye letter to whoever found me, i was so frightnd that things would be this lonely on the "other side" it was so intense i knew how close i was to finishing it. it was horribly real and black so i rang the doctor-any doctor my one was booked so i saw another one. she was lovely but its hard to start with someone you dont know, i told her everything i was so ashamed but we decided to be admitted today, she rang the hospital up the country and i can sit my exams there..in my pj's!! im so fightnd because i am normal weight and wat wil happen to fitness but she said something so logical:these fears are part of the condition and by treating it i will alleviate it. my bags are packed and im so scared. can i ask anyone who's been out the other side....is it still ok to strive to be lean for sports orientation afterwards or does this mean your not recovered????? i know wat a silly question
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    Therese - I am so proud of you for getting help. That's one of the hardest steps to take, and you did it by yourself! Don't think about being lean for sports, tink about being fit and healthy. My weight goes up when I work out, and it has panicked me a lot in the past, but I have been slimmer/leaner and so much more healthy than I was in my early 20's. Look after yourself!
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    Hey Therese, good luck with the treatment! It sounds like you've got a peachy life waiting for you when you get better. You do a really amazing and important job and I expect your own history will give you a special and empathetic insight into the experiences of the patients you come into contact with. On your days off, what would you do?

    About the striving-for-sports thing, well you're only asking cos you're not well. I mean, it probably will be okay for you to strive to be whatever you want to be when you're done with the healing, but I reckon a person like you will have bigger aims in life than being thin and sporty. You'll probably probably always be those things anyway, but they won't take up so much of your mental and emotional energy, because you'll be focused on other stuff. All you have to do now is choose what that stuff could be...

    Good luck, you're going to make it. We'll be right here, willing you over the line... don't worry that it doesn't go perfectly, of course it won't. Tolerating that is probably the biggest shortcut to well you could choose. We're all with you
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    I'll second that last bit, Wedders.

    Well done Therese. Good luck with it all.
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    alsot in tears.....wil have supervisd access so keep ye updated!
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    before i go i want to ask this how does the normal person eat without wondering about the later consequences! i watched my 5ft2 sis eat this for brekkie today 1large bowl of weetaflakes and milk and then two good slices of health bread the high cal kind with seeds and plenty butter and then for lunch 2 mini pizzas about 350cal each, didn see the rest of her day but no doubt another 1500-2000 cals...she puts on a few pounds here and there but loses easily and does nothing but study..while i am studying i am trying not to eat and only consume coffee hence, hence the bursts of severe depression......what were we ever thinking finding out about calories......
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    In my staggering, drunken charge to well-ness I did for a while kind of fixate on what other people eat, to see what 'healthy' or 'normal' is. I've come to the conclusion it's just not all that useful a way to do it for a few reasons. First, you don't see a person all day, every day, so you might get to thinking something is consistently true when it isn't. So in your example, Therese, you imagine that your sister eats consistently at that rate for the whole day, when she might not. You also assume it's a typical day for her - but it also might not be. Two, when people eat in front of folks like us - ie we who refuse the food etc, - they know they are eating in front of folks like us. Sometimes that makes them eat extra (to encourage you, maybe? Or to defy your sensibilities about food, or something) and sometimes it makes them eat less (cos they feel judged or whatever). You just don't know what their motivations are and they won't be letting you in on them any time soon, either, even if they are consciously aware of them (which they may not be). Three, people who don't know you and your food thing have their own food things. They may not be pronounced like anorexia and they may not be problematic but whatever, if they are eating with anyone else at all, they are acting out their own relationship with food and social expectation. Now, they may have a totally innocent relationship here, they may be totally oblivious to social expectation, but most people you meet have some ideas about, for example, whether it's ok to leave food on the plate, etc, that aren't necessarily plugged in, in a social enviornment, to their bodily needs and expressions right then. Four, you may think you are watching someone thin do the kind of eating that made them thin or vice versa, but actually this is the day they changed their diet, so their body type doesn't necessarily reflect what they are eating that day, or even that week - it reflects what they have been eating over the previous few months. Five, you are different to everyone else and this is just the thing - you just have to go with your own guts. You just have to take responsibility for your own body and needs. This maybe the hardest thing possible for me personally - I think I like diets and stuff because you don't have to interact on a day to day, moment to moment basis with your body, with your difficult self, because with a diet you don't get to choose, you just follow the rules and hey presto, here is the desired result. Looking to other people to let you know what to eat is a kind of version of that.

    I should probably stop going on. But the only absolutely hard-and-fast, golden rule about 'what healthy people do' that is different from we-who-like-to-refuse is that it isn't regimented. We set ourselves daily, even mealtime targets of calories, protien, fat, whatever and consider deviation from it pretty terrifying. Other people have one meal according to what they want then, and then a bit later, they have the next meal according to what they want then NOT according to what they had before and what they're having for tea and how much exercise they did etc etc. That means that some days they eat loads and loads and loads and others, not so much. It all works out in the end though, but not because they planned it that way. Because they didn't plan it, they just took each meal time as it came and that, I think, is what we have to learn to do.
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    (((therese))) hope the admission goes well & helps you.

    For your question 'is it still ok to strive to be lean for sports orientation afterwards or does this mean your not recovered?'
    I'd sugest that if the main reason you are doing sports is as an excuse to be skinny, then no - but if you still enjoy sports for its own sake afterwards (not because of the ED) then you will probably end up around a weight that's healthy & allows you to compete well in your sport, without thinking too hard about it - if you can manage a healthy attitude to food. The people at hospital are not out to make you 'fat', they are there to help you get on with life.
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    no i do sport coz i love it, but i am worried that when i get back into training and inevitibly will become toned etc that ppl will start questioning if i really am recovered. like before i ever startd running i was about 11 stone... now i have a medium frame so didn come across as flabby but i wasn happy at that weight.. the lightest i was was about 7stone and i knew that wasnt right but i never starved to get there i just ran! but people say to me.....when you get back to your old self... I HAVE NO INTNENTION OF BEING 11STONE AGAIN!! i am nearly 9 now and uncomfortable about it. what i am trying to say is that there was a point in this whole saga wher i was quite happy about the way i looked maybe 8 8and 1/2 stone and i dont want to have to go back to what ppl expect me to so that i can hate myself....make sense??no?
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    i think it does make sense.
    before i got anorexic i used to comfort eat, & was substantially over a healthy weight - one of many reasons i go bullied. my biggest fear all the time i was in hospital was that i would go back to that.
    i didn't - that's not what the hospital is for - but it took quite a long time for my body image to catch up with what i actually looked like - you might just have to accept for a while that you aren't a very good judge of your own body shape.

    this took me a very long time to 'get', but most people aren't nearly as interested in your weight as you are.
    'when you get back to your old self' probably means more like
    'when we get the fun / interesting / friendly / whatever person we used to know back instead of a weight-obsessed depressed person who is't able to be interested in the same things any more',
    rather than
    'when you weigh exactly XXkg'.

    As for people questioning your motivations for sport - well, my parents still worry about mine, although i've been at a stable healthy weight for 5 yrs now & take time off when injured / tired / not training for an event etc. Understandable really given the mess i once was that they'd not want me to go back there. I think the best you can do is to show them that you are able to keep a stable weight & non-obsesive attitude by doing it. and if you are able to do sport & stay really well, then it won't be anyone else's buisness anyway.
    I have to say that for the 2 yrs after i left hospital then i was mostly just cycling into 6th form & not training or doing much running - i think the gap helped me recover physically and mentally, & gave me a bit more perspective.

    But you don't need to worry about this now, just concentrate on getting well, the long term staying well can't happen 'till you've done that. hope hospital helps - will be thinking of you.
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    thanks duck girl....you've been rightly supportive of all my shit right since the beginning (doesn mean im not greatful to the rest of ye...i am !)
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    Wretched. I'm right back here - I hope temporarily. This stuff just never seems to leave.
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    Thanks, Hoose.

    Shameful to be back here, but there are worse places to be.
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    I dont think it ever does go


    you got out before and you can do it again

    dont panic
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    shameful? -as you implied, it is a difficult disorder. From what I know , progress is a gradual move up with fluctuations -you are having a fluctuation I guess. Can you recognise any trigger points -this time?

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    Thanks PH, it's so good to have this thread to come to.

    Hoose, any kind of stress or pressure and it just flairs up. I don't always realise it's happening, it's gradual - not as though one day I'm ok and the next I'm not. P*ssed off with myself for not having tried harder to stop this episode when I suspected it might have been coming on. Think have been blasé because it's been a few months since I've been like this. Still, I have learned from previous times so it's not *as* bad. Hence being on here and feeling like I'm admitting to it (stupid, but I feel absolved somehow).
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    Just reset when you feel ableLyra
    My last good spell lasted years

    wieght loss for me equals wobble in that dept
    we will see

    but, look on it as a temporary blip
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    -if you could switch it off like that it would not be a problem Lyra-would it? Yopu will learn from this. As hipps said re-set when you are able.

    just take care of the lovely person I see for a bit eh?
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    Reset. I like that word, PH. Running's a big help on this one. Especially because it's all starting to go a bit better and I'm not getting injured.

    Seems to all be about compromise.

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    yes, it is indded a compromise

    But you arent all the way in the black pit
    tomorrow is another day, and all that

    It sucks that this never goes away though
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    Thanks Hoose - I feel none too lovely at the moment! :-)

    No, but that pit never gets filled in, like you say. Sh*t, maybe I need it. As you say, compromise. If not this, then what?
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    I think the pit gets partially filled actually

    and yes-keep looking forwards
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    morning hippo - shouldn't you be somewhere?
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