
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big G - that is truly fabulous, base training rocks. :)

    To run that on your own just shows that you would be faster in a race situation.     And you weren't hanging on you were cruising for most of the run.   That cruising feeling is priceless.

    Re your query about Maffetone's formula, I think that more base training will bring more improvements.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Big G - Wow cracking run, congrats! Must feel great to get some payback after all the concerns and early frustrations of MAF. It certainly gives me even more comfort that it’s the right approach. 

    Shades - Good that your toe is better. Quick question. I’d like to order some Hoka Rincons or Cliftons as I’d like to try lighter/plusher shoes than my ASICS GT-2000. The thing is that the test in the shoe shop I bought the ASICS from suggested I had some pronation that needed some support which the hokas don’t have. To be fair since I got the ASICS my ITB/PF issues have faded but that could just be a coincidence of strength training/MAF. Question is is it worth trying the Hokas and maybe rotating them in? Can’t see myself going into a shoe shop for a while and there isn’t one I know that I particularly trust for these tests so would be ordering online. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, it was a very strange feeling.  I know that for me these 5ks take some practice and I think if I do a few more in the coming months I'd get more used to the pace/effort again, but that second mile was just incredible.  I mean it!  I was glancing at my watch and it was showing <6:30 and I was thinking "Urrrm, but I feel okay....this doesn't make sense!".  My breathing was fine and I felt I had loads in the tank....almost like I had another gear there.  My form did go a bit in the last mile so I was obviously on the edge at that point but probably that just means I paced it about right I suppose as I didn't drop off the pace in the last mile.  If I do another one of these maybe I'll see if I can go out at 6:30 for the first mile and see what happens as I was a bit tentative at the start whilst I was trying to settle into a pace.....with practice, in the past, this is what I find gets easier the more of these I do.

    Rcouture, I can't answer your specific question about Hokas.  But maybe order them and just wear them around the house first for a few minutes and if they feel comfortable that's a good sign.  But if they don't feel quite right for whatever reason when they're on, just check you can return them if you need to, and if you only wear them indoors for a few minutes they'll be totally clean so should be no problem.  I've done this with other shoes that I've ordered online.  Yes, as you know, I have had my ups and downs with this Maffetone training and I have had frustrations on some of those runs where I've been averaging over 10:30.  But something definitely clicked today, which is what I needed.  
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Ouch Shades, that sounds painful. I hate that moment of dread when you stub your toe and you know it's going to hurt like hell but the message hasn't quite reached your brain yet.

    Yesterday was a rest day so I had a walk and then did a bit of rehab/strength in the afternoon. Groin was oddly more niggly. I don't know if it didn't like the 10 miler on Wedneseday but was slow to react, or if it didn't like the walk (pretty sure I have a lot more hip extension when I walk than when I run) or some of the exercises.
    I wasn't sure if I should even try running today, but decided to risk it and after a brief moan at the start of the run, it warmed up and was fine. Most of the discomfort came from left high hammy, which seems extra grumpy for no real reason (it was even grumpier than the achilles, which had the good sense to shut up after a small tantrum during the first mile).
    Getting my body to behave is like trying to manage a bunch of unruly kids on a school trip. "Quiet at the back of the bus!"

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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Big G - So will you regularly be sprinkling in some faster stuff now? Or this was a one off and back to MAF for the foreseeable?
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    Rcouture - the Rincon and the Cliftons are both neutral shoes.   Hoka do shoes for mild overpronators too, sorry don't know which models.   I have a pair of Cliftons which I love but I do train a fair bit in neutral shoes, I have a pair of Asics GT1000 too (same shoe as the 2000) and I like them too.   However, it's a bit of a risk of the ITB injury recurring but you could certainly rotate them carefully with your other shoes.  Don't use them for long runs as ITB injuries usually come on with increased distance.  Hopefully your strength work and your increased running fitness has put the ITB injury behind you.   It's also possible that as you become stronger and a more efficient runner you may overpronate less too.
    I think we all take a risk buying a new shoe, whether in the shop or on the internet so if you're happy to take the chance then do it.

    Big G - I know what you mean, that cruising feeling.    If you had the opportunity I think you'd find that you'd be able to run a cracking 10k/10m or half marathon too.

    What % MHR was your HR?

    Cal - I know, that moment when you hit your toe and are too frightened to look at it. 

    Maybe the 10 miler was a little too far on Wednesday but good you are back running again, despite the niggles.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Rcouture, it's back to MAF for the whole of July.  The only exception is that I really want to do a coastal path long run, which I do love and is one thing I'm missing in lockdown (I need public transport to get there, which I don't want to use, so OH would have to drop me off or pick me up).  But they're very hilly so I wouldn't run to MAF if I do one of those as even walking up the very steep hills my HR would be over my MAF rate.  I'm going to play it be ear, but my current thought is to introduce some weekly interval-type training and/or tempo session in August, but I'll see nearer the time.  Ultimately, when I do decide to introduce something, I will take some sessions from Fitzgerald's 80/20 book, and if I do go down that road the 80% of my weekly milage would still be at my MAF rate.  I really want to get my 5-mile MAF tests below 9min/miles which I haven't yet managed so if I do see that in July or August I'd be pleased as that would be a milestone as well.

    Shades, I was just looking at that.  The average for the effort was 174, so this is 89%.  It did peak 189 in the last 0.1 mile (where I was slowing slightly).  Here are some stats from Fetch for the average per km and the spread each km.  Is there anything I can glean from these stats in terms of my Maffetone training pace or anything else as I'm not sure.  A quick reminder that my MAF pace is 142 and my max is 195.  Is 142 about right, too high, too low?  For what it's worth I think 142 is about right but I suppose it's good to double check these things

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    Big G - the first km distorts the average HR as you would expect.   But kms 2-5 averages out at 92% MHR which I think is about right for a 5k, so good running.   

    Km3 is most impressive as that would have been when you were 'cruising'.  Who needs speedwork  ;)

    I think your MAF rate is right for you and you can run comfortably at that HR and are improving on hills too.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, good point about the first km skewing it.  I have to say, I thought 89% average was a bit low as I knew I was hanging on at the end, which was an inconsistency (i.e, I did feel I had given it a very good effort, so was surprised to see only 89%).  But yes the 2-5kms do average to be a bit higher HR, so I think that confirms that it was indeed a decent effort.

    I'm glad I got my effort done early as it is blustery out there now and due to get quite a lot worse as the day progresses.  I left the house before 5:45am, which is very early for me!

    I think regarding the speed work, if I was entering shorter races most weekends as I did last summer I probably wouldn't do any other speed work.  But with no races I wonder if introducing them in August maybe useful.  I'm going to wait and see how it goes though because if I do have a breakthrough at my MAF tests (I do feel I'm due one!) I may just keep going with the MAF training for another month.  But I'll see how I'm doing at the end of July with things and decide then.  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-That is a brilliant run,and very well deserved with the patience you have shown.In a race that will definitely convert to a PB,and looking at your run you had 5x180° turns that would have slowed you down.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, thanks.  Yes, that is true about the 180deg turns.  I was trying to run them smoothly but when I really check in detail what was going on there on Fetch an estimate is that I lost 5-seconds over the whole run (it's probably more than this, as that is a conservative estimate).  Also, although really quiet at that time of day, there's an access road and a delivery van was reversing up and across my path.  It was totally fine but I was aware of it and probably lost a small amount of time there whilst I was just checking what he was doing.  Then when the watch beeped at 3 miles I slowed slightly for a couple of seconds, which was my own fault, and lost a small amount of time.  So what I'm saying is in a race I think there is more to come, and that's without the race buzz you get where you run quicker with others around you.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Shades - That’s very useful as always. I have therefore ordered the Hoka Arahi 4 which are basically the stability/pronator version of the Cliftons. They seem to get very good reviews and interestingly lots of positive comparisons to my current GT-2000 so in theory should be the best thing for me. I’m looking forward to trying out Hokas for the first time. 
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    Big G - hopefully by the end of the month we might have some idea of when we can race again and you can structure your training accordingly.   But you're doing really well with the MAF.
    Definitely a good sub 20 next time what with the time lost on the turns and the brief hesitation at 3 miles.

    Rcouture - the Arahi are on my wish list too.   Hokas can feel quite strange when you put them on for the first time.  They will also be a much lower drop than your GT2000's that may take a little getting used to initially.  I haven't as yet found the Arahi at a decent price, I have plenty shoes so don't really want to splash out right now.  You should get high mileage out of them.

    Was a joy to go downtown today and take some stuff to a charity shop and buy some books.  I was desperate for books to read, our library isn't reopening yet although they're going to have a click and collect service they don't explain how it works.

    Nice to see the barbers and hairdresser salons all scrubbing up their premises ready for tomorrow

    I think the easing of lockdown is affecting me.   As I was queuing outside the locksmiths I had this overwhelming desire to steal a car.  Someone had left a Lamborghini right next to me with the engine running and no sign of the driver.  Anyway I resisted obviously.   I think I need to get out more.   Would have been nice to bomb up the M5 though.  :/
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Well done on the decent 5k, Big_G! I would take a few easier days and then get back to the training which obviously seems to be working. I wouldn't do another 5k for at least 6 weeks. Trust the training: I think it was Lydiard who said, "Farmers don’t pull up their potatoes every five minutes to see if they are growing…"

    Shades, what Reebok shoes did you get and what do you think of them? Are they reasonably light? Haven't worn Reebok since the late 70s when I used to sell for them! Am tempted as have worn Asics DS Trainers, mainly, for years but they keep changing the specs. The time before last my size was too small; the last pair of the same size are too large! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Big G - Superb 5k TT.

    I'm not as confident however in my HADD training at the moment!! Finished off last week with 51 miles, including 7m with 3m at 135-140, those came out to 8:03/7:54/7:40 for 138/138/141 bpm. So an average of 7:53 @ 139 bpm. However my previous session of this came out to 7:41 @ 138 bpm!

    Likewise I did 14 miles with 10 at 135-140. Average was 8:15 @ 141 v 7:58 @ 140 last time.
    Splits were; 8:57(138)/7:57(137)/8:15(141)/8:00(142)/8:19(144)/8:10(143)/8:14(141)/8:20(142)/8:20(142)/7:54(142). I was hoping this would have been my last run at 135-140, but no idea if that is classed as mastered or not?

    Also noted my regular 5 mile route in beats per mile;
    20/5-1133, 24/5-1144, 27/5-1143, 31/5-1129, 3/6-1115, 10/6-1150, 14/6-1170, 24/6-1180, 1/7-1187

    So I feel like I'm getting worse, but it could be the weather? No idea if I'll stick with this or just run to feel and stick some speed work in once a week at either 10k/MP.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-A turn is worth more than a second,think about the slowing down then back to pace,it soon adds up.
    Iceland is off the quarantine list from tomorrow,so another hurdle out the way.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks Alehouse.  I won't be doing anything like that again until August at the earliest and I've got a nice 6-mile loop and 7-mile loop where it's easy to run at the lower end of my MAF range so I'll probably do that for a day or two.  There's another couple of weeks until I'm supposed to be doing a MAF test I've no worries about that at the moment.

    Sorry to hear that Steve :(  I'm not doing Hadd, but one thing I can definitely agree with is that it's not a linear progression, which is one of the most frustrating parts of this!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, good news about Iceland.  Yes, I think it was probably more like 15-seconds but I mentioned 5-seconds just to be conservative.  As you know, on Fetch you can split the run up into small segments and my pace before and after the turns was significantly slower.
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    Alehouse - I have Reebok Forever FloatRide Energy, this range from Reebok gets rave reviews.  The toe box is very roomy and fairly wide, initially I thought they were too big but once I'd put elastic laces in the fit was good, the middle and heel a good snug fit.  I have size 7 and they weigh 240grm, they feel light and fast, I find them great on hills, down as well as up.  Drop is 10mm.  Cushioning is good for the whole length of the shoe.

    Steve - we've all noticed a rise in our HR's too due to the humid weather and we've all had variable  and disappointing stats for some of our runs.
    Maybe you need to go back to base rate for a few weeks and forget the ILTHR runs as you wanted to improve your base pace.   Are you using a chest strap now?  If not along with the high humidity you might be getting flawed data.

    Ian - that's great news about Iceland.  

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Add in race day adrenaline etc and 19:30 doesnt sound too much of a stretch.
    Decided to take a rest day today,busy day in work and I've ran a lot in the last 12 days,take it easy as the next 4 weeks I'm hoping to have the biggest 4 yet.
    Shades-Do you think I'd benefit by stretching my long run out to 22? I know a lot do,the last couple of 20's have felt fine and in control hence the question,or should I get them feeling easier.If it matters the 20's are taking about 2:37.
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    Ian - up to you, quite a few do run 22's in training, it gives more confidence to those that struggle mentally with the thought of 26.2.  That's not a problem for you though, is it?

    I think in my Level 2 plan I have long runs up to 22 miles.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-No,confidence isn't an issue,I've had a few bad days and always got to the end so I know I'll get there,running 26.2 at 3hr pace might be different though  :cold_sweat:
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the Reebok info, Shades! Will look into them. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Ian - you'll be fine.   You'll be a man on a mission as you will have waited so long to do your next marathon.

    alehouse - I think if I'd tried them on in a shop I would have said that they were not for me, but the moment I started to run I loved them.

    Finally back running today, seems like ages since my last run, but was only 3 days.   Did an easy 5 miles, toe OK just one or two twinges.   Didn't feel that comfortable a run, I felt really unfit, but that was probably due to the conditions 17 degrees and 95% humidity. 🥵
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    I did 4.5 miles late yesterday afternoon and had a nice run out.  A bit of rain and a bit of a wind, but it was behind me most of the way which made it quite an enjoyable run out on a flat route.

    6-miles this morning.  Humid conditions and also very blustery, but I just took it really steady (average 130bpm for the whole run) and did enjoy it, although the last mile into the headwind was a bit of a pain.

    I definitely managed to get my 5k in at the right time in terms of the weather.  A couple of other club mates who are usually quicker than me are about 30-seconds slower at the moment, as they had to run yesterday afternoon when it was blustery.  A couple of the speedy ones (i.e., sub 18-mins) are running today so it'll be interesting to see how they get on.

    I am quite enjoying this virtual event.  It's not the same as a proper race but there's lots of chat about what's going on and everyone is taking it seriously, although of course we all know it's just a bit of fun.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Ours is the same with the chat,there will be lots going tomorrow as its forecast 50mph winds and if you run a certain way you can have a full tailwind along the coast,unfortunately I have to work a long day or I'd be there.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, a couple are considering similar here.  There's a stretch near a place called Starcross and Powderham Castle which is basically flat and near a river.  It can be windy there but get it in the right direction and it could be very quick :)  The rules of the event we're doing allow point-to-point courses too.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Glad your toe is (almost) better, Shades.
    I was pretty niggly this morning, so almost didn't run but I spent half an hour doing foam rolling, stretching and mobility work (rather than the usual 10-15 minutes) and when I got outside I was actually less niggly than yesterday. There's a moral in there somewhere.
    6 miles again. I want to go longer tomorrow but will see how I feel. I won't push it too much at this point.

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    Big G - you certainly chose the best weather, but there was nothing to stop the others getting up early to do the same.

    Cal - that's a fair amount of pre run preparation, but it must have worked.

    Tommy & Big G - East Cornwall have announced that there won't be a Cornish marathon this year.  Will be back 2021.

    That's a shame but understandable in the circumstances.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, that's a shame about Cornish.  I was keeping my fingers crossed that one would go ahead as I thought it would be a perfect one for later in the year, but sadly not to be.

    I have seen the likes of SVN and How Hard Can It Be are putting some events on.  Certainly the latter had some events the last couple of days - Friday had 35 people across the events and today had 38.  100MC is getting some pressure from some people to allow these to "count" as currently they do not.
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