
Shades Marathon Training



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    2010 in review  Suppose i really should do one of these, seem to have ignored doing one last year too I notice.


    First running anywhere in Jan was at the Great Big Fetch Mile in Manchester. Well technically false as I was one of the daft ones who did the Woodbank Parkrun in the morning first on 6 inches or so of snow. Wasn't the fastest of 5k's I've done but who cares it was fun. Followed it up with racing a mile, 200m and 60m. Annoyingly I equalled the mile PB I did 2 years before on the outside track. On the plus side I did win a lovely pink hat in the prizes


    Wasn't a large amlount of running done in Jan overall, mostly due to the icy conditions. Did manage a 18 mile /forum/smilies/confused_smiley.gif[/img]howGlossaryDefinition('LSR');]LSR the week before a LDWA event, although the 18 miles became 22 which was a mistake as I was suffering big time over the last few miles. Moral there was dont do more than you intended to do, even if you do want to know how much further away places are.

    End of Jan saw me doing the LDWA Thats Lyth 23 odd miler. Was a frosty cvold morning and a couerse that requires navigational skills to a certain extent, IE reading the directions and picking the rignht tracks mostly. Or you could just cheat and either follow everyone else or team up with Lisrun

    Now never having done a LDWA event before th eattraction had nothing to do with the vast quantities of food and drink at the numerous checkpoints at all

    Happy enough with my 5:20 time.


    Saw icy conditions prevasiling to a certain extent so training was minimalistic. Keswick to Buttermere 34k was the mid Feb and having turned up barely in time rushing ariound I DNF'd due to calf aches before the first big climb. No more races in Feb either so overall a quite month.


    Start of March saw me DNFing the Glasgow to Embra ultra due to slipping in mud and tweaking my knee. I did pick a nice spot to stop at though, the Falkirk Wheel. Knee injury was handily an acute injury and was gone soon enough. A week later on in March there was the Dentdale run. One I'd not done for a few years. A 10 minute PB was the result. End iof the month saw a return to Coniston for the coniston 14, or in this case 14+ as a bridge damaged by the flooding wasn't safe so the rout extended 3 more miles around Consiton water. Wasn't a bad run coming in a little under 3 hours.


    April started off with Compton Challenge, all 40 miles of it. Lets just say it wasn't exactly my fastest race ever as I was slippin g and sliding all over the place in the mud. 2 steps forward one step slipped backwards on the hills. Still I enjoyed and will do it again. Mid April saw me racing around Keswick for the second year in a row, although I did fail to beat the previous years time this time around.
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    May saw me doing a raher lengthy leg for the /forum/smilies/confused_smiley.gif[/img]howGlossaryDefinition('RW');]RW COasters relay around Britian, minor hiccup a couple of nights before hand when I twisted my ankle running home from work. Still heavy strapping saw me complete the 16 odd miles from St Bees to Workington comfortably enough, helped by a collegue shadowing the route by car carrying the food and drink. Celebrated naturally by the two of us going out on the beer later that Saturday night

    On the following Tuesday I did a new local 10k (I missed it the previous year) and despite the strapped ankle was pleased with a 53.XX time for it. At the end of May was Chester Marathon and amusingly it was during this were my ankle gave me the most bother, but then it was meant to be a run ion the sun not a race for a time so I was happy enough plodding along in a sub 5 time.


    Just the one race, my traditional mids june outing at the Gosforth 10 mile race. THis year it was rather hot so a PB attempt was out of the question, it does remain my PB course however from the year before. A low 90's time was pleasing enough as training had been a bit lacking in June so far, mostly due to taking it easy to allow time for the ankle to heal.


    Start of the month had me heading down to the parents for Lanson half via Heaton Park Park run, wasn't a great time there with a 28.xx. Lanson half was a bit of a struggle too but one year I'll get it right and have a good race. Mid July saw a new 9.5 mile (they cocked up the measuring it seems as it was meant to be a 10 mile race) in memorium of Bill Barker who died in the floods back in Nov 09. Was a rather hilly race so I struggled and it was also a bit of a wet day. Still happy enough with how I was acclerating through the pack at the end.

    Late July saw Foxy's summer enigma handily scheduled the day after mine and B=Lass's birthdays so I had a birthday weekend in MK. Pre marathon warmup was in the form of the MK park run which wasn't to bad being run in 27.xx. The marathon itself took a little under 5:15 but I blame that on Plodding Hippo and I's inability to go past the pubs on the route without stopping for a quick drink. I also think Roger from the 100 club was a little bemused at what I ate after the race too


    Had a bit of a bad run doing the Ellenborouogh 10k this year clocking a 58.xx time but then being I was off to the parents for my summer hols prompty picked Cornwood 10k on the edge of Dartmoor a few days later to improve. Edge of Dartmoor should be a clue here as it was rather hilly and thanks to a sub 7 min finishing burst over half a mile or so I did actually improve on Ellenborough, by er 11 seconds.

    End of August saw me down in Boston doing a 12 hour race, this one being based in a park wasn't loops of a track so my legs would hopefully survive this one. Alas the cold/man flu i had was to be a hinderance in the later stage. Clocked up 31 mile long laps in the first 6 hours but was beginning to feel rather grotty. Did the second 6 hours with a fleece on but was happy to pass double marathon distance and in fact managed 53 miles odd in the end.
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    Early september has the Gosforth 10k race at which I have run it 4 years in a row now. Handily each year I have gotten faster and run nearer to the correct distance too. This year was no different and I managed to knock off 18 seconds from my 10k PB. I also realised not having done Boston 10 days before could have meant a shot at Sub 50. Mid Sept was Cumberland ale 10 mile race which was not that good this year with dodgy stomach grumblings at one point. Still the bottle of beer for finishing tasted good when i drank it later that night. Now having intended to have Loch Ness as race 100 I was forced to nip over to Newcastle the week before for a Park Run to get the 99th race done. handily I had a good race and managed to PB and get a sub 24 time.


    Loch Ness Marathon was first up in October and the race was going well up until 10 miles or so when a ongoing foot pain reappeared and slowed me down from a comfortable sub 4 pace. These things happen and it was almost a half PB still gonig through the half way mark. Did ease off more later on but still ran my second fastest marathon ever. The week later it was Cumbrian Run time and a new route for me as I'd not done it since the route change. The new route is more hilly and tougher for me, plus my foot was bothering me again so I ambled round in the end.


    A low mileage month due to resting the foot whilst awaiting diagnosis, wasn't banned from running as such but was takign it easy.


    Pretty much the same as Novemeber although I did get the x ray results of my foot which showed nothing wrong apart from some very minor wear and tear. Curerntly awaiting a physio appointment to see if they can figure anything out. The foot itself hasn't bothered me recently but has also had a fiar bit of enforced rest recently as I got swine flu before Xmas and up until today hadn't run for 15 days.

    2010 in numbers

    27 races 2 DNF's

    PB's at 5k, and 10k as well as distance covered in 12 hours.

    950.06 miles run.

    May do a 2011 aims blog tomorrow
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Trust you to do a long & great report like that.

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    Anyone would think us Shadies have nothing else to do!!!!!!!!!
    That post needs planning to read it..like somewhere comfy to sit, a drink or two or three, toilet break, breakfast, lunch and tea, a pillow and maybe a bed......Once all those things are in place I'll go back and read it !!!
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    VR - where are you staying on Sunday night?

    We got back from Devon today. Some lovely views as we drove in via Dartmeet but by 5 o'clock the fog had descended and never really lifted. Made for some interesting driving coming back from our various visits. Gfot out yesterday before breakfast and ran out for 2 miles before running back again. I had aimed for a total of 5 miles but that would have put me at the bottom of a hill having spent 2.5 miles into a fierce headwind so when 2 miles was almost exactly at the top it seemed like fate image

    Hopefully I won't need to resort to the treadmill anymore. The sports centre now think Mr S went in 4 times in the last 2 weeks image
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    VR - you have no stamina! Think how long it would be if he'd recorded all his meals tooimage.
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    Elspeth  - lol! Don't encourage him, he might go back an edit them image

    Sparkly - Premier Inn at Caldecotte

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    Sparkly - Sounds like typical Dartmoor weather!  Did you have a nice time at Two Bridges?
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    Okay goals for 2011.

    Lose weight.

    Run a personal best for the half marathon (2.10 at present).

    Run a marathon in a time that I can be proud of, which will mean more running less walking!!!!

    Keep a much tidier house.

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    Good luck with keeping a tidier house HT...  With all those boys in it image
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    We decided we preferred the Bedford as the standard of the room was better. In fact as Two Bridges are full for DD I have booked 2 nights in Tavistock with a discount image. Will message you my number and see about popping over to see you on Sunday or Monday.
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    VR - the IPad won't let me type a message in. Could you message me your number instead?
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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone. Seems like most folk had an enjoyable Christmasimage - especially Flossie - you sound SOOO happy Flossie, what a great year endimage.

    (( )) to all who weren't too well or were injured over the holidays. Speedy recoveries.

    Double (( )) to someone who didn't get any presents image. You have one mighty mean OH, Molly. Good luck with your New Year's Eve Race image.

    Keith - glad you are enjoying your long awaited holiday image. Loved reading through your 2010 summary - I'm not sure I could remember that much detail.

    VR - will see you on Monday - I'm doing MK too! Have managed to get out for a run most days, but haven't done a long run since MK on 5th Dec image. Did 10 miles today, calves ached after 3 miles and I don't seem to be able to go any faster than 11:30 minute miling image.

    Dublin?? You mean we're not planning a Shadies weekend in L***n? image

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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭
    Happy New Year everyone imageimageimageimage
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    Happy New Year

    FYI indivdual race reports contained food info image One of my 2011 goals is to compile race reports for all the races i have done, worringly having merely copied the ones i have done it is already 100+ pages long in word and there are at least a third of the races missing. Not to mention a fair bit of editing to do.

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    Happy New Year - hope it's kind to all of us.

    Mark, Grace and I shall be going out for a little run soon and then it will mostly be a day of cooking and eating for me - will have to be good from tomorrow!

    Come on Molly - how did your race go?

    Nice to see HTF and mowzer - check in more often guys!

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Happy New Year!!!image

    Hee hee hee - I won! Ok there were only 2 women but it's better than last year, I was 2nd out of 2!!!

    Off now to do a training run with about a hundred others on the seafront in Pescara. Afterwards some are going for a swim in the sea, brrrr! Considering that there's only one poxy degree C at the moment, I think I'll stay dry and take the photos!!!

    Have a lovely morning folks running or not

    Massive ((((())))) to all Shadies!!!

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    Happy New Year Shadies

    Love reading everyone's goals for 2011

    I am planning....

    10k PB
    10 mile PB
    half marathon PB
    marathon PB (several)
    sub 6 hour DD
    39 mile PB
    50 mile PB - I'd like sub 9 hour at Dingle
    12 hour PB

    I'm a bit greedy I think, but there's no point in being wishy washy about goals, they have to be meaningful.   Would like to aim for a sub 4 marathon but that might be out of my reach this year.

    Have logged my first mileage for the RWUSA/RWUK challenge.   Had a lovely run this morning, was out at 5.30 am, I have to start the year as I mean to carry on.

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    Molly - well done at your race

    VR - LOL at thinking about getting a job

    elspeth - I meant that there are a lot of winter marathons in Europe but you'd need to fly to get there

    Keith - that was an epic

    mowser - Shadies marathon will not be at L****, date for next year has been brought forward so will probably clash with Cornish

    htf - I think it's between Dublin or Jersey at the moment, unless anyone comes up with any other suggestions...which are of course very welcome

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    Happy New Year everyone................  I do hope 2011 brings more than 2010 did, more fun, more challenges, more laughter, more health etc etc...  ENJOY!image
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Happy New Year guys.


    Did you do any 10k races last year?  I think it may be a shock to the system for you.

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    ClagClag ✭✭✭

    Morning all - just popped in to wish you all a very Happy New Year! image Hope it's filled with happiness and PBs for you all.

     Not been around for a while as battling with various aspects of life and not enough hours in the day! My goals for 2011 are:

    • 100 miles in January; 1200 miles in 2011 ( managed 1103 this year)
    • Maintain some level of personal sanity
    • Achieve my Masters
    • Resist the urge to buy a new car at least until we know where we'll be living (currently experiencing a major urge to buy a TT)

    Will try to pop in and catch up a bit more often & will look forward to tracking the mileage of the others logged in for the January challenge. Feel free to give me a virtual kick if I'm not on target for my 100 miles!

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    Hello Clag - I was thinking of you the other day when I was out running, so glad you've popped back to the thread, I know you've been busy studying etc.

    Are you moving to another part of the country?

    HY4 - I ran one 10k last year, the first one I had raced for probably 8 or 10 years.   It was hell, but at least over quickly and I knocked 2 mins off my PB, could have done better if I'd paced it effectively. 

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    HY - she did one last summer - don't you remember. Got a guiness out of VR for it if I remember right!

    Off for run, back here later.image

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    ClagClag ✭✭✭

    First run of the year done, only 5 miles but it's a start. image

    Shades - no, staying within Aberdeen, just need to see how much extra money/savings I'm going to need for the mortgage & move before doing anything else. House has now been on the market since October but no bites as yet. We're hoping to be somewhere else by this time next year! Hope all is well with you.

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    I thought she did but wasn't sure.


    Good luck with the masters.

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    Clag -good to hear from youimage Did you do Fraserburgh half in the end? I got lured away for a wee run with Mrs Mac instead! Maybe this year!

    Good luck with the running and studying and hope your house sells soon.

    Happy New Year everyone.

    First run of the year, rather later in the day than some of you - 16.5 miles and was joined by one of the others for 8 miles so that was nice. Cold and sleety with a little lightening but enjoyable. Took in the Ba game on the way home but was not really dressed for standing around so only lasted 15 minutes - it will probably go on all day.image

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    Well done to Molly on your winimage
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    Did just 3.34 miles today but have a long (8 mile) run tomorrow.  I'm being good and sticking to the schedule image
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