
Shades Marathon Training



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    Helen - hope you haven't overdone the houseworkimage

    Clag - ooh so close to that PB, you'll get it next time

    Claire - that's brilliant, well done, great running.   I thought maybe 'bidding' was an obscure Scottish word that us mere English wouldn't understand...LOL

    pancho - well done on your PB.   I expect your Garmin needs to be reset, check common problems on the internet, it happens with the 305 quite a lot.

    mowser - well done, a tough course.  And MG was only 20 mins ahead of you, he's already emailed me.

    I have already got even with VR, I'm DNS'ing Connemara so am sending her to run the Hell of the West on her own!    My hamstring is only 90% recovered and that's not enough, I'm not prepared to risk my training plans, Conne was not a key race for me this year.   

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    Such a shame Shades image
    We will miss you.

    Well done Mowser. Where are you off to next?
    Are you at The Good Friday Enigma?

    Oh I had a good little 10k race yesterday. 51 minutes so not too bad.
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    That was meant to be a sad face, no really!!!
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    Morning gang.  Some good running going on I see.  image  Isn't this weather fab.. (except the fog obviously)!

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    VR - LOLimage

    You'll have a brilliant time in Conne, amazing course. 

    Morning PSCimage

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    Did 6.35 miles yesterday in 75 mins- I don't think I'll need much of a taper for this. Then spent most of the afternoon gardening- now that was hard work.
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    Good morning everyone, sorry for the delay from the weekend - after the race yesterday and I had to rush to get back to Dover on time!

    I did the Fleet half yesterday and despite the heat - felt REALLY good! I deliberately stayed towards the back and "hid" behind some slower runners to stop myself speeding up (great strategy). I managed the first 5miles in 47 minutes so I was really storming ahead. I ended up running with a few different people. I had an issue with stitches from around 9-11 miles (due to the lack of water i think). I sped up in the last two miles because I just felt that I had a lot more in my tank and ended up passing a fair few people along the way. I finished in 2hrs 27 and when I got home I ended up on a short 2 miler as my legs were "itchy" to run more.

    Overall - felt absolutely great, lovely day and race! My only issue was with myself - i ended up stopping my garmin when i went for a wee but then forgot to start it so lost 3 miles overall image A little annoyed about that. I've not loaded my garmin yet so i'll post the "limited" split information when i can.

    Well done to everyone that raced/race this weekend (especially Claire on her 20 miler!).

    How are the shadies this morning?

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    well did my 18 mile run on friday.. got bad reaction to the heat around mile 15 and ended up empty reaching for alot of the last 3 miles.. not great but body felt good aside from that..

    Took sat off and then did the sport relief 3 mile run with OH on sunday.. really enjoyable! 

    still haven't got my brighton number.. looking forward to it now! 

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    Meh my shoulder still hurts, evening pushing bloody doors open. Naturally the RW injury  A-Z doesn't go that high up the body lol
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    OK - Now i've got a bit more time I can finally respond to everyone image

    @Keith - have you looked at webMD for your shoulder?

    @Helen - My VLM magazine came through at the weekend and I was quite excited! Well done on the Cake run - i really liked your blog post!

    @Shades - thank you for your good wishes! I was quite nervous but I had a really lovely day in the end! How is your Hamstring feeling? Are you feeling better now the weather is warming up a bit?

    @Claire - well done on your run - how are you feeling now?

    @Clag - sorry to hear about your disappointing Park run - at least it gives you motivation to keep going on to qualify!

    @USB - Well done on your long run - i'm finding the mornings quite chilly here as well.

    @Mowser - that is an impressive time! I hope you're not feeling too tired!

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    Emmy - well done, a good race and you must have been feeling strong to want to do a couple of more miles.

    Hammy is 90% better thanks, but not up to Connemara hills this coming weekend.   Yes the weather is warmer which is good for me, but still very cold early on in the day when I do most of my running, it'll soon warm up though.

    Keith - you got a job as a doorman?   Surely it's a trauma injury from your fall?   Rest, ice, gentle stretching but shoulder injuries are slow to heal anyway

    bootsie - you'll need to sort that heat problem, it could be a lot hotter come race day, or were you just dehydrated?

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    i think fueling was wrong for me.. didn't have enough food or drink.  I definately dont run well in the heat though
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    Lol er was meant to be even not evening, not so sure it is merely trauma/impact damage. It was clicking around on downhills yesterday and also at work today when doing certain things. When i say clicking today it seems like i move so far then it jerks into place so i was pondering if it was a subluxation of my shoulder. It aches for a bit afterwards when it was doing that.

    Sublaxation being a partial dislocation image

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    Shades - I'm still chuckling over what VR wrote!!! I'm going out for my first run (easy 10k) this evening (after a week's break) and I'll let you know how it goes!

    Clag - nearly there! You'll get there by summer image

    Claire - brilliant 20 miler, well done!

    Mowzer - Oh that sounded tough, that's an awful long time to be out there

    WD - Rather you than me in the garden, I've got black fingers - I manage to kill off even the hardiest plants

    Pancho - well done, that's a big drop!

    Emmy - well done on your half too! What's your number for VLM? Mine's 2275 and I'm starting from the blue area

    Bootsie - better for it to happen in training rather than during a race. I'm not  a fan of running in the heat either.

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    Hi Molly - How is your healthy eating coming along? I'll post my number later (i'm not sure - it's 14XX...)!

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    Emmy - Absolutely fine thanks - apart from Sat aft when I lost the plot and raided the cupboards...luckily I could only get my hands on apples, fruit juice and a yoghurt so I didn't do too much damage! Weigh-in on Wed!!!
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    molly i think you are doing great.. me not so much! burger and chips for lunch oops! 

    off out in the sunshine soon.. can't wait to get out of work!

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    Hi Molly - just got home. My number is 1491 - which seems rather low :/ I still need to read the magazine properly to work out which pen/area I need to be in.

    Hi Bootsie - My approach is "everything in moderation" so burger and chips are just a good reward for a great run image

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    Hi Guys - am sure some of you are doing Brighton Marathon - having slight panic - race pack arrived today - can anyone confirm if the race chip is built into the race number? Whenever this has happened before there is a definite bulge where the chip is or should there be a chip to tie into shoelace???! There is a small bulge at top of number but it doesnt look like chip

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Well done.


    Well done.  Can't help with that one sorry only to say have you made sure the contacts are clean and dry.


    Well done.


    Well done.


    What a pain.  Hope that recovers soon.


    Well done.


    Well done. That sounded a good plan shame about the garmin problem.



    Hope the shoulder settles down soon.

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    Hi Shades - I wanted to ask about my pace for the marathon. Using the limited information I got from my Garmin I had the following splits:

    10.43, 10.19, 10.19, 11.18, 10.14.... gap whilst I went to the toilet/chatted to passer by's/tied my laces/eat jelly beans.... 11.49, 11.55, 11.01, 11.46, 11.24.

    When I look at this - i'm a little amazed as I started out a lot slower than I was expecting. What sort of pace/time should I be aiming for around the VLM route?

    I've got my planned 20 miler on Friday so I want to make sure that i'm being very specific about keeping to a level pace throughout.

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    Lottie - Yeah the race chip is on your number image
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    bootsie - you can get used to running in the heat, but there's only one way to do that!

    Keith - in that case you need to visit the physio I think

    molly - are your shins OK now?  

    Emmy - did you race your half marathon, apart from the loo stop?image

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    Shades - Shall see how it feels over the next few days, not exactly any rush as it would be weeks before you see a NHS physio anyway. I shall continue munching on the little white pills i have for now image If its stretched ligaments or similar i would imagine they go tback eventually.
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    Keith - docs/physio might want it X-rayed first.  
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    Its not hurting much if at all currently although nothing ever does first thing in the morning. Will see ho wit feels at work as i'll be doing the same things today as yesterday.
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭

    Morning Shadies image

    @Shades - I tried to keep it "relaxed" but I think if i'm being honest - the last few miles - i raced at MP image

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    Morning Shadies.

    it's lovely out, why am I stuck at work? Hope at least some of you are out and enjoying it.

    Took my vest in for some jiggerypokery and it's going to have some sleeves this time next week - also some more material at the hip, so hopefully it stays put a bit better.

    Happy running

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    Valley Runner - many thanks

    Just to say that you have a great "community" going on here - I have only posted a couple of times but people always take the time to come back even though I am not a regular. I do read your posts to get tips/ideas.

    Big thanks to Shades - have been following your plan and fingers crossed but feeling in good shape for Brighton

    Happy Running everyone

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    run more in the heat shades????

    had a good osteo session yesterday.. so having a rest today and then back to it tomorrow i think.. getting so excited now.. not long! 

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