
Shades Marathon Training



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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Excellent, Big G - I'd have been happy with those goodies. And hey, that's a 5.6 mile PB!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Shades: Just popping in to say lovely as ever to see you again it must be our yearly meet up.I hope it did not get too warm for you and your calf behaved for you .You were looking strong when ever I spotted you:-) have a safe journey home.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Cal - the dragon pose is the one that I overreached one time (memories of when I could do the splits and suffered for a few days after :'(  ).   All those hip openers really help, we seem to do nearly all hip stretches/poses in our class.
    Sorry to hear today's run didn't go well.   You could just drop to 10 miles next weekend, better to have legs that feel fresh for your marathon and you raced a half last week which is equivalent to a good 15 or 16 mile long run in effort.

    Ian5 - great that you've persuaded your mates to leave later so you can get your long run done!   I think you may be addicted to running :)    You're getting to grips with those hills now too ;)

    Big G - that sounded like a tough race, I wasn't sure if you'd have trouble getting there as lots of road closures in Exeter today.

    I've had a lovely email from Tarquin so I will very soon be a Maverick too.

    mamafox - are you OK, not poorly I hope?  

    WP - lovely to see you again too today.   Did you make your target time?  Weather was perfect for me but was a bit windy for the final few miles.
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    edited May 2017
    Great Welsh Marathon today for me, good conditions warmed up nicely to 18 degrees by the time I finished but the humidity had dropped a little and a breeze kept it cool.

    Was worried that I might have a repeat of the sore calves that I suffered in last week's race.   When I arrived at the Travelodge yesterday I carefully cut all the pieces of Kinesio tape and then taped both calves up firmly this morning before the race.   During the race not even the mildest twinge in either calf so definitely was over enthusiastic Pilates exercise that caused that last week.

    Today I ran just as I felt, got to halfway in 2:17 and after halfway was starting to pick off other runners, small field in the marathon, only 123 finishers, due to the late announcement of the event I think.   At 11 miles my groin started to niggle and didn't ease off at all, I think because I was running at effort.   At 18 miles I walked through a drink station and found my groin stopped hurting when I walked so did little walk breaks during the last 8 miles just to ease it a bit but I was still keeping an eye on the time.

    Finished in 4:44:12 so only lost 10 minutes in the 2nd half compared to the first half due to the walk breaks.   Finish time a course best by 3 minutes and actually my fastest marathon for 6.5 years, however in 2011 and 2014 I did finish only a minute and a bit slower in other marathons.   But all in all very pleased, groin feels fine now.  Treated myself to a giant hot dog at the finish, tasted so good.  Lovely drive home, no hold ups.

    Very pleased to see the winner today was Matt Rees the Swansea Harrier that helped the runner in the finish straight at London, I thought I recognised him, he was smiling all the time he was running.   The course is 2 figure of eight laps and you get a chance to see the other runners, makes for a really good atmosphere.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, that's a great run for a 6.5 year fastest race.  Brilliant running.  No wonder you're pleased with that!  Good news you know what the cause of the calf issue was for sure, too.

    I think I am pretty much recovered from last week in terms of tiredness etc, so I'm happy too.  I'm looking forward to Leiden now, and will get a 10-12 miler in this week I hope. 
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Shades : that sounds like a great run and great news it was  a course best and best marathon in over 6 years:-)

    I had to stop at portaloo at mile 3 so that slowed me up and finished in 2.08.35 a course pb by 17 minutes .See you next year :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Shades, that's a great time considering you put in some walk breaks. That'll be an age group PB, no? Bloody well done.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-That's a great time and to get a 6 year PB is brilliant and more to come by the sounds of it.
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    Big G - with all these marathons you're doing there's no need to do anything longer than 10 or 12 miles in training, not enough time to do any longer runs :)

    WP - well done, that's a huge course best, especially with a loo stop too.  Funny, I thought you did about 2:15 last year but I must have imagined it!

    Cal - yes definitely an age PB, I've only been in this age group 9 months!  It did give me 65% WAVA which I'm pleased with as my marathon PB of 4:24:02 at the age of 54 gave me a WAVA of 64.2%.   It might not be that I'm running better but that I'm good at getting older :D

    Ian5 - thank you, I hope I can do a little better next time

    Cool fresh morning, short recovery run done and dusted, legs are fine :)
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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭
    Shades - that's a brilliant result, amazing that the 2nd half was only 10 mins slower when you had to run/walk it. Good that the groin and legs have recovered well.

    Well done too to WelshPoppy and Big G for great races.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Shades: No last year was 2.25 I also was surprised it was that slow but I remember I was coming back from knee injury.
    Well done on recovery run I had swollen ankle yesterday but looks like it has gone down and a lovely shade of purple so a bit slow getting around recovery run will be slow:-)

    SlowKoala Thank you:-)

    I shall leave you lovely marathoners alone enjoy your training and races:-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    SK - thanks, I am a fine walker :)

    WP - Hope the ankle is OK.   You are always welcome on here, you don't have to be running a marathon to be here.
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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭
    Well done Shades.. that's a fab result. You must be really pleased.  You managed that in spite of your injuries as well so you must be on top form. Bodes well for DD  :)

    Hi WP - Well done on your race too!

    Big G - Well done on your off roader and your speedy parkrun a while back. Can't believe you have another marathon coming up too.. am losing track of you!

    No, I haven't been ill Shades. I had really bad toothache (think that high HR patch I had must have been due to that), have made an appt with the dentist for tomorrow but as tooth is now better might cancel it(!). My mum has decided to come over for a week so I've been running around a bit for that. It's nice seeing friends and family but we've had three weeks of visitors now and it's a bit much. It's all the extra cooking I hate.
    Anyway, on a running note I'm just keeping easy running. Did my last longish run yesterday which went ok, not brilliant but ok. Foot cramps and aches a bit but manageable.
    My Hokas have arrived and I look like I have a pair of brightly coloured boats on my feet. Thank you for the advice about the difference in heel drop Shades, hadn't thought about that. They feel completely different to what I am used to and to be honest I am too scared to try them out until after my marathon in case I am struck down by another injury. I have worn them to put the washing out and that's about it. 
    No running today. Bank holiday here and we're off to the memorial for the ceremony with the local Banda accompanying the children singing the Marseillaise. Oldest son currently panicking trying to learn the words as he's forgtten them  :D
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    MF, thanks.  I've only booked Leiden so far in a couple of weeks, but am thinking of one in June (Milton Keynes around a lake) and then one in August (Gloucester), but I'll book those after Leiden, depending on if I'm still feeling okay.  Then probably I won't do any others until October (Abingdon, which is booked) to get some half-decent training in.  But it all depends on how I'm feeling/injuries etc.

    Shades, RK sent me a great report his week - he sent me "Yesterday had elevation of 4,858ft".  I asked for more information but nothing was forthcoming so I did my best and wrote "RK finished a marathon somewhere in the country in an unspecified time on what was apparently a hilly course. Well done to R...".  :)   I don't think that will make the papers....  Lots going on in the report this week though; two Trotters did Shakespeare marathon inwrap for the DD, a fast 10K, 3 offroad races, and a GB Trotter who did a Duathlon in Spain.

    Welshpoppy - congrats on your race :)  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I missed your time,very well done on what sounds like a tough course.
    Nice 9.5 miles along the front again this morning before work,wasn't too bad as the wind was against me outward bound so force me to keep it slower then behind me on the way home so I could relax,hopefully should get a full week in again this week.
    Last week,even though I missed my long run,I still did just over 30,which until this plan would have been at the top end of my usual mileage.
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Jugula - hope you shake off your cold properly.

    Big G - great sub 21 parkrun. If you can fit one in when you're not coming straight off a marathon then I think you'll improve on that a lot as well. Nice 10k (ish) run as well, though think I'd be a bit annoyed if it was short unless they told you before the start.

    Cal - good parkrun for you too. Times heading in the right direction I think? Nice to get the bonus seconds in the official results :) Sorry to hear you had to abort your long run. Maybe you are more run down that you realise from your recent efforts? Good luck with the masseur.

    SK - I don't think that's actually a huge amount to slow down by your kid lol. I remember doing one last year that was something like 6:05/6:50/7:20 when I went out too hard. Must be nice getting the whole family there.

    Ian - more great ultra training from you.

    Shades - brilliant result in your marathon, though annoying that your groin is still giving you some problems. Is that your best ever WAVA score?

    Didn't get up for the sub2 attempt but read a little about it. I'm not a big fan of the project overall - I like the idea of pushing the boundaries of what's possible, but the lack of transparency and not following certain accepted rules (eg pacers dropping in and out, and drafting behind a car) doesn't sit well with me. Having said that, I think it was still an amazing effort by Kipchoge, and I think shows he is probably in shape to break the WR in a legitimate race as well (but then, he was really very close in London last year too). I think it also shows that Nike's claim that the shoes give a 4% improvement in efficiency is complete rubbish. Maybe it's 4% more efficient than running barefoot or something, but certainly compared to any other leading shoe they can't have been worth more than 1s/km as an upper estimate (and probably less).

    I didn't do any exercise all weekend until Sunday evening as I had some spare time, then just did 5 miles easy. Knee didn't give me any trouble, was slightly aware of it at points (and similar today) but would call it discomfort rather than pain and no reaction today. The annoying thing is my foot is a bit sore again, on the outside of my left foot. This doesn't hurt at all when I run, and isn't overly painful, but seems to get worse after running. Think I will rest until Wednesday and hope everything clears up. It's all heading in the right direction at least.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Nick, yeah they told us before the start in an email a day or two before.  It was only ever "approx 10K" anyway, so it's all fine.
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    That's fair enough then.
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    mamafox - good to hear you're not ill.   I'm sure your tooth flaring up like that was some sort of infection and your HR would certainly be raised fighting that off.   Hope you're able to cancel to dentist now.

    The Hokas do feel completely different, to me like putting very comfortable slippers on :)  I wore mine for my recovery run this morning and they do feel good after a marathon.

    Very patriotic song practise in your house them :D

    Big G - I've entered the Newport marathon but due to low entries it's been moved to Boddington (Glos) if you're interested, but I think it's the same day as Torbay Half which I think you're doing?   Boddington is a tiny hamlet and it's multiple laps, road, fast course except when it was 33 degrees and a 3rd of the field dropped out, there is no shade on the course.

    Well there's no danger of RK taking over your Press role with the Trotters. :D   I don't know what event he meant, I think there was a White Star event on this weekend, they're hilly?

    Ian5 - that step back week in mileage probably did you a lot of good.

    Nick - yes, best ever WAVA score, only by a little though. Groin is manageable, stops hurting as soon as I walk or stop and not interfering with training.   Apparently it should just gradually fade away now...I hope!

    I too, wasn't a fan of the Nike B2 marathon thing but once I started watching it I was hooked, might not have been quite so keen if it hadn't be my favourite runner Kipchoge <3

    Sounds like you've tweaked a tendon in your foot.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I'm not sure who it was organised by, but the race he did was last Thursday - I think it was called "May The Fourth" or something similar, so Star Wars themed.  

    Thanks for that other marathon Shades, but as you say I'm doing Torbay Half that day.
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    I think that's one of the COD RC events.

    I thought that race date was no good for you.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    For people who buy Asics shoes, I've just purchased a pair from Intersport.  They came with a free pair of Asics running socks, and the code "10-OFF-BASKET" gave 10% off.  Orders over £65 were free delivery.

    I haven't used them before, so fingers crossed it'll be fine.  I'll let you know :)  
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    My favourite socks are Asics (Kayano), the only ones I use for races.    Not going to buy any more shoes at the moment...hides credit card. :'(

    That's a good deal.   I'm sure I've been in their shops.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, for my shoes they were the cheapest online anyway. Then with the socks (Kayano) and the discount it was a good price. They only had one pair in my size, but I may check again with a brand new account to see if any others appear on the site. Asics have Version 5 of my shoe out now (GT 2000), but I bought the Version model, which I know I like. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Got my massage done and he did some laser treatment. Felt a bit better after. I asked him if I should go back next week and he said not necessarily, so I said I wanted to give myself the best chance of getting to Liverpool and he looked at me like I was nuts, and then said I guess you'd better. So back for more next Monday. :D
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Hi all, everyone has been busy!

    Shades - Well done on your race and fastest time! That sounds awesome!

    Big G - Interesting that you're doing Leiden. I've been umming and ahhing about it. Its a great fast course but can be a bit windy. I love your race report! Definite journalist there!

    Mamafox - good to hear that your mouth is feeling better!

    Nick - good news about your knee but bad news about the foot :( Definitely sounds like you need some rest.

    I've had a strange last week. I've got bruised ribs but have no idea how so took a few days to recover and rest. I've started running again and for the first time in a few weeks the toe that i broke has started to ache whilst running so i'm taking it easy. In short, i feel a little broken!
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Shades - have done a little research online and I agree with you, seems like a very minor peroneal tendon issue at the moment. Probably due to doing some speedwork so will cut back on that and see if it goes away.
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    Nick - I often tweak ankle tendons, sometimes without realising at the time.  If it's very sore I sometimes just put a mild support strapping on it but generally it just goes away in a few days.

    Big G - I never see the point in paying big bucks for the newest model of shoes, they replace them so quickly that it's not long before the newer ones are in the sales. 

    When I did the 10 in 10 Asics gave us £600 of kit each, most of us loved the socks which were Kayano and I've worn them for all my races since, they last for ages too.

    Emmy - you're turning out to be very accident prone lately :'(   Re your toe, maybe you need to do some physio type exercises to get some flexibility back? 
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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭
    Shades - congratulations on your marathon  :)

    Well done to everyone else who has been racing, especially if you've done good times  :)

    I did Ridgeway 40 on Saturday. Ran the down bits and walked the rest. Was very tough going this year as the ground (mainly chalk) was like concrete and there were LOTS of stony paths. I don't have any blisters and my trail shoes didn't rub anywhere - but my soles feel like they've been battered with a baseball bat - I think I need a bit more cushioning. A headwind all the way didn't help and it was quite cold in the wind, but warmish when sheltered. Lovely countryside and views as usual plus well stocked checkpoints! Went round with a couple of friends and finally staggered in in 11hrs 12mins (3hrs 20m slower than just 2 years ago, but as my daughter said 'what do you expect when you do the events without much training?). So glad I'd booked at the YH for Saturday night as well. Legs and feet ached so much I found it hard to get to sleep until I raised them on a plump pillow. Glad I did it though - it's one of my favourites. 5th time for me this year, but there was a walker (much faster than us) who did it for the 50th time this year. At the tea/coffee checkpoint they had a chocolate cake for him complete with candles (one 5 and one 0, not 50).

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    edited May 2017
    Cal - well that's good news that your sports masseur thought you were healing well, until you mentioned Liverpool of course!

    mowzer - well done, that must have been tough.  The ground round here is like concrete too and must have been really hard in chalky area.

    50 years doing the same event is a phenomenal achievement for that guy, I guess he knows the route well!

    You may have seen me mention joining another running club, I resigned my membership from the 100 Marathon Club on Saturday :) :) :)  
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