
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2017

    Thought about it, and I'll take both tips!

    Have done 69-68-66 as 3 big weeks, so can afford a cutback/smaller/race week.

    Therefore, tomorrow i'll do the 8x400 at 1500 pace off 90secs (plan gives 2mins but that's probably too generous, normal 400s are 60secs, but that's when higher reps, and slower intensity.)

    And then next week i'll try a 2x2.5m HMP with a faster dash at the end of each rep, as per Ric.

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    SG: I would probably take a slightly different approach, and an approach that will almost fit in with what Phil and Ric say. You have had five weeks of progressive tempo work, and as you will realise, you can't keep upping things every week, plus you have had three big mileage weeks: I'd be looking to freshen things up with a relatively unstructured fartlek, throwing in sections of 30/45/60/90 seconds. Sometimes it is refreshing to do something completely different. And I would get away from the track this week. Mix things up a bit!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2017

    Oh cripes, all good opinions, all from good runners. It was so much easier in the Moz days!

    What you say Aley is bang on generally, but I would say I've taken my time to "ease" back into proper tempos. In the Moz days, a 6.5m MP would be a standard session, and that took me 4 goes to get to. So in fairness the progressions have more been a mental gear change rather than too much of a strain.

    I think yours and Ric's ideas will be ones to add, but perhaps next week now.

    Phil has got me remembering that awful feeling of mile pace, so am definitely thinking some 400s at faster than that are a good idea.

    If I was Dachs i'd probably do 800s, but erm, i'm not, so won't :)

    ps I've sent off my form for the March LFOTM, so will see you then!

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    Funnily enough, SG, I entered today via email. See you there! And I hope that I have the energy that Leicester had tonight!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    email? am I missing a trick? I thought these guys kept it ridiculously old school with the insistence on post only, SAE envelope, no EOD shenanighans!

    Either way, fingers crossed for a better day than last time we met! I at least had the fall back of having gone sub 17 at the Battersea park 5k beforehand lasttime!

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    SG - By looks of that perhaps mix it up and maybe a 3, 2, 1 mile set with reducing recoveries too. But I maybe realise now after PMJs post you are mile racing Friday in which case something short and sweet or easy + strides if you are really attempting a big effort

    CC82, Good for getting out on a run but horrible position to be in. I'd consider running but always stop when you feel any pain. So today is 2 miles I'd set out for a KM out and back and see from that, adding bits if it feels ok. If you can get out for 15 mins or so a day it's still really going to help

    SC - Runt pronounced with a C is it ;) Good outing but boy are you crazy to run when not even 50% probably with the leg issue, or at least just one day pain free before hand :S - The talk of track seems lovely! 

    Bus - My issue was just about comfort really, I am so worried about my feet now. I went in the shop late this evening and was to be surprised by the sheer range. Some random nike zooms at 50 squid looked, felt and seemed no different from the current 110 quid nikes I wear. I didn't get them though but made me more comfortable about a "cheaper" shoe

    Daughter turns 5 tomorrow. Time has flown
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Scott, I noticed you mentioned orthotics. It took me years to get around to trying some and when I did, my feet stopped working properly, and I damaged the ligaments.
    Those were the solid version, so I tried a soft type of insole with an arc support. Those were much better, but one day I reverted to the soft flat insole which came with the shoe. I've used nothing else since.
    The way I saw it (I was engineer once) the orthotics only forced my feet into an unnatural position stopping the full range of movement. They never addressed the real issue which was feet and ankles not being strong enough for the job.
    One of my exercises now involves springing up and down on my toes with 20kg of weights on the bar. That's developed the required strength. 
    On account of this discovery, a lot of my training is based on making sure my feet and lower legs are being trained, rather than simply propelling myself from A to B.


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    alehouse said:
    Funnily enough, SG, I entered today via email. 
    As SG says, how do you do that?
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    And +1 for that query!
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    And Scott - yes time does fly. My daughter is 16 this year and its just a blink of an eye since I had to run home on a sprained ankle to rescue her pregnant mum from the bath! Makes it even more important to make the most of the time you have with your kids now!!!
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    The Bus said:

    And Scott - yes time does fly. 
    I'm coming up to 25 years since the day I had to run the National 12 stage relays after a disturbed night when the police got me out of bed to go to hospital for the birth of my eldest. Don't they know athletes need sleep? 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I found out that the LFOTM geezer keeps some entries back for "fast" runners, which i believe he classes as in the lower 17 mixer, but online? Will be interested...

    Did my 8x400 then. 
    Grip was a little off again, not sure how much is the 800+ mile racers (!) and how much was the track itself (de ice car job again today), but didn't feel as stable as other times.
    Ipod had died, so a very rare headfone less session too. Useful to hear what sort of breathing i can look forward to on Friday and not be put off by it!

    1.11, 1.13,1.12, 3x1.13, 1.14, 1.13 for a 1.13 average. That'd do on Friday!
    Felt fairly tough work, even if it didn't actually feel like i was running that fast at any particular moment. Noticed i took 11 seconds too little recovery on 1 rep, but that was in the 1.13s, that didn't cause the 1.14.

    I'd have to check, but i suspect i averaged quicker when i first did the 5k plan in order, but that would have been a bit fresher without the weeks of tempos, on a smooth track, no doubt in warm weather.

    I remember doing 5k paced 400s under Moz a good few times, probably only 10 or so, and them coming out 1.20s or just under, so to think 1.13s will "do" is ok i think.
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    I'd say you could be rounding nicely into PB shape there SG, nice session.

    My eldest is 4 next week, we are trying to slow it all down. My wife was getting broody but I'm all done, I think they just try and keep it going by having more but they cost too much, imagine how many bikes I could have bought with those nursery  fees.

    Foot is somewhat improved, especially after sitting at a computer all day yesterday. Strangely after a nights sleep it was a bit inflamed again but only slightly.

    I am starting to miss going for a run, not the round the streets type runs but the off road scenic jobs.
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    Yes Scott - I was stupid - think I might have to stop running again for a bit, had to pull out of the Intercounties too, I just can't do any more cross country this season. Shame, as I wanted to have a really strong xc season to lead me into the track.

    Its either Piriformis or Hamstring Tendinopathy. Either way it's a pain in the arse. At least it's not painful when I'm sitting down. In a mood.

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    February done and 161.50 miles at an average pace of 7:54 m/m.

    Today was last Tuesday's Hammersmith & Barnes Riverside Handicap and I manage a rare win. Seemed to be doing nicely and about 3/4 of a mile from the end I passed a marshall who shouted out I was 5th and there was an immediate group of 3 ahead so I knew that left one further down the road. As I got onto Hammersmith Bridge I saw him ahead and thought he had too much of a lead but there was still about 400m left and once off the bridge he was close enough to chase down in the finishing section. Nervous end as he didn't look round to see me and I knew if he pushed it would be much harder, but it was only when I was alongside him that he picked up and my GPS says I was doing 5:15 pace so it was a bit one-sided by then. 
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Well I've just the one. A lad who's now 20 years old. 
    I had more considerations financially than just covering immediate bills. Living for the day on borrowed cash was never part of any plan I wished to be part of. 

    Tough on the injury front Simon. Not knowing when or if the problem will clear up is the difficult part.

    Thought I'd twanged something this morning while doing some rubbish version of speedwork.
    Just some remnant of the injury I had last year. Can't feel it now, so maybe lucky.

    As for the session. Went for a warm up but took ages to get the HR going. Damn low and had to endure going into oxygen debt while it mucked about at around 120bpm. Even after two miles the rate only just touched 140bpm. 
    I'm all dressed up, but the cold still gets to me. My muscles simply refuse to function.
    Went home, put on the racers and had a go. Hopeless. HR stayed low which ensured that I blew up after only 300m max. Pace was down to low '5's but dead feeling. HR peaked at 153bpm!

    Gave up after less than a miles worth.


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    Great stories :)

    Ric, I had carbon ones plaster casted so they are essentially correct moulds to support my feet. 
    However as time has passed they are probably in need of replacement in which I should really get onto the NHS and seek some more treatment regarding my plantar, it's not painful to run just always tender in the morning and can get quite bad cramps

    Impressive session SG you're shifting there!

    Hopefully it continues to improve Reg

    SC - Gutting to have to drop out of inters :( perhaps a bit of rest then a fresh intro into the track won't do the track season any harm. I wouldn't go in with negative thoughts, no reason you can't run well

    Short month but 181 miles for me so continuing the good start to 2017. 6.5 ish a day, up from the  6 av (187 total) for Jan.. I have had at least 1 day off per week 

    If I can continue and get a another similar month in it will be my biggest ever opening 3 months to a year since I started running. 

    This time last year I was just about to go in for my arsehole operation :)  

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Good progress Scott and running from Philip and SG. 

    Sorry to report I was knocked flying off my bike this morning going to work and am just home from A&E. Woman simply turned left out of a side road without even stopping at the junction and ploughed straight into me. Big and deep wounds to my right arm and shin and ankle. Ribs broken too but most concerning (though not most painful) is my right ankle. X Rays show a fracture but not clear if that was from today or what I thought was a sprain a few weeks back. Very bizarre and feeling sorry for myself that I have all this due to her moronic driving. Police and ambulance were called and plenty of witnesses so will wait and see what happens next. Lucky to be alive I suppose. 
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    Pete, get well soon. All the best.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Simon - obviously it was a suprise to see you come in after me after i had gone off piste so i knew something wasnt 100% with you....in normal shape im sure you are top 200.   im also dropping out of inter counties.  just not feeling it and i have had a sickness bug for the last couple of days, which explains my race on sunday.  Im also v unlikely to do trafford 10k on sunday as well.  some of my club are off to fort romeu nr barcelona for a month long traning camp and im tempted to go and get into track mode!

    Dachs decent run. though maybe under where i think you could finish.  but courses like that play into a certain type of runner.  half the course was excellent conditions the other had knee deep bogs to break the stride and pace.  it certainly doesnt favour me and maybe the silly part of the course took some of your very good form from you.  Chap i beat at the counties who ran 71.11 a few weeks ago placed top 110.  no way is he as good as you under normal circumstances. hopefully the inters conditions are better and you get just rewards.

    Matt - for all my toilet issues i didnt manage to smear myself in it , so well down for achieving that with the geese :-)

    Scott - if you are after some nike lightweight racers,   message me

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2017
    Pete  - bloody hell old son! Sounds horrific, but glad you can call the positives of it, and are able to write on here!
    Puts it into perspective how trivial all of our pissing about going for runs and anorakly recording stuff seems in comparison!

    And i think it shows the measure of what a top guy you are to offer your encourgement to other posters, before relaying your much more important news!!
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    edited February 2017
    Yes Pete, I'll endorse what SG has just said. 
    Hopefully the driver will end up with suitable endorsements.
    Have a speedy recovery.
    Trying to visualise how a driver (lets be clear here, a women driver) came out of a junction turning 'left', managed to mangle you down your right hand side.
    Unless you were going the other way and she negotiated the junction on two wheels ending up on your side of the road.


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    Oh shit Pete, sounds horrific. Was it dark or light? I've noticed lately that I'm not being seen when I don't cycle with the headtorch on, that really seems to catch their eye more. I've had two near misses in the last 2 weeks.

    Get well soon, I'm half expecting you to still do a parkrun/10k double though this weekend.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Thanks guys; especially SG for starting this thread and for the way everyone encourages and supports each other.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    There's been the occasional niggly moments, and there's some gentle banter here and there, but when there's serious stuff afoot, it's always recognised Pete.

    Slot into rehab mode for a while, and it'll revitalise you when it's time to get going again.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    alehouse said:
    Can i be the first one to lighten the mood by screaming a Carry on style "ooooh matron"  o:)
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    How do you report inappropriate comments these days? 

    And talking of the new site, have we lost the pen picture sort of section where achievements etc are mentioned/regular competitive runner/favourite event etc etc?
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    That aside, that's a top United anecdote! Must have been a bit starstruck!

    I went to our Manc depot recently, and one of the big managers said they sometimes go to the training ground for talks, and Jose will just walk past them!
    he did say they'd have to "get me down there", but I doubt that'd happen!

    We haven't had a stressy pre-amble to a race for a while, so let's have a stressy pre-amble about getting to my work site from a few weeks ago!
    I had over an hour to cover a few miles, and clocked that the house from a great sitcom that I watch called "Fresh Meat" was a few miles from the depot. Headed off there, took some snaps, loved it!

    Off to the quoted postcode of the depot.... slightly concerned, as it's in the middle of the City, loads of one ways. Wasn't overly concerned, until i got to where it was meant to be, and there's nothing of the sort, just barren wasteground. Noone's answering from work, the "road" is one of these massive long ones that covers forever (and no number either) ,  Phone died, no charger,  so asked a random local. Is this M6? no, this is M3! (which i can't believe was correct)

    Drove around aimlessly, miraculously found one of our work lorries, followed it, and it took me to the depot...PHEW, albeit a fair bit late...

    At least i'd seen the house right?
    Wrong,  compared the photo of the house to the tv show one online...wrong bloody house. Wrong end of the street.
    So, erm there we are ;)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2017
    ps @alehouse  (check that for a tag facility!), are you the only guy on the site with a signature!! Love it
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