
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I’m aware it’s possibly going to be a slog out there, but I’ve lathered up with Ibuprofen gel, I’ve been rolling out my foot like a man possessed, done my stretches, I’m fed, watered, and I’m just hoping to enjoy it. Going out at roughly 4hr pace, give or take, but if I’m slower than that at half way I’m really not bothered. 

    It’s a great city. Seems really relaxed somehow. Did the Architecture Boat Tour yesterday which was a big highlight. 75mins on the river and the guide was great, explaining the history of some of the most iconic buildings, back stories, petty quarrelling amongst the architects through the years, etc. Really very good. 

    I got some food from the supermarket for breakfast, we went to a noodle place after for dinner. Haven’t slept well at all (haven’t since I’ve been here), but I’m ready to go. 

    This is from the tour. 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Louey-It was just a half,but not feeling it at all.
    Just watching a few friends doing Chester at the minute,then will switch to Chicago watching.Cant see it anywhere on TV yet,wondering if it will pop on Eurosport red button later.
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    Apparently the chicago marathon app will be livestreaming it. Go into participant info - live broadcast
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I'll check that but I think it might be geo blocked.
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    Cal - I've heard folk say that their Garmins have recorded them sleeping when they were just sitting quietly. 

    Today was the first day for a while that I didn't have to log into Garmin Connect. 

    Louey  - I'm retired now so can run anytime I like.    My preference is early mornings and if a choice between daylight and minimal traffic I choose minimal traffic.   At weekends the roads are quieter early in the day so can wait for daylight, even in the winter. 

    Sorry you're a bit poorly, hope that clears up quickly. 

    Big G - you've done everything possible so hope you can enjoy the race without too much discomfort, good luck. 

    Upper body session in the gym.    New kit/machines taking some getting used to but has reignited my passion for gym work.    Gym was very quiet, so I could potter round investigating the new stuff. 
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    It was a tad wet aye........
    Was gonna stop where i did anyway but they'dclosed the checkpoint a few mins before as that was cut off time. Off course some people where grumbling it was 30.5 miles in not 30 thus they were on track just. Got dropped off at Polmont station by one of the checkpoint crew then erm the 5 min delayed train due when i got there (worked well as had time to get ticket) ended up being another 30 mins as barely any trains were running at all. So unsurprisingly i was feelling the affects of the cold by then so stripped off on the train to put a dry warmer top on and then used the tram to get up to the finish and back for my main bag. To hotel then warmed and dried off then pizza then bed by er 8.
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    Keith  - well done, sounds like it was a tough day.

    I saw the video of you all starting.   Can't always judge how heavy rain is on video and in the dark but on that clip could see it was hammering down. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Looks like there's a chance the male world record could go today.
    Big G is ticking along nicely.
    Hassan has taken control of the female race.
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    Wow, new men's world record 2:00:35
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    World record broken! I've managed to find it on discovery plus. Weirdly though the grandstands at the finish are completely empty!!
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    Kiptum must have got to the finish faster than expected so nobody in the grandstand to cheer him in.

    I think 2nd fastest women's time too today. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Think those grandstands are the expensive ones,think it's what we got free with VIP package.
    Incredible running from Kiptum and Hassan.
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    And now the live programme has stopped after Hassan finished. 
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    My work colleague has finished in just under 3hrs with a slight negative split. I'm absolutely thrilled for her. She's trained so hard. BigG is looking good with 7k to go. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    That's brilliant louey,a female from pur club finished in 2:58 so probably close together.
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    edited October 2023
    Louey  - that's impressive running from your friend, sub 3.

    I have a friend running, going for her first sub 4.   At the moment predicted time is 4:00:39 so touch and go.   But she's still on for a big PB, she's already run a couple of hundred marathons so a circa 10 minute PB is significant.   She's had a few years of long term injuries so it's good to see her come out the other side of that. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shadea-That's a great PB with that many races behind her.
    Big G-Just done his fastest 5k between 35 and 40k.
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    Nice to see Rose Harvey coming in 9th (and first Brit). Phenomenal time from Kiptum though, yikes. Sub-2 very much possible in a race now.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G finished it in style,hopefully he enjoyed it with finishing strong.
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    Big G  has finished, great pacing.

    Ian - yes, re my friend, she's had years of achilles problems.   She's on to finish in about 4:02 but that will still be a 9 minute PB. 
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Great running Big G. Look forward to the report and hope you have a cracking evening out!

    Caught the second half of the race which was great. My love affair with Hassan continues. Second fastest marathon in history 6 weeks after 3 track events at Worlds, including 2 medals and a fall at the line when leading. Think in this one she apparently had to double back for her drink at an aid station (like literally take several steps backwards) before sharing it with her pacer. Utterly chaotic 😂. Wonder how well she’d do if she did things sensibly. 

    A lady I met at both our first ever marathon in Kempton Park a couple of years ago ran 2:51. Pretty inspiring given she finished that first one a couple of minutes behind me.

    6 miles earlier. Still feeling pretty beat up. The time it’s taking me to feel close to normal again really underlines that I’ve nothing to regret about my Berlin effort.

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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    Fabulous finish by BigG - he should be very happy with that given his injury problems. 

    Shades - a 9 min PB after that many marathons is very impressive! 
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    Louey - it can be done.   In 2009, my 217th marathon I knocked 10 minutes off my PB.   The following year I did 3 more PBs, the last one being my 243rd event and was 13 minutes off my 2009 PB. 
    Nothing since though 😕 

    Rcouture - of course you've nothing to regret re Berlin, you ran superbly.    But you would be feeling a bit better now if you didn't stop running completely and perhaps eat a bit more than required.   But you're back training now and you'll soon feel better. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Chicago marathon done!

    I wonder if you’re all thinking I was sandbagging when I was on about having to walk etc!  I had a plan to go out at around 4hr pace and I felt the foot was okay on that, but I was fully expecting to fall apart in the 2nd half and have to walk a lot, but it just never happened. I was holding back but at 20 miles started to be a bit more consistent (I even had a loo stop in the first half, which I’ve never done before in a big race) and then with a couple miles to go I upped the pace and 26th mile was comfortably my quickest. I’m really, really pleased with how it went. The plan I had worked out far better than I’d hoped for. I was honestly thinking it would be a massive slog from half way with the foot but it didn’t materialise, and I really enjoyed it. Aerobically I felt pretty good, and although the foot started niggling at 5 miles, it didn’t really get progressively worse (until I took my shoes off at the hotel, randomly!). 

    As for the event, I really enjoyed it. Logistics are just so easy - hotel literally minutes from the start and finish. After I crossed the line I was back in the hotel in 15mins - I went through, got my medal, goody bag, turned left over a bridge and my hotel was right there. If I was to do this again I wouldn’t change anything. I didn’t even check a bag in - there was no need as the bag store was the same distance away as my hotel, but in the other direction. If I’d checked in a bag, it would have taken me longer to get back. At the start it was chilly but I had a throwaway/old jumper and I was fine. It was funny seeing obviously pretty quick runners wandering around in old dressing gowns and PJs :) 

    As for the course and day, conditions were perfect. Cool (but not too cold), virtually no wind, no rain. Couldn’t ask for better really. I think it’s the by far the best conditions I’ve done a major in. 

    I really enjoyed the event itself. Really good support, plenty of space to run. The way they did the start corrals was brilliant. I was actually in the second corral in the first wave (so close to the front) and they set off each corral individually, maybe a minute or so staggered. I started at the back of mine and was over the start line in about 6mins or so. GPS was a bit off (I knew it would be) and at one point I was ahead and the next behind, which evened itself out and my distance on the watch was good in the end. I think from about 14 miles I was pretty spot on with the mile markers. 

    OH is an expert at this and saw me 5 times, when though it’s not really possible to go to the outer reaches of the course. She saw me at 1, 3 12.5, 21.5 and with 400m to go. 

    Speaking of 400m to go, there’s a nasty little rise over a bridge, which is at exactly the wrong place. Only about 100m long but people were swearing. :) 

    Anyway, report all over the place a bit. But in summary I’m delighted with how I ran it in the circumstances and I really enjoyed it. As it was a 7:30 start being back at the hotel before lunch time was great too!
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    Brilliant Big G, I'm so pleased it went well.    Your pacing was so consistent. 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Great report,really glad you enjoyed it.But that is not a nasty rise 🤣 it's a minuscule slope,it's just because the rest is so flat.
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    Well done Big G! Glad you enjoyed it!
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Joined OH on her 5am run today,hate running so early but with my new rota it's the only way l'll be able to run 5 times a week.
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    Ian - probably not the best time of year to start 5 a.m. runs.   It's so much more pleasant around May time with the bright mornings.   I hope you'll eventually get used to it. :/

    But at least you can go to work knowing that whatever the rest of the day throws at you, your training is done.   :)

    5 miles today, chilly morning.   Legs felt a bit tired, don't know why, I did upper body in the gym yesterday.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    That’s early Ian. I hope you get into your routine soon. Yeah, that bit at 400m to go isn’t too bad and I ran it all, but people around me were swearing. 

    Headed over to Chinatown last night, and had a great meal. It was a hot pot place where you have heating plates on the table, you choose your broth and you cook the food in the broth. We had beef, lamb and fresh veg and it was brilliant. 

    Went out for 3 miles today. Slow but generally I’m amazed how good I feel. 
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