
Mums Running Club



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    Just a quick one from me to say well done to CC! Awesome. Be back later for a proper catch-up!
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    Lotte - hope your brood are better soon, it sounds a bit grim.

    Hi to everyone else and well done CC - have been reading but was back at parents while Alan was in US so havn't had time to post.
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    Oooh - not been on for a while and its all a bit different (and just plain wrong I have to say!). Going to take me a while to get used to this - am a Mac/Safari user and all I get down the side is empty white space (no ads). Hmmm... not sure thats right is it?

    CC - well done you. I can't imagine having to do any sort of sporty activity for over 10 hours so take my hat off to you for that alone!  But 2nd lady home - big pat on back for you (being careful not to get your lovely prize dirty of course!).

    JT - I always spot for few days before coming on, but used to count the first full day of bleeding as day one. Not sure if that is actually the right way to count (might Vixo know) but it worked for us when TTC.  Glad you're feeling better and sounds like EuroDisney as been just the tonic you all need?

    Lotte - hope kids better. Sick like that is very very grim image 

    Welcome julieflies (have I got that right) and 'hello stranger' to R_B and LizzyB, nice to hear from you both.

    Sorry not managed to name check everyone else, but hope you are all doing well ladies.

    Megan has been a right monkey for the last month or so. Been having real problems with her sleeping. Taking 2 hours to put her down, 2-3 hours of waking at some point in the night and then 5.30am waking!!!  Aaargh - surviving on strong filter coffee daily!!  Have tried putting her back to bed, 'sleepytime', no eye contact palavver but to no avail - can be 50 times each night we're doing it, she just keeps getting out the bed!  And always upset with it - but upset as she isn't getting her way rather as upset from dreams, darkeness, etc.    Last night we put a stairgate across her door and just went about our routine and said every 10 mins to her 'night-night, sleepytime'.   Feel very very cruel though ... bad mummy.  Anybody else had experience of this and got any words of wisdom, or anyone just got any words of wisdom ... pleeeeaaaase?!!

    For the record she has been a 12-hour a night girl for over 2 years. She went into a big bed start of August and all was fine.  It was literally about 3 weeks after her 2nd birthday that this all started image

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    JT - so glad you had a lovely weekend. Not sure on the TOTM question either as I get the same. My periods are usually 25 days apart with 3 or 4  "spotty" days then a big heavy day then thats it. Never get any cramps except pins and needles down one leg on the heavy day.etc. This last one though was really strange. Don't know if like you CC it was someting to do with my half. Started spotting a few days after my half marathon (over a week before I'd have expected) and then it lasted over 2 weeks. Not always really heavy but much more than normal.odd.

    Anyway got a phone call from the school to fetch Dylan after lunch. He hasn't been sick but is clearly not feeling great. Sophie and Reece are still fine so far. ARgh. I have had enough of spew and poo to last me a lifetime. 

    MR - That's really tough. Kids need their sleep but even more parents need some kid free time in the evening. Sounds like you are doing the right thing with the sleepytime no eye contact etc.  The key is to be consistant and I'm sure you will get there in the end. Is she napping at all during the day? Are you putting her down early enough so that she isn't overtired and doing all the usual routine things - bath, story etc. Have seen similar issues on supernappy and the parents just have to keep putting them back to bed 100s of times. Must be soul destroying. Hang in there.

    Kinsey - what is happening with you and houses? (Sorry if I have missed something!)

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    Lotte - thanks for asking, the second house we found they accepted an offer on but then wouldn't sign the lease so last week we finally decided to cut our losses and pay the extra and stay where we are for at least the next 6 months. We are a bit peeved as we have wasted so much time looking for somewhere new and have just been messed around by 2 sets of owners - oh well, at least we don't have to change our address etc!
    Hope the spew and poo dries up soon!

    MR - I guess I would do the same and just keep putting her back in bed. Martha is finally sleeping well so I will be gutted if her sleep goes backwards!

    Must get back on the rowing machine after my time back at home as I weighed myself today and I have lost a few pounds and now just have a stone of baby weight to sort out - seems a much more manageable amount of weight to lose!
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    i was ill after i did that half coz i did think i had a cold,i had the early symptoms of a very nasty virus which were spurred on by asking my body to run a half -m in the famous spring snow we had last spring-it was snowing as we were running and i rem thinking i really felt awful,lightheaded energyless etc then at least the snow came and i didnt have to make the effort to get the kids to school etc,my husband was snowed off work and i could slob about for a change!
    right they are all in the bathroom
    not good
    they love to pour
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    Aaah, finally time for a chat! You know, I still don't like this website. can't remember who said it, but I too am a Luddite!

    Minks - glad you're finally starting to feel better. That's been a nasty old lurg you've all had.

    MR - oh no, nightmare on the sleeping front, especially as Megan has been such a good sleeper. I'm sure that makes it harder when they don't sleep! JP's godmum is having similar problems with her eldest (week older than JP). She always slept really well until about 2 months before Anne had her second in May - since then she has been doing what you describe with Megan. She really is at the end of her tether with her, especially as the little baby sleeps through! Grrrr. They have tried cutting her daytime nap down to an hour (she was having 2 hours still), which has improved things, but she's still not sleeping all through the night. I asked if they'd thought about dropping it completely, but apparently she cannot stay awake in the day and is unbearable if she doesn't have a nap. Have to say, she wouldn't have a nap in my house, no matter how bad she was!!! I am a very mean mummy. image Is Megan still having a nap or has she dropped it? We're sort of in between - some days JP will have one, others not. Today he was extra tired and had 90 mins, but still went to bed at 7.15. I would just keep doing what you're doing and reinforce 'sleepy time' and fingers crossed she will grow out of it.

    LizzyB - great to see you again. Hope things calm down a bit for you on the work front! I feel torn in many directions at the moment with trying to fit in what feels like 30 hours of activities into a day... I'll feel better come March though - I hope! That's when I should submit, in theory!

    Minks - migraine is stress-related, I am sure. I know I try to squeeze too much in and don't leave enough time for things like sleeping (!) and chilling out. I've probably been working 70+ hour weeks for the last few months - like I don't stop really. I can see the end to it now though!

    JT - glad you had a good time, can really relate to the Mickey Mouse withdrawal syndrome... Thank goodness we bought JP a plush toy version! He is still a firm favourite, and goes to bed with JP every night. image He also gets fed whatever's on the menu. Weetabix was a bit messy and resulted in the need for a major wash. I hide him whenever it's anything tomato based. No answer on the spotting question as I don't 'do' periods (!!), but surely it's a good sign???

    Cher - lovely to see you, hope your training goes well and isn't hampered like last time round.

    Yve - hope K is better soon.

    Kinsey - glad you've got something sorted with the house - pain that you've had so much hassle but I guess you know where you're at now. Good going on the weight loss too - must be all that rowing!

    Have to say I feel a complete fraud posting on here atm with the complete lack of training. No running since my race a week last Sat!! Will get back out tomorrow I hope now that I'm feeling human again.

    Lotte - hope the house of poo and spew is back to normal soon xx

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    Camlo - well done on the race! I would've headed straight for the tea and cakes too - best bit about a winter run.image And wow at the 21st pressies - that is organised... We have a 21st present sorted if we ever have a girl (and you will see now why I only ever want boys, LOL). When Ben's mum died, she gave me her Rolex, which is to be handed down to a girl on her 21st. But obviously I would quite like to keep it!!!
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    Supernappy - that made me laugh Lotte - shows what you have on your mind!
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    Hee hee, yes, I spotted that too, Caro. Sometimes not even a supernappy will cover it!!
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    Oh yes, and we have our conservatory up and running now.image Well, we don't have light in there yet (that's being done this weekend), but we can use it in the day. JP loves it - 'I go in playroom, Mummy'. Yes, it is already a playroom, I'm afraid. It's great though - a lovely space for him to get lots of toys out and make mess. It was a bit unfortunate on Sat though, when he announced 'I do colouring' - we turned round to discover black wax crayon marks on the floor. It rubbed off though, phew!
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    LOL oh dear. Even a supernappy wouldn't contain what it should in this house at the mo! The twins bums went berserk after tea tonight. I am SO fed up of poo!
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    supernappy- thats what we need here too !!! 

    TB- I'd love a rolex!!!! The wine isn't for the boys to drink mind- just bought as an investment. 

    Lotte - medal dealing with 6 healthy kids, definately a damehood for 6 ill kids. 

    MR- we had the same with Tom waking after Archie was born took 3-4 nights of shutting the door & letting him scream. Started with over an hour before he flaked & happened 2-3 times the 1st night but he soon cottoned on we meant business. Good Luck ! Can grandma have her for a few nights?? 

    Picked Archie up from nursery & took him straight to the surgery for his 2nd swine flu jab & all he's done is grizzle & cough since. Think perhaps I should have postponed it as I knew he wasn't 100%.

    Got a call from my colleague today saying she's got another job- big dilemma again as I could go back to full time (extra cash, easier work wise) but I only want 3 days (less cash but actually get to see the kids).  Now I'll fret over what to do & make myself mad......

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    Kinsey - bummer about the extra money but at least it will make things easier to stay put for a bit.

    TB - exciting that the conservatory is finished. It will be a really useful space.

    Camlo - I like your style - time to call grandma MR! Dilemma indeed on the work front, hope you don't make yourself too mad....

    It really has been one of those days. Just as we were doing teeth Reece picked up the bottle of milton spray and squeezed it straight into Lewies eye. I grabbed him and poured plenty of water into his eye to clean it and it seems ok but argh.

    Now I am sitting with a bag of frozen peas on my ankle. Is there no end to my injury woes! Don't think i did anything to it yesterday but out his morning it felt a wee bit uncomfortable on the way home and I stopped and gave it a wee stretch, it seemed ok and I forgot all about it. This afternoon it has turned quite sore. Just at the front beside my ankle bone.Hope a day or two off running will sort it. Hubby made some comment today about the kids starting to think it is normal for a mummy to sit on bags of frozen peas, roll around on tennis balls and always be in strange positions on the floor!

     Anyway dedided today to organise a hogmany family night in the local hall. I've spoken about doing it for years but never got around to it and then always regret it. LAst year we ended up with a right hoose full but I think it would be even better fun to have the hall and a disco for the kids.  A few friends are keen to help so off to make some calls and write some emails!

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    Lotte you are doing a fantastic job staying sane in your house at the moment!  Big pat on the back for you image

    JT - not me that's moved...can't remember who has though, sorry!

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    Lotte - image Hope the peas are making the ankle better. And am positive the thoughts of a village hall shindig for hogmanay are making you smile - sounds fab! Hope you're having stovies, thats my favourite at a good Scottish hogmanay party!

    TB - conservatory sounds lovely. Bet you will enjoy making the most of winter sunshine (I could def feel some heat in the sun today as I stood waiting for my garmin to locate satellites).

    Camio - could you go back full-time for say 6 months or so and make some cash then go to 3 days after that?

    Well, we had 10-15 minutes of mumping at the stairgate tonight (which was improvement on 45 mins last night) and she is down for now. So hopefully she is getting the message Our bedtime routine has been the classic milk, bath, stories, cuddles since she was about 6 months so don't think thats the isssue. Granny (being Scottish it is Granny rather as Grandma!) is a star and already does a whole day Monday (8am - 7.30pm) to allow me to do Brownies on a Monday night. So feel can't ask her to do more - especially as she lives 50 miles away and at the moment has a bad back which driving aggrevates image Husband in Germany for work till Saturday as well ... aaargh!

    Right off to bed with a hot chocolate whilst peace reigns. Nighty night.
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    MR - I was going to ask about daytime nap too. How old is she now? Maybe worth cutting it out and going for every other day or something? My Joshie dropped his around 2 years old, as he just wouldn't settle in the evenings. Harry kept going until he was about 3, but not every day.

    Had big nose bleed this morning all over the carpet after my shower. Nightmare! It scared me as I got some on my pants and then had a masssive panic that the blood was from elsewhere. Arrhh!

    Lotte I don't envy you just now. Tummy bugs are so awful. We don't get them very often at all, but they are the worst thing, and I can imagine with 6 kids a complete nightmare.

    Good news on the conservatory TB. Really useful space by the sound of it. Our two love their playroom, although toys still end up all over the house, but its good to have a room to shove the toys, and some nights just turn the light off and close the door if we don't feel like tidying it all up.

    Have forgotten loads of you, so am sorry but my brain is so full at the mo I can only hold info for short periods!!! thats my excuse anyway! image

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    Well, dare I say it but had a full nights sleep last night and right through to 7.30am this morning!!   Megan is a stubborn wee character (no surprises as both Dave and I are also too stubborn for our own good really) but think the stairgate across her door, us going about our routine and her seeing that we aren't going to entertain her shenanigans might just be whats needed ... still feel very cruel and guilty about the gate though (but after 6 weeks of this just didn't know what else to do!)

    Megan is 2 yrs 2 months and does usually nap in the day (although had been strictly limiting this to 1 hour). But have decided to try and not let her nap at all - fair enough if she conks out and has 20-30 mins at some point, but have told nursery not to put her down after lunch with the other kids.  Will see how we get on.

    MM - boo on the nose bleeds. Hope it came out the carpet OK

    CC - enjoy the nativity, nothing like it. Melts the hearts of even the hardest humbugs does a good nativity!

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    since the site changed i can never log off,which is worrying,i press log off,it says i have successfully logged off then when next i return im still in!
    Just had my eldest asthma diagnosis confirmed,they've been keeping an eye on it for a few years
    im not overly concerned as if it's good enough for Paula Radcliffe...

    i have to find work we are so skint
    don't want to go back to work in a day-nursery tho,we will see!
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    MR - hurrah to some sleep! Have to say I would have resorted to similar tactics if I'd been similarly sleep deprived. I am taking very much the same line with JP's naps now - if he falls asleep then so be it, but I no longer put him for a nap. have learned the hard way! Hope last night is the first of more good sleeps!

    JT - glad Ted is a bit more settled. Definitely take more time off if you need it, I would say. x

    CC - Xc at the weekend, why not?! I think it's amazing that you can still walk!!!

    MM - oh dear, sorry about your nosebleeds. My mum had them with my youngest brother and it was quite alarming. Hope that's the only one you have.

    Lotte - hope things are better in your house today, what with injuries on top of the sick lurg! ((()))

    Cher - hope your daughter is OK and that the asthma doesn't affect her unduly. Like you say though, it's good enough for Paula!

    Just got back from a lovely run. First time in 10 days!imageIt was great though - legs felt fresh and raring to go, and I didn't have that slow feeling that you get sometimes after a break. Just the 4 miles, some off-road, and nice weather to boot. Going to eat my lunch now!

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    Hi everyone

    I'm new to this forum, but have been on RW a few year's now image.  I ran my first half at the GNR in 2007, my first big race after a few 10K's and only just a beginner on the running scene!  Loved every minute, and then I fell pregnant that November and last July had a beautiful baby girl, who is now a cheeky toddler!!

    I was keen to get back running after she was born, and took it easy to start with cos I'd had SPD in pregnancy (pelvic dysfunction), but all came back to me and I have loved getting back into it!

     However I'm struggling with the whole juggling thing as I work 3 days a week now, and am trying so hard to get into a routine with running.  In the summer it was great, as I had a few local mums who I got out for a toddle, I seem to be the only one who wants to madly carry on though and not having that support has been hard, not that I'd pass up a chance of a run in favour for another episode of Waybuloo ha ha!

    I have a guaranteed place for the GNR next year, and need to start training plan!!   I'm hoping I can get loads of support from you all, and give as much as I can back too - mummy's unite, girl power and all that image)

    Anyway, best crack on as I'm at work today, but would love to hear from you, and get inspiration!!  image

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    Mandi - you are in the right place for 'madly carrying on'!!
    Good luck with the training - there is lots of support here, even for those of us who aren't currently allowed to run!

    Just did my 20 mins on the rowing machine - am getting my score up every time which is good, but that's because I started off not pulling very hard on the first few so I would improve quickly!
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    Well done TB- didn't realise you hadn't been out at all for 10days, thats not like you !

    MR- glad you got a good nights sleep, maybe she's realised Mummy means business image

    MM- Nosebleeds aren't uncommon in preg due to the extra blood volume & something to do with mucous membranes but hope it doesn't happen again especially on the carpet! 

    CC- like the idea of doing the XC but make sure you do only go steady or you'll end up injured. 

    JT- Glad things are settling- not sure about using OV sticks though as few months could be all over the place? 

    Mandi - Hi, I wrote on your other general thread, the girls here (& a few chaps) are fab & really help to show how running can be fitted into whatever life you have if you want it to. When is GNR? I'm guessing a steady increase in miles/ frequency will do for now to build up a good solid base & don't start a regid schedule until much closer. I have a teenager (aka eldest or pig) & Tom (2 1/2) & Archie (just 1). 

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    oops forgot to say I've taken an annual leave day as Archie cried all night  so I took him to the Dr's & he's got a chest inf. Knew I should have postponed the jab yesterday........ Also got anti-biotics & cream for Tom in another effort to clear his molluscum.   Oh joy, I love sick kids......
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    Ooh thanks for hello's so far, I'm loving the chance to get into this all again!  Having SPD in my pregnancy drove me mad as it was painful to even walk, so after being really active I just had to sit on a fit ball and do weights at home, couldn't even swim!!  It's amazing how your body recovers though!!

     Kinsey - I'm glad it's a bit mad here too!!  why aren't you able to run at the mo?

    Camlo - yeah I remember and this already seems like the right place to be!  GNR is September next year so plenty of time, I was thinking of putting in for a 10K at the beginning of March, give me time to get up to that distance again first!  My little one Emma is 16 months, so Christmas is going to be fun this year!!

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