
Sub 3



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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Well, we've all been beaten by a postman...
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    Dan A wrote (see)
    Clearly didn't try hard enough.

    Come on Clearly, no slacking

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    HR..  amateur analysis - I don't reckon you've been running long enough to have a wear & tear injury of such severity.  My guess is that it may be less serious than you first thought.

    Good to see CharlieW steadily getting back to it.

    Top notch XC racing from Padams & Tiger.

    SJ.. nice 17 miler!

    Gobi.. as you are a consistent fellow I've got you down for 3:55 image

    DanA's attempts to match LS21's supping efforts duly noted.  image

    Jools.. a very good effort indeed.  Quite impressed with the banana, performances like that don't grow on trees.

    13m run home from work tonight, wind assisted for a change.

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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭
    Just checking out my pictures from Abo. When I run I feel as though I'm landing on the outside of my mid to fore foot; definitely not my heel. The wear on my shoes show obvious signs of this, especially my Adios....So why when I look at my pics does it look like I'm landing on my heel in quite a few of the shots? Does anyone else find this?
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    Filthyrich wrote (see)
    Dan A wrote (see)
    Clearly didn't try hard enough.

    Come on Clearly, no slacking

    LOL - Funnily enough I did come to the conclusion recently that I simply wasn't training hard enough.  I guess this is proofimage

    Nice half Joolska - I got overtaken by a tiger in Dublin a year ago.

    Fingers, toes etc. crossed HR - sounds like a second opinion might be a good idea if you haven't already done that.

    Nice running from Padams

    Mr B - I'd guess that even if you land on your midfoot your heel still hits the ground, it's just that the midfoot hits the ground first.

    Was thinking of legoland for my eldests 5th birthday next year - sounds like we should give it a miss.

    Thanks for the suggestions for shoulders Gobi, LS21 and  TR.  As I bimbled along for the second half of my 17 miles yesterday trying all sorts to release the nerve in my left leg I remembered a few more details about the problem and I was misleading you.  It's not my shoulders that are the problem (although they don't move like they should, it's my back - in particular the muscles around the spine that don't fire.  I got them moving yesterday and briefly had a sight of the promised land before the nerve screamed back image.  Anyway, I think I have the next step in the puzzle.  For something so simple I do seem to have an awful lot of things to try and remember when I'm running.

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    Mr Boat - Yeah same here, in some of the photos I look like I am really smacking down heel first and I am pretty sure that I dont so I presume its just the angle that the photo was taken at.

    Brian - I am back running fine thanks, I didn't feel bad at all after Abingdon, my calves just felt a little tight. My legs felt a lot worse after running the test olympic marathon in three hours earlier this year.

    I think I am going to try and enter the Brass Monkey again this year and maybe this time I will see why it is so incredibly popular. Maybe like me they think that by entering it will encourage sensible behaviour over the holidays.

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    Still around looking and learning from you lot......

    Still trying to build some sort of base to see if my attempt will still be on the cards in December. Jogged Beachy Head very gently due to lack of distance work but finished comfortably enough to wander back up the hill to see others in....rest and trip home yesterday with a swim last night then track tonight and surprisingly fresh. Cant keep up with the teenagers but wasn't last so happy with that. Aerobic stuff tomorrow.

    Quick question on HR before I leave you in peace again. Jogged Beachy Marathon on Saturday with a HR av of 130 and a max of 150, didnt push it so nothing wrong with that as it was purely for some strength work but struggled to get above 156/157 tonight on the track pyramid session. so is it likely because my legs were tired and couldn't get my effort levels up there (200,s 400,s and 800's all coming in around 22 secs for the 100 over all the distances) or am I stuck at that level because of my age (56) I know the ball park figure of 220 - age puts me about there but was happily maxing at about 175 during last years training.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    LOL Wardi on that Bomb Shell I am off to dig my thermals out. 3.55 is bloody long day in the mountains :¬)

    Did my last hard session ahead of Saturday 6 x 3 mins off 2 min recoveries. Basically 5km pace with the last few reps a little faster.
    Legs feel good at speed, it was VERY flat though.
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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭
    Plum, That scenario is very common (not being able to get the HR up following a hard session), and it has been explained on here previously - I think by Barnsley Runner. Hopefully he will be along again to explain, cos I can't remember.
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    Clearly wrote (see)
    Was thinking of legoland for my eldests 5th birthday next year - sounds like we should give it a miss.
    Can I chip in and say a few pro-Legoland words? I don't think it is really any different to any other theme / amusement park: they are all designed to make money and do so by getting more people in and the more peopel there are there, the longer the queues and waits are. We have had annual passes fo rthe last 5 or 6 years, and we go at off-peak times, get there early and enjoy the rides etc while the park is quiet. As the crowds build up, we either go home or we switch to pre-booked Lego activities: there is a robot lab there you book on the day so you get an hour sitting down indoors building and testing robots etc. The rides are good for the younger kids, my youngest is now 12 and the dragon ride at Legoland is now pretty tame. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Clearly - get to the back stretches then. I'm sure a 5 yr old would love Legoland, I was more like 35 when I first went !

    I'm with Wardi on his comment about HR (tried not to comment myself)

    I'm also with Wardi about Gobi's 3:55, shouldnt have said that Gobi. It was like me telling JH1 I wanted to beat the 5:17 he set ofr me, or me saying that I'm not going to beat 2:52 to 2:55 over 26.2

    MrB - your feet worked well enough last weekend, as long as your legs still put right after left then that'd good enough for me

    my legs are starting to respond a bit to some more regular running , 8M more bagged on the hill this morning

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    turning 40 and winning the RWC does not make for a healthy weekend.  be glad to get back into some light jogging soon - but still recovering from the weekend!

    soudns like some nice XC racing from some folks - and a v tidy half from Jools on a  tough course.

    Gobi sounds like you are sharpening nicely for the weekend, good luck, hope the dreaded cramp stays away and you get through un injured.  Nice to see more miles coming in from Wardi and TR too.

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    Mr Boat -- the wear on my shoes (and feet) suggests all the action is on the outer edge of my mid/fore-foot, yet in some pictures I am landing heel first and in others I'm not. Also, I do get wear on the outer edge of my heel at a strange angle, with bits of chaff showing that it is sheared off, i.e. I am sometimes scraping the edge of my heel on the ground before landing properly.

    Speaking of bananas, I was mere seconds ahead of a well-publicised spiderman in VLM2011. I'm sure he'd have "reeled me in" given a few hundred metres more...

    Another 3M this morning, still odd aches and pains though. Nothing tomorrow, trying to be cautious.

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    Actually it wasn't Spiderman, it was Superman. Still, he'd have flown by me given a few hundred metres more...
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    TR/Wardi - if I run 3.55 I am quitting marathons forever.
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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭

    Following a visit to another thread on here I discovered a banana was targetting a similar time as myself at this year's Bath Half. At the start  I saw him dissappear into the distance ahead of me and was very pleased to pass him on about 7 or 8 miles, not before draughting off of him for a few metres. I Had allsorts go past me on the Embankment this year including  least two fairies, and a viking did me in the last few hundred metres all caught on tv. Remember having a conversation with CRAB about fancy dress runners mixing it with serious club runners who have trained to the max only to be jogged past by someone dressed as a fairy...doesn't bother me that much really; as long as they keep out of the finishing photos image

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    Another 8 miles this morning legs still feel a bit tired though.

    I also got beat by a Superman in the VLM 2009image he was running a round 2.55 pace!

    Gobi good luck for Snowdonia. Rather you than me. Don't think my legs would ever recover from something like that!

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    Happy belated Birthday selbs

    I only managed to beat Fred Flintstone at VLM this year because he dropped his club yards from the finish.

    I seem to recall a Santa at Toronto Waterfront Marathon 2010 who must have been running at sub 2:15 pace in the early stages of the race. Haven't seen him mentioned since as a record holder, maybe his beard wasn't regulation length...

    Have to say I'm loving just doing a few miles when I feel like it without a watch at the moment. Off to Nepal and India for a few weeks soon, after that I think it will be time to get some professional advice about my very persistent groin problem.

    Good luck for Sunday Gobi

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Cheers FR I should be great Sunday, Saturday on the other hand :¬)
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Ian Sharman & Mike Wardian traded the "superhero" marathon record as Spiderman a week apart last year in 2:40 and then 2.35 - their PB's are 2.32 and 2.17 respectively.

    Seem to remember Dave Norman and friends doing some race in fancy dress last year on a stag do and taking 5 out of the top 6 places.

    Ah, here it is. A funny read.
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    jason djason d ✭✭✭

    Evening allimage

    Gobi- good to see the confidence is back for Saturdayimageimage Look forward to meeting up

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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭
    I do remember that one now Dan, image
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    FR.. envious of your foreign trip, Nepal is one of my favourite countries.  I'm sure you will find a local  witch doctor willing to smear magical sacrificial fluids onto your groin.

    Happy birthday Selbs.

    Nice early miles Tiger & TR, good to see you wearing out your only pair of trainers again TR. image

    Gobi.. there is a sub 4 thread if you need any last minute tips. image   All the best for Saturday, what's the forecast like?

    7m club run tonight in the midst of a very bright & noisy thunder & lightning storm.  Got home 2 minutes before it hissed it down.

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    Brian - I have entered Wilmslow half and Manchester marathon next spring. They are the focus. The aim is to be the best I can be I guess. I would love to regain some form from a couple of years ago though.

    A thought occurred to me earlier re: over distance training. In all other distances we over train. I know the marathon is a different beast but why would it not be reasonable to run a marathon or slightly over distance in training? I guess this has been asked before but these kind of debates change over time. My particular reason for asking is that I think this is a possible reason I tale off so much during races... recovery is the biggest issue I guess?

    Speaking of costume wearing runners. Mrs SJ was stood on Tower Bridge in 2010 and snapped Danger Mouse. To her complete amazement I was in the shot just passing DM. She had not seen me and totally fluked a great shot... made better by that coincidence.

    5 miles yesterday and this morning to and from work and a 7 tonight with 4 @ sub 7min/mile (this is current tempo pace image )
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Wardi - no idea on the weather, might check the sub 4 thread to see if they have any doom and gloom weather men like we always have in here around the big races. I will of course take a huge jacket, tights, woolly hat, thermal socks and gloves, thermos flask, mobile phone and £5 in cash for the payphone.

    Just in case :¬)
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    saintjason wrote (see)
    I know the marathon is a different beast but why would it not be reasonable to run a marathon or slightly over distance in training? I guess this has been asked before but these kind of debates change over time. My particular reason for asking is that I think this is a possible reason I tale off so much during races... recovery is the biggest issue I guess? 
    There was a lot of debate about this on the 3:15 thread and there was no clear conclusion. It clearly works for some people and not for others. All I can say is that those people who did so, seemed to enjoy it, so if you think you need to run such a distance and are happy to do so and can do so in a controlled manner, then it is probably right for you. I think this is also applicable to the other highly debated run which as 20@MP. Some people say even 10@MP is too hard, but I enjoyed the fast 20 run and will do so again this year and race a 20 miler as well.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Have done lots of over distance(if I was marathon training) work because of the ultra running but never ran 100km in training which was the true distance I was training for so I would say, why run the distance in training just run the time.

    Never run 20 miles at MP without it being in a marathon furthest I get is a half at MP inside a 20 mile run. I can'r run 13 at MP without a number on.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    morning - just a quicky to say Brass monkey entries seem to have opened early for some reason - well i got mine through anyway image

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    Morning chaps, I'm in the Brass Monkeyimage

    I think 10-12 miles at MP in training is a must. This session seemed to enable me to get thru the marathon without getting cramp, after suffering for 10 years. I agree that to do these runs with a number on is much easier, but it's also easier to go too fast.

    I like to run my 20milers progressively, or in a 2M hard/easy format in traiining, and generally like to do 1 20 mile race, where I will do it either at MP, or progressively ending at MP, depending on how I feel at the time. I think If you are in shape, then there's no problem running 20 at mp no closer than 4 weeks.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Jason d (erulo ?)

    Wardi – those trainers copped a right dunking this morning.

    SJ – I did 26.5 at approx MP +60 sec 5 weeks out last yr (a week after MMH), Marigold did similar. CW also did a similar distance although I think he does his quicker. Not sure I’d do it again (without a number on).

    Backed up y’days 8M on the hill with 9 more (wet miles) today. Legs are toughening up nicely, I’ll be able to start commuting soon. After 5 months of approx 75 M/month, I’m on target to be in the 140s for this month, and should be ready for the 200s in the New Year.

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