
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Aldershot Road Relays for me on Sunday. Our team of V50's won last year and it appears we are all in much better shape this time around.image

     Re:Bus.Those are very quick reps there Scott!

    Is this an observation, accusation or condemnation?image


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Scott, you're either on for a guaranteed 33:xx something, or you've been repeatedly making some kind of miscalculations!

    I'm gonna take a slight backseat for the next couple of months, and enjoy some of the racing going on here, while I strip things back.

    30miles done since Sunday, today's was a 10 at 6.52 pace. Can feel this lingering tightness in the stomach/pelvis, but may well just be something to suck up and deal with until it actually affects the training.

    No runs until Friday now, which feels good!

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    Scott - fast reps,  i think a race is required as i went sub 16 on reps like that for 5k.  but 4*1k is no indication for a 10k. Maybe find a decent parkrun near you and see what shape your 5k is in first then up the number of reps so you can attack a 10k

    Bus - looks like you are coming to gether nicely after your setbacks.  That was a impressive session.

    Tuesday track for me last night.  6*1200m target pace 5.13mm or 3.54 for the rep off nice long recoveries of 4mins.   Ran on my own as the rest of the club did a 8m progression.   hit every rep on target or just under but did feel a bit tired on the 6th rep.  Have pulled out of the midlands road relay as i just need a block of training.

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    Think I've got the same niggle as you at the moment SG - kind of ache in the hip flexor, abductor, lower abodmen area? had it 'mildly' for the last year or so but it gets much much worse after a long run like my 20 miler on Sunday and is restricting training this week.

    Had planned to do the 3x 20mins threshold again last night but only managed 2x 20 mins (av pace 5.37m/m & 5.42m/m respectively). Home for a good old stretch session and then up this morning at 6am to give it another stretch out. Might find a dark corner in the office at lunchtime for a secret stretch

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    I'm definitely feeling stronger then when I ran a 16:50- my 10km in that training was confirmed accurate in that 12.59km run I did...and last night I was being timed at the track with a group of athletes.. I am sure building on my longer runs will help my 10km time as 4x1km won't go for a 100%10km reflection right now but shows decent shape.. but for sure a decent 5km looks doable.. I have avoided doing one for a few weeks now.. but think I will attack one September 28th now and go from there..

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Sorry Bus missed your session. certainly sounds a good effort. I did an 8m MP session once, but it'd come after a string of 6-7s, so i was at peak tempo-ing ability! Things look rosy again. Glad to hear it.

    Dean, we've got used to your quality sessions. Impressive stuff as always.

    Johnas, sounds in an around mine. I'm sure you've got the right exercises in hand, as you're pretty professional these days, but what makes up a chunk of my day is lunge type exercises for the pelvis/lower stomach issue, and continuing to do the hip stuff after last year's mini breakdown.

    3 main pelvis ones. Upright lunge, one where you're almost mimicking the start of a 100m race, hands on the floor by your front lunging leg, and lying on a bed/surface, with one knee to chest, and one leg down straight.

    If you have any others i'm all ears!

    My favourite hip strengthen/loosener is simply lying on one side, and kicking the leg up. But touch wood the hip has nicely come back to normal, i'd love the pelvis to do the same.

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    Johnas wrote (see)

    Might find a dark corner in the office at lunchtime for a secret stretch

    Snigger. Never heard it called that before.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    was intrigued by a chap at work saying his mate was a 31min 10k runner yet doing marathons in 3hours +.

    Turns out the second part was correct, but 31 was actually 35:30! And even that time according to generous old McMillan should give a 2:47 marathon

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Scott, I've run 33:xx for 10K five times now, but have never pulled out a 3:0x 1k rep in my life.  And that's despite being told here numerous times that I run my reps too fast.  Having said that, I never just do 4 or 5 of them.

    Sounds like you've got some fast times coming.

    Bus, things looking very decent for Abingdon indeed I'd say.  How many 20s have you got under your belt so far?

    SG, never listen to 'chaps at work'.  On that basis our own friends are probably off in their workplaces, talking about how we are 29/30 minute 10K runners.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    At times of niggles, it's always good when work mates think you're some kind of legend, for being able to run 10miles in a go. image

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    just back from a 8m supposedly easy run at 7mm.  bloody hard work in the end, definately need to up my weekly mileage and long run.  I guess hardly suprising as my long run this summer has been 6m

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    Dean - that lack of long runs has not done your speed any harm image

    Thanks again for the comments re yesterday's tempo chaps - hamstrings are paying for it today mind!

    Dachs - I did a 20 early in July, but then no long runs until 3rd week in August, which have seen an 18 (off-road), 20, 20, and 23 in the past 5 weeks. How about you?

    RicF wrote (see)

    Aldershot Road Relays for me on Sunday. Our team of V50's won last year and it appears we are all in much better shape this time around.image

     Re:Bus.Those are very quick reps there Scott!

    Is this an observation, accusation or condemnation?image

    All three, but mainly admiration and jealousy image

    RicF wrote (see)

    Aldershot Road Relays for me on Sunday. Our team of V50's won last year and it appears we are all in much better shape this time around.image

     Re:Bus.Those are very quick reps there Scott!

    Is this an observation, accusation or condemnation?image


    Stevie G . wrote (see)

    At times of niggles, it's always good when work mates think you're some kind of legend, for being able to run 10miles in a go. image

    Definitely image

    Lit - how rude! I expect that sort of thing from some people on this thread....(mind you, given that Johnas is surrounded by models all day, who could blame him image)


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    Dachs, how many do you do and recovery! It's early days for training for me and experimenting.. Live said before but it was maybe my only 6th or 7th speed session 

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Scott - for 5k training i do 5*1k off 2mins rec at race pace.  for 10k would do about 8*1k rec about 2 or 3 mins at 10k race pace.   Although i do tend to use longer recoveries in the first few sessions and reduce.  Its not unusual for me to take 4 or 5mins rec early on.  

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Scott, I usually do 7-8k worth of intervals/reps (it's down on that at the moment, but that's due to marathon training) unless it's proper speedwork, eg 200s.  It's what my training group does, and I find it works quite well for me.  Others think it's too much.

    But my focus is usually on 10K to Half Marathon rather than 5K, so it's all about what you're after.

    Bus, I've done a 3 x 20 (1 including 14 MP) and one 22.  Another 20 planned for tomorrow and a 24 at the end of next week.

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    I'm still finding what distance I like- I always loved XC but longer track Bored me so I kept to 1500 and 3k... that was over 7 years ago now  though so may have to stick to 10km ... I've never raced longer unless it XC.. Will be interesting too see what times and sessions I do with the group over next few weeks. There was talks about doing Hampshire XC league too... 

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Realised the advantage of having run all those miles now. I appear to have recovered completely from Saturday's efforts. No aches, pains or niggles at all.

    In fact I felt unusually fresh. For that reason I've decided to keep to a maximum of 5 miles per day until Sunday. Nothing to gain by doing anything more now.


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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Ric, I may see you at the relays.  I shall be on our team, albeit in the seniors rather than vets.  What's the course like?

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Dachs, the course is 15m up hill for the first half mile. Lots of runners blow themselves up by racing eyeballs out on this section. I had a good run last year by just holding back a bit.

    Once on the downhill, where the Garmin had a projected mile split of 5:40, I was well pleased and basically relaxed. Saved a lot of effort which was just as well as the course was under water in places.

    My race starts at 12:30, I'll be second leg.


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    Dachs, two laps. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/116927714

    Uphill start as ric says, then fast downhill back past the start, pull up the back in the woods and over the lip back into the arena, fast down the arena and round back to the start, repeat. No real flat to mention but no great hills. The course is really run the slow way, it is long gentle ups and steep downs and I reckon it woudl run faster the other way.

    The handover is halfway up a hill so each lap is an uphill finish.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Uphill finish indeed. 

    I was always staggered at how some runners managed to unleashed a blinding sprint all the way up that last bit. However, I managed to do something similar last year myself.

    If I knew how to put a Garmin trace on the thread I'd be be able to show how I got close to 5 minute miling heading for the last change over. In the rain.

    Guess I'll have to show a picture instead.


     Halfway, slightly uphill. 

    A mere 3.73 miles. So glad I haven't a marathon lined up.



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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Cheers chaps, it'll be an experience. 

    Track tonight for 6 x 1k - 3:10, 3:11, 3:11, 3:11, 3:11, 3:09. I seem to have some pace after all. Can't read tok much into it though, as there were only 6 of them, with fairly generous 400m recoveries, but promising nonetheless.

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    No running for me today - 13 days in a row and then 15/17 last few...

    However I did get a road bike as planned and took it for a spin, very undulating with some steep hills and lots of traffic lights that made me stop alot - but 4.52 miles average pace 16.9 MPH.. Will be working on this along my running. Plan to cycle (at least 10M) in the morning tomorrow and tie it in with straight back here to run into work 2.26m...

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Promising indeed dachs ("only" 6 1k reps at a mere 31 min 10k pace though? You light-weight image).

    Watch those hamstrings Scott...

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    Nice session dachs- similar to thine last night! 400 recovery - did you have a time frame in mind to stick to there though? 


    Bus- I'm gonna keep an eye on the hamstrings, I'm cycling on top of specific running training and I don't want to compromise my running 

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Whilst we're on the subject of 1k reps, that's my planned session for tonight but not ran at the paces quoted here! 8x 1k @ 3.22 (90s); then 4 min recovery; then 5x200m @ 35s (30s). 

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    Hi Johnas! The 1ks have been tpoic indeed, can I ask what is it that your training for? I'm guessing 10k here? or indeed getting some speed into for a HM? WHat times are you running for a 10k if you dont mind?


    I'm planning to cycle 10 mile around 10AM and then run 5.13m into work at 11:45 now....

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    And on that note -  I am workigng a "late" tonight so wont be up the track with SOTON AC hence the cycle + run today.. 

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Take the bike easy for today, like an 'all day' pace. Along with what Ric (AKA Font of all knowledgeimage ) has said, cycling can help running. Likely if the cycling is done at an easy level in place of or alongside recovery runs. There will also be improvement if you start doing interval bike sessions, but that type of session will impact a quality run session. Schedule it similarly to running - not too many quality sessions in a row.

    FWIW I have to stretch my hamstrings every night as they are tight. Infact, my legs are tight period.

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    Thanks for the advice iron.. I will take it easy, I am going to use a route I run round and complete it 4 times so will be 10.75 miles total but I will be able to keep track of my pace much much easier that way... Im going to get into a much better stretching routine and core work - at the moment I am only strecthing before a run which is really not good. I will look at interval bike sessions but dont know what that would be (I only relate it to running) I am determined to keep running at forefront of everything I do and not replace any running miles with bike miles  

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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