
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, any reason behind resigning from the 100MC?  Just being nosey  o:)

    Mowzer, 50 years of doing an event like that is amazing.  Well done on your finish, too.
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Shades: you're not the only one resigning from them. There's a fair few following your path (always a trendsetter ;-)). 

    Im going to try some yoga to see if it'll help my general flexibility and strengthen my weaker areas.  Let's hope I don't do anything in the meantime! 
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Just had a long catch up of all the posts, great running everyone! Big G, Cal and SK at Parkrun to name a few.

    Shades - Yes, ultra training started today! Had a few more interviews, but nothing concrete yet. I've found the hardest thing is getting the interview technique right....after 18 years of not being interviewed though I'm not surprised!! Well done at Great Welsh Marathon...that's a great WAVA result!

    Big G / Cal - Just looked over my events and I've clocked 12 HM's since my first in 2014...so well behind you both!

    Anyway my final week of recovery, finished off with 36 miles and a 12 mile long run instead of 11 as I felt good! Will hit over 40 miles this week.
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    Big G - Emmy and mowzer will agree that over the last few months there has been a lot of bad feeling and I've been horrified at the stuff that's been put on the FB page, I've had to sit on my hands not to respond.   I was having doubts about renewing my membership as I was thinking I no longer wanted to be associated with such a group but the new Chairman assured me that things would improve, they have on that side but not much.  
    However, the final straw came when I discovered that they weren't going to renew their affiliation to ARC, this used to be an item the members voted on at the AGM but this year the committee decided themselves, which I don't doubt the legality of their decision process but what they didn't do was tell the members of their decision.  In fact they issued the minutes of the meeting to us but left it out of the minutes, apparently they are going to be reissued.   But we all know in a meeting you have an agenda of all items to be voted on and then you note the decisions made and that is your minutes.   How you can 'overlook' an item I don't know as minutes are approved before distribution so all who voted should have seen the minutes first.   I know as a director of ARC I am more affected and sensitive to this than anyone else but to me it's a matter of principle.   It concerns me that there might be other decisions being made that members know nothing about.   I've been a member for 16 years, I used to be a committee member and have always been a strong ambassador for the club and proud to wear the club vest.   I'm now ashamed to be a member and want to sever all ties.  

    Gets down off of soapbox....sorry rant over, but you did ask :D

    Emmy - who else is resigning?  I'd be interested to know, mail me if you don't want to publish names.

    See if you can find a Yin Yoga class, it's all done sitting or lying down so you can't fall over/down as you've been doing lately   ;) and it's great for runners.

    Steve - sounds like you're fresh and ready to tackle that ultra training :)

    Good luck with the interview technique, not something I can help you with.  I used to try so hard to interview in the way that was advised, I've had quite a lot of jobs so a fair few interviews.   However, I had much more success when I just was completely myself at the interview, I discovered this by accident.  I had just run my first 3 marathons in 3 days, the famous triple of Beachy Head, Snowdonia and Dublin so for me a long tiring weekend with 950 miles of driving and I had a job interview the morning after I got home from that trip.   As I'd just been running and driving and had no time to plan or even think about the interview I decided to leave home an hour earlier, drive to Exeter where the interview was and spend an hour in a quiet café just preparing for my interview.  Unfortunately as I left home there was a bomb scare at our Sainsburys and all the traffic was stopped, I only arrived at the interview one minute before appointment time, had to leave car on double yellow line, totally stressed, no coffee and no interview plan.   So I just rabbited on about the weekend's marathon etc, can't even remember what else and I got the job, he reckoned that some madwoman that did that sort of stuff at a weekend was strong enough to deal with the problems in the accounts department.

    Milder this morning, lovely running weather, 6 miles, legs are fine.  

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Shades: are you being serious about ARC?  I didn't know that? I'm astounded thats been hushed through :-( 

    There's been a lot of bad feeling and unfortunately some actions done by the new committee aren't suggesting that it's going to improve things... But these things take time. 

    Another short run for me this morning.  The pollen was really affecting my asthma this morning so kept it nice and easy 
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Cal - glad the massage was effective.

    mowser - well done on the Ridgeway 40, it sounds tough with the hard ground. Doing it 50 times is amazing! That's a lovely touch that they had a cake for him.

    Steve - sounds like your recovery has gone well.

    Shades - sorry that you've had a bad experience with the 100 club, but good that you've found a new club!

    Emmy - look after yourself, keeping it easy sounds like a good plan :)
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    Just navigating my  way round the new site, it's been a while since I've come here

    Mowzer what was the Ridgeway 40 like?  I quite like the look for that for another year

    I do like ultra runs ( just done TP100 and loved it ) it's just the training that takes up the time

    Sorry to hear you've resigned from the 100MC Shades, I'm also a member and just feels so sad at times to see what's happened but want to give DL benefit of the doubt to turn things around as I think he's taken on a mess from the old committee so guess it's not going to happen over night :-/
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, sorry to hear about the things going on at 100MC.  For an active/prominent member such as yourself to resign, things must be bad!  Good news that the Mavericks are so welcoming and although it will be a bit strange seeing you in different colours to the 100MC, you've obviously made the right decision.  As you say, Minutes of meetings should be signed off as a true and accurate record of what went on at the meeting so that is a bad, let's say, "oversight".  Are they affiliating with EA now then (if they weren't already) or not affiliating with anyone?  I'm just wondering what the reasons are behind it, as I know the Trotters have had a few run ins with EA over a few different things and although we are still affiliated to them, the club is much more aligned with ARC - I think only about 25% of Trotters take out EA membership, but but to be honest I do not know what percentage of the membership race regularly, as there are a few family memberships which include non-runners.  Chair has made his feelings pretty clear in the club mag and newsletters about why he hasn't renewed his EA membership, and it's partly to do with how as a member of the Trotters (who are an affiliated club), an individual will not necessarily appear in the results as a Trotter if they're not an EA member; I think there has been a lot of correspondence between EA and the Trotters on quite a few things.  Anyway, I was just wondering what the 100MC's reasons are for that particular decision.

    Committee meeting last night at Trotters.  I raised my concern about club kit at races and Chair proposed a "three strikes and you're out" system - i.e., if a person isn't in club kit once, they get a gentle reminder.  If it happens a second time, they get a more strongly worded reminder.  If it happens a third time, they're out.  May seem harsh, but Chair has been thinking of this for some time, so I just happened to raise it at a timely point, but Committee agreed with his proposal.  As it is quite a big change it will need to go into the next AGM/EGM I think as it will be a change to the constitution, so I suppose there is still a small chance it won't get adopted, but I think it very likely will.  Exceptions will remain charity runs, parkruns (which aren't races anyway), ultras, and things like duathlons/tris (where people may wear tri suits etc).

    I've been spending a bit of time going back through the old club records at the club (we record 10K, 10 Mile, Half and Marathon at the different age groups for men and women).  But we only store the current records, and we thought it would be good to see all the history of that particular record.  It's taken some work as I've had to go back through old versions of the website since 1999 and check each version of the site, and add in a new record if it has changed.  But I've done it now, with the exceptions of 2017 as the system hasn't stored website copies for this year, but I can get the records off of the news reports.  I know I'm a geek but I've found it interesting for a number of reasons.  Firstly, one person may have held the, let's say, the V35 marathon record for the 5 years they were in that category, but it's interesting to see how they've chipped away at that time since they've been in that age category.  Secondly, for some of the records, a member may have held the record for only a relatively short time, but I think it's good to have their name in the records, as a one-time holder of that record.  It's taken me a bit of time, but I have actually enjoyed doing it.  I'm just tidying it up and it will be on the website in the next week or so hopefully.  And again Chair is a right stats geek too, so he wanted it done anyway.
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Big G - that sounds like a fair rule but i'm surprised that they don't wear it. That sounds like a great little project to go through! Have you seen any 'amazing' performances?

    Jo - Welcome! Not seen you for ages! I've followed your progress on TP! Well done!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Emmy, probably the three that stood out to me were:
    a)  The Senior and V35 female marathon record.  Held by the same person, and she went from 3:27 in 2012, 3:21 in 2013, 3:14 in 2014, 3:02 in 2015 and then 2:59 in 2016.  Just amazing/consistent progression and a lot of hard work by her.  I think she is injured now though, unfortunately, so not sure what she's doing this year.
    b)  As a V60 a lady did 4:25 in 2012, and then as a V65 she did 4:23 in 2016.  Again a lot of hard work by her and to get quicker is pretty good.  I don't know for sure but I think she came to running relatively late on in life.
    c)  As a V70 a lady did 3:49 in 1993.  No one has got near that in the Club, and she was/is a world record holder at some distances as a Vet.  

    To be honest, it's these types of things that inspire me more than say our club's fastest man. It's a great time by him (2:39) and obviously a lot of hard work too, but things like that above Senior/V35 and seeing her go from "good" to "very good" over a period of time is inspiring I think.  And all three of the people above are very humble about their achievements, and just nice people.
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    Emmy - yes true about ARC but for most members it won't affect them at all.  It's the not being told of decisions that is so wrong.  100MC have been getting more pro UKA for a while now, I usually have an email spat with IB when I get my renewal notice as he has me down as 2nd claim, which I'm not.   I'm first claim with 100MC but don't have an EA licence.

    Nick - how's the ankle tendon today?

    Jo - welcome to the thread.  Congrats on completing TP100.
    I know the 100MC committee have a lot to do and they do it unpaid etc, I've been there.   But leaving items that change the structure of the club out of minutes is unforgivable.

    Big G - 100MC has always been affiliated to EA as the members are frequent racers so want advantage of attached race fees, but like the Trotters has been affiliated to both bodies since ARC started.  I don't know why they decided not to renew with ARC although I have been told by the Chairman that the committee couldn't see why the club were affiliated to both, I suspect they didn't even bother to do any research.

    Re the wearing of Trotters club kit, I don't think that's too harsh a rule at all.   They should be proud to represent their club.   When I was a Trotter and used to go to training on a Wed night, once a year we would go to Highweek to do the Highweek Carnival Fun Run, I turned up in my club vest and got told off as you are not supposed to wear club kit in unaffiliated races..i.e. fun runs.

    That was an interesting task you took on with the club records.  You'll have noticed a huge gap in 'older women' except for PN, there just weren't older women racing in the club, and a lot of the records were very 'soft' until of course when you get to JW's records which were world class.   I went with Jose to Gosport when she did her 75+ marathon world record, there was 4 of us running and she was fastest of all of us :/
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Big G - that sounds interesting. Looking at our club's records, there is a real mix between some very good times and some that look relatively soft. We have a bit of an oddity that a lot of the MV35 records are better than the MSEN records. Though we've recently got a new member who might bring some of the MSEN records down a bit (unfortunately, since there were a couple I had my eye on attempting if I can continue to improve for a year or two). The lesser-raced distances are the main culprits, for example the MSEN 10 mile record is slower than the MV35, 40, and 45 (all different people). There's also some gaps, as people need to self-report their times. For example I know the MV35 marathon record was beaten last year, but the runner didn't log it on the website for some reason (I know he was disappointed with the time so maybe that's why, or maybe he forgot).

    Shades - my foot is still sore, similar to yesterday. It just hurts on the outside of my foot, the widest part at the base of my little toe really. It mainly hurts when I've just got out of bed or if I sit still for a while, once it's warmed up a bit I don't really notice it.
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    Nick - that ankle would respond to a bit tape of light strapping, you probably find that it twinges if you walk barefoot and towards the outside of your foot.

    Lots of runners aren't aware of their club records, so maybe he didn't realise he'd broken the record or had to update the stats himself.
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    Big_G said:
    Emmy, probably the three that stood out to me were:
    a)  The Senior and V35 female marathon record.  Held by the same person, and she went from 3:27 in 2012, 3:21 in 2013, 3:14 in 2014, 3:02 in 2015 and then 2:59 in 2016.  Just amazing/consistent progression and a lot of hard work by her.  I think she is injured now though, unfortunately, so not sure what she's doing this year.
    b)  As a V60 a lady did 4:25 in 2012, and then as a V65 she did 4:23 in 2016.  Again a lot of hard work by her and to get quicker is pretty good.  I don't know for sure but I think she came to running relatively late on in life.
    c)  As a V70 a lady did 3:49 in 1993.  No one has got near that in the Club, and she was/is a world record holder at some distances as a Vet.  

    To be honest, it's these types of things that inspire me more than say our club's fastest man. It's a great time by him (2:39) and obviously a lot of hard work too, but things like that above Senior/V35 and seeing her go from "good" to "very good" over a period of time is inspiring I think.  And all three of the people above are very humble about their achievements, and just nice people.

    I couldn't agree more Big G, all good folk that you mention there and they are the first to be supportive of slower runners.

    I am proud to say that I coached a) for her first marathon (before she was a Trotter) and she used the Shades training plan for that and got a GFA from it.

    Sorry to hear she's injured.
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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭
    Shades - I didn't know about the ARC thing at the 100 MC either. I'm surprised as I hoped the new committee were going to be more honest and open than the last. However, one of the first things they did was to give life membership to 3 members of the last committee who, as far as I reckon, were self-promoting, bullying and practically tore the club apart. I've renewed this year and will wait to see what happens.

    Big G - a couple of the records for our local club are very long-standing ones. I guess that in those days you only joined a club if you were really good at it. However, they now have an 85 year old who recently ran 55mins for a 5mls and is at the top of Po10. 

    Hi Jo - tremendous achievement at TP100. Very big well done  :) I've lately decided not to do any runs/walks that go right through the night as I just don't enjoy them, so 40m is a nice distance. Ridgeway was tougher this year than before (or that might be just me getting older), but is really enjoyable. Very relaxed and friendly - a few racing snakes and loads of walkers. Davo has some photos on his fb page.
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    mowzer - I've sent an email to the Chairman today saying I'd assumed that revised minutes had now been issued but I hadn't received a copy as I was no longer on the mailing list. ;)  Although in reality you haven't had revised minutes have you?

    You must hold some records with the 100MC and your local club too?   Don't be modest.

    I've been to collect my lovely new kit today from my new running club, I'm officially a Maverick Runner now :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Shades, good news on the new kit.  Yes, HA is a fantastic runner.  It's not totally complete yet as I haven't put all of 2017s records in, but in case you're interested the page I'm working on is here.  I suspect you'll know a few of the names.  It is quite a long list, but I've tried to make it easy to read with the different sections etc.  I also need to put some pics in and link it into the rest of the site, but I'll do that soon.

    Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it!), I've "had to" enter Foxy's marathon in June as he only had two places left on the Sunday....  I ideally didn't want to do that as I wanted to see how I was after Leiden marathon, but never mind!  
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    edited May 2017
    Big G - that list is like a trip down memory lane for me, lots of folk I know/knew.

    You are definitely turning into a marathon junkie ;)  what date it that race, same lake you did your PB?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, it's the same lake I did 4:01 at last year (Caldecotte Lake), so a different lake to my current PB (Willen Lake) and it's on Sunday June 18th.  Again, no time in mind at the moment, which is just as well as the event is called Enigma Clueless....
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    Good not to set a target time until much closer to the race, maybe even on the morning of the race, weather dependent etc.

    I'll update the marathon list tomorrow...you're keeping me busy, plus I need to put my finish time for Great Welsh on.
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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭
    Congratulations on the new club, Shades, sounds like you made the right decision there.

    Interesting re the club kit for races. Our vest is really outdated and doesn't flatter anyone but older members (most of whom don't even runnlet alone race anymore) are very reluctant to change it. Since joining, I've worn the vest to all races and was actually the only runner from the club in the vest for VLM this year. But I've still had comments about not wearing it to parkrun and I have to remind them that it's not a race. I think it's OK to insist that EA members wear the vest for races, but a bit OTT to have the same rules for non EA members who don't get the club discount for races. It's those kind of rules that put younger people off joining.

    Quite a few of our club records are quite soft, especially the female ones. I've got the V40 ones for marathon, 10k and HM although the HM one was from Brighton!
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Shades - no revised minutes here. I've got a few friends that are Mavericks and they have some great training sessions i've seen on Strava.

    Slowkoala - You are incredibly fast so it could just be that you're great rather than soft records :D

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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Big G - Some speedy records at your club!!
    Shades - Interesting story about your interview technique, but I do agree, at the end of the day the people interviewing you should meet the real you and not someone going through a process taught to them by an agency!!
    SK - I'd agree with Emmy, your records are not soft it's just that you are fast!!
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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭
    +1 for SK being fast as opposed to records being soft!

    I have no useful contribution to make to the running club discussion as to be honest I don't really understand all the regulations. I can understand joining a club if people are going to go along to training sessions and maybe have better tarifs for race entries.. but apart from that then what would the other advantages be? For example, if you're not in ARC or EA affiliated are your results not recognised or something?

    That was an interesting study Big G, to collate all that info. Bet your club is grateful. Another marathon entry.. there's no stopping you now  :D

    Mowzer - Well done on your epic there (again).. how's the foot?

    Emmy - Please look after yourself a bit more!

    Shades - That's good news that your legs are holding up ok and no further niggles.

    No running for me today. An hour spent in the dentist mind you for an epic root canal session  :'(

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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Evening folks, not had much time to really catch up so i apologise if i missed anything.

    On saturday I ran the Rat Race Half Mucker with a friend and I can say that it was one of the toughest, most gruelling, wettest, muddiest and coldest half marathons I've done but so much fun.
     I spent most of saturday afternoon, running, climbing, crawling through mud, jumping off very high platforms and swimming in freezing cold water. It took us just under 5hrs but it was worth it.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Running clubs sound like a hotbed of internal politics,I thought it was all runners enjoying each others company.I've been to 2 different sessions with clubs,whilst they were very friendly and welcoming I found I enjoyed running on my own more so didn't sign up.I did sign up to runchat but not decided to affiliate or not yet,depends on how many races I'll do.
    As for today an easy 6 mile run,nice and flattish with no real effort,just deciding which day to rest as I don't feel like it at the minute. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    We had an issue with our club recently where the committee decided all memberships should include EA affiliation, to make it easier to administrate (but also more expensive for those who usually opt out). This annoyed the second claimers and there were quite a few sore arses and one resignation. The decision was reversed.

    Doesn't sound like my idea of fun, Iain, but glad you enjoyed it! (I hate being cold and wet).

    Emmy, is it possible your broken toe has caused you to compensate and throw everything else out of whack?

    Jo - damn, that's a long way! Well done!

    I took a rest day following my massage and laser treatment but decided I would attempt a medium run today as it was going to be beautiful out (btw, it is...). However, it did not go well. Main thing was the glute/ham grumble did not let up at all, but on top of that, despite not being heavy-legged as I was on Sunday, I was super slow. 11+ minute miles. My easy pace is usually 10:30 - 10:40 and whilst I wasn't trying to run quickly, I couldn't figure out why I was moving like a snail today. I'd guess that my stride length has decreased due to the hammy but unfortunatley my Garmin seems to have lost the stride length data (not sure why or how - the manual is useless) so I can't see for certain.

    At this point I have serious doubts over Liverpool. I'm not quite ready to give up yet, but I may have to. Would anyone recommend taking a complete rest before the race?

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    MF, as well as those things, for me it's just nice being around other runners - at training and at races - and talk running chat with people who don't think I'm too weird :)  Also, I've met some good friends within the club, who I wouldn't otherwise have met, so although they're all runners they're friends too.  Many came to Claire's funeral, for example, although Claire wasn't a Trotter, so they came for me.

    Ian, I think the thing with the Trotters is it's quite a big club, with over 300 runners.  We organise 5 races a year (the Dartmoor Discovery for example needs 120 marshals, on top of all the other stuff that goes in to putting a race like that on - it's a lot of work), do a foreign trip each year, have many social events (BBQs, Xmas parties, boat trips, club camping trips, etc etc), organise a club championship, have a kit person who sorts out stock and selling, a treasurer (we have a bank account, which needs auditing), secretary, a website, team captains, organise coach trips for popular races, liaising with the club house, etc etc etc.  

    That's all on top of the "bread and butter" of the coaching and sessions that go on, so all that needs organising I suppose - it wouldn't happen on its own, is what I'm saying.  It's not that it's overly political as far as I'm aware, but all that stuff needs sorting, and for me it is all what makes the Trotters a good club.  In fact, one "criticism" very occasionally levelled at the club is that we're more of a social club, as any super-fast runners would in all honesty be better off finding a different club to help them improve to the levels they're hoping to meet.  We don't really cater for those, as we don't have enough very quick runners.  We have a young Trotter who is very quick but he does all of his training on his own.  Honestly, I think he would be better off in a faster club (maybe Torbay or even Bristol if he could travel) if he wants to improve, as he is by far the quickest runner we have at the moment so no one can run with hi to push him.  As a committee it was discussed what the club could do for him, but there's not a lot apart from possibly helping pay for race entries and things like that.  But I said, partly tongue in cheek, that he should train with a quicker club, and I was able to say that; it's not seen, and it wasn't meant, as a criticism or anything.

    For me, when a runner comes up and says that a coaching session went well, or a race was the best organised they've ever seen, or when people describe their "Trotter family" that's a good thing as it wouldn't happen without the people who organise it all.  The fact that these things are seamless to the runners is great!  There are a few rules within the club (i.e., club kit) and disagreements happen along the way, but effectively with any organisation of 300+ members that's likely.  And of course everyone who helps out is a volunteer, so they fit it in around family/jobs etc.

    But at the end of the day it's all about running, and I haven't been for one yet today, but will do later :) 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Cal, cross post there.  I took a complete rest before London - 11 days of no running at all.  I did a fair bit of walking in the lay off as mine didn't hurt to walk, stretched very consciously and tried not to overeat(!), and I ended up having the race of my life (not in terms of time, but experience).  So yes, complete rest can help.  "Rest is best" is the old adage.  If you change your goal to enjoyment as opposed to a time goal, just remember that you won't have lost that much (if any) fitness in the lay off, so you can still enjoy it if you get to the start line pain free.
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    SK - tricky one about the vest.  Maybe you could get a friend to design a new updated one and put it to the committee, keeping the club colours of course.  Interesting comment that it only flatters the older runners, most clubs do update their kit quite often, better fabrics etc.   I suppose the rules about when to wear the kit is up to the club, but I agree with you that it should be worn in affiliated races UKA/ARC/TRA but not in fun runs or parkruns which aren't races.

    Any records that you hold with your club could never be called soft!

    Steve - you can do the best interview ever, but it still comes down to whether the interviewer 'likes' you.

    mamafox - a lot of runners join a club for the social side of running, even if they don't train together often.  It's nice to go to a race and all be representing your club, there are team prizes in most of the races round here too.   Most clubs also put on races and members will help organise the events, marshalling etc and it's nice to give something back to running by doing that.   Without club races there would be very few races around here.  
    I only went to pick up my kit yesterday and already I'm going on Friday night for a pub meet up(I'm skipping the run part), marshalling a race in August and going on an marathon tour somewhere in Europe next year.

    Ouch to the root canal work, no wonder you were a bit poorly.

    Iain - wow 5 hours of that, you must have been shattered and quite sore the next day too.  Hope you didn't pick up any injuries.
    I made your cheeseburger casserole recipe and it was very good and so tasty.

    Ian5 - at some time you'll maybe find a club you'd like to join.   I know you have a variable work schedule but for those that can get to training it's a chance for them to do speed training and get some coaching which they're often not able to do on their own.   I like to train alone too, but do enjoy being in a club.
    I thought of you this morning as I did my hilly run!

    Cal - UKA are putting a lot of pressure on clubs to have more runners with EA licences but I'm glad your club reversed their decision.   There are many that never race and to pay an extra £14 a year, and it's going up by £2 every year is unfair.  2nd claimers can't hold more than one EA licence anyway.

    Of course you could rest up for a while, just keep up with the yoga and your exercises.   Big G rested his groin injury for 11 days then ran London with no problems so it's worth a try.   Any training you do now won't make you run faster at Liverpool so better to be as injury free as you can.

    Fresh this morning, 8 mile hilly run route which I haven't done for a while.   I need to do more hills in the next couple of weeks as DD prep.
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