
Sub 3h15



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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    Excellent OO! I was looking at her pic on fb and trying to work out if she was wearing a pb smile!

    MsE - I would definitely never race a 20m in marathon training.
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    OO - Awesome running there by Junior. She's very good! Takes after you obviously!image Good luck tomorrow. What's the weather forecast looking like?

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    She been smiling ever since Minni. Looks OK so far GM.... 


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    Fab stuff from MsOO - massive chunk off the PB and top spot on the podium to boot.

    Expecting similar things from Poacher this weekend as well!

    MsE - I'd agree with many of the opinions with regards the 20 mile race. It's not worth racing it hard unless it's far enough away from your A race to give you a chance to recover and not jeopardise either the A race or the training in the build up to it. There's a good race just down the road from you at Cranleigh in March which is at the perfect time for the build up to London - they have a 15 and 21 mile option. I've done the 21 mile a couple of times and with hindsight burnt a couple of matches out on the course and this affected my London time. I'll definitely be going for the 15 mile option in 2015.

    It's been an odd week this week for me - very busy workwise and my running plans were further hampered by turning my ankle (again!) when out early Monday morning. Fortunately it wasn't too serious so after a day's rest I was back out again. Finished the working week with a fantastically wet and muddy 7 mile plod through the woods.

    Woking parkrun this morning - a relatively new one (they're on number 14 or so) and an interesting 3 lap mixture of paths around the leisure centre and tracks through the woods. Too many sharp turns and slippery bits (as a result of the same rain that caused part of the M25 to collapse!) to expect a fast time, so I guess I should be reasonably happy with 19:44. 

    Plan to head out onto the trails again tomorrow morning.

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    Lots going on...

    Welcome back Speedy - you will be back to full fitness soon
    MsE - 20m can indeed be a good confidence builder but beware of going flat out.
    Nice skidding Slokey - careful now
    OO - image cracking stuff, junior is flying, get yer pipe'n'slippers ready.
    Nice park running Lorenzo.  Do you have a Comrades target in mind at this stage?

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     Today's impromptu marathon was the Autumn Shakespeare near Stratford upon Avon. Why? I was in the area and wanted to run a bit of rhythm into the legs, which has been sorely lacking this year. It was 8 1/2 laps of an airfield, flat although a little breezy. But perhaps lacking in atmosphere. I enjoyed the tedium and ran fairly steady although chronically lacking in endurance at the moment. Didn't bust a gut, final score 3.19.51 for 4th OG50, nothing special but a bit of progress.

    Vast amounts of work to do before being competitive again. Mara/ultra #56. Phew.

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    Ha ha Lorenzo, you will be fine.  Have you watched the start on youtube? Got to get all emotional when Shosholoza is sung...

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    00-51- she will be catching you soon image Goodluck tomorrow don't be... well you know !

    Lorenzo- nice parkrun

    Poacher- another no notice mara box ticked and sub 3:20 too image

    For me 57 miles for the week and could have had more but postponed today's double as I've done enough   image

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    Poacher - Another notch on the mara/ultra post & a casual sub 3:20 marathon. image

    Leslie - That's a great week well done.

    Gul - Route 66!!!! You'll be running an ultra soon at this rate.

    OO - Good to hear re the weather. Sub 60 target? I did my first ever 5k in 2012 in 19:30 and have only managed to shave off 44 seconds since then but I have an inkling Junior will make inroads on that time soon. You must be very proud.

    Good luck to all the other racers this weekend.

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    Poacher, is that the same crew do the spring marathon? How was it? It currently is my backup plan for next spring and I think also a target for Gul.

    20 milers I do hard but it is not an A race, so 20@MP but not 20 at 20 mile pace, so when I was in 2:50 form I could have done 20 in 2:07 but was probably in 2:05 form.

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    PMJ yes the same. Potentially fast, the bugbears would be if were v windy; and the very frequent 90 and 180 degree turns as it's a repetitive sequence of out and backs along intersecting runways. Probably one of the flattest mara courses there is. Although Manchester in the spring sounds v flat/quick too and much bigger, if you like that sort of thing.
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    Well done to junior OO on a stonking run yesterday.

    Great to see Poacher nonchalantly knocking out another marathon. As you do!

    Leeds Abbey Dash for me as a bit of no pressure end of season fun. I can't rave about a race which thinks having a sub 35 pen and then making the next pen sub 45 is really what keen club runners want but once I'd elbowed my way through most of the sub 45 pen and a bit of over-optimistic traffic in the first 2 kms it actually went surprisingly well. I've clocked myself at 37.42 so hopefully a pb by just over 40s to round off a fab autumn. I just hope I haven't overdrawn on my good luck allowance!
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    Jools!!!!!!! Yikes, that is very quick. Is that every box ticked now this year as far as pb's are concerned? At that rate you will be running a sub 18 5k! What were you splits like? I'm guessing even.image

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    I relied on autolap for mile splits and I think fastest was about 5.54 and slowest was 6.10 - mile 6 is net uphill and I was working hard! I know 8km was just over 30 dead but garmin got the course at 6.25 so the splits must be a little awry somewhere along the line.
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭

    Hurraaaaaaaaaay, Jools! Superb new PB there!  image

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    Wow Jools. That's a fantastic time and a huge chunk off. Very well done! image

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    Great stuff Jools - you're absolutely flying at the moment. Just reward for all the hard work that you've put in over the last few months. You'll definitely be on your own in Chandos in April waiting for the rest of us to arrive!

    What's happened to OO?

    13.5 hilly and muddy miles for me this morning - hard work at times but thoroughly enjoyable.


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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    Jools, very well done. It's always a pleasure to hear of your PBs. You work hard and take the rough with the smooth without making a fuss and definitely deserve this delightful time you're having.
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    That's very kind of you, Minni.  I hope that your surgery goes ok and you then get to have lots of fun running, too.  This sort of spell of running makes all the cr*p times when I couldn't pb for love nor money worth it.  Just!

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    Fish52Fish52 ✭✭✭

    Poacher - Great last minute GFAing there. Was it the clean kit that found you the 9 seconds?


    Leslie - 57 miles - nice weekly total


    Lorenzo - Good autumn trail running. Hills and mud, great for leg strength.


    Jools - That is a flying 10k. Fantastic racing and pb.


    4 very easy miles in 38 mins this morning, to give me a grand total of 17.9 miles walking and jogging for the week. Right knee AOK.

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
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    Joolska that's a massive PB at this level - you are flying and you are right that the good days, which can be so elusive, make dozens of bad days worthwhile. Excellent stuff image

    Fishy - let's hear it for non complaining knee

    A serendipitous run today (in yesterday's dirty kit image) - 3.5m slow recovery through the fields took me past a llama/sheep farm which was giving away significant quantities of manure for free.  So I finished the run then went back in the car to shovel it up. That's next year's veg beds sorted, hurrah.

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    Thanks Jools. I've got everything crossed!

    Poacher - I hope you added your kit to the pile. ????
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    Whatever floats your boat Poacher!

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    Good run and great new PB Jools. I was a bit slower with 37:51 at Brighton. Dead flat course but the wind blew a bit and the last 3.5k were a hard push.

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    KR - nice 16 miler + parkrun.
    Birch - good long run.
    Speedy - great to hear you're back running again. Enjoy all that racing!
    OO - congrats to OO jnr!
    Lorenzo - nice parkrun tourism. Hope you're enjoying the mud.
    Poacher - good pacing and yet another 26.2 under the belt - that course looks very inspiring.
    Leslie - good mileage for the week.
    PMJ - yes, you're right, Raceways Spring Shakespeare is currently the best option I can come up with. Great 10k time on a windy day.
    Jools - wow, that's amazingly fast and a cracking new PB.
    Fishy - still looking good.
    12 miles inc. 6 up and down the bridge @ 7:56 m/m. One side of the bridge had the streetlights off, so now going to report it to the council - no collisions but it was not good.

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    Jools-always nice to get a shiny new pb.image

    Poacher- free dung nice image

    PmJ- great run in the wind image

    Fishy-round that up to 18 miles no .1 er's here.image Good progress anyway .

    Gul-nice 12 in the darkness


    another double with just under 7 easy in the morn and 6 with 8x400 thrown in  after work.




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    hi every 1 could anybody tell me can weight training be beneficial 2 marathons

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