
Shades Marathon Training



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    Shades / Nick - Doing Winter Run 10k in London.
    Nick - At least you have a bit more time, compared to an April marathon.
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    Ah yes, the Paris has a half marathon - it's only a couple of years old. I've been wanting to do that one too but so far it hasn't fit in with my other races. I know a couple of coaster folks who have done it twice (pretty sure they walk it though, since they were both well over 3 hours). I was talking about the Florida one in January. Shades - yeah I think it's a 5.45am start. That would actually work for me as I'd be waking up too early from jetlag anyway. But I'm not sure of the weather this time of year. I know it's fine most times but this year they had snow in Florida so who can tell?
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    Big G- It is with Mike Grattons company I've booked Berlin with. Leasthe that will be the first one of my bucket list.

    Woke up to about 6 inches of snowfall this morning council still had not cleared the paths by 10am but decided to go out and do 5 miles. It was tough going but this time last year whilst marathon training I would have not bothered going out for a run in those conditions so quite pleased with myself for going out today.
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Cal - ah yes it was the half, oops.

    Steven - well done for getting out there. It's pretty cold here at the moment but not snowed since that one day in December.

    Steve - good luck. You sound like you're in good shape at the moment so hoping for a good time from you!
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    Steven - well done indeed. Gotta say I'm glad I live in London! It was nippy this morning but it wasn't even frosty on the common.

    Anyway, hooray - mattress has arrived! That means I've managed a run and will still get to do my afternoon yoga class too. And hopefully sleep better! Win!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Big G - how are you, OK for Saturday's marathon?    I've seen the forecast and looks to be very cold on Saturday.

    Shades, not 100% sure yet.  I'm just going to have to see how I get on for Saturday....

    Been down to Plymouth today and in a bid to stay out the pub for a quick lunchtime pint, we found a really decent coffee shop near the Barbican.  Very good coffee, gorgeous carrot cake and the person I was with enjoyed her tea.  Plus, upstairs they had some comfy chairs/sofas in a room with a turntable and loads of vinyl.  I put Martha and the Muffins on :)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEQkIEkxm7k

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well, not long back from a 7-miler - and I loved it!  Carrot cake and coffee is the way to go ;)  

    Seems like it's the first time in a long time I've thoroughly enjoyed a run.  You may remember I had a bad patch mid-Dec (after my marathon PB at the start of Dec), so it feels like it's been a long time coming, especially with the lay off I've had!

    Fingers crossed the mojo is still here tomorrow, and that the cold stays away!
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    I always enjoy running after a lay-off, Big G - mostly because I'm just grateful to be back out there.
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    steven - I expect there's more than 6 inches of snow today in your area! 

    Cal - hope you had a good night's sleep with the new mattress

    Big G - that's great news that your running mojo has returned, coffee and cake did the trick, don't eliminate them from your diet.

    No snow here, cold wind and a little rain, I think we had sleet last night so expect there's snow on the moors.   Had a good run and it was a tiny bit brighter this morning too. :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ha ha, no intention of eliminating them from my diet, although I do probably drink too much coffee....  

    I just had another quick look at the NYC ballot website, to see if I could defer the entry on the off chance I got a place, but I can't.  It's a bit confusing but I think if I deferred I would get a place the year after but would have to pay the entry fee again.  So I am definitely not entering the ballot this year.

    Got stuff to do for the club today.  There is some error in the software for the new club champs format, so I need to look at that.  It's seems to be working out the ladies fine, but for the men it's got a small error, so I need to fix that.  Also, 3 of the committee are looking at Lanza options and we're meeting up next week to make the suggestions to the club, but I need to get my options researched.  I think I may go to a coffee shop and take my laptop to do that.  It's a bit annoying though as flights from Bristol aren't out yet, but there are still some bargains from Exeter it seems, if you do a package.  The flights themselves from Exeter are quite pricey, so really not sure how the packages work to do it so cheap?
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    Big G - Good to hear the mojo is returning.
    Cal - Good news on the mattress.
    Steven - Nice work, I love running in the snow, but hate it when it turns to ice!!

    Some icy patches here, but no snow, but it was cold....out at 4:20 for a cold 13 miler, pace felt nice and easy (8:30s). Meant to be doing a Vo2 max session tomorrow, but that will depend on the footpaths....if it's icy I'll move to the weekend and recovery run tomorrow instead.
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Big G - that's how deferring works for London too I think.
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    edited January 2018
    Big G - the GFA times for NYC are pretty tough for men so maybe that's not an option for you, yet. :)

    There will be plenty of cheap flights to Lanzarote so you can only offer what is now available and let the runners sort out their own travel options.  I suppose the packages are charter flights and the flight only scheduled flights, I don't know.   I looked at going to GC but the flight price which was a charter was more than I wanted to pay for hotel included, not sure how that pricing was worked out.

    Steve - 4:20 a.m., even I don't go out that early :o  But there's no traffic then and a good time to run.
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    As it's Wednesday when I usually post the marathon list just thought I'd remind us of this weekend's racers

    Date   Event      
    20-Jan   Plym Trail   Big G  
    20-Jan   Plym Trail   Jelly  
    20-Jan   Plym Trail   Keith  
    21-Jan   Gran Canaria   Ian  

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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Big G / Shades - The GFA times for NYC are even tougher than Boston (I think).
    Shades - Yeah, but needed to get back in time to get ready for work.....and my GF had made bacon and eggs and I needed to get back for that before she left for work :) I actually don't mind the early starts, so long as I go to bed early, those medium long runs at an early hour are enjoyable even in the cold, but it's the early morning speed work that is REALLY tough. As you say though, no/very little traffic and pavements are empty!! Also means you can feel smug all day at work :D
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    Yes, I remember well the 'feeling smug all day' at work.   Bacon and eggs, lovely.   Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day after a run as I'm really hungry then.

    Interestingly NYC will give you a qualifying entry based on a half marathon time too.   I know London does but only for the faster runners not GFA applicants.

    Right I'm off to a friends for coffee, she has one of those fancy machines and I'm taking a chocolate fudge cake :)
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    Steve- 4.20 in the morning that is early but good going.

    Shades- yeah a lot more snow during the day yesterday and last night with more forecast today. Even at work we were told not to leave the office as it was deemed to dangerous. We were only to respond to emergency calls so needless to say I was never in the office we had a few scary moments when our car was just going sideways down a hill it's scary and exciting at the same time. Roll on work today.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Not happy - an Amazon delivery driver delivered a parcel whilst I was out, and has ripped the flap off of my postbox and caused some damage to the door!  It was obvious that the parcel wasn't going to fit and I had left instructions as to where to leave the parcel, but he tried anyway.  I've raised a complaint with Amazon but I can't see me getting anywhere with that!
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    Ha, Shades - I have one of those fancy machines, which is why I drink so much coffee. I used to be a die-hard tea drinker back in the day.

    Steve - I think I got up around then to go to the loo. Then I went back to bed. :lol:

    Big G - Brighton too. I deferred my Brighton place last year. You get a small reduction but still have to pay again, and even with the reduction it's that expensive other marathons are still cheaper. After the shambles of the water situation last year I decided I would not bother.

    Steven - yeah, very glad I'm not dealing with all that snow. Pretty to look at. Awful to get around in.

    It's quite nippy down here in the Smoke, though mostly because of that annoying arctic wind. I put in another 10 miler and averaged 10:21, though I wasn't pushing it (though I admit I sped up for the last mile, just to see if I could). Most of the miles were in the 10:20s, which seems to be a good pace for me at the moment. I had to deal with running into wind quite a bit, plus a frosty wooden boardwalk around one of the ponds which I went over three times, and a bit through the woods which I took to get out of the wind only to find it was a lot muddier than it initially looked. The sun would have been nice but for the fact it was low and in my eyes a lot of the time. Roll on Spring!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, I'm both a coffee drinker, and a tea drinker!  Green tea is my favourite and I got the "addiction" even more when I went to Sri Lanka and visited some plantations.  Absolutely gorgeous it was, so now I do drink quite a lot of the stuff.  I still prefer a decent coffee though.  I have a coffee maker too :)  

    Ian, how are you doing with the injury?  I hope it's on the mend - are you ready for GC?
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Hi all,
    I feel a bit of a fraud coming in here. I'm struggling with my asthma/ breathing at the moment for a variety of reasons and today managed 7k after taking a doctors enforced rest of a week.

    It's been good reading all of your updates and I hope that you're all doing well!
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    I drink green tea too, Big G.

    Emmy, sorry to hear about your asthma. Does it get worse when it's cold? You're definitely no fraud. I know I posted less when I was injured - sometimes it's hard to read about running when you can't do it yourself. I'm glad you managed a run today.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear you're not feeling great Emmy.   Has the doc given you inhalers or anything?

    As for me, I was going to go to club tonight, but looking at the forecast it gives rain and cold, so I did my own thing this afternoon (I went out for a 10-miler).  If I'd done a session at club it would have been some kind of interval session, but I'm happy with the 10.  It was a bit quick, as what yesterday's run, but it was nice to get out.  Sunny and cold, but at no rain.

    Also, I did a coastal run and saw a load of people (I mean about 100 people) congregated around pointing and taking pics.  I had a feeling I knew what it was and sure enough I was correct - it was a pod of dolphins.  I had no camera with me but the pics wouldn't have been great as they were quite a way out, but still brilliant to see.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Not too sure to be honest,feels a bit better but got the physio tomorrow.Thinking back I think it's been on the way for months as I said to the wife a while back that I have weak ankles as it was hurting and it' the same place,and I've managed numerous 20 miles and prob my last marathon with it so not sure whether to just give it a go or not.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Big G When I worked in Brixham before I had the girls used to often walk down to break water looking for the Dolphins never spotted them. Lovely treat. 
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Hi all, 

    big g: I’m already on inhalers but the minute the cold hits my chest, I struggle to breathe. I’ve been using a buff to take off the edge but it steams up my glasses! It’ll be ok, but I just need to be patient. 

    Cal: yeah, it’s frustrating when you’re injured and just don’t know what to say!
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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    Cal, Big G, there's nothing like a large leaf tea made in a pot. I've had loads of coffee makers too, I've got a whole family of Italian stove top makers, my current favourite is the aeropress, quick, smooth taste and easy to clean. There's a deli a few miles away that stock some nice Cuban beans though I get most of my coffee from a small roastery in Scotland, I've tried others locally but I like theirs so usually go back to mail order.
    7 mile run this afternoon, cold when the sun hid behind the clouds but a nice run after a difficult mornings work.
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    steven - scary driving weather, but not quite so scary when it's not your own car ;) 

    Big G - blimey, did they get a gorilla to deliver that parcel.  Good luck trying to claim, you'd probably have to claim from the carriers direct and I expect the drivers are self employed.....

    I'm not that keen on green tea, except for Matcha green tea which I make a latte with, love that   I reluctantly used up some green tea bags that I had and then the next race I did there was another bloody box in the goody bag, slowly working my way through that box now.

    Brilliant seeing dolphins on your run, I suppose they come in for a bit of shelter as storm was coming in.

    Cal - I don't have a fancy coffee machine but I still drink a lot of coffee. :) 

    Emmy - of course you're not a fraud, it's not your fault that you can't run at the moment.  I do hope you're feeling better soon.   Weather is just too cold for you I guess.

    Ian - good luck with the physio today.   Whether to race or not has to be your decision.  When you had mentioned ankle niggles before I didn't realise you meant achilles.  Foolishly I assumed you meant ankle as the outer or inside of the foot, such as

    Jugula - that's a bit exotic getting your coffee beans from Scotland, you must be a real connoisseur 

    Windy during the night, heard some recycling bouncing down the road, but quietened down for my run, much warmer than expected 8 degrees, had a great run.  I did do my good deed for the day and rescued a wheelie bin from the middle of the road in Kingsteignton.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Good you managed your run in decent weather,been really windy here also.
    It's been above the back of my ankle that's been bugging me,with still being relatively new to running I didn't realise what it was.Not foolish to presume ankle if I say ankle  :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah I don't have much hope with Amazon.  I raised an issue with them and in fairness they responded in person very quickly and asked for pictures, which I've sent.  They've said they use a courier and they've passed on the info to them, but I'm not expecting anything will happen.  

    Shades/Jelly, I've seen dolphins a few times over the last couple of years.  For a few days in a row there were off the end of Berry Head in Brixham, which was brilliant.  Back in the summer I saw pics of them in Brixham Harbour as they were in the inner harbour so the people got a very good sight of them that day, although I wasn't there.

    Jelly, where did you used to work in Brixham?

    Ian, is there a chance that this injury has started when you've been doing more speed work?  I know that happens to me - I feel good, so do more speed work, and then get an injury.  Very annoying!  I thought I'd mention it in case that may be something to do with the injury.  But of course we're all different and the speed work may not have anything to do with your issue.  

    I don't know what I'd do about GC.  As it is achilles I'd think that even a steady run in the marathon won't help it, but at the same time I wouldn't want to go all that way and not do the event (I had booked and paid for Brussels in 2015, and ended up DNSing, which was very costly and frustrating!).  Good luck today!
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