
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big G - seems like you dodged that cold/virus.    Horrible feeling when you can't get warm.
    Annoying about the foot niggle.

    Did you enter the 10 miler at the weekend?

    I entered Newport today.  😊
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, good news on Newport.  I still haven't entered the 10-miler as yet.  I am 50/50 really!  It is a long day out, which is part of the problem.  Google is saying it is 2hr20 each way, so with the time faffing beforehand and after, plus the race itself, I could be out for 8-9hrs or so!  Weather looks reasonable though, although not perfect.  Probably I am swaying towards giving it a miss.

    Regarding the chat about London ballot, I have already entered Chester so in the unlikely event that I get a London ballot place, I would have a decision to make!  Did London change the rules recently about deferring entries, or am I misremembering?
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    Shades...I'd assume so but my appointment is 9:10am and I like to run early as you know. And I'm also assuming they want it back the same time next day. Might go to the gym with it, though...we'll see.
    I am doing the Winter 10K on Sunday as well as parkrun Saturday so would like to have fairly fresh legs for those, so not planning to run Friday. Anyway...

    Big G that is a very long day. I'm also in the London ballot but might well end up doing Chester with you if neither of us is lucky.

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    Big G - didn't the entries for the 10 miler close yesterday?  I might have imagined that 😕

    I think the deferments for London GFA have changed, but as far as I know general ballot deferments are the same.

    Cal - I meant run on the Friday morning, but it's now a planned rest day.  But I guess depends on whether they you want to have a quiet day or a normal day.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I hadn’t twigged that, and yes entries are closed. That’s the decision made, then :)
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    7 again today,back is feeling much better,still a slight ache but nearly gone.
    Big G-There was issues with deferrals last year,but I think that was due to people who were cancelled from 2020 trying to deferral,or along those lines.
    Also awaiting london,but if I get in I'll be looking to defer and concentrate on Chicago,unless the weather looks bad there then I'll go for London and just run Chicago.
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    Big G - hilly Dorset race or P & D long run then for you ;)   I didn't imagine it then.  

    Ian - great you're now back in training.

    Cal - hope all goes well today.

    8 miles today, good running conditions.

    Stretch class and gym this morning
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    I'm all strapped up. I didn't manage a run - I had a poor night's sleep (for some reason I just wasn't tired so struggled to get to sleep, even though I went to bed an hour late) so I wasn't up early enough. Did walk to the hospital, though, and then went to the gym for half an hour (there's a class that takes over the gym at 11 on Thursdays so had to be done by then) and lifted some weights.
    The monitor thing is a bit cumbersome - it's like a pager with three leads attached to stickers on my torso, so not sure if I'll be able to run with it tomorrow morning (or run without worrying about it falling off). I'm more concerned about what happens to it while sleeping. I managed to rip my eye shields off during the night when I had laser eye surgery, and I wasn't even aware I'd done it until I woke up and found them beside the bed. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, good luck with the contraption!  When do you get the results, do you know?

    Shades, I have done a longer run today (18 miles), so I won't do a long run on Sunday.  Probably about 10ish tomorrow, parkrun Saturday and 10ish Sunday.  If I do that it will still be roughly 60 for the week (even with the extra rest day), although with no P&D sessions. From there, I will just do what I feel in the run up to Seville. 

    Not the best of weather for today's 18 miler as it was quite cold, windy and a bit of rain so it felt a bit of a grind today really.  Got it done though. 1-mile to the seafront, 16 laps of the green, then 1-mile home, all to MAF.  Foot still isn't quite right, which is a bit of a concern.  On the 1-10 pain scale, when running, it is only about a 1 or 2, so really not much at all, but it is there still.
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    Cal - well if you miss your run tomorrow it'll do no harm.

    Maybe wear a tight t-shirt to sleep in might make it less likely you'll rip the device off in your sleep.

    Big G - good for you doing an eighteen miler today, but 16 laps of the green, you're a glutton for punishment.  You're as bad as YT and his laps of Brunel.   ;)

    Have you managed to find out what the niggle in your foot is?

    Maybe try taping it for your next run and see if that helps reduce the pain.

    Lovely stretch class and good upper body workout in the gym.   Gym very quiet except when the school kids came in, but new very strict teacher with them today so they were quiet and beautifully behaved.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, when I had this issue a while ago I was told PF, but I always thought PF was along the bottom of the foot, whereas this is along the inside, above the arch.  It is not that it is agony (far from it), but I am aware of it.  Yes, 16 laps of the Green isn't exactly riveting in terms of being an awe-inspiring route, but I don't mind it occasionally.  It's flat, and apart from one access-road crossing each lap, I find I can switch off from what is going on around me.  Today I started off at the lower end of my MAF range and I was happy with the consistency today (I did walk a couple of times just to take on water and some food but other than that, it was a quite a consistent run).  After a shower I headed straight back out and down the pub for pie & and mash, and a chocolate fudge cake :D  
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    Big G - I've never had PF either (touch wood), but like you I've always understood it to be the tendon that runs along the sole of the foot.   I don't know if the pain can be elsewhere on the foot.  I just googled it and it does say pain is usually under the heel but can be around the arch, but doesn't say the top of the foot/arch.  I think unlikely to be PF there.

    I would still tape and see if that helps.

    You earned that lunch 😋
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Hope the contraption isn't too uncomfortable. 
    Big G-That looks a great run,how does that compare to your previous long MAF runs.
    Shades-I quite liked the RT socks,I think they appeal to a lot of newer runners so could do well with add ons,bit like the extras we try and sell you by the tills.
    Thinking about it,they must be the biggest race company in the country,I can't think of anyone who puts as many races on.
    Didn't have much time to spare today so just got 40 mins done on the bike, hoping to finish early tomorrow and get 10m or so in.
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    Nice running all. Been manic at work doing >14 hour days all week but managed to pop out for 4 miles yesterday and today. Ran in invincibles yesterday which felt nice and bouncy and more stable than before but seemed to irritate the ITB. Will keep them but set them aside until knee’s cleared. Going back to my lower drop rebels today seemed to make for a feeling-free run. Quite the balance between running ITB/bursa free with lower drop shoes and risking calf/Achilles problems in them! 
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    Big G, I have a phone consult scheduled for March, so then I guess.

    Rcouture, I guess that's why we're supposed to rotate our shoes. I've put my 4mm Frees back into the mix (my trails are also that low and what I wear to off-road parkruns) as the Alphas are 4mm even with their daft stack height, so I want to be ready for them as and when I do. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, HR is looking quite good.  Basically the average for today's run was only 137, with an average of 9:17min/mile across the whole run, which is pretty good for me over that distance.  I wasn't running *at* MAF, but purposefully easier than that from the start, and I felt quite good today.  Also, legs feel fine as well this evening, which is encouraging.  Of course I was getting a bit tired towards the end, but I did do 15 miles yesterday as well, on a hilly route. 

    Anyone excited about the Nike Streakflys?   I think they look really good for shorter distances.  I think may get a pair when they come available.
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    Big G, I admit I am. They look like a good sub for the old Zoom Fly which Nike has insisted on making heavier with each iteration.

    Did an easy 5 miles this morning. Felt easy, anyway, though my watch made my HR quite high for the pace I was going (11s). I hope it's just the watch (wasn't wearing the strap as I already had three electrodes stuck to my chest) as I'm hoping I don't scare the doctors and get told to stop running. That would be bad.
    I'll be walking back to the hospital in a while to give it back.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, regarding yesterday's run, if I take off the first and last miles which I always do more slowly, it was an average of about 9:05min/mile for the whole 16, which is really good for me over that distance.  I think the closest I can say is that I did 11 miles (of 13) on the same route in Jan 21 and those 11 miles averaged 9:20min/miles.  So yesterday I did 5 miles more, at a faster pace, at the same HR.  Other indicators that Ia m running well are that I am doing faster miles on known segments than I ever have, at MAF.  How this all translates into a fast marathon for me, remains to be seen!  I am going to have to use race times for my MP as my MAF pace has always been very slow in comparison to my MP and doesn't really correlate that well.  If it all comes together on the day I do believe I am in PB shape though, so we shall see.

    10-miles today.  I was out early for me (6:15am) and it was cold but not icy, and not much wind, so it was a pleasant run out.  As it was early, I went over to Torquay on the diversion route, and it was okay going out, but coming back it was just on the verge of getting too busy. I had an enjoyable run though.  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Sorry Cal, x-post.  Glad you managed to get out with the contraption!  Someone said the new shoes are similar in some ways to the Peg Turbo 2, which I think you liked as well, didn't you?  I am going to get a pair.
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    edited February 2022
    Cal - I take it you didn't rip the device off in your sleep.   If you ever have to do that 24 hour test again you'll have to ask for a device compatible with your Garmin  ;)

    Hope the phone consultation is prompt so you're not kept waiting longer than necessary.

    Ian - it was just unusual to be offered the socks before you've even selected the event on the entry.

    Rcouture - impressive you still managed a run whilst working those long hours.

    Definitely a fine balancing act with your your shoes, but you are aware so you can manage it.   I was reading an article the other day about the changes in shoes, particularly the introduction of the carbon plate, saying that radical changes can often change the force from one part of the foot/leg to another and that in itself can lead to new injury problems.    It said to look at as a side effect of a new medication that has cured the illness but can cause another problem.

    Big G - I'll go and have a look at these Streakflys 

    Was hoping to do 9 or even 10 miles this morning but we have frost again and very cold, but I managed a good 8 mile run even though my legs weren't happy in the cold.   Luckily only a few icy patches on the roads/paths and easy to avoid.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I have also wondered about the carbon-plated shoes and them causing (different?) injuries.  I have got used to it now I think, but the first pair I wore felt very odd.  The Streakflys don't have a carbon plate, but use the same foam as the the Vaporflys, which according to a couple of studies is where the 'magic' happens.  They are very lightweight.
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    Big G - yes, that was more or less what the article said.   It wasn't criticising shoes with carbon plates or any other new technology,  just pointing out that the force is different and that can lead to new injuries.

    I looked at the Streakflys, at least they're not an offensive colour.  ;)  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I think the white ones are the initial pre-release version that sold out in minutes.  From what I can see, a load of YouTubers got a pair, and although I am aware they are partly responsible for the hype, I admit I am hooked!  I haven't seen the other colours yet though.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I seen them and think they will be on my list,looks like it might be like when the 4% came out and need to be ready on release morning.
    Got myself a new pair of shoes,went with Nike Structure 24,think a bit of stability is worth a try to see if it helps my legs again,only £49 from Keller sports,came yesterday so will give them a go later.
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    Hi All - It's been a while! I got bogged down with work and kept forgetting to login and post to say hello!

    Anyway, down for Manchester deferred from 2020, but might switch to another mara. On the P&D 55-70 mile plan. Only raced once since COVID cancellations in 2020 which was a 39 mile ultra.

    Hope you are all going well.
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    Steve - welcome back, I'll put you on the list before you disappear again  ;)

    Good to know you're well and marathon training.
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    Shades - Yes, still been keeping the miles up even with no races. Hope your running is going well.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited February 2022
    Steve - Hi!

    Big G - Yes the streakflys look good. Is there a sense as to when they will be released again? With so much hype and these supply chain issues it might be a challenge to get a pair. I was comparing reviews on them to the Takumi sen to eventually replace my beloved rebel 2 for speedier stuff. Was veering more to the Takumi mainly because I’ve never run in Adidas. 

    Shades - That is interesting re that article. I only wear carbon plates for races really and I’m pretty religious about rotating shoes. 
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    Nah it was stuck on pretty good, Shades...at least the electrodes were. When I pulled them off, half the sticky bit stayed stuck. Phone consult's on the 9th March.

    Steve, stay with Manchester, I would. Fast and flat with great support and some of us are there too.

    Re: Streakflys...I guess they are more like the Peg Turbos, which I rather like and have raced in a few times.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited February 2022
    Hi Steve.  Nice to see you back.  How is your training going?

    RCouture, I think it was Ben Parkes who said "soon" and Ed Bud who said "March/April" (or the other way around).  I don't think they're out at all in the USA yet.
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