
Shades Marathon Training



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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Carb loading going too well, I'm off out tonight to keep running buddy company on warm up for Friday Club. 2 miles max at easy pace.  I'm not doing Friday Club. 
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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    Cold, bright and frosty this morning, managed 11 miles without falling over as some of the pavements were quite slippery. Enjoyable run, the Devon contingent have got me craving for caramel wafers, will be on the shopping list this afternoon!
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    Nick - starting from a better base will certainly make a difference, you should be on for a good PB. 

    Cal - that's good, you know now that 4 weeks out will suit you well.   

    I don't mind the rain for training as long as it's mild, I'd rather rain than the cold.

    Big G - I didn't look at the caramel wafers, they've probably sold out now.

    I've read that article about the coffee shops before, think it was in a pull out in the HE several weeks ago,   glad you're taking your coffee (and cake) seriously :) 

    That's a great price for a week's self catering, I would pay the £60 for a case, couldn't stay a week on hand luggage, I guess that must be Ryanair, never seen such a high bag fee.   You know the change in hand baggage rules that Ryanair have brought in recently are causing some concern, great that your bag might go in the hold but it's not covered by insurance if it does so.   

    Jugula - you're certainly cranking up the mileage, you'll have earned a caramel wafer, or two :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah that Ryan Air change is impacting me as I'm unfortunately flying with them to Malta :(  I'm tempted to upgrade on the way out as it is a late flight and I'll just want to get to the hotel rather than mess about at the airport, but I'm reluctant to give them more money!  For Lanza it's Thomas Cook Airlines.
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    Big G - for Lanzarote then that charge will be for a big case surely?  If so share a case with another runner then you will have plenty of kit and clothes for the week.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah that price is for a large case and people could share one between two people, as you say.
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Big G - looks like a good find at that price!

    Good luck to this weekend's racers, is it Big G, Jelly, Keith & Ian?

    My legs were a bit sore yesterday after the long run on Wednesday. Not helped but a poor sleep no doubt. No real exercise for me today or tomorrow then hoping to get a fast 5 miler in on Sunday. We are visiting my wife's family this weekend, I told my wife we could stay the whole weekend if she let me go for a run ;) (otherwise we may have just gone for the day)
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-That's a good price if you split a bag.
    Shades-Cheers for the advice.
    Nick-Good luck with the in laws.
    Here safe and sound,been to the expo to collect our numbers.Hopefully the wind stays in the same direction as the last 2 miles will be with a tailwind.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Quick question regarding Plym trial tunnel and Garmin. Understand signal might be loss but once reconnect does it measure you pace ok or does it go wrong with lost mileage. Many Thanks. Good to hear you here safe and sound Ian5
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Hi Jelly, I can't really help with that - sorry.  I just checked my Strave and my splits were roughly even through that section.  I've done the event twice before and my Strava shows 26.0 for one and 26.3 for the other.  So no help really.  But the tunnel's not that long - probably only 1-2mins or so (so we do that 4 times) so don't worry about it too much.
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    Nick - neat bit of bargaining, enjoy your weekend run, nice to run in a different place too.

    Ian - hope conditions are good for your race, I guess it will feel a bit warm.

    Jelly - my Garmin didn't lose signal once at Plym Trail, tunnels were too short.   But if your Garmin does lose signal then when it reconnects you will have lost mileage, so will show short course and pace will be wrong too.   My very first Garmin used to lose signal in short tunnels, such as the one at Quay Road, but now with the improvement in devices and I guess satellites it takes quite a long tunnel before it does lose signal

    You won't get a mobile signal either at Plym Trail, it's a blackspot.   Very funny last year, when I got to the drink station at the furthest turnaround point the 2 guys manning that drink station asked me to give a message to Davey as they couldn't phone him.  The message was 'Hello Davey, we're fine'. :D

    Big G - conditions look good, I think it's warmed up a bit too.

    Waiting to book Pilates class then out for my run :)

    Good luck to all racing this weekend
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Thank you. Thought tunnel was a longer one so like you say don't worry, currently sat in bed suited and nearly booted waiting for Marathon Queen to pick me up. 
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    Keith M StuartKeith M Stuart ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Shades - Lol i er never eat until Taunton services when i came down thursday and that was only a pasty. Fish and chips from pub later on when i was here. Also left Carlisle 11 and was here 5:30 somehow.

    Be heading off shortly just gotta round up my things

    Watches and tunnels dont really shorten the race as they are meant to join the dots so to speak when they get signal back. Most tunnels are straight which helps. If you want a 'long' tunnel there is one on the Glasgow to Edinburgh canal race which is lengthly and has lighting in it cos of that. Still meant to have headtorch in case the lights are off.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Keith, this Plym Trail one has lighting but it's not the best!  A cyclist scared the crap out of me one time as he was cycling at what seemed quite a quick pace (in reality it probably wasn't that quick) and I didn't seem him until quite late, although I could hear him before I saw him.
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    Good luck everyone!
    Decided against parkrun today as my hip felt a bit store when I was lying in bed. It's loostened up a little now but I decided to engage my adult brain and play it safe, as I don't want to jeopardise my long run tomorrow - or my upcoming races!
    I'm not overly concerned as it's been grumpy from time to time since I got the shot without it hurting at all while I'm running. However, with the niggly ankle yesterday, I'm aware I have ramped up the mileage a bit too quickly (I did 25 the first week in January and 37 last week) so a day off would be smart at this point.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Its a tad warmer than when I left the sunshine peninsula yesterday,little over cast so would actually be perfect race conditions but it's down to be hotter and sunnier tomorrow.
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    Keith - I know they're meant to pick up the mileage after a tunnel but they don't, my first Garmin would sometimes go backwards after a tunnel.   I have a friend that during a race she went into a Portaloo  and when she came out her Garmin had added a mile onto the distance.

    In the Bath Two Tunnel races you can't use a GPS, the tunnels are too long, the longest is over a mile long, lighting and music in that one.

    Glad you have eaten well, hope your race goes well.

    Cal - sensible decision, your long run is more important than a parkrun

    Ian - hope you've got your sun cream for tomorrow as I think you'll need it.  Have a nice relaxing day today.

    Good weather for my run, light rain stopped and no wind, quite pleasant.   Didn't see my kingfisher today as I think the water is too high, we've had a lot of rain and the water in the estuary is tidal and there must be very high tides today.
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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    I was going to run this morning but Achilles was whining so I decided to rest rather than spend the next week walking like a penguin.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I got Plym Trail done, and it was nice to catch up with Jelly and Keith. I think Keith has a pic. 

    I took it really easy on the first half, which was my aim - I wanted to get through it without hating it!  Got to Half in 1:57 and ended up with 4:02. Strava shows 3:55 moving time, but that's because I got my fair share of food at the aid station....7mins stood still, eating!

    I'd genuinely have taken 4:02 at the start of the day so not really upset about not getting under 4hrs. At 20 miles I thought it very unlikely I'd manage it, so kind of eased off a tiny bit. But it's still a 28min course best for me (previously done 4:30 and 4:45 at the event). 

    Good to kick off the marathon year, albeit slightly delayed due to that cold I had. 

    Jelly looked really strong!

    Annoyingly I left my running jacket at the event so had to go back and get it - I realised about 30mins up the road, on way home. It's quite an expensive one so didn't want to lose it. 
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    4:04 PB for me, really enjoyed it, Big G kept me in check at start and I stopped for drinks. Lost it on last couple of miles but know with training I will get stronger. I got 3rd Lady which made my day ;) 
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    5:57 for me lack of marathon fitness telling shall we say ;) At least i can still walk decently fast and i see strava claims 1800 foot climb BG can confirm if that true or not if so its more than Windermere by a good chunk. No idea what langdales is. I also spent 7 mins stopped although some of that was a quick chat to Hippo's hubby on his walk back up the hill and also VR too. I only had 4 jaffa cakes at aid stations honest.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Lovely to meet you today. Keith 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Sounds like you are happy with your run so well done.
    Keith-hopefully you'll get marathon fitness back soon but sounds like you had a good day.
    Jelly-Great time and sub 4 will be there soon enough on a normal course.
    Walked a bit too much today but hopefully be Ok,carb loading going pretty well and a nice atmosphere around as lots of runners.
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    Very well done, everyone! Sounds like you all had a good day.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks all. Was seriously considering doing day 2 tomorrow - Davey said I could do it if I wanted (I asked...). Legs feel ok but feet have blisters (rarely get them, but it was wet today so probably that) so not a great idea. Also been at Trotters party tonight and although not drinking, still quite tired and not especially rested. Got back home and tried some trainers on and that was painful, so it's not happening tomorrow.  

    At Trotters awards night I picked up the 'committee cup', which was a real surprise. I genuinely thought our club secretary was going to win it as she does loads for the club, but I was delighted to win. Picked up a nice engraved trophy.

    I was also nominated for most improved male, but our young Trotter won that one.

    I'll leave it to Jelly to say if she enjoyed her night!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Keith, yeah the elevation is deceptive. It's not an easy course at all!
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Yes did enjoy ? my night.  I was very shocked to be awarded most improved as the other nominees were worthy winners. Well Done Big G on you most deserved award. Was mentioned I could of run faster to today as I was dancing lots. Happy to say legs feel fine. 
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    Big G - that's a good start to your marathon year, and good to keep fuelled even if that did take 7 minutes :D 

    Going up against the young Trotter was a tough ask but well done on the Committee Cup, very well deserved.

    Nothing you can do about the blisters unless you have a pair of trainers that don't make them hurt.  Well done for getting through a Trotters do without alcohol ;)

    Jelly - fantastic running, not the easiest of courses to get a PB and you know now that sub 4 is within your grasp.    And to follow that with 3rd ladies prize and then winning the most improved award at the Trotters do makes a great day for you. :) 

    Keith - brilliant, it's a long while since you did a marathon and it's not easy getting back to them, they don't get any easier so I think that's a great result for you.   It is a deceptively tough course, the last stretch to the finish can be quite hard. 

    Ian - good luck today
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Very well done Jelly!  As I mentioned last night, there's more to come from you as well!

    Shades, I tried on two different pairs last night and they were no good, so I had a lie in this morning instead :)  It's an easy day for me today, as I'm going to be watching the snooker I think.  It's very nice waking up today without a hangover.  I've had a coffee and breakfast already and feel fresh :)  I have been avoiding going on the scales as I didn't want that in my mind before the marathon, but I'm a bit overweight form what I'd like, so need to address that if I can.  Those 3 or 4lbs make a big difference I think.

    Keith, I've just had a look on my Strava for yesterday and it's showing my average pace as 9:04.  Strava does an estimated Grade Adjusted Pace and that is showing 8:50, so quite a difference there, which will be because of the hills.  (In my case the 9:04 is inaccurate as I know 9:09 is 4hr pace, so it must be done on moving time, but still a good comparison with the GAP figure).
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    Morning all

    BG I have 13:36 vs GAP 13:08.

    BG/Jelly Hippo's hubby took the pic so will have to sort that when i get home

    Barely managed to stay awake to 10 last night and still tired now plus when i cough i def have headache.... I'll wander down for the papers in abit and see if they have any flu pills which should sort me out. Dinner at pub last night and lunch today too then early night as i have early start as need to be in Bristol 9am
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