
ASICS Super Six: Bridget (Sub-4:15)



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    Steve - I'll see what the sessions the club has planned.  Often they are a mixture of distances for the reps and as we go up and down the footpath you get plenty of encouragement anyway.

    kr - I'm generally the slowest at the speedwork sessions but usually what I do is get there a few minutes early, make a start and have the target of finishing at the same time as the rest.  If not I'll tend to drop the last bit to avoid them standing around waiting for me!  Our other club night is based around groups running at various paces from 10mm onwards so I can give faster stuff a go but drop back partway and join a slower group if needed.

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    2 weeks done already for you.....that went quicklyimage

    good luck for week three........I think I'm going to use park runs for my sped session and then i can see if I'm amking improvementsimage.I think I do better under race circumstancesimage

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    So that's Week 2 finished.  Did 8.28 miles in the end at an average pace of 10.27 against the prescribed 10.54 image  My excuse was that I was keen to get the 5 and a bit miles through the lanes done before the light went.  A hefty hill meant mile 6 was run at almost target pace and then the last 2 miles around the town were done at 10.40 once the pressure was off!

    Since I should be able to stick to the schedule now I thought I'd post next week's runs on here:

    Mon Rest
    1M jog, then 3 x 1M fast, with 400m  jog recoveries, then 1M jog
    6M slow
    1M jog, then 3M steady, then 1M jog
    4M  easy
    9M slow

    For a 4:15 marathon fast is 8.57, steady 9.44, slow 10.54 and easy 11.11

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    Congrats on doing so well, particularly mostly on your own.

    I'm curious about the slow and easy paces, what is the difference (as there'sso little to chose between them) and what's the benefit of doing runs at both?  Realise that this is more a mentor question, but possibly one that's already been asked.

    I do HR training and there's pretty much only the one HR for the slower runs - recovery - @ 70%.

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    I'm also curious about the difference between slow and easy particuarly as easy is slower than slow. 

    What I did notice this weekend was that although for some reason the first mile of the 'easy' run felt really hard and was much slower than it should have been today I bounced out for the long slow run and was able to push myself up a longish hill in the first mile in what is a goodly pace for that mile 

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    Hi Sparkly image

    I'm behind with the news - but well done, if anyone can do this you can image Will be following your progress and wishing you well x

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    well done thus far. There is no real difference between slow and easy other than one is slightly slower but many put the two together.

    I think basically you aim for 11 minute miles on your easy/slow runs and run slightly inside if you are doing longer runs to build endurance and slightly over if you are just recovering betweenn sessions and loosening the legs between the harder sessions.

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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭
    Hi USB, well done, hope all goes well and you reach your desired target image
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    Thanks for posting the schedule and the timings USB.

    Encourages me to get my butt out there!!
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    Thanks Steve, 11 min miles it is then.  Do you never sleep?

    Morning RFJ and relaxed.  

    ht - have you been yet? image

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    11miles for me today- I MIGHT have stayed out longer, but at that point someone phoned from work (I'm on call) with a very oblique question, and by the time I'd figured out what he was saying, I was freezing, so headed back in.

    Longest run for a little while, and felt very easy. Onwards and upwards!

    Interested in your paces- I am a "kph" runner, rather than "minute miles" (it's the legacy of starting as a purely treadmill runner), but having converted them, it's obvious that the FIRST plan does the  LSR much quicker than most other plans- plodded along today at something much closer to the slow pace above- felt great- like I could have gone on forever, apart from getting slightly hungry, and some toe tenderness.

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    Hi USB, it is The Terminator here, think I have congratulated elsewhere on the interwebby but well done again. Hope to see you there or will you be with the VIPs now image
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    I'm sure I'll be stuck in  the pen among the weeing Frenchmen with the rest of you!

    tricia - I've not looked at the FIRST plan, what sort of pace does it suggest for long runs?

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    Hey SB - I've only just found this!! May not post on here as much as our usual thread but will def be following as I am doing a similar schedule for Brighton.  When is Paris - trying to work out how far out of sync my schedule will be with yours!
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    10th April.  Is that the same day?

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    Yes!!  Oh thats brilliant then as the others on the survivors thread are all doing London which is a week later.  Only really got the schedule out this morning but did just over 15 miles lsr on Sunday and a 3m tempo this morning with a 1m w/u and 1m c/d.  Having done all the training for the half just before Christmas has got me ahead a bit. 

    Sorry for asking a question that has likely already been answered but are you following the sub 4.15 or the sub 4 or a mixture of the two??  And are you doing the lsr on Satyrdays or Sundays? 

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    Hi USB - I've just found you too!

    Looks like your training is going well, better than mine but now I've got rid of my house guests, taken down all signs of Christmas from around the house I can concentrate on some quality sessions.

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    Suze are you doing London or another one?
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    Pinks - I'm doing London
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    There's a lot of it aboutimage

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    Pinks - I am using the 4 hour schedule but with paces for 4:15.  Not had a chance to discuss with mentor yet though.  Long runs are generally Sundays for me
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    SB that is pretty much what my running group is doing - using it as a base/guide and adapting for pace and also most of our long ones will be on Saturdays.  I've got to also work out how/when I will slot in my gym/strength training sessions - last year I did the sub 4:30 nd just shifted everything by a day so main training days were Monday Wednesday and Saturday with strength on a Thursday and extra/easy/recovery runs on a Tuesday.

    My glutes are definitely complaining now!! 


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    Easy bit done - put today's session onto the Garmin.  Now I've just got to go and run it image
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    Today's interval session was more challenging for me than last week even though it involved 1 mile x 3 rather than 1.5 miles x 2.  The reason for this was that last week the snow forced me onto the treadmill so all I had to do was set the speed and keep going.  Tonight out in the big wide world (where the longest rep I have done is 1K) I had to set the pace myself for a whole mile and negotiate small undulations, an area where they appear to be digging up the entire length of the footpath and a brisk headwind for the last rep.

    Target pace of 8.57.  The reality was 9.00, 8.49 and 9.08.

    That last one felt really hard and my legs were at least half dead by the end of it.

    The main thing though is that I did it and that the pace was not all that much slower than the 1K reps I did in mid-December.  Next week I think it is 800m reps which I will do with the club, I'll be interested to see how they compare to a couple of months ago.

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    Excellent session USB, you averaged sub 9s which is great at this stage of the schedule.
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    Fab Bridget.  Mine yesterday were v similar pace although did the 3 miles all in one go as had to get back and ready for work.  What are you doing tonight - is it a slow4 or 5 miles?
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    Congratulations Bridget, those are great results - how are you feeling?  Is it much different from the sort of training that you were doing before?
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    Slighty stiff in one leg this morning Jeepers!  Winter Tuesdays I would usually try to get to the club speedwork session anyway but as the footpath we use is only 1K long I hadn't tried further.  The summer sessions are done round the rugby field and I don't really like trying to run fast on a grassy field so have tended to skip it through the summer image 

    Apart from that over the last year I developed a rather bad habit of doing everything else at quite an easy pace so the mixture of paces now is quite a change for me but I am enjoying the challenge of that (so far).

    While on the subject of the schedule I got a bit of a shock last night when I found it had all changed!  Apparently the revised schedules have only just been uploaded.  Last week's regime looks rather different to the one I followed but luckily this week's is similar and the session last night was the same.  Good job I hadn't written it all in the diary though.

    Tonight is 5 easy miles but those Wednesday runs look to be gradually increasing in length towards double figures which will need  some organising to avoid laps of the town in the dark.  Some creative use of annual leave perhaps.

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    Oh no has it changed???  better go and check up..................
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    Good going USB. 

     Speedwork last night was tough after being off for so long.  Glad you mentioned about the schedules changing, was going to use the sub 3:30 one for Shakespeare in the hope of maybe 3:45.  The old plan had only one rest day but the new one has 2, luckily it doesn't start until the 17th

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