
The Fat Club



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    Hi all,
    I've loved reading these messages!! Anyway, have been out twice for meals over the weekend..oh dear! Anyway, all is not lost, cos I still lost 1lb..! I agree with 'Little Legs' totally (by the way, maybe that should have been my nickname, cos I'm only 5')..Even though I've only lost one pound, I feel lots thinner for some reason.. did a total of 25 miles last week though (most I've ever done in a week), so maybe that's got something to do with it! Anyway, I just wanted to add my bit of encouragement to everyone - I know I've got less than most people to lose (10lbs), but it's such a struggle and, as I said in an earlier message, I've lost & put on this same 10lbs for years now.. I'd just like to keep it off once and for all..! Anyway well done to you all for your losses and keep up the good work!
    Michelle x
    - 1lb
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    Just think, 1lb lost is 1lb nearer your target so congrats! However much you lose it's a great achievement, as is running so we should all remember to tell ourselves that...

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    Hi All,
    Well i tested out my toes today, as i am pretty sure they were not broken. And i managed to run 4 mins then walk 2 mins 5 times without any pain at all, So i am all happy again. I found a nice woodland run, so got nice and dirty, but really enjoyed it. Rest day tomorrow, but i am going to go swimming on rest days. Is this too Much??
    Also what should my daily calorie intake be? I am 31 yr old Male 6'4'' and 19St 7Lbs.


    PS sorry if you already read this post in Beginners forum.
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    Hello all - it's so good to read so many motivating posts. All these races being run and PB's being set...

    I was 9.2 last Monday and am now 9.1 so it's still going slowly :)
    Also had a really good long run yesterday (only 7 miles but it's x-country and hilly). Anyway, I felt really good. I'm doing the Flora Light Challenge on 1 September and am really looking forward to it. It will be my first race in ages.

    Daisy Dog - I really agree with running helping with gaining respect for your body and for yourself as well. Just getting out the door and doing a run makes me feel better about myself.

    Daisy Duke - good luck with the 1/2 marathon and with battling the old ED.

    Welcome to L-J Lacey and congrats to everyone on their races, weight loss etc.

    Nic - really pleased for you that your toes are okay. I had to go to casualty with mine where they x-rayed it and put a splint on - travelling on the tube in the rushhour was a nightmare - I was paranoid about people stepping on my foot.

    -1 this week (-17lb overall)
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    hi ya,
    Can I join the club too, My names Nina and Ive just started running again three weeks ago and managed to run 3miles quite easily on Sunday so Im pleased with myself, Im even thinking of entering a 10k in Liverpool in October.
    At the moment I weigh 10st 13.5lb and Im only 5ft 3ish tall so I would like to get down to 9st 7lb.
    Any way Ive read everyones messages and Im feeling inspired and will post my weight loss next Monday.

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    Hi Guys - in all my enthusiasm at the new gym/health club I forgot about weigh-in day!!

    Weigh-in Day : Monday.

    Weight Last Monday - 13st 1 = 183lbs = 83Kg.

    Weight Today - 12st 13lbs = 181lbs = 82Kg.

    Exercise: Running now 3-4 times a week. Joined gym - full cardio work out with some weights.

    Diet: Healthy eating always (except today a colleague bought me a bar of chocolate because I was a bit down). Otherwise doing well I think :)
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    Hi everyone
    Well done with all your good progress, it's really got me motivated. Today was my first official diet day so I've no loss/gain to report (yet), I just logged in to see how everyone was doing. A well behaved eating day has paid off for me though, I managed to knock 2 mins of my PB for a 7km run tonight!

    Litte Legs - thanks for the www.fitday.com link I'm going to check it out now.

    Hopefully I'll be reporting some weight loss to you all next Monday.

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    I'm gonna do the fitday thing too... Thought the food values were a bit limited, but it's good to be able to keep track of everything... Might encourage calorie obsessiveness though, which is not always a good thing, especially for runners!
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    Yeah i agree. I am going to do the fitday thing as well. Nice to see how much i need to lose a week to reach goal weight.


    -3lbs this week
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    Aren't you all good! I'm well impressed.

    I'm 2lb lighter today than I was on Friday, but that's likely to be an artefact as TOTM struck on Saturday, causing big outpouring of retained fluid on Friday night, and although I ate loads on Saturday and Sunday (including a side-dish of "healthy" broccoli and carrots which turned out to be deep-fried in olive oil - it was horrible, but I was so hungry I'd have eaten it even if it had been cooked in engine oil) I'm sure I expended far more calories (hillwalking - 5 hours at 300-400 cals per hour?) yesterday than I took in. My muscles probably have a bit of refuelling to do today and that will add a bit of weight back on.

    I'd certainly advise caution when reducing energy intake. If you feel you can't lose weight, while exercising, on less than about 1,500 calories a day, either you're adding up wrong or there's a big risk of either sending your body into famine mode or getting an uncontrollable urge to binge. If the scales aren't going down as fast as you'd like, yet you know you are eating sensibly and getting plenty of exercise, throw away the scales.

    My classic example of adding up wrong was when I read that a portion of pasta was 6oz. and thought that was the dry, rather than cooked, weight. So I was merrily ploughing through over a pound of cooked pasta (with veg and most of a jar of pesto) several times a week for some time before it struck me that normal people just do not eat this quantity at a sitting.

    Cheers, V-rap.
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    Pasta has been my downfall too - I LOVE the stuff (preferable covered in cheese!) and used mara training as excuse for ridiculous portion sizes then wondered why I hadn't lost any weight!!! Am on normal portions now, but would never try to follow a low-carb diet, it just doesn't make sense for a runner, though i agree we need more protein than the sedentary population!
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    What's a normal portion of pasta? I tend to cook 100g (dry) per person for a main meal.

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    That's what they say as a guideline on the back of the packs, though 150g is probably a more decent-sized portion...
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    If it fits on the plate it is a potion ;o)

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    You aint seen my plates!!! Great square-shaped chuggers from Ikea that you can fit a few kgs of pasta on! Fantastic!
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    A "portion" of pasta is about 50g dry weight. Wouldn't feed a fly.

    Cheers, V-rap.
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    Cha! We runners need fuel, who makes up these portion sizes?! To be honest, I'd never weigh food, I just put a couple of handfuls of pasta in the pan and that seems to be fine. I think it can be a bit counter-productive to get obsessive about calories and weighing food, you end up spending all your time thinking/wprrying about food, it's just not healthy...
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    RedheadRedhead ✭✭✭
    Certainly wouldn't feed me V-rap ;-)
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    I'm guessing you've all seen this, but if you haven't check out the calories burnt table in Training - under General. It does it by weight and speed!
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    Hello All
    Wow, brilliant to here such inspiring stories. I've lost 2 1/2 stone in the last 18 months, and am still making an attempt to lose some more, at 5'9" and just under 12 there is still some way to go - I managed to put a bit on over Xmas. Took up running at the start of the year, did the London 10k in 59 minutes, and am still feeling smug! Thought I'd share a few thoughts on the weight loss thing, I couldn't agree more with the comments about not reducing the calorie intack too much. I tried loads of diets before I realised that actually keeping the fat and processed sugar in your diet low and eating loads of fruit and veg, along with a good 30 minutes exercise at least 3 times a week took the weight of at a steady rate. I also kept a food diary, just a note of what I'd eaten, which also really helped as you could see when you had bad days and make sure you're good for the next 2 - but I didn't calorie count. The maximum loss in a week was 4lb. I didn't give up on treats, still had the odd glass of wine and meals out, but always in moderation. I also managed to give up smoking and keep it off. I feel like a completely new woman, and it only took 18 months. So good luck everyone. I'm now in training for the GNR and if someone had told me I do that 2 years ago I'd have laughed all the way to the bar and the fag machine!
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    RedheadRedhead ✭✭✭
    I used to weigh my food until I became obsessed by it and started to get awkward if we went out for meals! Common sense is the key (although sometimes greed wins!!!!)
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    RedheadRedhead ✭✭✭
    Well done She for stopping smoking as well as losing weight. That's no mean feat (it was one of the excuses I used to use for putting my weight on!).

    Welcome on board and keep up the good work.
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    Well done for stopping smoking She.
    I am on my second week now

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    Keep it up. It really can be done. The best bit is when you go out for a long run, in my case 5 miles!, and don't feel you're chest tighten up. You'll also find your skin will begin to look amazing, lots of water and no nicotine is I think what does it!
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    Well done, She, though i feel slightly shamed as you are the same height as me but already weigh my TARGET weight!! if you still have a way to go, what about me?? Are you sure you need to lose a lot more? I was thinking 11 stone 7 would be a good 'fighting weight' for a runner... Aaargh!
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    Hi Lamb, (dropped the the 'cos it sounded too formal) Yes, I'm heading for 11 stone 7, I'm with you I reckon thats a pretty good weight for running at our height. I think any more than that and its too hard to keep off, but if you put on a few pounds here and there its not the end of the world.
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    Yeah, you're right. Sometimes I look at those height/weight charts and think madness! I can't believe I'd be as fit at 10 stone as at 11 7, I'd have to lose a lot of my leg muscle and i need that to get myself through those hilly courses!

    When do you hope to get to 11 7 by? I'm aiming to get to 12 by mid october, then 11 7 by the end of the year, maybe a lot sooner!
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    Also, have you found the weight you've lost has helped with your running?
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    Definately, what a difference. I started going to the gym when I began Operation Weight Loss and managed to run for about 2 minutes! I now manage steady 10 minute mile pace for over an hour easy. You'll really notice the difference after a stone. I gave myself rewards like new t-shirts and gym pants when I lost the first stone to keep me at it!
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