
Shades Marathon Training



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    It sounds like an amazing race, Emmy. Yeah, it was tough but you'll carry that experience with you for a long time to come.
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    Cal Jones said:
    There's an old joke that the bagpipes were invented by a man who trod on his cat's tail and liked the noise.
    I'd believe that Cal :D

    Ian - that's a shame they've moved the date, but maybe you can find another ultra in the summer or an alternative marathon.

    Big G - yes, I know what you mean but if it's not on 100MC website and does not have required number of finishers then it probably won't count as I doubt they have a race permit either.  That's probably why there are so few entrants, it's catch 22, more entrants and it will count but the 100MC don't enter if they think it won't count.

    Keith - right I will put you on the list for DD for 2019.   Maybe a 40 or 50 miler by the end of 2018 will be a reasonable target for you, plus a few marathons along the way.

    Emmy - great photos and race report.  Sounds like an amazing race, I've heard that it's in the top 5 USA marathons to do.   Sorry you finished with on bit of a downer and even now haven't recovered your love of marathons. :(

    Another rest day for me today, I have got a head cold.

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    Shades - Glasgow to Edinburgh is end of March and flat enough to mostly wing it if needs be plus the scottish fetchies have informed me more than once since i last did it with Hippo a few years back that there is even more tarmac alongside negating the dodgy muddy bits.

    THis one is more or less doable but i'll decide once i get back from Davey's marathon. Now to dress into my warm running gear (its on radiator ;)) then to run to work. Even if i have another damn cold....
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    I'm up for DD 2019 too want to do both courses. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    The weirdest thing for me was when the national anthem came on. Everyone stopped walking, put their hands over their hearts and waited. It was seriously surreal.
    Sounds like a great race Emmy.  Fingers crossed you'll get your mojo back soon.  I've only been to the USA once, and that was to New York and we went to see a Knicks basketball game.  I don't follow the game at all, but the team had had a really poor season by their standards, and we were there at the last game of the season.  The venue (Madison Square Garden - so quite a big place!) was going crazy as, because they'd had a poor season and it was the last game, the spectators were getting free hotdogs, cans etc, which staff were kind of throwing into the crowd to anyone who wanted one all the game.  No one went hungry, lets put it that way, and the place was loud with clackers being used, etc etc.  However, when the national anthem started, virtually everyone paid attention and the place went quiet apart from the person singing it on the mic.  I knew the Americans were very patriotic, but I'd never really experienced something like that.  It was odd though, as there was all this stuff going, and everything is totally over-analysed on the TV sports stations....but yet, we almost missed the tip off of the game, as it just kind of happened with no expected fan fair/count down or anything.  Really odd.  Also, there were loads of breaks in the game, which was for the ads on the TV, which was really annoying too!  

    Shades, I have emailed 100MC just to check and I've been told by email that it does count, so I'm not sure why it's not on the 100MC list, which I've asked.  Actually, I still don't think it counts, so if it does it'll be a nice surprise.  If I ever get to 50 and I need to submit my list for validation, I'll probably go to 52 instead, just in case.  I don't understand it all as I've only recently found out about these 100MC rules, but there are rules like number of starters/finishers, ensuring the race is organised/advertised, if the results are published, etc.  Anyway, I'll just see what they say, but either way it won't stop me trying to get around both days, which is the challenge and what I'm here for :)   This all makes it sound like I'm chasing the numbers for the sake of it, and I'm not really.  I would like to know though for sure, just in case I get to that point in the future.
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    Keith - it's good to  see you now back on form to get back to longer distance events.  There's a 6 hour race at Liverpool, 27th April 2018, if that's of any interest to you   


    Jelly - I was going to put you on the DD list for 2019 :)  I have a feeling DD will be a permanent entry on your race calendar.

    Big G - not all races are on the 100MC list, the list has only just be taken over by Jon and he's a very conscientious guy but doesn't do a lot of road marathons, he's more a GUC runner!  So there are still a lot of races missing from the list, but I think in time he will have a very comprehensive list.   Maybe you should speak to the RO at your events this weekend and ask them to email details of their events to 100MC that will get them on the list and a maybe a few more entries too.

    Good luck for today.

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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Big_G said:
    ...I'll just put an asterix against it...

    Like this?

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Good luck and hope it goes well.
    Shades-How quickly can I build up the miles again,I'm doing a half on Sunday,then would 3 weeks of 16,18,20 then cutback be ok?Reason I'm asking is we may be in Gran Canaria in January and they have a marathon then,so may need quite a steep build up.Ive had a couple of easy weeks and feel fine in myself.
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    Emmy- sounds like a great experience and an emotional race, it's a pity you didn't enjoy it.

    Cal,  Shades- I'm not listening to you both the bagpipes are a great sound lol.

    Please excuse my ignorance shadies but what is the DD in 2019?

    Shades- yeah your right all you shadies have got me wanting to run more.
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    Love the race report Emmy, sounds like an experience you will remember for a long time.

    Shades - I hope the cold doesn’t get worse and that the rest day helps.

    I’ve started wearing insoles today, to help the PF. Have also got a new pair of shoes for work/every day and am about to have a massage. Injuries are expensibe!
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    I enjoyed that report Emmy and especially loved looking at all those photos. What an experience.

    Shades - Annoying that you did develop a cold in the end. Hope you've got a big pot of soup on the go. I made a pot of pumpkin soup yesterday. Took ages preparing it but it was worth it  :)

    SK - Are you sure that it's PF that you've got?

    No running for me today. My foot/leg etc is pretty much fine but unbelieveably I've developed a sharp pain in my left hip. It's been a niggle for a couple of days but I've been pretending I haven't noticed it, then on yesterday's run it really kicked in. I'm falling to bits  :/

    Someone also tried to break in to OH's van last night. Luckily he heard a noise and went out, only to surprise 3 blokes trying to steal his tools. He ran after them with his Mauser but didn't catch them (Thank God.. he was furious). Anyway, they didn't get away with anything which is the main thing.
    Charlie the Jack Russell slept right through it!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I'm fed, watered and bathed, and I'm actually feeling quite good.  I got around in 3:55, so I'm happy with that.  As I type this, legs feel fine....but we'll see what tomorrow brings.

    There's absolutely no way it can count for 100MC though.  They didn't record my full time (my watch said 3:55:54 I think, but they just put down 3:55).  Also, although there were about 20 of us at the start, it turns out only 4 of us were doing the marathon, which breaks that 100MC rule.

    I genuinely really enjoyed it though.  The 6 loops ended up being about 1.8 miles each and each loop had an aid station which I took something from each time, and a short, sharp hill, that I walked each time.  The following out-and-back sections were all runnable.  Obviously, having never done a double before, it's a strange feeling for me as at 10-miles into the event I was feeling good, but had to remind myself I was less than 1/5 through the challenge, so don't push it!  

    In some ways, the organisation was really chaotic.  There were three people involved with the organisation of it, and every single time I passed two of them, they got my laps wrong!  I did the full, correct route and ended up with 26.1 on my watch so I am fine with it, and at the end they also said I did the correct distance, but it was slightly annoying having to correct them each time I ran past them!  It was playing on my mind a bit, but I know for sure that I followed their instructions they read out at the start - it was just frustrating having to correct two of them each time.  The main guy got it right each time I saw him though.

    It was a 10am start today, but they've said I can start at 9am tomorrow with another person if I want to.  I'll decide tomorrow.  I may take them up on it as I expect I will be slower tomorrow, and I am still 3hrs from home, so that saved hour may mean I'm driving back more in the light.

    Feet up now :)  
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Well done Big G, best of luck for tomorrow! Enjoy your well earned dinner :)
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Well done for today big G! Sounds like a rather strange race with the organisation and poor time keeping! 
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    Ian - yes, you can do that.  You were going to ease up as an end of season rest but also coinciding with taking on your new job but you don't seem to have really needed the rest.   Go for it, get that entry in :)

    steven - DD is a beautiful 32 mile ultra over the roads of Dartmoor, can I add your name to the list for 2019?

    You just keep those bagpipes the right side of the border then ;) 

    SK - is it definitely PF?   You're doing everything you can. 

    Cold is only in my head but going through the feverish stage, not pleasant. :'(

    mamafox - is that hip the other side from the damaged leg?  If so it may just be that you've not been running so fluently trying to protect your leg and that can impact on your form, very common to get a niggle such as that.   I think my sore hip flexor was due to me trying to avoid pain in my cut heel at Loch Ness.

    Scary about the burglars.   Is Charlie on drugs, sleeping through?

    Big G - well done, that's a very good result for Day 1.   It doesn't matter that they didn't record your time to the nearest second, results have to be published which I'm sure they will do on the website so that will be fine.   But number of runners might be an issue, keep that email reply from the 100MC and, maybe they'll at least let you count one of the events, after all you did ask before running the first one.

    Feet up and a bit of telly and as much eating as you want :)

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    steven - actually quite like bagpipes. They sometimes have a piper at Thames Meander.
    mamafox - oh no. :( Hip pain sucks - know that all too well.
    Big G - sounds like an odd race. Don't think I'd enjoy that much. Good time though.

    Talking of hip pain, mine was grumbly today and my back started acting up again. Argh! I did do a 90 minute Bikram class at 6.30am (I'd have gone to a later one but I like the instructor for the early class and the room is generally not as hot at that time!) and my back was a little better after. Felt knackered though. Having taken a several month break from Bikram, the muscles most stressed by it are a bit tight (oddly, my sternocleidomastoid was sore after Wednesday. Never had that happen before!) Went home and had a long Epsom Salt bath and have slobbed around for the remainder of the day.

    I'm half tempted to do parkrun tomorrow, albeit at a much easier pace than normal. However, a) I'm not sure I can trust myself not to push and b) rain is forecast. Hrm. More importantly, it all depends on how the hip and back feel in the morning.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Sounds like you enjoyed it despite the hick-ups ,great time aswell.
    Mama-Scary time,had to to Google mauser,but scarier time for the scum if he caught them.
    Steven-Dont get sucked into Shades' s trap,Google it first  :D Shades-I had a couple of light weeks after Chester and last week 30,this 35 so that's 4 weeks which is a decent rest really.Wait for the wife to get home from work and book the flights if she confirms she's off.
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    Shades - lol have you forgotten that small laps knacker my hips out ;) Amusingly i peaked in the mid 170's for HR rate too work which is not bad for 3 miles. Voice going too currently and just to top it off once dinner has arrived and been eaten (pizza takeaway, what i am ill its medicinal ;)) i was gonna go shop but er town centre evacuated for bomb scare or at least suspcious package

    The lol thing about that is bomb squad only left sellafield a few days ago after spending quite a bit of time here blowing old chemicals up
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    Shades- defo sign me up for that.

    Cal- hopefully that's you getting better that your thinking about a park run.  Good luck if you do decide to run.
    Big G- great time and good luck for the second part tomorrow 
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    edited November 2017
    Cal - I'm always amazed that there's always yet another muscle to twinge that has never caused a problem before.

    Go to parkrun and see if you can find someone slower to run around with and don't be tempted to sprint!

    Ian - what date is Gran Canaria?   I've resisted looking at it since one of the women at Pilates mentioned that there were flights from Exeter in January :|

    Although you've done lighter mileage over the last couple of weeks you've also done some tough speed/hill work with your new club so I expect you're in very good form.

    Ian5 said:

    Steven-Dont get sucked into Shades' s trap,Google it first  :D 
    How could you suggest I would set a trap!  I just wouldn't want Steven to miss out on such an opportunity ;)

    Keith - sorry I can't remember about your hip problem when running small laps :D

    Well the bomb scare put paid to your chocolate top up then.   Are you sure it wasn't one of these..?


    steven - you're on the DD list for 2019. :) 

    No running for me today, cold has come out now but I actually feel a bit better, had a really good night's sleep.   Doesn't look like I'll be able to do my 10 mile race tomorrow which is a shame as I'd been looking forward to it for ages.  Lovely and mild this morning but tomorrow for race weather is forecast to be a 'feels like' temp of 5 degrees which is too cold for me especially as I'm recovering from a cold. 

    Good luck Big G today
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    100MC have replied saying they can't record all races unless RD lets them know, which is the reason it's not on the list, but have wished me luck for today.  I'm just going to keep the emails and forget about it until if/when the time comes to submit my races for validation.

    Legs feel okay at the moment, and I've done all I can in terms of hydration/fuel.  I'm hoping to start at 9am instead of 10am, but the forecast shows rain at 9am although not raining at 10am.  I think I'll just start and see how I get on, as it's not cold.
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    Big G - you've done everything you can to validate the races so any disputes can be dealt with at a later date.

    Enjoy today, you've prepared as well as you can so now wipe from your mind you did a marathon yesterday and just take each mile as it comes.   Good that it's mild for you today.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-It is on Jan 21st,looks a nice course so will give me an idea of where I am ready for the spring.I have my half tomorrow so looking forward to it,except it ends up the same hill again 
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    Well done Big G! Hope today goes well for you.

    Ian - Gran Canaria would be brilliant motivation for December/January training  :)

    Cal - Hope your parkrun went well if you decided to do it.

    Shades - Disappointing about your race - never done a 10 miler race, seems lile a good distance. It's my favourite sort of distance for training runs anyway. Hope that cold doesn't hang around.

    No, no excuses for Charlie.. he's not drugged up. He sleeps by the side of my bed and just snored through all the excitement! My old Belgian Shepherd died a couple of weeks ago - just went into the forest, curled up under a tree and passed away. He was a wonderful dog (my running companion for years) and even in his dotage would have never have let an intruder come onto our land. 

    No running for me, hip still sore and yes Shades, it's on the opposite side to injured leg. Just praying it goes by next Saturday as I really want to do the Cognac HM. Not going to even try running in the meantime unless it's completely gone. Missing so much important training though  :#
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    Ian - I've had a quick look at Gran Canaria and it looks a lovely race.  But it would be quite an expensive trip for me and don't think the budget is up to it.  I might have another look later though.

    mamafox - 10 miles is a nice race distance so if you get the chance of a race, do it.  I'm not risking running, especially in the cold as don't want the cold moving to my chest which will delay my winter training.

    So sorry to hear about your Belgian Shepherd :'(   You might have to get another dog now seeing as Charlie is not taking to guard duties.

    If you feel the hip is muscular, do some gentle hip flexor stretches.

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    Shades - Courgettes merely need blown up :phttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-41862319 thats what it was and it was open again in plenty of time so i could go shop last night so i have ample chocolate

    My cold is more chesty today so i have had to skip going to a halloween party tonight

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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Mamafox - what a shock for your husband! Is there a lot of burglary in your local area? How's your hip now?

    Ian -Gran Canaria is on my bucket list too.... It's an awesome race.

    Shades - you can go GC really cheaply with Thompson/TUI. Friends are going out for under 100GBP for flights and about the same for a long weekend in GC. I know the island pretty well so i'm happy to help if you need advice.  How is your head cold, today?

    Dammit... now you're going to get me looking at the GC marathon!

    A self imposed rest day for me. I'll get out there tomorrow morning but i'm just needing a break today.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Hi all, just a quick one. I got the second day done in 4:05, and finished quite strong as well, although did have a bad patch with about 10 miles to go. 

    Weather was fine, although it started raining for about the 2 miles so I'm glad I started early. 

    Pretty pleased with. 3:55/4:05, and I've learned a lot too. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Brilliant to do 2 straight after each other,well done.
    Emmy-Looking at accom,most are in the south but the race is in the north?better to stay closer to Las Palmas itself do you think?
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    @Big G- Well done for today!
    @Ian - Definitely stay closer to Las Palmas. There's a lot of good hotels around Playa d'cantaras or even close to the bus station/ centre. We've stayed in both hotels and air bnb and they've all been really good. Are you looking at GC because it's flat or warm? If you're looking for a nice one and dont worry about time - take a look at Trans Gran Canaria. There's a marathon option and it's basically all down hill and you'd get to see some of the best bits of the island.
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