
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, some of them I think are pretty serious.  Obviously very fit, but also carbon bikes worth quite a bit of money I'd imagine.  I just had a snoop of the guy who runs the club and he had his HR below 100 for the ride and he was making it all look very easy, whereas I was often hanging on with it sometimes in the 160s (I don't know what his max is, but still!).  There's a Tri taking part locally this weekend (swim in Torbay pool, a few laps of the velopark for the ride, and a run) and a lot of them are doing that I think.
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    thank you everyone for your kind words!

    From my mate chasing me down the street with my tail wind in his jeans (because he was late) to my 75 year old mum chasing me with her camera because she was standing at the wrong place to take my picture, there were many lovely moments. I also had various people on my route cheering me on and horns beeping, not to mention my daughter and wife holding my 'finish line', oh and I came first … things I'd have never had in an official marathon.

    I think if they are on next year I'll possibly look to do Guernsey or Dublin as both places hold a very special place in my heart and I would like to do an official marathon and also without the pressure of fund raising and stuff! Although as I was smashing into the wall it was the thoughts of who I was fund raising for that made me battle through.

    I think I'm more inclined to go for Dublin, any thoughts?
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    Big G - wow that's a low HR for that speedy guy.   But I guess when it comes to running you'd be cruising at a low HR too.

    Cozy - what a memorable day, I'm so glad everyone made you feel a star, because you certainly deserved it.

    I haven't done Guernsey marathon, on my to do list and in fact I've booked a hotel for this year but the way things are going Covid wise here, Guernsey won't open the borders in time for the marathon.

    I've done Dublin many times, love the place and the race.   But it will be difficult to get a place, was cancelled this year so if they roll over the entries there won't be much chance of you getting a place, think they run a ballot now as it's always oversubscribed.   Whereas Guernsey will be taking entries without the pressure of a ballot.   So maybe try to get in Dublin and if you don't succeed then opt for Guernsey.
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    Very good point, I never even thought of the need for a Ballot!

    My daughter was born and raised in Guernsey until she was 3, she''' be 8 in February so maybe time to take her back to where she was born
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Thanks,that's one more hurdle out of the way.
    With regards to parkrun,I hope it starts again,but really can't see how it can in it's current format,all races appear to be classed as time trials and that doesn't fit with parkrun,lots of families gather at the start and end and that's currently not allowed,giving out of tokens isn't ideal.1000 people within a mile or so of each other sweating and running isn't good.
    Considering some of the races that have been cancelled it will be really poor if they allow parkrun and not other races.
    Think they've also picked a bad time to announce it as we have had big jumps the last few days.
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Hi all,

    Cozy: well done on the marathon. I've got Guernsey on my bucket list. It's a lovely race, I've heard. 

    I'm not sure what to make of the return of parkrun if I'm honest. I don't think it's the wisest decision. 

    5miles for me during lunch. I had to speed it up as I needed to get back for a meeting. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, have you seen the race instructions for Plym Trail?  Not sure about the taking the face mask in case it's needed in the race.  If I do the race I will of course follow his instructions, but I don't think I've seen that in other races.  I guess that's his mitigation for the narrow parts of the course.

    I was going to have a full rest day today as legs are feeling it a bit from the cycling.  But it's such a nice day in terms of the weather and I was due to see Dad so I cycled over to see him.  He fed me with ice-cream and filled me with coffee, and then I rode back for about 14-miles in total.
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    BigG: you poor thing...being force fed ice cream and coffee 😂 hopefully you weren't too full to cycle back!

    I've seen the rules about masks on a few races for use at aid stations etc. 
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    Ian - I think parkrun issued that press release at the wrong time and that may go against their plans.   The press release is arrogant and ignores the recent increase in cases and is likely to anger councils that are trying to control the virus in their respective areas.   The press release doesn't mention that there are areas in England on local lockdown too.

    Emmy - your busy life is doing wonders for your speed training.

    Big G - yes, I've read the race info.  A mask is needed to go into the hall to use the loo or get a coffee and we're going to have our temperature taken.   I don't mind carrying the mask, will shove it in my bumbag but I won't be wearing it outdoors and certainly not while I'm running.  

    Hope your Dad is doing OK, bet you enjoyed the ice cream and coffee.

    Went to the gym, instructor I needed wasn't there, maybe doing a spin class so I wasn't too bothered about not getting my body analysis done.   Then in the last few minutes he turned up and I got a shock at the results.   Weight is the same, as expected, but all other results show an improvement from last analysis.

    Muscle up 1kg
    Fat down 0.8kg
    Fat % down to 22.6% (was 30 when I started and 24.4% at last recording.)
    Waist/hip ratio down
    BMR up... that means I can eat more 🙂

    All areas showing increase in muscle and reduction in fat.  

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    Cozy - never used to be a problem getting a place at Dublin marathon until they moved the race to the Sunday, since then it's been oversubscribed.
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    Opening up Parkrun seems completely insane to me given the state of cases at the moment and they will look silly if they have to revert again which I suspect could well happen. As Ian says it also then makes no sense not to have other races on. 

    Shades - That’s a very significant transformation. Over what time period was it? How low would you want your body fat to go?

    Big G - Coffee and ice cream are in my top 5 things in the world. It’s why I love an affogato which is basically vanilla ice cream drowned in an espresso shot. Not for everyone admittedly. 

    Took a rest day yesterday after the 10k so will go out this eve. Legs feeling fine but weirdly I seem to have sore abs. Anyone have that after a run? It’s a first for me. Anyway I’m looking ahead to next race which is either Kingston half on 11th of October which is unconfirmed or Olympic park half on November 1st which looks more likely. Either way I am wondering what time to aim for. My last and only road half in feb was 1:45. These predictors online seem to suggest mid to high 1:30s which seems aggressive to me. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Great improvement there,well done.
    Rcouture- That seems a little quick to me,when I first broke 45 I was 1:44 for half but my training wasn't as endurance based as yours is so I'd say 1:40 is realistic.
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    Rcouture - the sore abs are probably from tensing your upper body and more arm action when you were racing.

    Re your forthcoming half marathon I would suggest aiming for 7:30 min/miles, I'm sure you can do that.

    I started at the gym a year ago but had 5 months off, one month injured and four months lockdown.  So pleased that I'm back on track to reach target of 20% fat, I'm in my 60's and am trying to injury proof myself as much as possible and also try and delay the inevitable slowing down due to age. 😉.  For my age and female it wouldn't be advisable to go lower than 20 % fat.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    RCouture, I like those coffees too :)  I was lucky enough to go to Vietnam a few years go and over there I had my first ever iced coffee, and I was hooked as it was hot when I went.  I've always been a coffee drinker though and prefer it to tea, and Vietnam is quite famous for coffee so I was pleased :)

    Emmy, yeah, it was tough. ;)  I asked him for a small portion but he doesn't do small...

    Shades, well done on that progress.  That's really encouraging, especially as you've not been to the gym as much as you'd have liked due to Covid.
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    Rcouture - me too!
    Shades, brilliant progress, you must look pretty fit.

    And so, yeah, I've entered an ultra. Lea Valley 50K at the end of November. It goes from Welwyn Garden City to Hackney so will be easy to get home from afterwards. Don't know much about race beyond that - it's new. Should be quite flat though, if it's along the river.
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    Cal - That’s exciting! I guess less chance of it being cancelled being an ultra?
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    Social gathering of more than 6 to be banned from Monday... we wait to hear what organised sports teams come under 
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    Ian (x-post) - If you don’t mind me asking, how long ago was that and roughly how old were you? Just thinking of the progression to how speedy you are now! 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture- I was 44 then,now 48,started running at 43 after 20 years of nothing so 4 years ago.
    Rob-I think that could be racing over for a bit again,anyone know a race that counts for GFA this weekend?
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Shades: my muscles are screaming though! That's some fab results from the gym! All of your hard work paying off. 

    Cal: I'll keep everything crossed that the race goes ahead! 

    Robert: interesting article. Thanks for posting. I don't know how the virus can distinguish between a wedding and an outdoor picnic... It must be very smart 🤔

    6k with the dogs this morning. Boyska was super slow but it was good for me to get a recovery run in. 

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    Got out for a run today. Conditions were pleasant - the run, less so. There was a lot of traffic out (I went out at 6.15) and it seems rush hour has got earlier than it was before lockdown, so air quality was not great along the roads. And for some reason, my right back/side (probably the QL) got really uncomfortable and is quite painful now. I'm going to see my clubmate Cathryn (the one who gave me a bit of coaching two weeks ago) as she's a masseur and said she'll have a prod but I'll have to walk three miles to Battersea for it so I hope it helps.
    This is not a new thing - I've had similar before but I could really do without this right before my 10K - it's not like I don't have other niggles I'm dealing with!

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    Not good news for us runners regarding that new upcoming law and races.

    Ian, I'm not aware of any races this weekend that will count for GFA :(  It doesn't seem good news for the likes of Dorney, Goodwood and your Elvington race :(  There are exemptions to the new law - is there a glimmer of hope that sports will still be allowed?  I'm not sure, but I saw elsewhere that the organiser of Dorney is still hopeful but awaiting further guidance/clarification.  The super fast runners are aiming for Wrexham, so fingers crossed for them too as this new law is England-only at the moment isn't it.

    It is very muddled with the schools going back, people back in the office etc, but the fact is the R-Value is on the rise.  It makes parkrun's announcement seem even more miss-timed.

    As for me, I walked up to work with OH and walked back through town to get some food shopping.  It was a fairly heavy bag, but the old achilles was twinging slightly :(  That's the first time I've really felt anything for a few days, so it was a bit of a surprise.  I think the heavy shopping bag just put extra pressure on it.  Not sure what that means for a potential run tomorrow but I'll decide in the morning.

    I think it's going to be a rest day today as I'm quite tired from the last few days of cycling.  Legs are quite tired generally although achilles have felt totally fine whilst cycling, which is a good thing.

    I see 1 staff member in 4 teams of the TdF, as well as the Race Director, have Covid (no riders yet, apparently).  I saw something that if those 4 teams get another case in the next 7 days they're out of the tour.  Will the race reach Paris, I wonder?  Time will tell.
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    Cal - 50k is a great distance and perfect for your first ultra.

    Robert - well parkrun have stated that the new rules won't affect them as they are an 'organised sport', however I think the new rules would stop/delay parkrun restarting as there's no control over the numbers turning up.   Whereas a race has pre-entrants, staggered starts etc so there is hope that our few races won't be affected, but I guess races will have to deter spectators.   Hope it's not going to affect the gym and classes at the leisure centre either.

    We'll have to wait for the list of exemptions.   Apparently the new rules will be clearer, I do hope so.   But all around me I can see the existing rules being broken, mostly by teenagers congregating together and multiple visitors to people's homes.

    Big G - hope that was just a random twinge.   You have been doing a fair bit of cycling too and that uses different muscles.

    I think it was Stage 7 or 8 of the TdeF and the crowds on the hills shouting at the riders, a few masks and some masks not being worn properly and they were really close to the riders.    The riders did lodge a complaint.   Isn't the ruling that if 3 from any team test positive the whole team are disqualified, not sure if that applies to support staff too.   They did say that INEOS had elected to have all tested the other day, not heard the results of that.

    Lovely circuits class.   I told the instructor not to let me do anything stupid, i.e. trash myself and end up with sore muscles for my marathon.    He gave us a fairly hard work out but mostly upper body which was OK except when I went in the gym after I couldn't do my usual number of reps as my arms were like jelly.
    Pilates booking is becoming harder to get a place, booking opens at 7 a.m. and at one minute to our instructor was just starting us on a long routine, the guy next to me wanted to book Pilates too so cleverly his wife realising we need a minute or so asked the instructor to explain an exercise again, that gave me and the other guy a minute, enough time to book Pilates class.
    Food shop and second breakfast done.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I think it’s 2 people from a team Shades, and that includes support staff. So even if the riders of a team are all clear but 2 support staff are positive, the team is out of the tour. Currently everyone only gets tested again at the next rest day.
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    Big G - thanks for the link.     We'd best enjoy the TdeF while we can.   :/

    I see Boris is making an update at 4pm so I assume that will be clarifying the exemptions etc from the limit of 6.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Got a virtual london place with a charity with no minimum fundraising target,so just cost the £20 as a back up.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, great you’ve managed to get a London spot.

    Shades, just reading back a bit and I agree that people have definitely relaxed recently.

    In my own case, when I went to that Tri session there were about 30 of us, but we all were distanced whilst he was explaining the session and we all fell into small groups (2s and 3s) whilst riding. The faster guys lapped us but I felt totally safe and would have stopped if I hadn’t felt safe. But I see the club is probably going to stop organised training on the back of last night’s statement. Not sure what it means for Trotters - hopefully we’ll get guidance from EA in time for Monday’s Committee meeting. Currently we’re only doing sessions of 6+the coach, which probably isn’t allowed from next week.... 
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    Big G - maybe the Trotters sessions will need to be 5 + coach from next week then.   We'll have to wait and see.

    Nearly forgot the list.....

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    Shades - Good results with the fat down and muscle up!
    Ian - Superb 20 miler.
    Rcouture - Massive 10k PB, congrats.

    I did 16 miles on Saturday for a 56 mile week over 5 consecutive days. Tuesday was 12 miles with 4*1.5 miles at MP-10 seconds (approx), 1.5 mile reps were 9:50/50/52/55. Today did an easy 6 miles (121 bpm HR).
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Just managed my usual 8 after work,not a great running miles week up to now,and can't run tomorrow.
    Reading from one of the event organisers I use and they say they are no clearer,EA will be updating late this week or early next week.
    OH is decorating this week as we are thinking of moving,she said "do you know you have a new pair of running shoes still sealed in it's box" of course I did  :# think someone has too many pairs.
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