
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big G - that's pretty good for Chester too as a very well organised race.   It's good too for accommodation as you can get reasonable Travelodge or Premier just a short drive to race HQ.

    How are you feeling?   Did you manage to sort supplies for your Dad?
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    Shades I’m not one for virtual events either, especially organisers that just sell you a medal.  There were a lot of runners at DL doing virtual London and I wonder how many of those wouldn’t have done if they hadn’t signed up to the virtual then on the other hand I wonder how many May have entered DL but instead decided to run from their front door.

    Cal I see a lot of posts on certain running groups about pbs on training runs and think go and do a race!!! I feel sorry for them as they don’t really get it.

    Big g Great price for Chester, hope you feeling okay, I do worry if things go to my chest too as takes me a while to recover!

    Hammies are stopping me getting out and running but should be okay by tomorrow, I’ve got a club champs 10k race on Sunday, mixed terrain have offered to pace if anyone wants it.  New system at work has been a nightmare thankfully our area hasn’t been a disaster yet 

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    Robert - if you don't manage to get out the following morning for a recovery run then you're doomed to the dreaded DOMS and for your poor hammies made worse by the cramping.    Have a hot bath before bed that might help and avoid trying to stretch them for now.

    How did you find the Guide 13's for your marathon?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Robert, the number of people who try and claim PBs when their Garmin hit 26.2, but the finish was actually a few hundred metres up the road is surprising too.  It probably isn’t helped that Strava shows PBs within an activity even when the race/activity itself wasn’t over, but I’m not sure what they can do about that.

    Shades, I’m ok - feverish and a headache, but currently ok. Not good news about Dad though as I got a call from a carer saying that Dad was threatening to top himself (he does say this a lot to me). The carer had to report it (which is totally fair enough) so I am not sure what is going to happen there now. But, yes, they got him some food.  
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    Big G - good that you are no worse.

    But not good news about your Dad and not much you can do about his mood/depression even if you weren't temporarily grounded.   
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    They’ve advised me to call the GP, which I’ve done, and they’ll be calling me back later.  There’s nothing else I can do, as you say. 
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    Big G - doesn't stop you worrying though.   :(
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Yeah, it is worrying.  When I spoke to him yesterday he just seemed incredibly vulnerable and it was dawning on him again how reliant he is on others :(  I can't get through to him today either as there has been a message saying he is on the phone for the last 90mins.  I think it probably means he didn't hang up properly when he last used the phone.  

    OH's PCR came back negative though, which frankly I am amazed about.  But we are staying apart whilst I self isolate, I am wearing a mask when walking to the loo etc, she is bringing me food up but staying at a distance, I am washing hands and using hand sanitiser regularly, but still I will be amazed if she doesn't catch it.  She has told her boss, but even if she hadn't had the PCR test (she didn't *have* to do that), she still doesn't need to self isolate as she is double jabbed.

    NHS called me yesterday as the link in the email wouldn't work, and they wanted my contacts back to Sunday 26th Sept (i.e, the day after New Forest marathon, and the day we left there) so they didn't go back far enough really for them to consider NF marathon being an issue. 

    In running shoe news though, my Atreyu should be turning up tomorrow apparently, which is great.  UPS are delivering them and the last update from yesterday is that they were still in the US at that point.  I will sit and stare longingly at them, if they do arrive, to help get me through the next few days ;) 
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    edited October 2021
    Big G - my Mum used to do that, not hang up properly from a previous call.   :#

    Well that is good and surprising news re OH's PCR test.  You may have been more susceptible post marathon or just bad luck.

    That's speedy delivery from the US.   You'll just have to post a picture on here until you're allowed out.

    Talking of pictures, me and the lonesome pine on Sunday's race, free photos to upload.  Pic gives a nice flavour of the route which was very scenic.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Hope your dad gets himself in a better frame of mind,esp at the minute as yiu can't do anything.
    Shades-The start was way to cluttered but after the first couple of miles it was only the odd time it felt like I couldn't run properly,biggest issue was when the water was only on 1 side trying to get across.I am impressed with my watch though,only measured 26.41m
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    That is a good pic, Shades.  I have ran along there quite a few times.  It is actually part of the City to Sea route, which is up there as one of my favourite races, but as you probably know has something of a sting in the tail over the last 6 miles :D 
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    Big G - with Sunday's forecast for showers and strong winds I was hoping that wouldn't be like those photos I've seen of runners doing the City to Sea in the past when there was all that rain.   You can keep the nasty 6 miles.  😉

    Ian - most big races will state what side of the road a drink station is if not on both sides.   I often plan my drinking accordingly as I prefer to run on the left.  Bit remiss of London not to have advised that.

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    Lovely pic Shades :) Such nice weather

    Big G - sorry to hear about your Dad. My parents are quite frail as well (we have a carer coming in once a day to help wash etc) and I'm pretty sure my mum has early onset but unfortunately is refusing to go to doctors...

    Well done on London Ian :) that's a great time.

    I can't really plan too far ahead for marathons unfortunately :( I am sitting some pretty serious exams next week (one is 5 hours, the other 6) and if I fail them I'll have to resit so I'm not sure running marathon is ideal prep :tongue:

    6 miles very easy for me yesterday, combined with errands (dropping my car off for some work; running to shop). Club session tonight (I run with Penny Lane) but the weather is dreadful so not very tempting..
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    Big G - Sorry to hear about Covid and the situation with your dad. I’ve seen reviews of the atreyu but never really understood the range. There’s like a base model which is a daily trainer and a race version?

    Shades - Lovely pic. 

    Finally managed to get out for 7 miles at lunch. Was pain free with only minor twinges in the affected area, although I do have a bug from the girls and had a bunch of lemsip early this morning so assuming that hasn’t masked anything! Anyway, relieved to be out again. Will play it by ear for Royal parks on Sunday. If I get a sense of any lingering issues then I’ll DNS as it’s not a priority versus Florence, especially given how crap the organisation’s been. I also don’t want to get my confidence knocked with a bad race due to the dodgy lead up, even if I doubt I’ve lost much fitness. 
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    bradders - eek 5 hour and 6 hour exams 😮. You certainly don't want a resit, so revision head on and enough running to keep you sane.   Get those exams out of the way and you can settle down to enjoy some training.

    Weather is lovely here, we had the stormy weather in the middle of the night, woke me up.

    Rcouture - great that you're back running and injury has almost healed.   Keep it short and easy for the rest of the week so hopefully injury has completely gone in time for Royal Parks.

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    Robert OHaraRobert OHara ✭✭✭
    edited October 2021
    Shades The shoes were okay on Sunday, will keep my eye out for another pair or two. Nice pic.

    Big G - good news you don't need to let NF marathon know, when my sister had covid she still stayed in the same room as her husband, he didn't fall ill, I don't know if he tested or not (he is a denier type who thinks its all rubbish and no jabs).  Hope you manage to get hold of your Dad.

    Bradders thats some major exams!!! I do try avoid booking marathon/ ultras a round exam dates as before I'm thinking about every inch of the course and after I'm either reflecting or my mind has been trashed.

    Rcouture hope you're mended now, it drives us insane when we can't do our hobby

    Bit of shoe shopping.  Had an email a few weeks ago from very offering me £30 cashback on £100 purchase.  Bought Asics gel-Kayano 28 £82.50 inc delivery after the voucher applies.  

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    Bradders - Hello btw! 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-Hopefully this is your recovery now.
    Bradders-I run for Wirral so not too far away.
    I was going to run tonight but the qeather was really bad,wet and windy so gave it a miss,hopefully get going again tomorrow.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    RCouture, I think they basically have two models. A daily trainer and a racer/interval model. I got the later. It’s got a carbon plate so even with delivery from the US it is good value compared to other lightweight CP shoes. That’s not why I bought it though - I just like the look of it and want to try it.

    Robert, yes I got hold of Dad. It has been extremely hectic today though (not especially for me) as it turns out different professionals were trying to reach him and couldn’t, so the GP sent an ambulance up!  I think the fact he threatened to top himself worried them when they couldn’t get hold of him. He is okay physically and the ambulance went away, but I need to come up with a better solution for his phone, although I don’t know if there is a better solution, as even if I tell him to just put it in the pocket of his wheelchair during the day, he’ll still need to remember to charge it over night. I have given him a mobile but he doesn’t use that much either. GP is also going to prescribe something to hopefully help his mood, but we’ll see if Dad accepts that.  
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    Big G - can’t imagine how difficult or worrying it is.  I was speaking with a customer recently who decided to install cctv cameras at their mums place, it meant they could keep an eye on them but I wouldn’t feel right doing that myself to someone.  Is it worth speaking with the care staff if you get a chance if they have any ideas they see others do? 
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    Robert - glad the Guides did you well in the marathon.   That's a very good price for Kayanos, I can remember when Kayanos were the most expensive running shoe available, but they do last forever.   

    How are the legs now?

    My shoes should arrive today, another pair of NB1080s which I got for £68 and another pair of Reeboks for £38.   I have recently retired one pair of shoes but the new purchases will give me a total of 32 pairs but 5 of them still boxed up and 9 pairs are over or very close to 500 miles.    I don't really have any more storage space.

    Big G - well that's good that the GP responded to your call about your Dad, hope the meds help his mood.

    Does your isolation period count from the first day of symptoms or the PCR test?

    I haven't run this morning, I had a spectacularly bad night's sleep.   Partly my own fault as I was reading a book I couldn't put down so every time I woke I started reading again.  I've finished the book now, but feeling a bit jaded, my own fault.

    Food shop this morning, and need to get petrol too.   Hoping that will be a simple task without queueing!.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, for me it counts from the PCR test results, so midnight next Wednesday is when it’s over. I don’t know if it’s a different/reduced period if people report they’ve had symptoms for a couple of days, but I was honest and said I’d had no symptoms. Also, it’s not counted the Sunday (I took the PCR test at 9am Sunday) so effectively I’ll be 11 days. I’m fine though. Loads of stuff on Netflix and a mountain of paperwork to keep me entertained. I feel sorry for OH as she’s busy at work, and doing all the food, shopping, housework, walking Tigg etc, whilst I basically lay in bed.

    Robert. I’m actually really pleased with how the carers and everyone else is responding since he’s been home. I don’t actually currently feel that I’m responsible for his well-being, which is good for me, as I don’t want that, but of course I still worry a lot.  It does still rely on Dad agreeing he needs the help, and there is this underlying fear that he’ll cancel things, but at the moment he knows he needs it all.  There are a couple of things I need to iron out when I’m allowed out but nothing urgent at the moment.

    As for me, I’m feeling a bit better today. RHR is in the high 50s so still high but through Sunday/Monday it was about 70 (my RHR is usually low 50s), so fingers crossed that continues. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well, my shoes are in the UK as they were at Castle Donnington at 4:15am, apparently.  There was a note yesterday saying to expect possible delays due to bad weather in Philadelphia but obviously nothing could hold the super shoes up ;)    OH is at work, so if they do arrive today and I am extremely lucky, I may be able to slip the box in amongst all the other ones and she'll be none the wiser ;)   
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    Big G - that makes sense re isolation period, as any earlier symptoms couldn't really be verified as Covid.
    At least you've plenty to keep you busy.   I'm sure you'll do your share of domestic duties when you are allowed to again.  ;)  Positive news on reducing RHR.

    I was less blasé yesterday doing my LFT now that you've contracted it as I know you have been careful.   My LFT was negative.

    Your shoes must have arrived at East Midlands airport  :)   I can't see how you'll manage to hide them from your OH, they look so different that other shoes.    Unless you can blag "oh, these, I've had these for years".

    Petrol station was quiet, it's probably the most popular in town.   Cashier said they've had no problems with supply or queues for days.  

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    Big G - Good to hear you’re feeling better

    Shades - Petrol supplies are pretty tight down here still. Was chatting to a black cab driver yesterday who was saying after the pandemic, this is the last straw for a lot of them.

     5 miles early this morning. No issues with obliques. Then went to physio who thinks I’ve got a tight left hip in general and so recommends a few more sessions to work on that. He’s after some more work of course but his diagnosis makes sense and would explain some of the issues (ITB, PF, tighter calf) I’ve had with only my right side as it overcompensates. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    New shoes arrived and I like them. 

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    Rcouture - we all have a dominant side, my Pilates instructor is always reminding us of that.  Good the pain in the obliques has gone.
    You can relax about that and focus on Sunday's race.

    Yes, seems it's the SE that is still struggling re fuel supplies.

    Big G - they're very distinctive.    :o  Interesting sole pattern, would be quite intriguing seeing that.
    Have you had a run around the house?

    As soon as OH sees those she'll know they're new. 😄

    My shoes have arrived too.
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    Big G - glad your happy with the help your Dad is getting, you’ll need to dirty those shoes a bit in the garden so the oh doesn’t find out 😆 

    Rcouture - Good news on the run, hopefully you're on the mend now.

    shades I used to wear kayanos about 10 years ago rrp was £120/£130 and sports direct/ lilliwhites were knocking them out for £70/80 can’t get those prices too often now.

    Went out for a few miles earlier, niggle free but  legs were tired.  Also new shoes arrived today, thought I was safe but Elle was at home so expecting a few questions later 
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    Great pic Shades.

    Well done on your races everyone... Big G sorry about your Covid and dad woes. I hope you see some improvement soon. But hey, you have some nice new shoes at least.

    Bit down at the moment as I've really messed myself up. Booked myself in to see my physio tomorrow. My back/core/side has improved but the ham/hip is really rather bad...just as I was starting to feel more optimistic about racing again. FFFF.
    Oddly it felt worse today, after not exercising yesterday (godfather's funeral...I did a little light rehab before I left but nothing else). The friend who came to pick me up from the station asked if I was injured so I asked if I was limping and he said yes. :/
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    For anyone who has access and may be interested, both Chicago and Boston are live on Eurosport this weekend, with the respective programmes starting at 13:15 on each day.  I know Ian mentioned it before, but what a unique(?) prospect for a great double!  I suspect a stream will turn up somewhere as well.

    I remember when Yuki won Boston the commentators made a right fool of themselves.  There are a few Brits that follow Yuki due to the Marathon Talk podcast, and he is a great runner, does a lot of marathons a year, but the US presenters clearly had no clue who he was.  I just reminded myself of it here with this 5-min highlight video.
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