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The Runner's World team


for all new runners ..... (part 2)



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    KWALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOoooooooooooooo!! Sorry to hear that image *pants*  Have you got to go back to fracture clinic in a couple of days???  When I broke my foot 18 months ago - the same thing happened...when i saw the consultant 2 days later I asked him if I could have an air cast cos you can rehab quicker.  And I did get one.  (think he thought i was an olympic athlete the way I was obessing about getting back trainint asap...and races booked blah blah blah!! How things change eh?  I haven't had a more than about 3 races since image.

    Mo...Your shins Sis are a nightmare!! ((((((you)))))) I could always come kick them for you image *as if I would image*

    I've been on my orthos for 2 hours today!! Woke up this morning and remembered it was Otter's birthday on Friday!!!! Yep! No presents!  So me and orthos did some walking in town.  After 45 mins my back was hurting....after 1 1/2 hours my foot, back and hip was screaming..... Had back ache ALL day since!  Think this adjustment period is gonna take some time-age.  Haven't got out at all this week running.  Missed the "dirty fun" this morning image .  Definately wont get one in tomorrow (an unscheduled day)  and I'm hoping to be suitable "distracted" image on Friday morning.  Think I might go out on Sat with Sadie (if it's dry) and have a run on Sunday to "escape" from Sh*tsville for a while *groan* image

    My house is being "valued" tomorrow. image

    Hi Cheets, LK, Burnie,Trigger, Ecky, and Newbies. 

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    Weeny - I've just had a look at the aircast walking brace - looks like a star wars storm trooper boot, sounds much better than conventional plaster cast. I've got to go back next Thursday, have to see what they say then.
    Are you moving house then?

    sorry your shins still bad mo - are you having a break or just scaling the training back a bit?
    I saw that on the news too - the pose runners on Fetch are probably in their element now!!
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    So Weeny you missed your dirty fun this morning image

    Make up for it Friday I say..imageimage

    Sorry to hear your orthos are giving you pain!! 

    Hope your ok with house and things image x

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    Kwala I'm sorry about your poor broken bonesimage. Its true though fractures often do heal quicker, I'd rather have one than a tear! Definately go for Storm trooper cast option if you can...even if it doesn't work any better at least you get novelty value!image

     Cardiomo I saw that on the news too, apparently its cos trainers make you land on your heals so if we all run bear foot we'll land on the balls of our feet and not have any injuries.... apart from the pieces of stone and glass embedded in our skin image

    I did a quick 3miler run again this morning, just writing on here is making sure I'm guilted into going out, especially with all you injury inflicted ones I am doing my best to carry the torch! image

    Also I'm entering a half marathon in Farnham in'll be my first proper race whoooooooooooooooo!image

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    Also what is dirty fun???? Sounds interesting!! image
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    Well done KM ...image  Make sure that torch don't go outimage..

    As for WEEEEENY she's likes it dirty...imageimage Don't you MRS?????

    Kwala, I should be running a HM in 3 week but i'm not sure now!!! I had 4 weeks off from running and have tried to get back to the miles needed and i'm making my body hurt..image Life I guessimage 

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    "Weeny likes it dirty"  hell there any other way image

    Katy Mc wrote (see)

     Cardiomo I saw that on the news too, apparently its cos trainers make you land on your heals so if we all run bear foot we'll land on the balls of our feet and not have any injuries.... apart from the pieces of stone and glass embedded in our skin image

    Hmmmm...i think I must leap in here... I feel compelled image .  Surely...the heel of the foot is the best landing point during endurance running - when looking at the anatomy of a foot the calcaneous is the main load bearing bone of the foot?!?  I agree that during sprinting and speed running over short distances a strong toe off push culminating from ball of the foot landing is probably the most efficient at producing speed.  But for distances - the foot is not structured to take 6 x our body weight repetedly for 1000s of steps as would be the case in distance running.  *Pose running* - always one for debate.  In my mind..the heavier you are..the more dangerous it is to run through the ball of the foot.  I have tried all and i am a natural mid-to forefoot striker.....and as you all know 30 years of running and I have many many injuries.... *food for thought*

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    Hello all, and welcome new people... have not been on for a few days and thought I will personally mention everyone on my next post as it is so nice to be mentioned... but bloody hell, only just finished reading all the posts!!!  Injuries, casts, new runners, weight loss, flirting and dirty fun!?!?!  Can't keep up image  (with all the posts that is!) image  So anyway.. sorry to hear about the injured, specially the cast and hello to EVERYONE!

    Mo.. am with you.. every timeI "up my mileage and feel fit as a fiddle" I end up injured image.  Nothing major but last week it was my ankle..only managed one 5 miler, and this week it is a sort of shin splint/lower leg pain!  did 6 miles on Monday (pain till 30 mins then everything went numb), and back to peddling the *&*!!^%g exercise bike again for now.  Have decided I am not running till I have positively no niggles, then will hammer it again until I am injured!!!!!!! image

     Advice to newbie runners.. don't do as I do.. take it steady x

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    Hi Strange one...i dont think we've been formally introduced *high fives you* image

    Only do as I do if you want to have lots of fun image.......image

    I got the casts, injuries,  weight loss, new runners AND dirty fun posts....where IS the "flirting" ????   imageimage image image

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    Doormouse!  Need I say more imageimage???

    Forgot to say too, my hip is killing as well image

     Helloeee to you too image

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    Yeah?  Dormouse...!! Where is that ickle critter ?  image

    Who was flirting?? Wasn't me..right???!? image

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    My lips are sealed image

    Maybe i read it wrong image


     hahaha ......

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    *wonders what the others think* image
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    Oh My God!  The forum's gone mad!

    LK, loving the look of your plan.  glad you're feeling bouncy! image

    Weeny, who says I can't do Mar 14?  ITBS is mostly manageable now by being careful & foam rolling.

    > "I feel quite bouncy all of a sudden"   *burnie rubs thighs

    Nice image! image

    Waits to see how accurate Weeny's guessing about Doremouse is ...

    No, lycra, now you're talking.  I like wearing it & looking at others wearing it!  Oops, said it out loud! image

    FT, fantastic weight loss and run.  Well done!

    KMc, nothing wrong with 3 miles as a distance, it's fantastic.

    Susan, same for you.  One step at a time so to speak.  A mile is a fantastic aim.  Take it easy, better to under than over train.

    Alb, well done on your sub 10m/m run!  And good luck with your 10k.

    Ecky, well done on the Take a Break news.  Fantastic.

    Kwala, hope your ankle heals quickly.

    Mo, sorry to hear about the shin splints.  We've all done it tho, too much too soon.  My ankle is slowly getting better thx.  I need to balance being careful with training for the Kilomathon.

    Weeny, hope the orthos start working soon and of course, try to do other exercise such as cycle from stopping you going stir crazy!

    Strange one, hope your injuries get better soon.  Plenty of us in the over training club I see.

    Mile swim on monday & cheeky 3 miler musical fartlick this evening.  Might try to slip one more in before the 9 mile LSR on sunday.

    Take care all!  AND GO STEADY!!! image
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    Definate flirting.image

    Outrageous really!!!!imageimage

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    Weeny flirting NEVER!!!!image  Dirty ladyimage

    S One,  I should know better been running long enough but thats what we do lol!!!! However not been running as long as the dirty lady.....image

    The bike is just not the same is it S,O???

    Any 1 seen new women running mag??? I bought it some good stuff in it image

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    Well Good Evening I did a short run this evening then back to work.
    Would like to run more miles more often but I'm obviously to busy "Flirting"
    I'm not type of Doremouse.
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    Mo I saw that and bought it!  Gave up my sub to RW some time ago but that mag has me really tempted!  (Probably be banished from the forums for that heresy).

    Weeny P you are guilty as charged - Dormouse has done a runner! LOL

    Cross training for me tonight in my garage - 3 miles tomorrow and then the 12 on Sat/Sun and swimming too!  I think I'm going to die!

    Hope everyone is well and enjoying their running - take careimage

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    Trig it's  good to see a womans run mag..image New one out tomorrow I sooo know what they mean about white van man.image 

    Your doing well with the training trig imageimage

    enjoy 3 mile image

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    Bloomin heck I only looked earlier and its gone crazy again,I just cant keep

    Kwala sorry bout your ankle,thats just bad,hope it gets better soon.x

    Hi weeny so glad you back on here.

    Thanks Burnie,am so pleased with the news,it seems like the awarness thing is just snowballing,was interviewed by a young girl who is doing a broadcasting Degree and is doing her 3rd year,her dissertation is on Histiocytosis as her Bro had it and thankfully survived so she is doing a short film with parents like moi.Found it very harrowing so desperate to get out and run,club night tomoz,went last night and had a brill run,was so happy to be back there,the people are great,we are going to join some club runs this year.

    Very happy have lost 9lbs this month at SW so very very pleased.

    Hi to everyone else,hope running is going good for everyone.

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    I'm off back to my T pot!

    Enjoy the 12 @the wknd T2........I need swimming lessons.
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    Doremouse,  Have you been on the boil??

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    Its a cauldron in my T Pot Mo?

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    Evening mad ones image looking at the latest posts I have to there a runner out there that isn't in pain and limping around? Are we all barking mad or what???

    I had to resort to a swim again today as the shins still don't feel settled enough to attempt a run. They are a lot better though, so hopefully I can get out there and start shuffling round the park again tomorrow. Fingers crossed that cutting the running down to only twice a week will work.

    At least swimming is nice clean sport..... image

    Happy running (or convelescence, whichever you are doing this week)


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    Your in a cauldron?? Not a T Pot??

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    When I was ickle? I used to live in 'ole in ground!

    Good point SB2, most of you guys are suffering......wish you all well.
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    I demand to speak to my lawyer!!! image

     Burnie...I "Know" you can "do" the planned race event on March 14th..... I was commenting on the other "event" of said date-age image.

    Mo...sister !! Hehehehe

    Ecky - So pleased you are continuing to spread the word of the cause close to your soul. X

    Doremouse......I can swim...and can teach image

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    Hey Sue, if it's any consolation mine is a netball injury not a running one!! Build up slow and steady and make sure you've got the right trainers, these will all help keep the running problems at bay
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    I agree with Kwala,the right trainers are a must,I struggled for ages with the wrong shoos but since I had my Gait checked I been lots better.

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    Swimming lessons I'm up 4 that except I don't know where you come from Weeny.......baggy shorts or lycra?

    Nite nite all.
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