
Brighton Marathon 2014



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    Goodness guys, I'm so jealous of you all. 

    Suffering shin splints, aborted last nights run after 2 miles. Has caused pain all day today. Not sure I'm going to do the London Bupa 10k tomorrow now? Gutted.



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    Just completed my entry too - ordered 'Training for 2014' t shirt too!  Put maximum time down though 6.00hrs+ although I would be well chuffed to come in under this.


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    just filled mine out put down 3:30 to 3:45 but may run with Poohbear and Snowmaiden this time

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    So much for some time off, couldn't resist a cheeky 6 miler this morning - legs feel surprisingly fresh after the ultra. Am not going to do any 'proper' training until we get back from Peru in mid-June though.

    Just completing our Brighton registrations too - 03:30 - 03:45 for me (although VERY much closer to the 03:45!) 

    Also doing my husband's and because he has a sub 1:30 half marathon time from this year he is eligible for the 'elite' start. Lombster and anyone who else who started with the elites this year - would you recommend the alternative start? Do you gain anything? Thanks!

    Tillstar - a huge good luck for your hockey marathon, let us know how you get on.

    Happy weekend everyone image


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    Poobear - you could've easily do 5:30 at Brighton ????


    Going to do 10 mile long slow run tomorrow. Hopefully it will be easier than my 10 mile race last Sunday????

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    Afternoon all

    14 miles for me today i was going to have ago at 20 but have to say i struggled from the word go and got to mile 13 and just couldn't face another 7 i seemed such along way which is daft after all the training runs for Brighton and that was only just over a month ago

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    Only 2 miles today for me and the jack rabbit...she was getting her nails done at 6 oclock...we went along the track where my pace is usually 10.20 ...today was 9.24...didnt like that wind though!!

    Well done on your 14 miler toby ...ill run tomorrow not sure how many though just might go for time instead...

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    Well 7 miles done today in 1hr 20mins - jogged all way round too!  Nice to run in the sunshine.

    Am now at my target weight of 8st 7lbs, which is about right for my 4'11.5" frame - having taken just over 6 months to lose 2stone 5lbs - now just got to keep it off.

    Tracey G - I am hoping for 5hrs 30mins at Brighton next year - as I am pretty sure I could do that - but put down 6hrs+ so I wouldnt get cross with myself if I didnt achieve the 5hrs 30mins, I will definitely training towards jogging as much of the course as possible instead of the run/walk method I used this year.

    Good luck to anyone racing this weekend.


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭


    Poobear - well doneimage


    Ran 10 miles this afternoon in 1:44:52

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    hope to...hope to... ✭✭✭


    Huge admiration poohbear on the weight loss.  The wind will blow you around Brighton in no time at all. image


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    Great running everyone, and poohbear that's a really great achievement on the weight loss, your right the real work comes now keeping it off, but keep running and eating well and you will be just fine!

    ran my first 10k of the year today, my 3rd race of different distance in 5 weeks, (marathon, half mara and now 10k) that got my 3rd PB in as many races! Knocked off 2mins to finish in 43:08 very pleased but still hopeful of going under 42 by the end of July image

    hope everyone is enjoying the bank hol

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    Poohbear! Congratulations that's a great achievement you really are an inspiration image

    andrew well done on the PB

    well we broke the world record (yet to be officially confirmed by Guinness) we played hockey for 40 continuous hours breaking the current record by 6 hours. Every part of body aches but I'm smiling. We played from 8am Saturday to just into Monday morning. It was quite surreal. Went 45 hours without sleep and we played while the sun came up, went down and came up and went down again.  Think my marathon training is going to take a rest or easy week while I find my knees again. Was quite weird late yesterday thinking I was sprinting to find that actually my legs were doing little more than a walk where they were so tired. My hockey skills are not good so at first I was weaker player but if there is one thing I can do its run on tired Legs so why others were lagging I was still running around a lot and passing all the other players. Rest today that's for sure!

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    Tillstar WOW WOW WOW well done to you and the rest of the gang ....cant imagine no sleep for 45 hours!!! Yes, being able to run on tired legs is vital for a marathon eh....

    Enjoy your rest youve deserved it ...

    7 miles for me this morning, steady pace of 9.35 some miles were a little faster at 9.20 that was on the roads the trail does slow you down although you feel your running at the same speed, although me and my daughter found 100 yards of deep gravel a little hard to run on felt like we were standing still!!!

    I didnt do a long run on saturday ,choosing to give the garage a much needed clean out... and oil and clean the treadmill and all other gym equipment in there ..

    Proud of myself though as most of my runs lately have been in the 9.30 region and apart from my breathing, which is hard, my legs are up to speed .....the nurse did think i had mild exercise induced asthma last year but having taken the inhaler and pre run inhaler i really cant see any difference, so im gonna try some magnesium....suppose to help relax muscles and aid asthma in opening the airways a little ..

    Poohbear well done on your weight loss ...youve achieved so much ...like tracy G said i cant see any reason why you cant run a 5.30 marathon ...

    My weight loss after last weeks 2lb 2 oz loss isnt that great in fact ive put 2 ozs ON!!! oh well can only put it down to the iddy piece of cake on tuesday (my sons birthday) and no long run on saturday ...feel welcome to put disapproving smileys please to help spur me on imageimage


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    Lisa123Lisa123 ✭✭✭

    Poohbear well done image

    Tillstar WOW!! Thats some endurance and will definately help with marathon training image

    Andrew well done on you 10k PB it feels great doesn't it!

    London Bupa 10k run today and new shiny 10k pb  46.42 (unofficial, but according to my trusty Garmin). Really pleased as it was hot and I had to slow down at some points due to congestion in places. Will be having a celebratory glass of something later, prior to starting my marathon training for Chester in October image


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    Well done on achieving your record Tillstar - hope you can have a well deserved rest now!

    Thank you to everyone for their kind comments.

    Congratulations Lisa 123 and Andrew H on your pb's - good luck Andrew with getting your 42 mins in July.

    Yvonne - dont feel bad about putting 2oz on, it will come off again quickly - everyone is allowed a little glitch sometimes!  You've just got to put it behind you and move on.  You were never that big anyway and everyone is allowed to eat birthday cake.



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    no running for me over the weekend spent most of the time gardening must get out today though

    Andrew well done on the PB

    Tillstar well done on the record

    Yvonne that a great pace your developing that sub 2 hour H/M will be your for sure this year and if you keep it up a sub 4hr marathon will be yours

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    Thanks toby I'm starting to enjoy pushing myself ....I was determined yesterday to stay in the 9.30 min mile range and sped up when I hit 9.40 .....I've not been running with music lately either as running with Melanie it's a bit rude eh .....so I've been able to try and breath deeply and hear myself breath sounds like a laboured car going uphill mind you ,but it's getting a bit more oxygen into the old lungs ...enabling a little more stamina for a faster pace .....

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    Nix10Nix10 ✭✭

    Well done Tillstar, amazing achievement...can't imagine how your legs must be feeling after that!

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    morning all

    just 3 miles for me yesterday did them on the treadmill as i was a chicken and did not fancy going out in the rain 4 today and if it's still raining I'll be on the treadmill again

    i have decided to just enjoy running for the rest of the year so no more PB attempts for me I'm going to run with the wife when we run the Bradley Stoke 10k in June and if Yvonne wants will try and pace her to a sub 2 hr H/M at Bristol this year

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    Thanks for all the well done messages! Still on a massive high from our achievement! Can almost walk normally now so hopefully will be running again soon

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    morning all

    4 miles for me yesterday have too say i could get used to these short runs it was all done and dusted in just over 33 minutes

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    Back to the gym for me tonight for a session with the pt have decided I have had more than enough rest recovery and probably eaten too much too. Back into training mode now but will build back in rather than just picking up where I left off. Not sure my legs are ready for a long run yet

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    Afternoon all

    Well what wonderful weather it was so nice i decided to just run till I’d had enough which turn out to be 16.5 miles before my legs said enough, enough and i had to run walk the last mile home so it turn out to be 17.5 miles all in all

    wasn’t worried about the time or pace today as it was too hot to really go it

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    Wow Toby well done, think they are easily the most enjoyable runs when you don't worry about a thing other than putting one foot in front of the other.

    very gentle two miles for me today. saw a Physio earlier in the week about my ongoing Achilles pain (has always been ok to run on but gets tender during and after the run) she has said its due to my very tight calfs, so I've had to cut right back on running as well as beast my legs with my roller (complete with bits that stick into you) and build up again slowly so fingers crossed it feels ok in the morning and I can go for 3-3.5 miles on Sunday image

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    Nice Toby! Andrew hope leg heals soon.

    personal training session was mixed, he made me do lots of core work and my stomach muscles are killing today but he also gave my legs a good massage so that was certainly appreciated. Playing hockey tomorrow now so won't run as well this week as still recovering a bit. May go for a little run on Sunday but plan to start back with a bang next week so Sunday will depend on how my legs feel after tomorrow's hockey game. 

    Hoping that I am going to be able to combine hockey and marathon training this year but time will tell how practical that is going to be

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    No running for me this weekend - woke up this morning with bad earache and a sore throat.  Toby is pleased cos I have also lost my voice!

    Hope everyone is able to enjoy some of the sunshine, and good luck to anyone running this weekend.

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    Well a lovely 8.27 miler for me today ,very precise i know.....along the very muddy track and i ran across a field knee high in grass that was fun and boy does it make your legs ache as you lift them higher!! i got out at 9 oclock just before it started to get hotter and im glad i did.....

    had rat cage to collect from cheltenham for my daughter then we went straight onto aldi to do a bit of shopping, when we got home our cat rizzle .....please turn away if your squeamish.....his abcess burst out all over the kitchen worktop!!!! it left a massive hole in the side of his head so we rang vets and got him in he had an injection and is now banned from all rooms at the moment due to drips of blood !!!

    Andrew i find that foam rolling is improving my muscles but it hurts like hell without a lumpy bumpy one!!!

    Poohbear get well soon and tell toby to wait on you hand and foot..image

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    Oh dear pooh bear hope you feel better soon.

    i played hockey today, it was the first time I had tried to run since the 40 hour hockey game but the legs were good and I was sprinting all over the place so off out for a run tomorrow tho only short as im looking after my Neice and nephew, will have to save the long run for next Sunday. I was reminded how bitchy hockey can be and why I quit in favour of running but trouble is I enjoy the game so going to persevere for a bit and see f I can run and play: really hope I can combine both but if one has to go it will be the hockey.

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    Tillstar can identify with the bitchiness we used to play bowls and they were exactly the same i gave up When i started running and have i missed it absolutely NOT

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    Why people have got to be so cliquey, it does annoy me .....

    Another run for me today with the jack rabbit 5 miles in 47 mins image certainly starting to feel comfortable at this 9.30 pace that was the average pace the last 2 miles were 9.10 pace its still the first mile thats the slowest as thats our warming up mile, so i guess the rule when i do a race is to do a proper warm up so that my first mile is 9.30 or faster

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