
The Wall Run 23rd & 24th June 2012



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    Tell me about it, Pilates every Monday evening to unwind after the weekend, and a Sports massage every Friday afternoon, that's my plan for Ultras, drop the gym membership off and I'll still save money, this week I'm really looking forward to Friday. Then weekend it's the Warrington half Marathon.

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    I really want to do this run! Got two marathons in October (3 weeks apart) and will decide after those if I am going to go into the ultra space. Have a colleague at work who says I could do it but I think they're mental as they did the West Highland Way. Very very apprehensive of doing such a thing. I would do it in one day though.

    I think I'm more afraid of not finishing and being branded a wannabe rather than the actual pain of doing it!
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    Ha! I'm having a massage tomorrow, to loosen the tight quads from Sunday's half marathon. Dreading it but I guess it's a payback time for all the pain I cause to my clients!!!
    Still not made my mind, I'm being extremely indecisive.
    The other option is to leave this until 2013 and do 2 overseas marathons and 1 or 2 trail marathons, one being Kielder.
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    Put your name down then you can relax, you know you'll only regret it if you don't.

    I'm doing marathons to train at slow pace 4.5 to 5 hours, Chester in Oct, possibly Rutland water in Nov, planning Llanelli in early April the greater Manchester at End of April, then tapering down a little

    Might also throw in the Cartmel fell race, and what do you do to your clients that's so bad 

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    I'm a sports massage therapist myself and I like to torture my clients! Is that mean, to enjoy causing pain to others? image

    But the wall will be there the year after too...
    I'm so slow, within the past 5 years I've not picked up any speed, I've only become slower. My worry is that by running yet again a longer distance, it's away from the efforts of trying to pick up pace.

    I think my main challenge right now is to become faster. Once I become faster, I could then look at running further again.

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    Sports massage eh, fascinates me, how do you rate these hard sausage things for rolling out your ITB?

    I am doing the same with my running, I can't really claim to have had speed, but what pace I had developed has disappeared with my increased distance running.

    As they say speed destroys endurance and endurance destroys speed, to cure it I try to do the local park run for a quick 5k on Saturdays

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    To be honest I've never used them. But in theory, they should work, and there is a benefit from using them, however you need to put enough pressure on. It wont have much effect if you just stroke yourself with it. ITB is a tendon, not a muscle, therefore it has much less blood circulation in it, therefore gentle stroking wont do anything.
    Having said that, I dont personally like to stretch ITB, I like to stretch TFL which is the actual muscle on your hip which stretches to become ITB, as well as the surrounding muscles in quads and hamstrings. Your ITB is likely to be "tight" because the muscles around are tight.

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    I think every one undecided should just take the plunge! It will be my first ultra and one of the things that appeals to me is the lack of navigational skills needed.

    Looking forward  to it already its going to be a long 9 month wait though. Just been looking at the website and the distance seems to have increased from 65 miles to 69image!

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    Elli - Thanks I will try the TFL stretch, anything that eases the way. Also what I've noticed since taking on the long slow runs (versus the short fast previously) is the shift in emphasis from calf muscles to thigh.

    Andy - I agree, if in doubt, sign up and let the money you've spent drag you to the start line, also the navigation aspect has previously put me off a lot of the lake district events, I can get lost on the way home, and 65 - 69 seems a few doesn't make any difference once you're past 26 miles

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    Hi All - just had a good read of all the posts. Very best wishes to everyone taking the step up to ultra land for the first time.
    I am going to run the whole wall route early next summer at some point and it was very strange to see this event, having decided to do so. I like to have differant challenges each year, although I was going to do all of it over 3 days, stay in b&b's en route and have a few pints and good grub each night, so will end up spending the entry fee anyway!
    I have done lots of ultras, 100 plus mile events and 36 hour plus non stop races. The key is to plan properly, build up gradually and get lots of back to back weekend long runs into the training schedule.
    This is too expensive for me. There are lots of great race experiences ultra wise at a fraction of the cost in the uk. I would recommend that peeps look at the Long distance walkers Association and check out their events that allow runners in. For instance the Oxon 20/40 event in spring was I think about £8 this year. That was for a 40 mile run, with numerous food stops and everything you could want every 5 or 6 miles. Add in a very hilly course (great training) and all for £8 odd. Bargain. Lots of other events as well. Highly recommend these are used for training.
    I realise the prospect of doing this on your own or even with a mate or two might be a bit daunting to new ultrateers, so wont advocate that. I knew how I felt when I stepped up, but I promise you that with the right build up, eventually 70 miles wont seem as daunting as it is probably now. But get the training in and those back to backs are crucial.
    Heck, might even do it the same weekend as you all! Anyone else want to do it for free!! Beer and good food compulsory though!
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    Hmm think I might try and get to this next year. I've done some multi day events before and they are great fun so I can thoroughly recommend the experience to any ultra newbies. The atmosphere on these events is fab. I'm hoping to do the trans britain ultra next september so need to plan my schedule really but this one is definitely on the possibles list!
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    I've only gone and entered it image

     To say I'm excited is an understatement.  Only ever tackled 13.1 mile, but I reckon I can plod steadily on.  I'm happy to sacrifice speed for endurance on  this one.  I have been looking for a 'big ticket' event for next year to really boost  the profiles of the charities that support my son, and I reckon this race is it!!  

    Training wise I intend to up my mileage to marathon length by the end of this year, then work on back to back running until I can run 20 or 22 miles each day.  I reckon the event itself will sustain me for the remainder of the miles on each day.

    Imagine if I get home and find a VLM place on my doormat - what was once a lifetime's ambition will become a mere training run...

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     Hi Mark. Too tru about London. Did it two years ago after waiting 5 years to get in, but did a 20 miler the day before the race and used it as a comfortable long distance training run. Best of luck with the training.
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    I've entered as well!! Damn internet, makes everything easy!
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    I'm still debating.... I know its the last day for me to decide.
    I went to see Caballo Blanco last night, and what an amazing and inspirational man he is! And now I cant stop thinking about this race.

    I just cant figure out if it will be too much for a first ultra.
    I've done 4 marathons (5th due in March) and I'm so slow! I know speed will remain just a dream if I take on this challenge.

    Can I do it? Should I do it? Do I have time to train for it? Do I have money to pay for it?

    Every time I've tried to look for another race to do, I've just bumped into this one time and time again.

    I cant decide and I cant concentrate before I decide. I already decided once that I wont do it until the year after but clearly that wasnt set in stone.
    I DONT KNOW!!!
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    Elli - don't worry about pace. I'm a run walker on these things and there are always loads of friendly happy people at the back. Since ditching road running for trail events I've had so much more fun. Speed is great but there is nothing as good as trotting through amazing parts of the country like this.

    ....that said I'm having a dilemma as this clashes with Isle of Wight Festival next year which was vaguely in my diary. And I need to decide about the Jurassic Coastal Challenge in march. Too much to think about! image

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    Ok well I've done it now! Can't believe I actually did it! It's too much money to back off too so I guess I'll be looking at attempting it at least!

    First ultra. Oh my god. Sh1tting myself now image
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    Don't worry Elli. 

    You have plenty of time to train for it and even the time to get in a couple of shorter ultras to build up to it. 

    At the end of the day its just like any other race in that it has a training plan, and if you stick to the plan you will prevail. 

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    Thank you!

    I'm running Barcelona Marathon in March. I think I'll be looking at plans that are aimed for 100 milers, just not maybe do slightly shorter distances than in the plan.

    I think I'm just worried I'll lose mojo as my life is hectic working two jobs!
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    I could suggest the Compton Downland Challenge in April as a possible build up event of intermediate length. 
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    Will it be too knackering? Never done an ultra so not sure how long a recovery will take. If I run marathon in march, ultra in April, will I have any strength left for the wall?
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    I might hit the wall HaHaHa
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    The recovery will not take too long, especially with it being an off road race.  Might not even be as bad as a city marathon. 

    Comrades takes place at the beginning of June, and many Comrades training programs suggest doing a 40 mile ultra in April. 

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    Ah OK I get you... Thanks for the tips. I'll look around, and see if I can find a fairly local one. I would have been in Spain the previous month and out of pocket to travel anywhere far... image
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    Sorry Elli

    I should have noticed from the name that you were a creature of the cold dark north. 

    Where abouts are you located?

    I might be able to make a more sensible suggestion. 

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    I live in Yorkshire. Originally though, come from the much further, darker and colder north (Scandinavia), hence the nick.
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    Taking events on your doorstep:

    You have the Rosedale Rumble in mid November, which has 27 and 40 mile options. 

    In March you have the Hardmoors 50.  This is a tough event.  The fact that it carries two points for the Ultra Trail du Mount Blanc gives you an prety good idea.  Might be tougher than event itself in some respects. 

    Also, if you dont mind traveling a little, then the Coventry way 40 (April) would be ideal, and perhaps not too far. 

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    Hey all

    I need to split my time between road running and increase on my trail running,  I have always been an Asics man, currently with Nimbus shoes.  I was looking at the Enduro 6 for a trail shoe - does anyone have a review / opinion?? I haven't bought trail shoes so a bit unsure of what to look for.  The Enduro 6 seems to tick the boxes, it looks light, grippy, splash proof, cushioned, neutral..

    Any thoughts..?

    p.s. the distance, 69 miles....  I have decided to say to myself that instead of running 1.5 marathons a day, I'm running 5x 10ks a day, somehow that sounds much more manageable!

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    Elli - See you finally signed up, good for you,

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    EG THANK YOU!...yeah, I guess there was no avoiding....... It kept calling me.....

    Was actually planning on slowly getting to a training routine from this week but it hasn't started very well. Been so exhausted from working, that I've just slept in and in the evenings I've been busy.
    I did a half marathon on Sunday, so ached a couple of days from that too.
    I'll just take this week as an easy week and start next week.
    I'll need to start building my mileage. I'm alright with my SLR distance already, but its the weekly mileage that's looking poor.

    What about the rest of you? Started training yet?
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