
Deaf Runners



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    My Ear Gear has now turned up.  Been really boring and gone for beige!

    Will probably have to wait until Wednesday before I will have chance to run.  Looking at them I still thinks I will sweat too much and soak them through.  Just hope I don't ruin the aids trying!

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    Hi Becky,

    Snap on the colour...I chose beige too. I'm going to buy another pair but I've yet to decide on the colour. I thought it was only the fairer sex that dithered over style and colour. Must be my age.image

    I went for a 10K on Sunday...my first run in over a week...worked up a good sweat and my aid was dry when I got home. I wore mine every day when I was on holiday...we got caught in a couple of rain showers and I didn't have any problems. I feel confident now that the Eargear boots will do the job and keep my aid dry.

    Perhaps you should try a short run first and just wear one aid. If you get any crackling from your aid take it out and check if moisture is ingressing. I'm sure that you won't have any problems and you will be pleasantly surprised at the difference it makes when you run with your aid in. It could be just my imagination but my runs seem to go a lot quicker even though I'm out for the same length of time.

    We had a good holiday...the weather was not too bad at all. We walked the legs off the dog. He gave up after a couple of days and sat on the pavement and refused to budge. I had to carry him back to the hotel.image He still wanted his biscuit though.  

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    LOL - just trying to imagine the sit in protest from the dog!

    Didn't do my LSR yesterday, woke up with sore throat and a bit of sniffle.  So far not turned into anything major so hope I'm keeping it a bay.

    Probably run down doing too much, back and forth at hospital, also had to go to Bradford and back in one day from Kent.  In addition last week attended one evening the Leicester Square premiere for Hancock.  Blagged it into the VIP area and was drinking champers with the stars including Will Smith etc.  Purely doing my duty for work.  LOL 

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    It was quite comical actually...people walking past must have thought we had been whipping him or something. A big problem with westies...they are very stubborn when they set their mind not to budge. He quite enjoyed me carrying...kept looking around...taking in the views and nodding to people passing by...he thought he was royaltyimage

    Perhaps you should book a holiday break...I didn't even think about running when we were in Devon and I enjoyed the rest. Having said that I've got the sniffles today and a bit of a headache...back to work blues I supposeimage

    One thing I didn't enjoy was the long drive down and back again...must have been tedious for you to go to Bradfrod and back. I don't like traveling too far from homeimage 

    You mix with the best company...next time you will have to borrow my westie...he certainly thinks he is a member of the superior class.image

    Have a rest from running till Wednesday...I'm sure it will do you the world of good. Best of luck with all the other stuff too...ie hospital visits etc.       

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    One good thing on the horizon is from next week ?I have 2 weeks off work.  Not going away as doing building work but it will give me a break - counting down!
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    Hi Becky,

    I went out at 7PM yesterday and it was very warm. Did 10K...I was very sweaty when I got home but the boot did the job. No problems with moisture. 

    It was a sad run...the route I take goes round past a couple of local fishing pools. A lady killed herself in one of the pools on Sunday...this is the third suicide around the area in the last 12 months. I saw family flowers at the spot where she was found...a sad way to end a life. 35 year old lady apparently. The police have not yet released the name.

    What are you having done to your house? I think that you are doing the right thing in taking time off if you have builders coming in...at least you can keep watch on things...also they need someone there to brew the teaimage

    At the moment all the gas mains are being replaced on the estate where I live. I is chaos...vans and truck blocking all the roads...holes in the pavement every 5 yards or so. Hopefully they should finish next week and we can get back to normal. We were lucky in that they didn't have to move our gas meter...some of the owners across the street had to have theirs moved and they have pipework all over the inside of the house. A real mess and eyesoreimage     

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    LOL - the builder is my husband.  Yes I need to keep an eye on him and brew him tea.  No he's excellent at DIY.  Doing whole job himself. from start to finish.  Done other extensions int he house before so I do know he knows what hes doing.

     We are rebuilding the garage and extending the kitchen.  Looking forward to doing lots of running without having to fit it around everything.  Gas issue sounds dreadful.

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    whoops...my apologies. You will be working on your resistence training and upper body then...mixing cement and general labouring. Get your runners on and disappear out of the way...just go back every couple of hours and make him a cuppaimage

    The gas issue did cause some problems for us...we came back from Devon to find we had been disconnected from the mains despite assurances from their customer services that this wouldn't happen. I'm pleased that we didn't leave our door keys with a neighbour which is what the gas people wanted...imagine the mess if they had free accessimage  Thakfully except for the trucks and vans blocking the estate roads we are all finished with. There is just all the holes to fill in and make good outside my house.


    You need to keep an eye on us guys...tennis on the tele next week...very easy on the eye when the ladies are playing and very distracting when there is DIY to be getting on with...crack the whip with himimage No work no cuppa!!!!

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    Tried out my ear gear tonight. Did 30mins on the treadmill running 9 min miles. Was a warm evening but had big fan in front of me.

    At end of 30mins ear gear sock was socked through. I could hear the volume slowly reducing being one of the first signs of moisture getting in before the buzzing.

    Took the sock off and you could see the side of the aid etc was wet.

    Looks like I am too much of a heavy sweater!

    Really disappointed but I cannot afford to ruin the aids. Back to square one for me.
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    Just literally got back from a 10 mile bike ride while wearing my Super Seals for the first time.

    I too am a very heavy sweater but not a drop reached the hearing aids, but the outside of the seals were soaked.

    Only problem is, now I've got them, they look to be made for short life use as they can damage easily. It is probably why they come in large packs.

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    I'm really surprised that the boots didn't work for you. Could it be because you were indoors. Perhaps you wouldn't sweat so much if you were out side running. I don't have long hair...I wonder if it might be worth having your hair cut shorter...assuming that you wear your hair longish. I know this is not easy for a lady to consider but it may reduce the amount of sweat around your ears.

    EM...I thiught that the sleeves were throw away items...I don't like the idea of the tool you have to use to insert on to the aid. A bit too fiddely for me.

    I did a 20 minute session on my exercise machine yesterday evening and it was very hot in the loft...worked up a real sweat but the boot worked okay.

    Becky if you don't want the boots I will buy them off you. 

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    Phil - whilst they are no good for running, I think I will keep them for when I go walking.  Not quite as intensive and will be ok for that.

    As for cutting my hair short, hibby will divorce me - LOL.  We made an agreement that if I grew my hair, he would do all the cooking in the week.  He has kept his side of the bargain and I have kept mine.  Personally I don't mind short hair or even having my aids on show.

    Will try these super seals.  What material are they made of?  is it a type of rubber? 

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    Becky...thats a good idea. they certainly kept light rain off my aids last week in Devon. They will be ideal for walking.

    We men...we have a thing about how we would like our ladies to look. Still if you got all your meals cooked then you did a good job of negotiating the dealimage I assume he washes up tooimage

    I think the seals are made of plastic...you have to have a tool to insert the aid with. Worth a try if you are prepared to pay for them.

    When I was younger I had a thing about covering my aid by wearing my hair longer...now it is not so important so I usually keep it trimmed shorter. I was a 60s teenager...the first generation of youngsters to wear long hair...happy daysimage   I never wore my hair like the Rolling stones though...LOL. 

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    Becky - yes they are rubber.
    Becca from audiology has told me that it is possible to fit them without the tool (I've yet to try that) but they seem to damage easily. As long as they keep the sweat out I will be happy enough.

    Phil - Funnily enough, my long hair days were before I lost my hearing and had to wear the aids. I tried long hair at first (to hide the aids) but just got feedback whistle from the hearing aids and have kept it short ever since (usually grade 2).

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    Good morning all,

    EM...I wear my hair SBS now...at my age I need all the help I can get to retain some semblance of yesteryear. Even in the 70s I didn't succomb to the ludicrus hair styles of that period...wore oxford bags and platform shoes thoughimage

    I stand corrected about the seals. I will stick to the boots for now...the seals look too fiddely for me to be messing with insertion tools etc.

    Did a 10K yesterday afternoon and I felt dreadful all through the run and after...my break in Devon didn't seem to be much benefit to meimage

    LSR for me tomorrow...and I mean slow...I will see if this helps re-motivate me.


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    EM - When you say damaged easy, in what way? ripping?

     what happens if it does that whilst out running?

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    Hi all

    Interesting long read abouts of the life and times of yourselves.Just a little question from Barcode that united all of you in a lost world of your deafness with news stories and gossips.
    What a wonderful way.Am not sure whether Barcode was expecting this to happen. Special thanks.

    Am wondering if there is a deaf runners website If none, Has anyone of you have an idea of setting up one that can unite us deaf from everywhere on earth ? Plenty of excitements !!!!! with news, races , gossips photos etc

    I must introduce myself a long distance mad runner whom loves to do any race more than a half marathon even ultras.Don't to hear anyof those mini K's!!I love mountain and trail running .They are a real challenge .Have a dream a conquering the western states 100 mile endurance one day .has anyone of you done it ? My other background is triathlon, swimming, cycling ,duathlon and quathlon.I do sometimes play abit of indoor soccer and tag rugby for fun.

    You may all want to know if i have silent ears ! Yes i am deaf and use a cochlear implant(Do i scare yous off !!!) Am like most of you that i don't wear the processor running It's complicated I sometimes wear it training when i would like a slowly baby feet crawl listening to mp3 I love music

    It would be a dream meeting all of yous Free feel to type whatever you have in mind Am a long way living in County Kildare, Ireland You may think am a crazy Paddy but lived in a land of kangaroos for 15 years

    Must Buzzzzzzzzz......for a run friends Cheerio

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    Hi Buzz and welcome.

    Not heard (excuse the pun) of a deaf runners forum type website though there may possibly be one on the British Deaf Athletics site, I can't say I have really explored it.

    I find it strange that although chatting on a forum such as this is one of the best forms of communication between people with hearing loss, there don't seem to be many such sites around (or have I just not found them?)

    Multi day ultras are the way to go if you can afford them. image

    Becky - Yes, by ripping at the top. This seems to me to be the weakest point.

    Becca fitted one of mine with the fitting tool but she still managed to tear it at the top. This doesn't seem to be a problem though as all the places that sweat can get in are still covered.

    Anyway, I'll find out later today how good they really are as I'm going to the gym.
    I'll let you know. image

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    Me again.

    I've had a little look round using Google and the only thing resembling a deaf athletics discussion site I can find it the British Deaf Sports Council sites forum.

    This seems to have very little use as the only posts from this year are SPAM (one of those "I have a million pounds to put into your account" type things).

    My above post mentioned British Deaf Athletics. This should have been Deaf UK Athletics.
    But either way, sadly there is no discussion forum.

    Funnily enough, by Googling Deaf Runners I came across a site mentioning RW.com (The American site) 
    Apparently a deaf lady put up a posting, similar to the OP, asking if there were any other deaf runners but didn't recieve a single reply.

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    Many thanks for getting some info. Am sure there are runners like us from all over the world willing to get in touch .

    I don't hsve the typical experience of web designing.I do know know a friend whom s good at graphics I may ask if he has ideas of designing one.

    I see those deaf sport organisations are mostly for the active competitive and challenging people.Am looking for one that s more flexible in running for the deaf where we can have our forums , experience and getting to know ourselves etc

    Many ideas do come into life !!!

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    If you find one, let us know.

    I have to report that the Super Seals have failed the gym test.
    I just wore one aid to try them out and it lasted while I was actually in the gym (about an hour and a half), it was while driving to the supermarket that it became apparent that moisture had got into the aid even though the seal was still on.

    On removing the seal from the aid it was found to be covered in sweat. I still cannot work out where it came in, unless the seals themselves sweat.

    I will try again tomorrow with running outside to see if that is any better.
    I will also find out if the seals are easy to fit without the tool.

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    Just to let you guys know there are other deaf forums out there.  I belonged to the RNID one until they shut it down.  A group of regulars on that forum then set oursleves up on a free forum.  That was 4/5 years ago and we still all use it.  Essentially it was for those hard of hearing people who don't meet other deaf people in their day to day lives, swapping experiences, stories, supporting each other etc.  We even arranged a face to face meet with about 20 of us.  So its been sucessful.  I suppose you don't get to hear about them as they are not publicised anywhere.  I am sure there are bound to be others.

    Have received my superseals put one on and I am not convinced by it in that it covers the top part very well.  In addition it made my hearing aid whistle even on the lower volume setting with it on.  It does mention in the leaflet that the aids should be pace in a humidiyer first before using to ensure all moisture is removed from the aid before the seals are put on.  I wonder if that is where the moisture inside is coming from, the aid itself. 

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    That's possible Becky.

    I only got the seals, no instruction manual.image

    Was better running outdoors this morning though there was a little moisture on the aid in the car going home.

    I wonder if I could get a humidifier out of audiology as well.....image

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    Good morning all,

    Welcome Buzzinfly...it is not surprising that you use this name...all the activtiy you get involved with. When do you find time to comment on the forums?

    With regard to your mention of other forums...I don't bother because I find that this forum does the job for me. Contacting like minded people that enjoy running.

    Went out on Saturday for a 10miler. Wore the boot and it looked okay afer the run but after reading EM and Becky's comments about moisture I'm going to give some more thought to wearing my aid whilst running. I don't want to damage the aid with moisture ingress. I will probably still wear the boots when I go walking and biking...these activities don't generate too much sweat. I won't be trying the seals...these are too much bother. Becky...I will be interested in how you get on with these though...just out of curiosity...assuming you are prepared to take the risk of wearing them on your runs that is.

    Rest day for me yesterday...a friend came round and I cooked a nice Sunday lunch and sat chatting and eating far too much...I will feel the effects when I get out again on the old waistlineimage

    I'm having a bad day today with my hayfever...eyes all itchy and sniffly nose...ughimage


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    Surprised this thread is still going!

    I have not vanished off the face of the earth - I am just sucked into the real world. I had to take a two week enforced break from running, and finally went out today - was dreading that I would have lost a significant amount of fitness, but my times and pace were very similar. I wouldn't risk not running for much longer though. I'm on holiday for ten days in July, in Portugal, and wondering if I should take running gear - it will be very, very hot, but perhaps first thing in the morning or late afternoon might be a possibility.

    Haven't got seals. I just use some very old analogue aids when running. Figure if they die on me, it's no big deal.

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    Hi Barcode,

    Must admit I thought about taking my old analogues out of retirement just for running like you. However, given how much I sweat I know they will last for well just one run!

    On holiday for 2 weeks at home. Sunday did a nine miler, did 20mins of intervals today with weight training. Looking forward to being able to run when not tired from the day job. I went to Greece last summer and took my running gear in case. I did a couple of runs around the village very late in the day when cooler. The only room required in the suitcase is essentially for trainers, so I would take them, you never know.
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    Morning all,

    I went out for a 3miler yesterday evening...I'm going through a bad patch at the moment...really lacking motivation. I didn't wear my aid+boot. After the comments about moisture I'm unsure what to do next. I will still use the boots when I go out walking etc... at least they keep the rain out.

    I'm going to scale down my runs for the coming few days and go back to basics...steady plods and hopefully get some enjoyment back.

    Becky...is the building work on schedule? You've picked a good week for the weather...just what you need for labouring outdoorsimage

    Barcode...have a good holiday...I'm sure you will squeeze in a run during your holiday. The last time I went to Greece I found that early morning suited me best for my runs, the dogs around the village were the biggest problem...barking and chasing me on several occasions.    


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    Phil Holmes...Nice getting to know you Sorry couldn't get back earlier Been busy with my upcoming Triathlon that's on Sat week in Athlone as part of the european championship Pity i didn't make it with the Elites Just the open I hope to give it a good Buzzz!
    It depends when i get my laptop opened with time to spare to do forums Sometimes life can be a hectic , other times nice and quiet.
    I see you have been doing alot of mileage running Are you building up for some long distance marathon or ultra etc Do you do many races a year ? My next marathon won't be until August(next month)

    Welcome Becky Boo ... Am willing to know your running experience .I understand what you re getting on about forums There's too many stereotypicals around these days Each wants the best fresh bread I feel there's nothing wrong with this sweet forum ...May the thread live for Barcode ! I just thought of a deaf runners website

    Muzzy...Hope positive words come for your hearing aids Am afraid i m not much to help as far you know am a cochlear implant user..Do you know any deaf runners using them ? There is one here miles from my home and wears a 'hippy ' like headband around his head to cover or hold his cochlear processor. I can't be bother wearing it Rather have a lovely silent run with a rhythm i can get going in my head I do sometimes wear it for an easy run with a hat or cap over when i want to listen to music on my mp3....

    Better buzzz for a fartlek !!
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    Buzz - only know one Cochlear Implant wearer and I know of one other. Neither are runners.

    The one I know of, never met him though he lives close by, was, if I remember correctly, the first person (or possibly Child) in England to get a Cochlear implant.

    I did think about asking the docs if I would be suitable for one a few years back, but I think apathy got in the way.

    Did 5K in the woods this morning before work, and 5K on the treadmill after (also included weight training).

    I now feel knackered !!image

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    Buzz...I don't do any races...I just run now because I want to maintain my fitness. I go through phases of building mileage then reducing just to keep my motivation. I'm in my late fifies now and I'm happy with my running regime. Having said that I'm struggling abit at the minute with a complete lack of direction in my running. I will just keep plodding away till things improve...we all go through bad patches and I'm stuck in one...this time next week I will probably be back to normal. 

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