
Sub 3h15



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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    It's an hour Ian including changing. Should be fine. How are your legs?
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    OO-Go ready changed and get yourself an extra few minutes.
    They are fine,little sore on the heel but all good,hopefully get out later for a recovery run.
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    Great 10 miler, Ian, well done, Sir.

    DT getting a solid 10 done after the injury woes is really good to see, especially with no issues after. Nice.

    After the London announcement I downed tools and decided to have a few days off running, especially as it was so hot. Plus, my regular trail route for my LSRs was on fire, massively, it made the national news, so no chance of running on Chobham Common.

    Instead, I got the road bike out for a nice change and got 35 miles done. Just over a couple of hours, felt dead easy and was probably equivalent to an easy 16 miler.

    Boiling again here today, so will start the morning running again tomorrow.

    I've identified a trail half marathon in Wimbledon Park in October which is still on so I think I'll enter and specifically train for.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    G-Dawg-Sounds like a good time to step back a bit,do you have any other marathons you are considering?
    Just under 9 done today,tempted to do 10 but it would have meant a beast of a hill and my legs wouldn't have thanked me today.
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    No other marathon plans until next year, Ian. I'll go for HMs as I do the distance every week and will just need to add some speed work. I haven't trained specifically for a HM for years, so it will be a nice change.

    I'll then see what's happening with viruses etc in the winter/spring to see if I want to embark on another Marathon campaign before then training for London again.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    That sounds like a good plan,I was considering doing the same through the winter as I've only ever done HM's as part of training for fulls.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited August 2020
    DT - you have time yet, i was 46 or 47 when i went sub 60 and 80.

    OO - as Ian said turn up in yr budgie smugglers.

    Ian - Boston is 13th Sept ? So time for 2 or 3 long runs yet, to make sure you cope ok with the distance.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    My budgies are consigned to history TR. Someone told me I'd go a second a lap faster with the long tight variety 😇
    My last sub 60 was 2014 when I was 51. Just sneaked it by 5 secs. Never been anywhere near since.
    Nice plan GDawg.
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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    Ian - just realised what DT actually meant! Let those legs recover a bit :)
    GD - sounds like a good plan.
    OO - good swim?
    I've barely managed sub 60 pace for parkrun and never raced a 10 miler.
    Bit of work early this morning, then out at 6:23 for 4 miles. 1 w/u (7:49) and 3 tempo with strides (6:32).
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    Back at it this morning in very warm conditions. It was 27 in the shade on my garden thermometer. Just 7 miles on the trails that felt slow due to the heat but was nicely surprised to see the average as 7.30 pace.

    A nice base to maintain over the next few weeks and then ramp it up as a half marathon race comes into view.

    Some quick 10 mile talk going on here. I haven't done a 10 mile race for a while. My sort of PB is 65 mins which I did during the Surrey Half last year, so I'd like to give it a proper go and hit about 63 mins.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    TR, yes I feel (assuming I recover my fitness to post injury levels) I could go on and get faster further into my 40s.

    It was very warm this morning, gdawg. I went out at 8.30 and was warmer than I hoped.

    Nice little session there, Gul.

    In my experience, dependant on the schedule specific half mara training can be pretty savage, however some of my best gains came doing such training. It'd probably do a lot of us good to break off from mara training for a cycle. I remember reading a coach McMillan blog and it was about plateaus for marathon runners and the thrust of the advice was to step away and train for a 10k or a half for a few months to shake things up.

    Progressive 7 miler this morning. Decided to use my main hilly route just to add to the mixer of heat as well. Another royal flush starting with an 8.4x and finishing with a 6.3x and an average pace of 7.3x. Nice to get it done for the day.

    one of my favourite parts of this work from home is I can go out for a run like that utilising what would be my commute time, be back and showered and working by 9.30 as opposed to having to go out over lunchtime or after work. I can just work straight through until whatever time I need to now.

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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    Exactly that, DT! Being able to get the sessions done in the mornings when we'd normally be commuting has made the training so much more bearable. I've said before that I'm rubbish at getting up in the mornings but when getting up time is the same as a usual workday, it doesn't seem so bad.

    I went for an after work run last week and quite enjoyed the novelty of it.

    Good session today as well, Sir. I saw it on Strava and thought, "He's back!!"
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    Leslie HLeslie H ✭✭✭
    Everybody seems to be going well with Dt making a decent comeback.
    My next race was to be a half mara start of sept but got a wedding invitation for day  before so won't happen now. Have taken a break from running last run 17th July so near a month off, not injured as such although managed to hurt my knee and shin working in shed in separate incidences one when a  piece of cast iron fell on my shin sharp edge dug in a bit and other whacked my knee of a huge steel frame. Will hopefully get a run or 2 in soon but enjoying a change of scene for now and it's a good time to take a.break with no races. Unwelcome side effect is an additional 3kg off ballast opps! Keep well folks. 
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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    GD - good trail run.
    DT - nice progressive run.
    Leslie - ouch, sounds nasty. Hope it's all healed up and you can start running again soon.
    4 easy miles this morning.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    We've all been there Leslie. 3kg shouldn't be too hard to shift once you have a clear focus.
    Yes I think more homeworking is the future. Can't see us every going back to old ways. Two of my daughters in their 20s have struggled a bit without having experienced people sat around them, but love the flexibility.
    I paced junior to a sub 42 10k yesterday. And in the morning had my 2nd swim. Got over 2k this time, swimming non-stop for 45 mins. Feeling in good shape without pushing too hard at the minute. 

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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    Nice going, OO. Now London has gone I'm planning a couple of lake swims again soon.

    Decided to try and keep the habit going this morning by doing 14 hill reps on the mound in the middle of my trail route. 8 miles in total and it was proper warm. Finished nearly an hour ago and I'm still sweating! Already 30 degrees here.
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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    OO - good pacing and soon getting back into the swimming.
    GD - hard work in the heat. 
    Another 4 miler this morning, this time with 8  X 400/200m tempo intervals.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    Im with you, Leslie and remaining about 6lb overweight with a holiday next week!!

    Nice pacing, OO.

    Well done Gul and gd, keeping going in the heat.

    I did a pretty meaty interval session on the turbo yesterday. I was sweating just sat working. I was drenched by the time I finished and for about 2 hours afterwards.

    I have rejoined david Lloyd as from today so I will be swapping out some of the turbo sessions now for spin classes where convenient.

    I got up this morning and did 4m easy looking to beat the heat, however it was warm then about 11am it started pouring down and the temp dropped by about 10c. I wish I waited until now to go out.

    Quick question for anyone with experience of manc marathon. Jut in case I can get a place I am looking to book a premier inn (if I don't get a place I can just cancel it) but there are loads in central Manchester and on outskirts. Does anyone know the proximity of the start/finish to the city centre or any other locaton?

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    DT-From memory the start/finish are 1 tram from the centre,but big queues on the way back,if you can altrincham/sale was better as it's a similar distance but a lot easier after the race
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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    DT - yes, I think the Manchester marathon is a few miles out of the centre. No trams there in my day ;) Nice turbo training.
    3 steady miles this morning. Working long hours to try and get internal audits completed before my holiday. Rain looks like it's on its way (dodged it yesterday here).
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    Thanks, Ian/Gul. I was advised Altrincham elsewhere also. I have booked a room in the Travelodge there for £53 which is fully cancellable so if I don't get a place nothing lost.

    Are you going anywhere nice, Gul?

    Tempo today, shifted from Tuesday as the forecast was a bit cooler today. I should have gone out earlier when it was cool and gloomy as by lunchtime it was warm and sunny, though not as warm as Tuesday. Session was 4 x 1m tempo off 0.5m easy. Reps came in 6.37, 6.28, 6.26 and 6.31 which was pleasing and was an improvement on last weeks 3 x 1m off 1m easy which came in 6.37, 6.31 and 6.36 which also had the additional benefit of being on the racecourse and not on the streets as today was and being cool and cloudy.

    I was working hard in the last 0.5m probably more so than the session required and perhaps I am running at the paces I want to run (ie what I was running them in March) as opposed should be runningbut then knowing I can still run a pace and not be killing myself provides a nice little boost.

    We have rejoined David Lloyd, only because they offered us the rest of August free if we returned before our time in September (I think they are panicking a lot of members will bin it off) so spin first thing tomorrow then 11m lsr Sunday.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    DT-It's good that you can push yourself to those paces already.
    Another hectic work week,I knew these 2 were going to be,and with Reykjavik it would have been ideal,but not at the minute,only managed 41 this week,hopefully have a big week next week.
    Blackpool 10k tonight with OH,decided to target 37,previous pb was 37:39,each km should average 3:42 so obviously I got 1km done in 3:21,steadied a bit and got to halfway in 18:06,then a gradual uphill for 5-9,still on track at 9km so emptied the tank with a 3:33km(5:42 pace) to finish in 36:42,so a minute best,measured course and watch slightly over so seems an accurate time.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Nice DT, you are in decent shape already, so your fitness should improve further yet.

    Ian - good result that, that a big improvement and nicely sub3 ready. Boston is 4 weeks? How have your long runs been, do you have the endurance to go with the pace? Time for a couple more if needed?
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Ian, great result, you are clearly in sub 3 shape if the endurance is there, which what I've seen on strava you've put that work in. 

    Tr, thanks. I was working hard by the last rep and I couldn't sustain that for 8-10m as I was at those paces December to march. Still a lot of time yet though as the only race I've half an eye on is the Derby 10m mid November. 

    11m at 8.08mm this all very easy. My legs were a bit more tired earlier on than in last week's 10 but still comfortable. 

    Away Monday yo Friday this week on hols so will be some running but generally a cut back. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    TR-I think I've done enough long runs,will have a count up later.
    I should be fitting in 2 more,thos Tuesday and next week,then hope it goes ahead and for good weather.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Yes that's a great time Ian. I'm sure you could easily knock out a sub 18 5k too.
    Has anyone entered the virtual London- last day to enter today?
    I had a decent week, 47 miles and 5k of swimming. I have an 800m track race next Sunday- it will be my first race since before lockdown. 
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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    Ian - congrats on the PB. That's a very impressive time. You are in great shape, clearly.
    DT - pleased to see things are coming along really well. We're really pushing the boat out (sorry, couldn't resist) and crossing the county to the Broads.
    OO - will be good to race again. No virtual London for me, especially as they're charging for the privilege! 
    No running this weekend or today. Really need to clear my workload before going on holiday, so decided to take a break for a while.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    I'm sure it won't do you any harm Gul. Hope you are going somewhere where you are a able to run on holiday. I know some folks don't run on holiday but for me it the best bit, to run in new places

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    No virtual VLM for me. I'm not a fan of virtual races (or solo tempo runs, as they should really be called!).
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    No Virtual London for me. Just can't get myself motivated to pay extra and run solo for an event that probably has as much to do with shifting 2020 labelled medals and t-shirts as anything else.

    Top bombing there, Ian. great time, you're in ace form.

    Splendid reps there, DT. I'll be doing similar this week, hopefully.

    As the common still had hot-spots from the fire last week, I dodged the trails and hit the tarmac for a 14 mile longer run on Saturday. Felt a bit sluggish in the humidity at times but some drizzle did help for a small section. Quite surprised to see my slow feeling pace was 7.43, so I seem to be holding some decent endurance fitness.

    Got out for a 4 mile recovery yesterday to get 34 for the week. That will be my tickover mileage for the next few weeks until I enter a HM for October/November and ramp up the speed work.
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