
Adidas Boost Trainers, anyone had a run in a pair yet?



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    You misunderstood what i meant as toe spring. You cant have wide feet because these are narrow

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    Hey Jean send the link for your blog

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    What an odd thing to say - I can and do have wide feet :S

    What do you mean by "toe spring"? Forgive my ignorance.

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    Adidas are known for narrow fit shoes! ask anyone thats tested a pair of Kanida's.

    Toespring is the elevation of the toebox of the shoe above the supporting surface.  Standard for most types of shoes is around 15 degrees.

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    They might be known for them, but as someone with wide feet the tech fit mesh upper was really forgiving and apart from when I first tried them on, they don't feel too tight anymore at all.

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    Your voice sounds perfectly normal Jean!

    As for your feet they are not wide i've just seen them in the blog.

    The widest point of a foot should be the toes,your big toe is compromised as are most feet in our culture

    You also run on your heels as do 80% plus of runners that wear cushioned shoes. 10 mins into your next run take the shoes off and run for 45 secs you will not be running on your heels anymore

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    Well, I can't wear puma shoes or Asics, because they're too tight and normally only wear Nike Dunks/SB's or Air Max because most other shoes (including Adidas) are too tight for me.

    These were definitely the exception. And I don't sprint on my heels (near impossible) but I definitely do seem to jog more on my heels (as in the vid) is that poor technique? I haven't been "distance" running for long - I was the sprinter type in school and competition.

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    Toe spring in all shoes not just running shoes is a huge problem Jean as is the way shoes taper in.

    Childrens feet are cartlidge like until late teens early 20s you put a growing child in shoes with too much toe spring and taper dont be surprised their feet become the shape of shoes!

    Thats why it can be hard to adapt  to barefoot shoes because of the hardwear problems we develop in our feet from a life time of wearing crappy shoes


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    So you would recommend "bare foot shoes"?

    What are the benefits over something like the Boost's?

    Because since running in them I've been getting less pain in my feet and shins after runs. One thing I did notice though is that my posture has changed slightly when I run - I run more upright - which I forgot to mention in the video.

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    Jean Christopje wrote (see)

    Well, I can't wear puma shoes or Asics, because they're too tight and normally only wear Nike Dunks/SB's or Air Max because most other shoes (including Adidas) are too tight for me.

    These were definitely the exception. And I don't sprint on my heels (near impossible) but I definitely do seem to jog more on my heels (as in the vid) is that poor technique? I haven't been "distance" running for long - I was the sprinter type in school and competition.

    Humans should only use their heels for walking on ( 1 x Bodyweight).

    when running forefoot striking is the correct way to run ( 2 x Bodyweight)

    Sprinting is  3 x Bodyweight.

    Sometimes you will hear a coaching cue to midfoot strike there is no such thing as mid foot strike and shows a poor understanding of biomechanics.

    Do you work for Hedd? if yes i will send you a book to explain in more detail to their offices,

    Happy running/testing

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    Jean Christopje wrote (see)

    So you would recommend "bare foot shoes"?

    What are the benefits over something like the Boost's?

    Because since running in them I've been getting less pain in my feet and shins after runs. One thing I did notice though is that my posture has changed slightly when I run - I run more upright - which I forgot to mention in the video.

    It's not about the shoe!

     i recommend you read more deeply on the subject and understand there is no evidence for cushioned/structured shoes never was never will be.

    The big toe is 4 x thicker than the other toes ask yourself why?

    79.3 % of runners get injured each year! bad enough to stop you running

    Do 79.3 % of birds get injured to stop them flying? 

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    Lee Saxby is a good person to google on this subject

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    Well in answer to the original query... I bought a pair to replace my Asics Kayano shoes...I found the fit odd at first but very comfortable overall. . Tried them today on a 8 mile run and can say that they do require you to use slightly different running muscles to my normal shoes. I'm not a small lithe guy, as I weigh in exces of 90kg. I found the changes to run in them exhausted me as though I had ran 12 miles and now some 10 hours later, my ankles are still hurting. I won't be wearing them this Sunday on the Berkhamstead half. But I will try them again on some shorter training runs to see if my body can adjust to the changes
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    I bought them today!  Couldn't wait for this 'new revolution in running' but I have to say that so far, so good.  I suffer really badly with shin splints, despite physio and podiatrist advice so when I did a normal run, I was shocked to notice no pain - an alien concept for me!  I had slight tingling in the toes which tells me I'm not fully striking the ground on my big toe so I have to be more aware on next run as it does change your style slightly.

    Very pricey though - nearly had a heart attack when I handed over my credit card!

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    Oh and a tight fit - I'm a size 6 and had to get an 8 to get the width!

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    @Runz i'd appreciate that. Anything that goes to the office will make its way to me eventually.

    @Emma, now that you mention it, i did notice a little tingling after the first day but I've adjusted to them after a couple of weeks. These were great to dance &, walk and run in!

    & the foam seems surprisingly durable, i expected them to be destroyed by the canal path i run on but so far - they're holding up, no scratches, nothing.

    did anyone else watch my video blog on them?
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    I have the widest feet in the world, they are literally rectangled shaped, and I used to have to had to hunt shoes far and wide (no pun intended, but we are talking about importing here) for shoes that just kind of fitted, and after half marathons - this was the common result


     I tried adidas (god knows why, they are supremely narrow/streamlined), Asics and New Balance (all in 4e width), all the same result.  Then I found skecher's running shoes, wide and designed to get runners onto their midfoot/balls of the feet (thats where I naturally run off).  Black toe nails, cuts, blisters, pains and injuries (at last) have vannished and I'm running the best I've ever done.  There not sold with fanfare, but their results in pro races have been fantastic, but then they do have a great runner in Meb!!!  If you have wide feet and run of the balls, toes, try them!!!  


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    Ouch! You must run HARD! I'd be interested to know how you'd find the Adidas Boost's, your feet are similar (although slightly more rectangular) to mine.

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    Christopher Snowdon wrote (see)

    I have the widest feet in the world, they are literally rectangled shaped, and I used to have to had to hunt shoes far and wide (no pun intended, but we are talking about importing here) for shoes that just kind of fitted, and after half marathons - this was the common result


     I tried adidas (god knows why, they are supremely narrow/streamlined), Asics and New Balance (all in 4e width), all the same result.  Then I found skecher's running shoes, wide and designed to get runners onto their midfoot/balls of the feet (thats where I naturally run off).  Black toe nails, cuts, blisters, pains and injuries (at last) have vannished and I'm running the best I've ever done.  There not sold with fanfare, but their results in pro races have been fantastic, but then they do have a great runner in Meb!!!  If you have wide feet and run of the balls, toes, try them!!!  


    your foot would be even wider if you stopped wearing shoes which taper and have toe spring.

    Your foot is widest at the ball it should be widest at the end of the toes just like a babys! that is until parents start putting the child into crappy shoes.

    Skechers are no diffrent to the other brands in regards to taper and toe spring.

    Your big toe has started to turn in and would take more unstanding plus hard work to reverse this.


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    These are wide feet.Note the widest point at the end of the toes.Put these feet into all modern shoes and the feet will become compromised.

    <img src='
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    Runz wrote (see)
    your foot would be even wider if you stopped wearing shoes which taper and have toe spring.

    Your foot is widest at the ball it should be widest at the end of the toes just like a babys! that is until parents start putting the child into crappy shoes.

    What utter rubbish! 

    I have wide feet, and like christopher Snowdon my feet are widest at the ball, my smallest toe also curls under the next toe, classic case of life long tight shoe's eh?. Like you I was under this misguided apprehension (it maybe true in SOME cases), until my daughter was born, never worn a shoe, with exactly the same foot pattern as me! Widest at the ball, smallest toe curling under, biological. 

    So please stop preaching your assumptions as facts.

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    stutyrstutyr ✭✭✭

    Apparently, 84.2% of statistics are wrong.

    I find this thread very suspicious, as the two main contributors are new to the site and are giving very strong opinions for and against a particular shoe.

    Runz, I found one of your statistics on the web and your presentation of it is very misleading.  You forgot to add the "One estimate from the British Journal of Sports Medicine gives a range of 19.4 percent to ..." before your "... 79.3% of runners are injured each year".

    Found here:



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    As I said Stu, I joined because I had tried the shoes and was looking for other people who may have given them ago to discuss them. I acknowledged in my video blog that there may be a slight placebo effect, so I agree it's possible.

    Nothing to be suspicious about: http://www.heddmagazine.co.uk/the-verdict-a-week-with-adidas-boost/image

    Although I've had them for about two weeks now and have worn them casually, dancing and running and when going back to my regular shoes I miss the boost sole.

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    My feet are the same width all the way down - look (sorry to post another pic of my ugly foot image


     In good nick though after running a 20 mile race last Sunday in 2hr 17 and 10 sec's and 13 miles yesterday at 6.40's, plus heavy treadmill sessions on the Monday and Wednesday image  Skecher's have helped this purely because there shoes are wider (from forefoot to heel) and have a more forgiving upper.  Can't explain it but it moulds around your foot!!

    RUNZ, heres a shot of the Go Run's from the bottom, the toe box is wider than my foot


     I make my own inserts for them, I buy dunlop inserts from Sports Direct (about £2 I think) and cut them to the shape of my foot, and as the upper matireal is so flexible, it drops in perfectly.

    Jean Cristopje, I wouldn't run in the boost's, purely because of addidas sizing, and running of the balls of my feet, I can tell the shoe wouldn't work for me, it has heel striker written all over it.  Thats another reason I like Skechers, they have the heel cut away so you can't heel strike (yes, impossible to walk in), but when your off the ball's of your feet, why would you want cushioning at the back of the shoe?

    This is why earlier in this thread I said always take reviews of shoes with a pinch of salt, everyone has different requirements and styles.  I do believe that these new boosts hold their shape longer (probably useful on long runs), are more resistant to dramatic changes in the weather, but will always maintain, more energy and boost comes from training - mwah!!

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    omg please stop posting pictures of feet......

    For the record I've always used adidas salvation but last year I stopped as the build went down a steep hill. Poor cuts backs. I changed to brooks and pb'd at London. The boost remind me of the Nike Luna.
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