
Edinburgh Marathon



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    Goldeagle/ Picky.....it is page 35...of this thread...but we had been relegated to page 3 of all the threads.


    Teuchter....Guardian...Errrrrm...something like that.image

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    I knew I was missing something.

    Have managed 4 runs totalling 34 miles this week including a slow 12 yesterday. As I feel the training has now started properly have also entered a couple of races which fit in with the schedules, the Action Heart 5 in Dudley at the end of February and the Bournemouth Bay Half in March (I have relatives in the area).

    CazSoul, hope you're soon back to full fitness. Even without the cold symptoms, I don't think it's unusual to lose a bit of speed bearing in mind the way the weather's curtailed everyone's running. Plenty of time to get it back.

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    Did the Brass Monkey Half Marathon this morning and I'm feeling a bit wierd about this running thing now. I'm generally quite an optimistic and positive, but today's run has put me off a bit.

    The organisation of the race on the day was great but I found the run a bit boring. I think after I got snot bombed by some d***head I went on a bit of a "what's the point in all this?". I could have just run 13.1 miles on my own and picked a better route without the risk of someone emptying their nose on me. I was a bit boxed in when he did it so afterwards I just barged past him only for him to have a go at me for that.

    I was pleased with my time and took over 6 minutes off my PB with something around 82.5 minutes. I know I wouldn't have done that without it being a race but I'm not feeling as pleased about that as I thought  I might. I think I am just a grumpy old man, so please ignore my grumblings, I'm still looking forward to the marathon as that's more of a challenge than anything else.

    Any words of wisdom from anyone else who has been a miserable git after a race would be appreciated

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    Beetroot, well done with the PB and cheer up you miserable git. image Now i am not a violent man but, you should of knocked f**k out of that dirty bastard.
    I managed to do it in 2.07 and quite happy with that due to lack of training in the last month, plus its a LSR in the bag. I agree that the set up was very good and the marshalls did a very good job, but the route was very boring for the majority of the race.

    Hows evrybodies LSRs gone today, or races....have we had fun. image

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    hi all

    i managed a steady 6 miles today only 20 miles to go image

    but had a good week back after the white stuff and now my breathing is back to what it was before image

    just got to work the miles up now

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    Didn't bother with a run today as i'm breaking myself back in slowly, settled for an 8 mile walk around Carsington water instead, dog slept all the way home instead of panting in my ear (not keen on the car), i know it's not the same, physically, as running but at least my legs got a good workout.  

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    i love it around carsington, not been up there for a while tho

    might go out that way for a few training runsimage

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    No LSR for me this weekend, but I managed a 3miler on Saturday and a 4 miler on Sunday without too much ankle pain image.

    It's a start. After 7 days of bugger all, it felt great to be back out running again, albeit short and slow.

    Beetroot, cheer up mate, you're just having a bit of a wobble!!

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    image to the snot Beetroot, no wonder you felt grumpy... I would've been gipping for England if it had happened to me.  Well done on the PB though.. image

    GP well done on your fab time too. image

    14.1miles in the bag for me yesterday and I am absolutely buzzing on cloud 9 now... I was certain when I went out that it was gonna be dreadful what with having the remnants of a cold and whatnot but I managed it quite comfortably AND at the pace I was meant to do. image  The only downer was there was these 2 young teenage kids on their bikes who kept going past me, stopping, cycling back the way and then going back past me again...well by the time I saw them yet again just before the end I swear they were laughing at me... I had to bite my tonge to stop myself from going "you try running 14 fecking miles and see how you feel".

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    I’m happy again now, I think it was just that I’m missing football. We had 7 games postponed and the first game back was yesterday which I missed for the Brass Monkey.  I was looking forward to the race as so many people rave on about it but like GP and I have stated – it is dull. People like it because it is fast, for me that’s not enough and I would have rather been playing the beautiful game!  What the race has given me is some confidence that my 3h marathon time is doable. The runners world calculator has a predicted time of 2:52 – that certainly won’t happen but I feel like I can go for the 3 now. My speed is pretty good but my stamina needs work, I just have to keep plugging away with the long runs. Good to hear you are on the mend BB. Looks like you’ve missed next to nothing training wise in the scheme of things.
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    Beetroot - Am I reading this correct. You did the Brass Monkey and knocked 6 (SIX) minutes off your PB from around 1.28.30 down to around 1.22.30???

    That is a phenomenal chunk to take off your PB in one go at that sort of level. What have you been eating and did the organisers request a sample when you had finished the race?

    With that sort of time you should be easy sub 3 in Edinburgh and if anything you have depressed me further as I appear to be in the situation where loads more effort = very small gain.

    Any tips?

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    R Dave, yes it is true but I don’t do many races so my previous PB was from almost a year ago at which point that was only my second ever half. Since then I’ve done a hilly one in 1:29 (the same as the first half I did the previous year in 1:42) and the Great North Run, which I did dressed as Buzz Lightyear (1:37). So, with the risk of sounding cocky, I was pretty sure I’d get a PB if I didn’t injure myself or something, especially as the conditions were perfect yeasterday.  My only other races are 2 x 10k races and the London Marathon last year. I think if you don’t do many then they must be easier to beat! My marathon time was 3:55 so I should beat that if I stay injury free and don’t wear a Darth Vader costume – that will be difficult being the attention seeking b@stard that I am!!! My progress over 18 months has been pretty good but that’s because I discovered intervals, I only used to run at the same speed every time I went out but when I did my marathon training I followed a schedule that had me doing different stuff. That really helped me improve and so I’ve been doing that sort of stuff a bit more regularly since April last year. Also helps to mix it up a bit anyway. I know from now on its going to be much harder to take anything off my times without sacrificing things in my life that I’m not prepared to give up – like enjoying myself!
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    Someone forgot to start the clock at the Brass Monkey so I've had to add 21 seconds to my time! That's how long it took them to realise.
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    There's nothing to see here! It duplicated my earlier meassage, don't know why, so I've gone in and added this pointless message - I hope you've not read it!

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    All this PB stuff has gone to your head Beetroot - you keep repeating yourself - LOL

    Interesting that you put your improvements down to variety in training. I must admit that I'm one for going out and running at two speeds only. One speed is "can;t really be arsed today but need to get something in" and the other is "feeling good, might just push it a bit" Other than that I rely on race for the higher tempo stuff.

    I dabbled with the odd track session but don't have the discipline and find it east to stop when it hurts. Having said that I have started to do pyramids to break up the boredom on treadmill sessions. Currently 6 minute mile pace with 90s recovery.

    Given your success I might start doing a little bit more of intervals and fartlek etc.

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    Our annual South Cheshire 20 is being held on the 25th April this year which is for weeks before Edinburgh. http://www.southcheshireharriers.org.uk/clubraces/20m/20m_main.php
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    The schedule I had, worked on the theory that no "hard" runs are on consecutive days, so you wouldn't follow an LSR with a fast run the next day or the other way round.

    The three main runs in the week were usually:

    long intervals, ie 4 or 5 x 1 mile fast with 2 min recoveries with a warm up and cool down

    a 1 mile warm up followed with 3 - 5 miles at half marathon - marathon pace

    an LSR remembering what the S stands for!

    Any other runs fit in between these, should be slower than marathon pace and they were never too far (I think the longest was about 10).  I found that the going slow was quite difficult to keep to at times but I think it works. You seem to do more miles than me in the week so I guess you could just adjust it to fit. I'm trying to adapt mine to fit football matches in which I think would cound as a hard session.

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    Double damm my wobbly legs - Edinbugh looks like quite close for my first marathon now!!!

    Managed to get to 100min last 2 sundays -  but can't seem to push past this - plan for this week is to put in the same amout of training but SLOW DOWN (not that I was running fast anyhow) - going to try to do 110min on sunday at 7km/h av - any advice on something to give me a bit of zip - Gels maybe?? image

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    JR - have some porridge for brekkie, maybe take a gel with you - they're good for about 30 minutes I find. Take some jelly babies with you as well, they give you a quick boost. When you've finished have a Mars recovery drink for no other reason than they taste great!! For Goodness Shakes are nice too, quite pricey but its worth it for the name alone!

    I find the long runs a bit tedious and started listening to books instead of music sometimes. Worked quite well but I did find that I would daydream a bit and miss parts - that's just me though I think.

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    Jelly Babies are the food of champions - IMO!
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    jelly babies work for me on half marathonsimage

    so sticking with them for now see more when i up the mileageimage

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    Fortunately I'm the one person in the world who likes the taste of Lucozade Sport so I use that on long runs although having to wear a belt to carry the bottle around does my head in. Fortunately as all the marathons I've done have provided it at drinking stations (as is Edinburgh, I think), it makes things much easier for me for the race.
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    image to lucozade sport... I've tried it on one training run and promptly felt sick so have switched to supermarket own brand isotonics which work for me so far.  I dont seem to be able to stomach any of the lucozade stuff, we bought some of those glucose tablets or whatever they are and the 1st time I tried them I thought yeah these aren't bad but then on my next run they made me feel sick... I'm currently loving these on my longer runs even if they are meant for cyclists... they do take a bit of chewing though...

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    I posted a question on the paris thread "has anybody tried the lucozade energy tablets", at least you have Caz.

    I dont mind the lucozade drink stuff at all, but am looking for an alternative to gels. I am not desperate as i can just about stomach the SiS smart gels and anything is worth a try.

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    We need to talk more people, page 3 again before I found us....

    GP Mr CS prefers the lucozade tablets and says he'll be sticking with those for training/races... (he's currently training for the Kilomathon).  He does say you need to have a drink with you though as they can be a bit dry/powdery at times.

    Mr CS pushed me out of my comfort zone last night on our 4miler...which is good if a little god I'm gonna die... image So hopefully thats the start of good things to come.

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    CS - glad to hear that things are  back in the groove running-wise, so-to-speak !! I'm abroad at the mo..- and for the next 2.5 weeks, . and determined to try and keep to my training schedule - but due to the heat could only manage a 5-miler yesterday morning image Somehow I dont think the 14-miler LSR scheduled for this weekend is gona materialise inless things here improve significantly.....

    GP - how's it going... did you make club night earlier this week ?? 

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    Bad news AGAIN from me.

    Flushed with success from a couple of short runs without too much pain at the weekend, I did 7 miler this week, and bloody hell, ankle problem has returned.

    I went to the physio yesterday, who has said absolutely no running for the foreseeable image.

    Apparently it is a muscle problem, and no amount of ice or streching will help, just rest and twice weekly ultrasound from her (...££££££****£££!!)

    However, I won't be a misery guts, so goods news that everybody else's plans are going well. Teuchter - are you on holiday, if so where are you lucky devil?   or is it work...?

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    BBP...Sorry to hear that, i know what you mean about £££££££s. How long are we talking as you know what runners are like, they just ignore everybody who says "dont run". I am sure if you missed a couple of weeks it wont harm your chances for Edinburgh. Just look at the amount of running everybody has missed with the bad weather.
    I for one is on week 6 of my paris mara plan yet realistically am only on my 2nd week back. I will still do it but not in the time i had wanted.
    Take it easy and fingers crossed.

    Teuchter....Managed to do the half at the weekend and also went to club on tues. There was about 10 turned up but 2 of us decided to do the hills again. Not saying it was hard but went for a 7miler last night and had a job to pick my legs up. The amount of times i wanted to stop, but i soldiered on. Going to the track tonight and will take it easy, and just do my own thing.
    Hows it going over there, hope youre not bragging that its too warm when us poor souls are freezing with 3 layers on when running.image

    Caz...well done with your 4m, it makes a big difference when there is someone to push you. Its hard at the time but come race day, you will be glad of it.
    I just got those lucozade tablets this morning.how many does Mr CS use on a run or how often compared to the gels.  

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    Oh no BBP can you get a second opinion on your ankle or is this a tried and trusted fizzy???  Eeek to ££££££££s  I tried a different fizzy to my regular one when I hurt the arch of my foot and she seemed to really rely on the ultrasound blasting thing and nothing else so I went back to my regular fizzy when my ankle started playing up and although she uses the ultrasound she also gets in there with her thumbs to massage/batter the problem into submission.

    I'm not jealous at all that Teuchter is off in the sunshine... *leans over to turn the radiator up a bit more* Seeeeeee its really warm here too... image

    GP Mr CS has one after about an hour or so and then another 20-30mins later.  This father & daughter couple I ran with for part of the way at Glasgow Half was using them at about every mile marker and I was with them between the 6 and 9 miles I think it was.  The farther I'd have said was an experienced marathon runner, judging by the stuff he was saying to his daughter and she was more on my level of running experience.

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    BBP - that's a really bummer... sorry to hear image I know how frustratin it is... all I can say is pleeeese dont be tempted to start running before you're recovered - tho I guess you know that. I had real problems with a soleus muscle thingy last year - and was warned by the physio not to do ANY running before it was fully healed - advice which of course I ignored - so a three-week problem turned into a 3-month chronic injury !!

    Well -it's neither work nor holiday really - I've just started a part-time studentship with Univ. Central Lancashire - in astronomy - and on the back of that - I'm out here in Chile doing some observing at the Southern Observatory. Currently in Santiago - but move up to the telescope tomorrow up in the hills for a few days. . Biggest problem will be trying to sort out my running - I'm told that the altitude and irregular sleep pattern (working nights!) causes real problems for most people image 

    GP - did I mention that it's currently 32 C in the shade here ? image Couldn't resist !! Glad to hear about the WRR sessions - looking forward to a bit more structured running when I get back.....

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