
Mums Running Club



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    Business Support Scientist for global pharma company. It's fulltime but only 12 months. Obviously I don't want full-time though!! Need to get that across somehow in interview. Any suggestions welcome!!

    Hubbie suggested saying that 'I am considering my childcare options for full-time working as the nursery can't take Sophie full-time ( I know they can't!!) and wondered how flexible they were about the job being full-time'... How does that sound?

    Currently sat writing up standard interview questions. I have to do an excel test too. That really scares me I can't remember how to do pivots for example. Think I could do a chart though, sort data etc...

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    Oh no, don't mention putting cats to sleep TT - too sad. One of the reasons I popped on is on the off chance that Caro might pop on and give me some cat advice (although I expect she's actually got her hands full of new baby). My cat has been limping for about a week now, couldn't see any cuts to the leg or paw so thought she had just sprained it so didn't bother visiting a vet image. Lily was stroking her last night and noticed that one of her claws looked split so now I'm wondering if she's had something stuck in there all along so have booked the vets for tomorrow. What worries me now is how much this is going to cost me, she's not insured as insurance for a cat of her age (about 15) was ridiculously expensive. Worried now that it's going to cost a small fortune if they have to take her in to sort it out. As much as we love her I just can't afford a vet bill that will run to hundreds of pounds ...

    Sonya - you're very brave taking Rosie to the supermarket, I find food shopping pretty stressful at the best of times, never mind when you've got a screaming baby to cope with too. We've just moved to Sainsbury's online shopping from Tesco's as it was becoming impossible to get a weekend delivery slot and the substitutions were getting more and more every week. Surprisingly, Sainsbury's not really any more expensive so not spending any more there (phew).

    Camio - boo to sore tummy and kids falling on top of it (not what you need at all). Take it easy now.

    Minks - I've got a solution to your problem; don't iron image!  Seriously though, washing clothes is a never-ending nightmare, so you have my sympathies - with 5 of us in the house we have to put a load on pretty much every day to keep on top of it. But I rarely get time to put it away so I'm generally pulling clean clothes out of the ikea bag next to my bed. Think I mentioned before my plan to get rid of the drawers in our bedroom and just install a stacking system for ikea bags full of clean clothes - wonder if I can patent that idea and make my fortune?

    Caro - ouchy ouch to the tears, hope the salt baths help and good to hear that apart from the tearing it all sounds pretty positive. Hubby and I were both cooing over the photos of Eric on FB, we both love little babies, although he swifty followed it up with a "We're not having any more!" comment.

    CC - hope things seem a bit brighter today and the early night helped. I know you love where you live but it's not admitting defeat if you do move - after all I'm guessing that when you and hubby got together it was never the plan to live apart and have to cope with home life on your own all week. Do you have a time limit on how much longer hubby is going to carry on with the commuting? Anyway, (((()))), and hope a good session on the turbo will help you feel better today.

    MM - good luck with the interview. Think I'd be tempted not to mention the full-time / part-time thing until you get through the first interview stage as it could sway their decision making unfairly. Then if they decide they really want you for the job based on your merits first, then they may be more accomodating later. If you get through to next round of interviews you could then mention that while you hoped to be able to get full time child-care arranged, this hasn't been possible and then ask if they would consider a part-tine alternative?

    Goodness I have waffled on haven't I - right, lunchtime over so back to work ...

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    Lynz - welcome! Re your knees, I had aching knees for a while and it wasn't until I had a deep tissue massage that I discovered just how tight my calves were, and that seemed to sort it. Might help??

    Big hugs to all the stressed, recovering and worn out mummies! I know what you mean about feeling useless, I'm always thinking how on earth do full-time working mummies manage, I can barely manage everything and I just work a bit here and there!

    Camlo - hope the recovery doesn't take too long but take it easy (boys jumping on you notwithstanding!).

    We're just starting Ice Age 3 after Ice Age 2 yesterday and Ice Age last week! I bought it on Box Office for £2.50 but we ended up having to pay for it 3 times so I just bought all 3 for £6.99 from Amazon!

    Need to plan a tutoring lesson for tonight, really cba, and a report for the Centre board meeting tomorrow about the youth club. Have no idea what to write :/
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    It's hard Karen isn't it. The job is only for 12 months so not even sure there will be another round as they want someone pretty soon. Hubbie reckoned he would rather know if someone wanted part-time at the interview stage. He recently recruited a lady and they negotiated to 4 days. I am tempted to mention it on Thursday, just asking if they would consider part-time/wprk from home options. Ideally I would like half-time, but not sure if that would happen. Or even one full day and two school days with hours at home to catch up?

    More opinions please ladies?? Haven't mentioned it to the recruitment consultant. Do you think I should have done? Guess I wouldn't even have the interview then though!!

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    My effing pram has another flat - really was the last straw today! Plus it happened just outside the bike shop, so I bought some more slime and then some more inner tubes online just now. I think its the one that had the puncture before I put the slime in but I don't know why it went again. Aaargghhh. Luckily I managed to get Aidan to walk most of the rest of the way home - and amazingly he didn't totally mess about like he normally does!

    Anyway, I didn't see them but the bike shop chap said the US ladies cycle team did the Olympic course today, with a support car etc so that's a shame we missed that!
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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭

    MM, I was going to suggest exactly the same as Karen re. part-time vs. full-time.  Get through the first interview first and then you can raise it if they offer you the job, when you'll be in a much stronger position to negotiate.  Good luck with it love, but don't let it stress you out too much.  Pivot tables ring a bell somewhere in the dim and distant recesses of my brain, but there's no way I could remember how to do one.  Not much help, sorry!

    Karen, I much prefer Sainsbury's to Tesco's.  Unfortunately our nearest supermarket is Tesco's but it's one of the hypermarket-sized ones and I hate going there because the shopping takes ages as I don't know where anything is.  I have shopped at Sainsbury's for years so I know where things are and it's all a lot easier.  Plus I prefer a lot of their products to Tesco's version of the same thing.  Our big Tesco doesn't do much in the way of organic stuff either, surprisingly, and there are certain things I always buy the organic versions of as they either taste better or have other benefits - like organic milk which seems to really help with my catarrh.

    Managed to be reasonably productive this morning - cleaned bathroom and cloakroom, dusted whole house and put on another load of laundry.  Did pile of ironing (I cannot not iron!) and even managed to nip out to Sainsbury's to get the things hubby couldn't get when he did the food shop yesterday.  Delivery came at 12:00 which was a bit of a pain as not really much time afterwards to do anything constructive out of the house, but at least it's here.

    The one thing I forgot to get was ice cream, which Kit specifically requested to have on his pancakes later, so will have to stop somewhere on the way to pick-up to get some.  Grrr!  Really annoyed with myself about that.

    MM, I know that last time I trained for VLM I did my long runs too fast - sometimes I was averaging sub-8:00 pace when my MP was intended to be around 7:40.  BUT it did give me the confidence that I could achieve the desired MP on the day.  This time I've been running long runs at least a minute a mile slower than intended MP and they have still felt hard - this is why I said I just don't think I have the same level of base fitness as I had last time as I haven't been doing the same distances prior to starting marathon training as I did before.  Definitely makes a difference.  Questioning whether I could manage 7:25 pace and if not, I'll probably defer.  Also thinking age might make a difference - am two years older now and life is even more hectic!  Not that I consider myself past it but the law of diminishing returns must kick in eventually!

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    Tricky MM. I would probably agree with Karen and wait until next stage or if you are offered it but then what would I know since I have never been for a job interview! (I went straight from uni into family business). It sounds like a very grown up job image Good luck.Good you aresounding a bit more positive about the injury and great swimming. My pal is injured and swears by aqua jogging, in fact she also does it when she is not injured. By the way I'm sure an injury is lurking just around the corner for me, it has to be really since all runners either have an injury, are recovering from an injury or are just about to get an injury! Trying to be sensible, cut back week this week. 

    Sorry to hear so many of us are in the grumps. Cheer up CC, Camlo, TT.  Can totally understand why you are all fed up though.Big hugs (())  I do go through stressful periods - pre Christmas was awful - but at the moment hubby and I seem to be floating around happily in this little bubble blissfully ignoring the fact that we will be up shit creek if he can't get a job soon.image 

    Minks - hope your delivery arrived. Be kind to yourself, stress is stress and can't be compared to other peoples lives. I think you are being very sensible about your 'injury' hope it feels right soon.

    Caro - those baby photos make me feel very broody. I love the newborn days, makes me feel all emotional.Enjoy and heal well.x 

    More confirmation that I must be weird. I like taking the kids supermarket shopping. Don't think I've ever done it with no kids! So much to talk about, people to meet, ways they can help. I always think it is important that kids know there are boring bits in life but they have to muck in and help too. Ew that sounds so happy clappy. image Not much fun with a screaming baby right enough. Helps that I never buy my kids sweets (except on Saturdays)  or toys so they don't even bother to ask!

    Hubby is laying the floor in the boys room today. Its looking good. I am supposed to be tackling the huge backlog of washing, ironing, sorting of clothes that is needed. Doesn't help I can't get into the boys drawers at the moment and that my utility room ahs become a workspace for hubby. 

    10 miles run this morning and then spent an hour playing on the mtb while the twins were at nursery. Pilates tonight. Hubby needs a hand to move something and the twins want to go out on their bikes so I guess that the washing will just have to wait.  image

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    Minks Constantine dita is 42.....

    Camlo we can share that first poo experience when it happens. Not looking forward to it!

    Karen, not in good typing position right now, 1 thumb on I pad, but am not ignoring u!
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    Can't aqua run Lotte. Same action as running. I tried on Sat as have the belt thingie. Managed 10 mins but could feel it tightening up. It's not the impact thats the problem. X-trainer hurts too.

    Very hard as hubbie says it from the employers perspective. Also not sure there is another round. Nursery can take Sophie Mon, Tues and Thursday but full other days. They could also have boys in after school club but don't think could let them do that more than one day a week, would feel too guilty!!

    Knee sore now, but it is strapped which is helping. Hopefully after 48 hours it will be dandy...

    Right school pick up, then gymnastics. Have been hyper organised and cooked kids tea already and made panackes for them for pudding!! image

    Also 'What do my friends think about me' girls??

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    CC - surely we're here so you can bang on about things! I'm not sure how you've been managing as long as you have. I love my children, but I do find it hard when I have to do everything with no help for more than a few days - I have huge respect for how single parents cope.

    MM - I think you should do the interview and then see what they say and open negotiations if/when they offer you the job. You may be able to get 4 longer days, or 3 longer days, or 5 short days, or even do the 3 days you can do for the moment, with the understanding that you increase your hours when nursery can take S. I think if you want to work, before and after school clubs are a reality, so you probably need to decide whether that's something you are willing to compromise on. I just don't think the job market is in a place where anyone would be able to dictate, say, just school hours at the moment. The logistics are difficult, but there are lots of people who manage it, so it's not impossible. One thing you will need to discuss with hubby is how important you both feel this job is, because you need to make sure that you're both in the same place when it comes to sharing childcare respopnsibility - pick-ups etc, and who will take time off when one is ill.

    Lordy, can't remember anything else, and am being badgered by Isabelle to read some stories - will come back later and have another read!
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    Well, it's all very nice having a 100+ yr old Victorian house, but not when your ancient lead pipes start leaking, causing damage to your neighbour's house, and you have a 2 day old baby. So we have water dripping through our ceiling, they have a huge mouldy patch on the wall that will need re papering, and we have a plumber in at the moment trying to cap the leak before we decide what to do. Re doing the bathroom has been on the 'to do' list for a while, but not at the top of it. However, the best thing would be to try and remove as much of the lead pipe as poss and replace it, and it's all in the walls, so removing it would cause lots of damage, so now would be a good time to re do the bathroom - anyone got £5k?

    Am so glad hubby is not in HK............

    My dad is coming to stay tonight for a couple of days. He has been in Morocco for 10 days so the plan was to pop by for a day as he lands at heathrow, before going home to Wilts. However his plane has been delayed and he won't be here now till the early hrs of tomorrow morning! Glad he has keys!

    Karen - re old puss cat. If you've noticed a split claw it could well be a nail bed infection. Older cats nails dont wear down and do tend to split and bugs can get in. If that's all it is then a consult, some antibiotics and pain killers would be about £50 at my work. However, given the age of him/her, we would always advise a blood test 1st to check the kidneys before giving any kind of pain killers - as they can cause kidney damage if the kidneys aren't 100% which is not uncommon in old cats. Certainly that would be my approach. Feel free to run by me with what they say/do tomorrow. Which vet do you go to?

    My 'bits' are rather tender and unfortunately I now wont be able to have anymore baths image
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    Oh Caro, sounds like just what you need at the moment! You could get a washing up bowl or similar to sit in?! Our house has a bidet in it that sees very little use, but I did find it very handy post birth. Also, try not to spend too long sitting down as that increases pressure on the sore bits - ideally you want to sort of 'lounge' on a sofa on your side so you're half lying down. Hope you come up with a plan for your bathroom - and the 5k, although I have to tell you that I'm hoping to win the lottery some time in the next few weeks so don't get your hopes up there!!

    E now has her 6th tooth about to come through. I cant really remember, but I'm pretty sure Isabelle didn't have that many by 8 months. She's obviously putting all her energy into tooth growing as she's still not moving very much!

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    Caro - crap about the pipes. Typical that these things always happen exactly at the worst possible times. You've still got heating though right? Thanks for the cat advice too, I'm taking her to Palmerston Veterinary Grp as they're got a branch just down the road, fingers crossed it's just the split claw thing, will let you know what they say.

    JT - enjoy the takeaway!

    CC - hope you're not about to come down with S's bug or something. Hope you're feeling less pooped tomorrow.

    Right, am supposed to be tackling this mountain of clean washing which is overflowing out of the ikea bags so better get to it image.

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    Caro- massive congratulations on  the birth of baby  Eric, he's gorgeous!  Glad your birth experience was good but ouchie to the tears ;(. take arnica if you have it, will help with the bruising etc.  Poor you with the pipe problem in your bathroom, really not what you need with a wee baba in the house.

    Hugs to all those injured, feeling blue & trying to juggle life; look after yourselves (((((()))))) x

    CC - oh dear to S puking on the table, nice! Hope she's on the mend soon. Don't stress too much about your run, sure its just an off day.

    Camlo- boo to sore tummy. Hope u have some relief very soon.

    Vixo- thats not bad 6 teeth at 8 months! M is 16 months now and is just getting her 7th tooth. She's much slower than the other two were though!

    Hips were a bit sore y/day after my 12 miles in the snow on Sunday, whew that was very hard work. Nearly all of it had gone by Monday morning, mad! Yoga last night helped though as we did loads of hip stuff, perfect. Intervals on the treadmill this morning. Week 3 of  marathon training and so far I'm doing the 3 runs stated, unsual for me!!! Wonder how long it will last! Doing plenty of foot excercises and trying to do balance board/ball stuff as I know PF is never far away.

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    Gordon Bennett as usual you've yakked the legs off the proverbial!

    Firstly many congratulations Caro on the safe arrival of Eric at last.  Birth sounds a mare - Lou was back to back and it was bloody agony.  I do think that it would be helpful if they were somehow able to warn you that that's what might be going on so that you don't just think you're pathetic (like I did) and be utterly terrified that you won't be able to get through it.  Anyway, you did it so am seriously impressed. 

    Total nightmare re the bathroom though. 

    Well done RF on the running.  That's good going.  I did my intervals tonight.  Didn't enjoy them.

    MM that's fab that you have an interview.  I echo what others have said about going for the interview practice no matter what.  I really don't know what I would say about the p/t vs f/t thing. Is it the kind of thing that can be condensed?  could it be job shared?  I am not sure what I would say if someone turned up to an interview for a f/t job but then said they could only do p/t.  I would probably still finish the interview and if I really liked them then I might see what I could do.  I guess the outcome might depend on if there was a second person I also liked who also wanted p/t.  BUT the positive of all of it is that you got the interview.  And I have absolutely no idea what pivoting is.  in fact was that even the word.  When it comes to excel I am clueless.  I generally can't even get the darned tables to print on one sheet and end up with about 3 columns on one and 3 on the next.

    Lotte, craziness as ever. 

    CM counselling sounds a good idea.  The great thing is that you have broken the cycle.  You are not saying these things to your children.  But you do need to have a chat with someone about it. 

    CC this is exactly the place to vent all frustrations re jobs, hubby, hubby's jobs.....

    JT lol at the Lansinoh. 

    TT sorry about your puss.  I am never having any pets!  Can't handle that.

    Well since being on last my poor sis has had the bad news that her babs hasn't grown since 6 weeks so she's now playing the waiting game.  She should be 10 - 11 weeks.  I feel awful for her.  She was so upset when I saw her on Sunday.  She said she knew it was a rubbish due date.  So we agreed to avoid September in future!  My mum has asked us never to tell her that either of us are pregnant on her birthday again - that's two years in a row that things have gone wrong.  I feel terrible for feeling so jealous of her but I know that I'll feel it again if she gets pregnant again. 

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    Minks hope you got the delivery OK.  Can't believe it's Kit's birthday already!

    MM that is good that there is some positivity about you getting back to running in the next couple of weeks.  You'll feel so much better as well when you can do some activity like swimming. 

    MM the comment you made about the girls in your club is exactly what I am fretting about.  I am doing long runs at about 8.30 pace but my tempo runs aren't much faster - short tempos are 8 mm (3 - 4 miles), mids are 8.15 mm(5 - 7miles) and long tempos (8 -10) are supposed to be 8.30 but I think I did last week's 8 miler at 8.18mm.  I don't feel I can pick up the pace for the tempos though part of the problem might be that I have to do the shorter ones on the tready and it's just soooo hot and uncomfortable and the longer one I did last week was outside in the pitch dark and I couldn't see where I was putting my feet plus it was windy and hilly as usual.  I certainly don't think I could run my speed sessions any faster.  Today was 1600m x 3 and I did them at 7.15 pace.  Should I be forcing myself to slow on the long runs?  I don't usually find the pace hard to sustain - it's an average and some of the hillier miles are closer to 9mm and then the downhills come in about 8mm.  I just prefer to get it done as fast as possible.  As you know I'm aiming for sub 3.45.  Am I screwing it up by doing the long runs too long?  Saturday's 17 miles was 8.31 pace in a headwind.  MR will vouch for the fact it was in your face in every bloody direction bar one.

    Joh the comment on FB was noted!  I know.  I don't know what I feel about it now.  I do not intend to "try" next month - indeed I intend to actively avoid March partly cos I have never wanted Christmas baby and partly cos if I get to 12 weeks of training I just want to do the darned marathon.  However I guess I'll give this month a try.  Not really sure at the moment when to get the ugly bumping going.  TMI alert - AF kind of turns up by giving a couple of dribbly pink bits for about 3 days and then goes into overdrive for 2 days.  So, do I take day 1 of cycle as the first pink bit since that's when I can be sure i am not preg and my body is preparing to discard the womb lining or do I take day 1 as being whooshy day.  Never know.  Either way, it's day 14 next Tues or next Thurs! So I may not be on here image I still don't really hold out much hope.  And of course the really negative part of me thinks that I'll probably be pregnant but then have the same situation as my sister and I'll have lost out twice over then.  Good to have such an optimistic outlook don't you think?

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    Fit like CC?  Or are you Foos yer doos?  Chuffin awa here.

    Cannae spell it at all!  I do have a book of doric somewhere.  Loons and quinies and all that.  My very ex used to try and teach me lots of different words but I didn't listen to a word he said.  Bout anything.  He was a good runner though image  GIT.

    Better get off this - been on for ages trying to catch up but really need to have a cuppa and go to bed.  10 mile tempo tomorrow.  MM I know you'd kill to do it but I cannot be bothered with that sort of length of run midweek.  Spent the whole day in court today discussing something to do with Local Government.  Lord but it's boring.  And the court was busy.  And hot.  Had a couple of micro sleeps followed by that awful jumpy sensation.  Luckily didn't drop my file.  But it doesn't really set you up for a 10 miler.  Or a 1600m x 3 either!

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    Thanks folks, I am feeling much better having had 3 movicol, a tin of prunes, tonnes of orange juice, porridge with brown sugar, veg soup and finially some senna! I could inflate a hot air balloon with the amount of wind I'm passing!!!
    Boo to boring courts, leaky pipes, sore knees, sick kids, supermarkets, crappy runs, ironing, interview preparation and lost babies
    Yippee to pancakes, errr and errrr oh yes running in shorts.......
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    Wow, what a lot to catch up on.....

    EF, you made me laugh thinking of you dropping your file noisily in a quiet court room, how embarrassing would that be?

    Huge sympathies to your sister though for what she is currently going through, life truly sucks sometimes eh?

    MM, from an interviewer's perspective I would rather know someone's circumstances but be prepared this may rule you out of the running.  You must have a good CV though to get an interview as I know one of the pharm companies in Swindon has laid a lot of people off recently.

    Had a long day today.  Last night Max was crying around 12.00 so I went in and cuddled him, gave him some milk then laid him back down.  He was OK for about 5 minutes then started to cry again.  Mr TT went and got him and brought him into bed with us.  He was quiet but would not go to sleep.  I think we eventually put him back in his own bed around 2.00 but he was being sooo cute, would roll onto his hands and knees, crawl over to one or other of us and give us a huge kiss on the lips.  Was so adorable but meant we had a bad night of sleep.  We had to be up and away early this morning for a meeting in Orlando which is about 2.5 to 3 hours away.  We drove down and back today then I went out with the running group.  Apart from a couple of very leisurely jogs with the stroller that is the first running I have done for about 5 weeks, was really hard, I have lost so much fitness.  Hopefully this can now be the start of me running regularly again.

    Hugs to those of you in need.  I started naming names but then realised it was most of you, would almost be easier and quicker to name those NOT in need of a cuddle.

    OK, must get in the shower now, really praying Max sleeps through tonight, desperately need a good night's sleep tonight image.

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    EF as I somehow managed sub 3.45 last yr if u message me your e mail address I can send u my training prog if u like. It will show you all my training paces for the various run types. Not saying it was right, but it did the job.

    Milk has come in! Boobs are mahoosive. Baby also sooooooo sleepy. Not sure I remember M sleeping this much. I guess it's a newborn thing.
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    Caro - hope you are coping without a bath - not idea timing, maybe bite the bullet and get it sorted though, I remember Aidan sleeping a lot and in a way it might be easier now than once Eric wants more attention?

    EF - awful news for your sis, and your poor mum too, and obviously upsetting for you too, definitely sucks. I think I stopped worrying about whether we'd ever end up with a Christmas baby as its such a blimming lottery anyway. Hubby's sister has been trying for a year at least with no joy so I think they are going to start seeing if there is a prob - think she must be pretty peeved as she has lots of friends and us having babies all around her.

    Camlo - hope you are feeling a bit better, I hate that constipated feeling and I have it fairly constantly with this pregnancy although the lactulose does seem to help (when I remember to take it!).

    TT - sounds like a hard day, I should stop moaning about Aidan, although 5.20am is wearing a bit thin here!

    JT - laughed at your Lansinoh on the radiator too, hee.

    Martha's dolls house arrived yesterday -super impressed with the company I ordered from and I only bought it on Sunday and they gave me a 1hr slot for delivery and texted and emailed the time too. Hurrah. Just need to check all the bits are there!

    Have decided to move Martha's party to the Sunday as I had a total clash with a different girl from playschool = that serves me right for not getting it sorted a lot earlier!
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    Good idea kinsey - i had Lou's party miles in advance last yr cos i realised it was right in Edinburgh trades hols and so half her wee pals would have been away.
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