
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Same here, Shades. Getting a bit nervous about my marathon plans....again!!
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    There is that, Shades. I notice some surfaces are worse in frost than others - I guess the more absorbent materials don't get so slippery.
    Not going to run this morning as I've my race in the evening. I often do a short run the morning of an evening race but it's freezing out there and with my niggles, I think I'm better off having a rest.
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    Cal - nothing to be gained by running twice on a race day, hope it warms up a bit for tonight, good luck.

    Big_G said:
    Same here, Shades. Getting a bit nervous about my marathon plans....again!!
    I'm having a bit of a wobble about Connemara, I have until the end of the month to defer to 2023.   As yet there has only been one of the bigger marathons in Ireland, none of the others have gone ahead.  Ireland are in semi lockdown now with pubs and takeaways shutting early and events restricted.   Their health service struggles more than our NHS does.   So far I've only booked a cancellable hotel for Connemara.   Would actually help the race organiser's cashflow if I do defer as the race is sold out and he can put deferred places up for sale again.  Would mean if all races go ahead here I could do my 400th at North Dorset which would be OK, it is one of my favourite races and I'm not intending to have any celebrations for my 400th.

    Rest day today.   Up early and remembered to do my LF test before my first coffee and then out for an early food shop, quite a few shoppers also out early.   
    Neck is better today, but will see what it's like tomorrow when out for a run before I decide if I can sneak a gym visit in before Xmas
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I had a look on the RED site and their 2022 events don't really work for me in terms of my current plans for 100.  But I suppose if events do temporarily get suspended and then started back up again, I may be glad of them!  Sorry to hear about your worries of Connemara. NDVM is a good event though, as you say. 

    After thinking a bit about race logistics (in a van, with a dog), we did book a couple of campsites yesterday for our NI trip.  The race starts in Stormont and there is a campsite about 1.5 miles away, so we've booked in there for the Saturday and Sunday and I will more than likely walk to the start.  Number pickup is in the city centre on the Friday or Saturday, so we will get that sorted as well. 

    Anyway, 10 miles today. A bit blustery and I was down on the front near high tide so I needed to do a small bit of wave dodging but I had a nice run. We’re out today with friends for a walk on Dartmoor. 
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    Big G - I might do one of the RED events in July, possible October too.   I did see the April weekend wouldn't suit you as clashes with Manchester.

    But if races are paused post Christmas I'm sure you'd have plenty of options for catch up in numbers if required.

    Re Belfast marathon, it used to start at City Hall.   Stormont House will be a great venue for a start.   I think the finish is still in Ormeau Park, we'd get the free race buses back to the city centre from there, is that near where you're camping?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    We are camping about 1.5 miles from Stormont and approximately 4 miles from Ormeau Park.  I guess it will depend on the weather and where we can go with Tigg, but possibly after the race we will get something to eat in the city and then catch the bus back to Stormont and walk back to the campsite.  If eating in the city is not really possible with Tigg, there are places to eat around Stormont, or of course we can just head straight back to the van as we will have things there.

    Regarding the RED events, I was thinking about July and maybe trying for 6/7hrs, but I will decide about all that once the 100 and DD is done.

    I did read that the parkun bosses are meeting today to decide what to do.  I think Wales and Scotland have restrictions from Boxing Day that could well impact parkrun :(  I know I was critical of them with how they handled everything but I do think it will be a shame if they have to cancel, and also a real shame if even smaller, outdoor events have to cancel as well.  In the next week or so we will know how this is panning out I think, in terms of if hospitalisations or numbers on ventilators end up rising or not.
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    Big G - there are some good restaurants in the city centre but even with outside seating I guess you can't be sure they'd be happy to accept dogs.

    parkrun's problem is no idea on numbers and no way of controlling those that turn up, they can't really cancel the larger events as that could lead to folk swamping the smaller events.

    Yes, we just have to wait for the data, let's hope it's promising news.   The new rules on isolation period will help staffing levels too.
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    Shades:I have a race NYE and I have no idea if it will go ahead it is just 250 max runners.But hoping Welsh Government will make a decision today!
    It is my only race since 2019 and this was also my last race........
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WP - sorry, but I wouldn't hold out too much hope about your race.   So far in the pandemic the Welsh government seem to not attribute the importance of exercise to any of their decisions.   Maybe look for an alternative race over the border into England just in case?

    Why did you decide not to race earlier in the year?  Were you injured?  
    I travelled to Wales for the Top Gear event in October, you would have enjoyed that one, I half expected to see you there.
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    I am only running the NYE race as a favorite of mine 1100 ft climbing over 10 miles.I don;t race after October.It raises money for local Cricket club a no frills cheap as chips race.
    This year has been awful for my fitness with bugs no injuries just being ill.So I only entered one race and I was ill again.
    Top Gear never heard of it? do let me know about events in Wales that are up to 1/2 marathon max please.

    Well it seems 50 is the max amount so I will wait to hear from the race director.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WP - I saw the lunchtime news and it didn't sound very hopeful for your race, but the details will be in the small print I guess.

    Top Gear is one of Infinity's events.   Very friendly and very well organised.

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    Big G looks like a great selection of races for champs, we’ve struggled with some races being apprehensive about announcing their races. Nice 10 miles and hope you enjoyed the walk! 

    Cal hope the race goes well tonight, 

    Shades hopefully you’ll get to run connemara although least you have a back up plan for your 400th.

    chloe back now and locked in covid prison, 8 miles this evening one of those days I wish I went on a bit longer.  Finished work for christmas now, only in one day next week too 

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    Well done all for getting out there...it's been a cold day.

    Well, Battersea Park 5K did not go as expected.
    I often do a short, easy run the morning of an evening race, but as my groin's been niggling and it was cold, I stayed indoors and did some stretching. Groin was pretty sore all day which worried me so I chowed a couple of ibuprofen and slapped an ice pack on it, then had another stretch in front of the telly.
    Once I got to the park I did a one mile warm-up and it was OK. Could feel it, but it's a niggle rather than an injury and I can run with it.
    I've not run in Battersea Park in the dark so wasn't sure how well lit it was and it turns out, not very. There are lights, but they're not exactly bright.
    The 10K started first, then it was the 5K's turn. Even with the little niggle, I was hopeful that I could get closer to a sub-26 again as the park is as flat as they come and I've had plenty of 10K PBs there in the past.
    I felt like I was flying - fast and strong - and I was able to keep pushing right up until the end. So it came as a bit of a shock when I saw my time was a lot slower than I thought it was...27:06! I can only assume that I shortened my stride in the dark. Garmin seems to bear that out as my average cadence was 187 but average stride length was 0.99m, whereas at Brooklands parkrun (where I ran 26:21), cadence was 186 but stride length was 1.03. Those few centimetres make a hell of a lot of difference to a 5K time, it seems.
    My HR was also high - average 181 but it climbed up to 192 at the end (this is using the chest strap). I felt OK...not light headed or anything...but that's higher than my recent parkruns. Not sure if the cold would have been a factor, or the fact it was evening rather than morning. 
    Oh well, at least I got a nice medal.  D
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    Cal think need to take the race with a pinch of salt, you’ve made an amazing comeback recently which is the most important thing.  Can’t say I’ve raced in the evening but most of my evening runs do seem slower,  I ran back along the river this evening without my torch and little light and they were my two slowest miles  
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    Don't know if you use Garmin Connect with the route colour-coded, but it's very telling that the red (fast) section on the bottom left is when I was running past the football pitches which are floodlit, and then I slow down (blue) as we go past the lake where it's darker.
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    Shades: Thanks for website some nice races to look forward to.
    They are going to reschedule and offer virtual race no details as yet so I imagine in next few days. :(
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    So far, only Welsh parkrun events are cancelled from 1st Jan, with England, Scotland and NI going ahead still.  I haven't read the actual government advice in Scotland so could be wrong, but apparently their rules/guidance allowed for some wriggle room so it looks like parkrun can go ahead, even though they cannot guarantee numbers will be  lower than 500.  I think this is good news, for the Scots at least.
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    Robert - I always have a backup plan... :smile:

    Hope Chloe isn't too poorly and recovers quickly.

    Sounds like you really enjoyed your run.   Enjoy your time off work, one day's work  next week isn't too bad

    Cal - well done at your 5km.   Isn't this the same course that Rcouture raced on in the dark and also found it hard to run freely as not well lit for the whole route?    Even with average lighting I think instinctively it would be hard to run freely in the dark.   Most runners run faster later in the day than a fasted early morning run, but in daylight.

    Long stride length is nothing to do with speed and if you try and lengthen your stride it's highly likely that you are overstriding which is inefficient and leads to injuries.   If stride was an indicator of speed then tall long legged runners would all be the faster runners, which they're not.
    Increased cadence comes from increased fitness and dependent on the engine, the power house which is your heart and lungs, and how well adapted the mitochondria are in your muscles.  Think Duracell Bunny.

    WP - that's a shame about your race, can you find an alternative in England as you've obviously done the training.   Virtual is no substitute, that's just a training run.

    8 miles this morning, a few degrees warmer and that makes such a difference to me, a much more comfortable and enjoyable run.   Even enjoyed the rain, soft rain and they would call it in Ireland.   Less traffic today, I guess a lot already home for Christmas, think most were heading to the supermarkets.
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    Big G - there's nothing to stop the Welsh runners from meeting up and going for a run as long as there's no more than 50 in a group.   So nothing lost.
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    Went out and did shop first thing this morning, hardly anyone around.  Was just gonna chill in front on the tv but opted for a 9 mile run, the roads were busy and ran past our local Sainsburys and seemed to be queues.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    We have actually had quite a nice today, despite needing to do the shopping.  I did 90-mins on Zwift (a couple of pros were in the group as well so there was a bit chat going on) whilst OH was doing her exercises this morning, and then we went over to see Dad for a bit.  From there, we walked Tigg around Berry Head in Brixham and had lunch at our favourite place on the headland up there, and then went to Aldi for "The Shop!".  An impromptu change of plans meant we came away with a goose rather than a turkey, but other than that it was relatively uneventful and it wasn't manic at all.  They had no double cream so we had to go somewhere else for that, but we get a decent pate in town from the local butchers, so nipped into Tesco for the cream at the same time.  All done!

    Just thinking about heading down to the Tri club for their Thursday night session to round off what has actually been quite a pleasant day.  Tomorrow is the day that a lot of the cooking/prep will get done, but all being well I will get a run in at some point.  We will attempt to make it nice again for Dad on Xmas Day as we tried last year too, but he is very down still.  He is hardly getting out of bed any more, but I have told him that we are not eating in the bedroom and he will need to get up, and he has agreed to that at least.  Honestly, I can't say I am particularly looking forward to it, but we will make it as nice as we can, and then probably go for a walk on the beach here afterwards if the weather is reasonable (I tried out my new walking boots yesterday on Dartmoor and they are great).  
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited December 2021
    Rob - Nice 9 miler. 

    Shades - That’s a lovely run. I also like to get out in that kind of rain when it’s warmer. 

    Big G - Sounds like a great day. We are weird people to think that it would be enhanced by a speed session in the evening 🙂. We have gotten goose now for a few years. Once you get over turkey nostalgia, it’s just a better bird, but not very economical imho.

    Cal - Good effort in the race. Battersea park at night is the scene of all 3 of my failed efforts at <20 so I feel your pain. You’d think I’d change the venue but 1. It’s become a bogey and illogically I feel I have to hit the milestone there now. 2. Course is as fast as they come really. I won’t be doing it at night anymore though. 

    Still nothing to report from my end running-wise. Continue to be tempted to get out as not a peep from the ITB but decision’s been made to wait for NY so sticking to it. 
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    Shades - yeah, same. To be honest I mostly did it for the glow in the dark medal, so mission accomplished. It would've been nice to get a sub-26 by the end of this year, but oh well! 

    Re: stride length, it's not that I'm actively trying to lengthen it so much as I naturally shorten it when I can't see well. And it does make a big difference to my pace.
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    Anyway, did a rubbish 4 miles in the dark this morning. While it didn't feel hard, it definitely felt more effort than it should given I was running between 11:30 and 12 pace. I didn't sleep well last night, and it may be a combination of that and recovering from the race. And maybe a few too many edible treats.
    Off to Manchester this afternoon...hoping I don't catch Covid on the train.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    It ended up being a relay session last night, which I think possibly was overly-complicated bearing mind most people didn't seem to have a clue what was going on :)  There was an approximately 300m out and 300m back route, and they'd put lights out every hundred metres.  Each team was two faster runners and one slower runner.  Each faster runner was meant to do 8x300m intervals and the slower runner 8x200m.  When a faster runner had finished their 300m, they were supposed to walk back 100m, thus ensuring the slower runner only did 200.   Looks fairly easy on paper I suppose, but numerous people (myself included) were standing around for a long team with no teammate anywhere in sight, so I think most abandoned the team aspect and just did the reps :)  Still, it was a nice evening out, there were loads there and we all got a Curly Wurly for our efforts (which, as chocolate was advertised in advance, may or may not have had a bearing on how busy it was... ;) ).

    Up very early to finish off the Club Champs for this year so Chair can get the stuff sent to the engravers.   I only got the results late Wednesday night and was busy yesterday, but hopefully all okay.  It took a bit of extra working out as the 2 highest placed ladies actually ended up finishing the year on the same points (298 out of a possible 300) so then I had to work it out on the Age Grading, which the software doesn't automatically do.  Only 4 women and 7 men have finished it this year (any 6 races from 11), but it has been a strange year and we didn't/couldn't start until July.  Hoping for more finishers next year, and also hoping for a more normal year of racing.  At times I have wondered if it was worth it this year, but of course it was worth it for the people that did it, as they have based their running around this competition and it has kept them going I think.  I will be putting my name forward for the role again next year at the AGM.

    About to head out for a run fairly soon.
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    edited December 2021
    Robert - you've definitely got your training mojo back  :)

    Big G - sorry to hear your Dad is still feeling down.  But I'm sure you and OH will put on a good meal for him and hope he enjoys it.

    Are the Trotters having their annual bash and presenting the prizes then?

    Sounds complicated the relays but in reality probably quite simple.   I found out when I had my running club no matter how carefully and clearly you explain instructions, runners are like sheep.   Although they'll nod and say they understand in reality most of them rely on the other runners to know where they're going and what they have to do.

    Rcouture - I've never had goose, I'm sure I'd like it but I love turkey and eat it all year round, so once I can get a whole turkey then I'm in heaven, I've already cooked 3 since October and I have one in the freezer, don't have room for any more.   The last job I had, was there for 9 years, the longest I've ever stayed with one employer, we were given a turkey at Christmas, that's the only thing I miss about working is the free turkey.

    That's very disciplined of you to stay away from the running until NY, it can only do the ITB good.

    Cal - have a good trip and a lovely Christmas in Manchester.  I take it the groin niggle has gone now.

    9 miles this morning.   Waited impatiently for a glimmer of dawn which took ages and then I was hungry so had a slice of toast just before I went out for my run.  Extra loop of the industrial estate and then it was just light enough I could get away from the streetlights.   Got to the new section of cycle/footpath, crossing and little bit of pavement all finished and I happily set off on the new bit of path only to find that the bridge was still fenced off, the off road path was open but it was too dark to run on that and it would end up going along the river and horrible off road path across the field so I had to turn back.    I was plodding along at base pace and I heard another runner coming along fast, he grunted at me when he passed he was running very hard and fast.   Round the next corner he had slowed to a walk so when I caught up with him asked him if he was doing intervals today.   He told me he's training for a sub 20 5km and was doing 4 x 1km today at 4 min pace.   It was a bit tortoise and the hare as I finished way ahead of him on that section of road.

    Have had what could have been a Christmas day disaster.   I cooked a piece of salmon in the oven last night and when I shut the oven door a screw fell on the floor and now I can't shut the oven.  Can't just put the screw back as there's a spring mechanism on the door, I'm hoping I can get it fixed fairly easily.   However I cooked my turkey last weekend and I do have a small top oven, which I've never used and I can use that for the roast potatoes and the dessert tomorrow.   Am going to try out the top oven today.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, the Trotters do is panned for mid-January....  Bad timing with your oven!  Reminds me of when my boiler broke one Xmas Eve!

    7-miles in the rain and it was quite cold, but I got it done today.

    I was in the recent parkrun email that got sent out to everyone.  Hard to believe that photoshoot was nearly 2 years ago now.

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    Big G - can't believe that's 2 years ago.  It's a great photo for your first fashion shoot.

    I'd rather cope with a non functioning oven than have no heating or hot water at this time of year.

    Am testing the top oven now with some roasted veg.   Have already made Walnut Blondies and they're delicious although I say it myself.  😋
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    Good luck with the oven, Shades...that's stress you don't need right now! Yes, groin's calmed down a bit. I thought the 5K might rile it up but apparently not. Let's hope it stays that way.
    Amazing how time goes, Big G. Have a lovely Christmas.
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    Big G - an Aldi shop is so much simpler than one of the big supermarkets, I’ve missed Aldi this christmas as been using vouchers Tesco sent and trying to be careful, spent far too much 😆 100% agree with you, those who did your club champs it was worth it for, some people won’t have had much to look forward to this year.

    Rcouture well done for refraining from running, hope you’re rewarded in the new year without any issues.

    Cal glow in the dark medal makes it all worth while, I did my Southend 5 miler as a virtual run just for the medal, didn’t want to run and felt rubbish.  Enjoy Manchester! 

    Shades hope the top oven does the job, we had to use the top oven for about a month earlier this year as the heating element had gone on our main oven.  Took a little longer to cook stuff but was okay.

    Rest day today, legs felt tired, unsure of running plans for tomorrow prob no parkrun as limiting social interactions.
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