
Mick n Phil's daily blog



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    I'd guess that making plans for the future is an important way to regain some focus and pride.

    It's always helpful to make a list. Ask my wife. She'll make one for you.

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    Mick, just found a link to this thread. I think it's amazing that you are willing to share so much with the rest of us. As Sluggie and some others have said, we are here for you in the good times and the bad, and if there is ever any more practical support we can give, just drop a hint and we'll be there.

    Sounds like things are especially rocky at the moment. I hope Dawn is starting to recover after her time in hospital. And I hope that nothing will stop Watford, not the weather or anything else!

    Keep posting, Mick, you inspire us all.

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    Hey Mick

    Off home now - hope it all goes well this weekend and you do get to Watford.

    Big love to you, Dawn and Phil.

    LP xx

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    8:29pm, Friday 1st February 2008 comment on this entry | edit | delete tired tonight
    i'm tired tonight ,

    Phillip's away for the night with a community nurse, and on Monday he go's to respite until Friday

    that's it really
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    chugger & everyone

    i'm sharing all this with you all,

    in the hopes, that if any of you are going through simular, or any of you know anyone who is going through simular, hopefully it will show  people there is a way forward , a release, a way to enjoy life, without medication, without unnecassry alcohol or smoking or gambling

    a natural positive way out of the depths of deep depression and mental health

    believe me i've seen it all, sick children, dying children, mental health units, day centres, parents of sick children and carers of sick loved ones near siucidal

    cowards don't commit suicide, it takes GUTS

    hopefully i have proven and still proving just what can be done in life, it does NOT have to be running, but there are ways out of the deep pit of hell

    it's all so easy to fall in the pit, but so very difficult to get out sometimes

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    it is difficult to get out of sometimes, and although it takes enormous effort, strength, determination and courage, you know you've done it before and you can continue to do it Mick.

    Stay strong! ((((Mick))))
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     hi mick just found this thread, hope you make it to watford
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    Hi both


    you are kind

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    Mick, I know that the waters are deep.
    But you are not alone, and are well aware that others are in the same pool, and have been there before you.
    A while ago there was a recession in my industry and my job was finished. No alternative employment was found for me. I tried to find work, but there was no work to be had. It was an open ended situation. Week followed week. Month followed month. Winter was followed by spring and then summer and autumn. I ran out of ideas. Hope was succeeded by anger. Anger was followed by despair. Despair was followed by self-doubt.
    I was shown that having a glimmer of light was important. Having a future dream did matter.

    You may not be able to see the glimmer of light yet, but there is one. It's under a bushel somewhere.

    My period of unemployment scarred me, dented my ambitions. I now aim to spend my time contributing but not putting my head above the parapet. It's been 15 years, but still frightens me. What gave me most strength was knowing that my Grandfather went through the 1920s and the Depression. He got by with cunning and determination.

    I appreciate that your situation and mine are in no way equitable. There is no clear definition of the edge of the pool or dry land. What is clear to me is that you and Phillip have a very strong bond, love even, and I'm wondering if the driving current and your true life-force is that need to defend your son and wife?

    Obviously I'm navel gazing. Let's concentrate on the joys of today. I fed the birds. There were zillions of them. Obviously hungry!

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    My life has been one huge battle

    my son being born disabled and almost dying, really was the final straw, and it was to  change me for ever, 

    for example ...i see people with bumped cars etc, and i say too some, " Are you ok ", they look and well, it's quite incredible

    to my mind, there is nothing any worse than seeing your loved one in pain, and being told your child isn't going to live

    there's no councelling for it , there's no cure,

    i had my dear old mother for the first 41 years of my life, yes when she passed on i was sunk, but i coped ....

    there was then and there is nothing now, in anyway shape or form that can prepare you for losing or nearly losing a child... the most precious thing there is

    and very simply i can tell ALL you fellow runners , i still live with my agony to this very day

    running 10k, 10 miles, HM, 15, 20 miles, or even marathon's.. what's that !

    the money raised for the needy, how much actually gets to them

    my way has bonded me and my son, it's given him a life,

    FLM the biggest example of them all

    some one tell me, what is the problem with disabled people enjoying their selves at the back ????

    I have to carry on , well NO, i don't have to, i choose to !!

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    Morning Mick,

    It's a dry, still morning down here in Bournemouth. Hoping that the weather is similar in Watford and you're able to get there.


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    11:26am, Saturday 2nd February 2008 comment on this entry | edit | delete the challenge !
    Watford HM tomorrow

    Wokingham HM Feb 10 then,

    Then the big one... Draycote Water marathon, 5 and bit laps, clocked 4.52 last year, just a few days after crippling gastric flu
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    That's just fantastic, Mick---do you realise even yourself how fantastic that is? Only a tiny proportion of people could run a mile. Of those who can, only a small proportion could run a marathon. Of the ones who can do that, most will spend months building up to it and weeks recovering. And you do one more or less every week, for fun. Just like that. WITH Philip.

    You're bliddy amazing, Mick!!

    (((((((((((((Mick, Phil and Dawn)))))))))))))

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    Just popping in to wish you the very best for tomorrow, Mick. The weather certainly looks quite good now, so hopefully will last.

    You're right, losing a parent is sad, but nothing to losing a child. You are supposed to be able to protect them from harm and keep them safe. It is devastating if you can't do that.

    Love to you, Dawn & Phil. XX

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    Good luck Mick.. have a good one.. Regards to Phil and Dawn.. will not be at Wokingham this year  but hope you will feel better then last year...
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     good luck at watford mick i know what you mean about losing a loved one i lost my father 5 year's ago to a brain tumour.  the hardest part was watching him going downhill over the year before he died

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    Chuggs & Everyone

    yes, i have thought about it very often, i actually spend time in, studying in the depths of my mind, when i read about runners, who have been in the same race as us somewhere, and i read them saying, or hear after a race them saying, next race is so in so, .. just hope i'l be ready for it, i often calulate, well hang on , we've got ex amount of races before that, and we are still runnung that weekend !

     And it does get me thinking about things...

    Some  weekends were  manic, drove to Hotel , set Phillip's bed up, and got ready for the Saturday  Hull track race, where we did 107 laps for marathon in 5.03... then on way home after speedily packing all stuff away in car, drove home via Worksop HM, which we ran in 2.12

    i remember the gasps from the runners before the race when the commentator announced Mick n phil ran a 5.03 107 lap track marathon yesterday

    then there was another weekend,

    we ran Crawley track marathon on the Saturday , 107 laps in around 4.48, followed by Reading HM on way home in 2.00

    another weekend, we ran Brands hatch HM on the Saturday, it was a little toughie in 2.25 ish , and on way home, we ran Wokingham HM in 2.07 i think

    it gave us self confidence, it built my stamina, and gave me immence confidence

    so, i suppose, if we can do it ...SO CAN ALL OF YOU !!

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    Watford HM
    Hi everyone

    it's been a lovely day , one to remember, with great satisfaction

    we went to Watford HM today, it was our 6 th time there,and our 160 th HM in total , we knew it was only a HM in distance, we met people we knew, and made some new friends.... but sady the race only lasted for 2 hous 7 mins for us,

    we chatted and laughed so much on route, the 3 hills that are in it, just don't seem like hills any more, the 13 miles just seemed to disapear quickly, people commented on how full of it i was, and how fresh i sounded and looked

    well, i can tell you, i was felling real good,
    my mind on route was very much back in at Gloucester FM last week, clocking 4.41, and it went forward to Draycote in two weeks, next weeks Wokingham is another HM, and it'll be over quickly and easily

    we helped and encouraged several on route, but we could have gone on for more, we could have managed a 15 or 20 miler with ease

    everyone one was very kind, and made us welcome

    today made me think just how much running has done for me, and how good it make me feel, we do hope any of you who took part enjoyed your day,

    Phillip is in respite tomorrow for 5 days, so me and Mrs Mick will pub and dine
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    Watford HM
    Hi everyone

    it's been a lovely day , one to remember, with great satisfaction

    we went to Watford HM today, it was our 6 th time there,and our 160 th HM in total , we knew it was only a HM in distance, we met people we knew, and made some new friends.... but sady the race only lasted for 2 hous 7 mins for us,

    we chatted and laughed so much on route, the 3 hills that are in it, just don't seem like hills any more, the 13 miles just seemed to disapear quickly, people commented on how full of it i was, and how fresh i sounded and looked

    well, i can tell you, i was felling real good,
    my mind on route was very much back in at Gloucester FM last week, clocking 4.41, and it went forward to Draycote in two weeks, next weeks Wokingham is another HM, and it'll be over quickly and easily

    we helped and encouraged several on route, but we could have gone on for more, we could have managed a 15 or 20 miler with ease

    everyone one was very kind, and made us welcome

    today made me think just how much running has done for me, and how good it make me feel, we do hope any of you who took part enjoyed your day,

    Phillip is in respite tomorrow for 5 days, so me and Mrs Mick will pub and dine
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    yo Mick glad the day went well sounds good, & i've just been reading of your track marathons and HM following days. Wow

    Up here in blustery North wales pal & i ran an 8.8mile  training run for her marathon training.

    Running feels good - oops must stretch - see you later Rob

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    Concrete Proof
    Today again really is absolute concrete proof of what running does for me, and how it makes me feel, and helps me to cope with life

    i feel once again after todays run phscycologically on top of the world, and physically in tip top shape as well

    we never ever set out today for any course pb's, we only went for fun and to enjoy our favourite sport

    though i do expect that i'll have bad days in the future, but remembering this, and myself looking back at my blogs will remind me that there are good times out there

    I know myself, without being told that i'm handling life just so much differently, it's ALL down to running, NOTHING else,

    i was actually only thinking today whil'st running the HM, what some one said to me during the week in an e mail to me
    how many people could run a mile, how many could run HM, how many could run a FM, and then out of those , how many could manage, or would manage it all year round

    this feeling good, just does'nt come over night, it's a very long process, and sometimes we do feel we just are'nt getting anywhere

    and so i do hope that you can all find the mental and physical stamina and total peace of mind that it gives me,
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    Hi Mick n Phil

    Glad Watford was easy easy , I only saw you very briefly as you came back through the crowds at the start (not really a good place to stop and chat). Hope to see you at wokingham if not have a great run there as well.

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    Morning Mick'n'Phil. Glad that Watford went ahead yesterday and that you had a good day.

    Hope that Philip has fun at respite and that Mick and Mrs Mick get some quality time together.

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    10:20am, Monday 4th February 2008 comment on this entry | edit | delete feel pretty good
    I can't believe i'm feeling this good again ...

    i'm a little tired obviously, that's normal, i'm only human after all, ....and of course, iget those deepressing days,

    but when i get to a race, i feel i'm in charge !!

    and i feel a little tearful as Phillip has just gone to respite until Friday ...

    but i'm feeling strong again, and already we have 1 FM under our belt for 2008, and were going for our second FM of 2008 on Fb 17...

    then there's various HM's and 20's

    what's my secret, i only wish i knew
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    Hello Mick!  Hope you and the missus are okay.

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    Gentle Chugger07/02/08 21:46


     4992 forum posts


    Yes, Johnny, I've always felt like a failure when I walked (which I ALWAYS did) so was really smacked by the idea that this was GOOD. It's made me much more relaxed and means I enjoy it a lot more, which has to be good, yes?

    Tikka, how's the calf? Is it starting to get less painful? (NB: even if it is, do NOT rush out and try to start back too fast!) I really liked Galloway's book, will be interested in your views.

    As to Mr Mick-'n'-Phil.....running has for sure made him one of the fittest men on the planet, AND one of the most inspirational. If there's a living advert for running, he's it!! (Hiya, Mick image)

    Anyway, Tikka, hang in there. Won't be long before you can lace up your shoes and start putting one foot in front of the other! xxx

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    Hi Chuuggs

    you sweetheart you

    what can i say, yes i'm proudly fit,

    people might just read that, what you've put and think your joking... but i know your not !!

    but for those reading this, it does not come to you, there's NO shop to buy it at, it's the result of sheer hard running over the years

    it's well for me  ( i cannot speak for you lot, ) very rewarding, it's given me a relaxed mind, i don't think about any race,

    i'm almost 50 , i'm in some of the best condition i've ever been in, both physically and phscycologically

    what's my point ???????????????

     if i can, or we , Me and Phil can.. so CAN all of you


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    Inspirational, thanks Mick.  Just lacing up my trainers and heading out of the door with a spring in my step after reading your words. 

    All the very best to you and Phil

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