
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ha ha, no, not at the moment.  Pretty sure the next one I have booked isn't until August, one of Davey's.

    Bolbery Down parkun is a cracker, in terms of views!  Absolutely stunning.  It's not much compared to many, but that was my 34th location and I'd say without a doubt the most picturesque, right on the rugged coast path with spectacular views.  It is a bit off the beaten track to get there, but well worth it!

    It is a 3-lapper, mixture of grass, gravel and a bit of tarmac, pretty flat, and plenty of parking about 5mins from the event start (it is a NT place).  There is a cafe nearby that I have been to before, but I wasn't able to get there today as I went to visit Dad at nearby Totnes hospital for about 10am, which is on the way home for me.  It is quite a small event with 64 finishers today, I think at least partly because it is not that easy to get to.  There are no toilets at the event, and the cafe doesn't open until 9:30am, but the event page mentions a toilet in the nearby village that is open 24hrs, and about 10mins from the event, so that was all fine. 

    That beats my longest tourism streak (6 events now) and I just have Woolacombe left now for me to have done all the Devon ones.  Hoping to do one in Northern Ireland next week, so I must remember it is a 9:30am start there (I forgot that when I turned up at Thurso in Scotland at about 8:45am and there was no one there!). 

    My Nearest Event Not Done Yet is now about 80mins drive away in Bridport, Dorset.  Haven't heard any rumours about others in Devon turning up, but probably there may well be some in the pipeline.

    As for the knee, it was better than last week again.  I don't think I will run until next weekend to give it the best chance, but may well go on the bike for an easy ride tomorrow, as physio actually recommended that.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Back home today and too many to read through to comment.
    Felt terrible on the plane and for the first time since it started I've tested positive. 
    Not the prep I wanted for Barca.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Oh dear, sorry to hear that Ian.  Take it easy and I hope you start to feel better soon.
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    Big G - good the knee was better than last week.

    I can't see a parkrun being that popular with no toilets there, at least you knew in advance.

    Ian - oh no, but better than pre Boston.   Hope you make a speedy recovery.   Covid and jetlag, lovely  :'(   Get as much rest as you can.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Ian - Bad luck but at least you’ve got it post Boston/vaccines. 

    Big G - Good news on the knee. 

    Shades/Big G - Yes I will wind things down and leave the long run till next weekend as my body appears to be telling me something. Gentle 6 this morning and felt much better after OH shielded me from the girls this morning so got a decent 8hrs sleep. Will do no more than 10 slow tomorrow then rest Monday. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Big G, fingers crossed for that knee. I've heard Bolberry is lovely. I really want to do Woolacombe but it's a bit far for me at the moment (certainly financially, anyway).
    Ian, not good...but at least you tested positive after the race, not before. Take it easy eh?
    Rcouture, sounds like you needed a rest. I felt rubbish yesterday - didn't want to wake up and then I felt a bit spacey when I was out for my walk. Figured I was just tired. Fine today.
    I wouldn't worry about a 2 week taper...just go with what feels right.

    Extra rest day helped, thankfully, so parkrun was on (just as well as I'd already bought my train ticket). I did Hockley Woods in Essex (not too far from South Woodham Ferrers where I was last week) as some other friends were going. It's an undulating woodland trail run; two laps, with a nasty sharp uphill at the end of each lap (there's also a couple of more gradual climbs). Ran 29:10 which isn't too bad for a hilly course by my current standards. Felt knee and groin a bit but no stabbing, which is good as I was concerned it might hurt on the downhill bits.
    Got races next weekend so hopefully I'll be OK for those (a mile and a 10K...plus parkrun of course).
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    Rcouture - how thoughtful of your OH to let you have a decent sleep and you're feeling better for it.

    Robert and Steve - good luck for tomorrow, hope you both get your goal times.   Conditions look good, low humidity.   Looking forward to the race reports.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Yes, very best of luck to Steve and Robert!

    Well done, Cal.  I will definitely get to Woolacombe, but not sure exactly when.  OH and I have talked about combining it with a trip away in the van, but we will shall see.  Just been figuring out logistics to try and get t one next week.  I would ideally like to do Stormont parkrun, but it won't work for us on the Saturday unfortunately, but there is one relatively close to where we are staying Friday night so I will try to get to there.

    RCouture, well done for listening to your body.

    Ian, I have just booked a refundable place in Quincy in case I do get to do Boston next year, so I have something that is affordable, but I can keep an eye out to see if there is something in a better location later.  I am nowhere near 100% sure I will do the race anyway, but I hope to.  Not sure when the race opens to submit qualifying times, but I will keep an eye out :) 
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    Rcouture - I agree with shades that the massage doesn’t have a lot of benefit, if I didn’t get them paid by my work health cash plan I probably wouldn’t bother, I have a good chat with mine (she ran a 2:40 marathon and used to run XC for gb) and they don’t do any harm!  Regarding taper, best to rest now, 2 week taper is fine and you’ve got a good bank of long runs.

    Big G hope the knee behaves now for next week and enjoy the freedom of the tv remote! Panshanger parkrun also doesn’t have any loos, can never do that one after waking up late 😆 With work it’s just frustrating and causing a fair bit of anxiety which I hate! I don’t deal with uncertainty well! Haven’t really looked elsewhere as not had the time with study, also it wouldn’t be instant so will have warning and paid notice.

    Ian glad you got your holiday and Boston out the way before covid, hope you’re not too poorly and recover well.

    Shades great DWP have their act together, I used to work for an annuity company and we had issues with the tax office sending the right codes, sometimes they’d be delayed by 3 months so we would pay the annuity without tax and then 3 months later 60% tax to make up the previous 2
    months, used to get a few complaints and rightly so.  No marathons planned for May too much study happening! 

    Cal well done on a another parkrun.

    didnt sleep well last night had snoozed this afternoon so feeling a bit all over the place! Haven’t done any mp training but don’t think I’ve done much in my previous two Dorneys.  Plan will be 9 min miles from the start, I faded around 16 miles and crashed at 22 last time.  Aiming for a stronger finish closer to 4hrs than 4:15 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Good luck guys.
    Big G-I think you'd do good at Boston as you seem to pace really well now,I've read of so many who faded badly.Entry is normally across 2 weeks in September.
    I've been pretty rough for the last 24 hours,hoping it fades soon.OH has tested positive today.
    So glad I got the race and holiday done,we went to a virtual reality place on Friday and looking back they didn't clean the headsets between people so thinking that's where I probably caught it.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, I still don’t really know where I caught it from. I was being fairly careful around that time as things were really up in the air with Dad, but I still caught it.

    OH is having a nice time over in NL. She caught up with a close friend yesterday and otherwise just spending time with her parents. They’re going out on the boat today I think, and may stay over somewhere tonight in it, but no firm plans. 

    I just tried a ride, but I could feel the knee more than I could on the run yesterday, so abandoned it after 5mins. Probably usually I’d have carried on, but I just want to get this marathon done really so don’t want to aggravate anything unnecessarily. I know it definitely won’t be a quick one next week, but that is fine. 
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    Just setting off for home now.   A not unexpected DNF for me today but I had planned to do 3 or 4 of the 5 mile laps.  But bitterly cold NE wind at the start, we were all freezing and I could barely function for the first couple of miles.  So pulled out at 6 miles, although the weather started to improve I knew I couldn't make the time limit today.

    But enjoyed a cup of tea, crisps and a good natter at the finish.  They even gave me a medal, I initially declined, but it's the gorgeous pottery one which we got last year, so I couldn't resist.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, for some reason I thought Barca was next weekend (ie, same day as Belfast), but when I double checked it’s the week after. Fingers crossed you’ll feel okay by then. I think it’s very individual. I have a club mate who had Covid 2 weeks before Manchester and he was fine for the race. I think he took it a bit easier than usual during the events but since then has been running normally, whereas others have felt they have needed more of a break. Probably I had a different strain to you, but my RHR was the telling factor for me (as well as the general unwell feeling for a couple of weeks), as it was high for a while. 

    Regarding Boston, I do find myself get overtaken by quite a lot of people on the uphills.  It’s always been like that for me :( It’s the main reason I much prefer a flat route if I am going for a time as I can just dial into a pace. 

    Bad luck Shades. I was out walking the dog at around 6:30am and it felt cold. I even had the winter coat on!

    Rcouture, I just found myself looking at flights for Copenhagen and hotels, both of which seem very reasonable this close to the race.  The race itself is quite pricey though, but it is late. I must resist!  I have just paid the money for Oslo in September though so fingers crossed I’m running normally by then. 

    Ian/Rcouture, you both occasionally watch the ShoeTubers don’t you?  Is it just me, or does it appear that one or two of them are in a round about way getting paid for more of their content these days?  Ben Is Running (Ben Felton) was in Boston at Puma’s and ProDirect’s expense and is currently in Spain courtesy of ASICS.  Kofuzi is over in Spain for ASICS as well, and both of them I think are now full time YouTubers even though they don’t have massive channels. It’s just something I seem to be noticing more, particularly in the case of Ben Felton, and I preferred it when they were totally impartial really. It definitely seems that the companies are targeting the YouTubers as I suppose it is good advertising for them! 
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    Shades - Understandable DNF. Doesn’t sound pleasant conditions. Think you posted the pics of that pottery medal from last year on here? With the birds or am I making that up?

    Big G - Re Copenhagen they are still posting stuff on their social media and by email inviting folks to register. Don’t know if that’s normal this close to the race or numbers are low. Oslo sounds great though. Flat I’m guessing? Only issue with Norway is that it’s so bloody expensive given their oil wealth. Re Kofuzi etc I was thinking just that the other day. ASICS was also going to send him to Tokyo for the marathon and they got him a place at LA marathon which he recently ran. To be fair he’s been pretty open about it but yes I can’t see how he’d be impartial. In general with shoes I look for the consensus anyway but a bit of a shame. I like him a lot otherwise as seems sensible and less shouty/preachy than Seth. Think this is basically a hobby for him as he sold his business and is basically retired and his wife works what sounds a well paying job. What I don’t get is how Seth seems to support himself and a massive family including a move to a massive new house off the back of what aren’t many subs as far as YouTube goes. Don’t know much about Ben but have followed him on Strava. 
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Oh did 10 miles earlier. Was going to be MAF but was in a rush as had to take eldest to a birthday so faster than I’d have liked. Felt great though. Legs bouncier, no knee issues so think chilling out has helped. Rest tomorrow. 
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    Robert - you're fortunate that your medical insurance through your job gives you access to physio/massage and probably a selection other complementary medicines.   A lot of runners would be very happy with that.

    Ian - hope you start feeling better soon, has your son contracted Covid too?

    Big G - you don't normally have a problem with the knee cycling, do you?   Maybe just maranoia  ;)   There's a fair bit to see on the Belfast marathon route, or there was when I did it so a slower run means you can take it all in.   Falls Road, Shankhill Road, the murals etc.   There's a lot of history on the streets of Belfast.

    I seem to remember from fellow runners that hotels in Copenhagen are usually expensive, and that's from years ago, some booked into those tiny pods I think.

    AH was at Shepperdine and leading the race when I left in his beautiful running style.   We had a chat pre race, he's on 485 marathons now and he will be doing the 10 in 10 at Windermere in May.   That will be his 15th 10 in 10  :o

    Rcouture - you're right about the medal, well remembered.   It was a sheep though, not birds  :)

    Good you've got that bounce back in your legs.

    I'm not disappointed I pulled up today.   Just wasn't enjoying it.   This DNF means that next week at NDVM will be my 400th...as long as I finish  :)

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    Just seen the results for Shepperdine, AH won in 2:35
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Sounds like it was the right decision to DNF.Son hasn't got it yet,hopefully stays that way.
    Big G-I actually noticed that a week or 2 ago,Asics must be spending a lot on Kofuzi so must see the potential with him,probably because he attracts lots of normal runners.I've only just noticed Ben but seen he went to Boston,think he's one of the fastest YouTubers around.
    Pretty rough day today,I honestly thought I'd sail through with being generally healthy,but I've barely moved today.
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    Ian - your son had Covid a while ago, didn't he.  Perhaps he has more immunity because of that.

    It could be as you were post marathon, which can lower immune system, that you feel so rough.  But Covid seems to affect folk in different ways and not always indicative of general health.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Sorry about your DNF, Shades, but the medal's nice eh? Yeah I wouldn't have enjoyed that at all.
    Well done to Rob as well for Dorney.

    Just didn't feel right today...quite stiff and sore (I guess from parkrun) and low on energy (not sure why as I've eaten enough to gain another pound, apparently). Tried going for a run but called it quits at three miles. Actually felt worse after rather than better. Hope it passes and I'm feeling OK for next weekend.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    For the YouTube fans, I did notice Philly Bowden’s channel.  I came across her at Seville where she did something like 2:34 for her first marathon and has a very small channel (2500 subs), but seems like a natural on the camera.  But I did notice that in her last video she is starting up a coaching business, so if she starts overly flogging that too much, it’ll change the channel I think. 

    For fast YouTubers, Nick Bester did 2:21 at Rotterdam and the Sweat Elite guy (Matt someone?) is around that pace, although he pulled up at Rotterdam.  Jake Smith does some absolutely crazy sessions and goes into a lot of detail on some of his Strava posts (he was a pacer at Rotterdam, and after he finished went back and paced Nick Bester for a bit, but doesn’t seem to post to YouTube all that often). I think he’s an NN sponsored athlete, and I’m pretty sure Nick Bester has just signed with adidas and SiS. Ben Felton has improved remarkably and it’ll be interesting to see how he does at Copenhagen (his first marathon) after doing 68 at Reading Half. 
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    Big G shame that next week won’t be the quick one you wanted but it’s a celebration of the 99 other marathons as well, some great races in those!

    Ian hope you and your boy recover well! There doesn’t seem to be any logic about recovery and how ill people are with it.

    cal hope the legs behave, sometimes we just have days where we thing f**k it.

    shades shame you didn’t get some more miles in, sounds like no regrets and had a good time! It’s a nice medal I also remember it from last year.

    rcouture i saw a post somewhere that your 1st marathon are going to make the event a more regular thing as it went so well! 

    Dorney Marathon - Race report

    a 5:30 alarm to get up, breakfast and arrive at Dorney for Elle’s marshalling start at 8am.  I started at 9am but helped out a few bits out before getting ready and making my way to the start.

    seemed that even more than last time started in the 9am wave, (it made the later finishes look quite desolate and lonely) had a few club mates there wished them luck and off we went.

    bit alarming when I turned the first few corners there was a twinge in my right ankle, enough to be concerned however after 10 miles it disappeared.  I wasn’t confident of a sub 4 but thought had nothing to lose, my first lap was similar pace to Octobers race (it felt tougher today) I did consider calling it off at the half but plodded on.  I was 2 mins down and didn’t feel great and my pace was slowing, I finally lost the 4 hour pace at mile 18 and knew I wasn’t going to get it back. 

    I got to my nemesis mile 21 where I’ve ended my walking on the past couple of visits, although the pace had slowed I had no reason to walk and carried on plodding, managed to plod to mile 24 and these the legs wanted to walk, about 5 short run walk spurts over the mile and from 25 miles I ran it in.  4:09:21 is the official chip time, 6 mins faster than October but pleased to have dug in and got to 24 miles before walking.

    overall satisfied with the run, it was mentally tough today but didn’t regret it.  Last couple of races there I have had to lie down after the event, I was walking okay and not in too much discomfort so taking that as a win in itself. 

    As for a recovery run, that my have to wait with my sunburn and chafing from my run vest but a walk into Hertford to try the new ice cream shop has my name all over it! 
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    Cal - hope you're feeling better today and energy has bounced back. 

    Robert - 6 mins off last time, that's great running, well done    You should be very pleased with that, digging deep when you needed too and having that ankle pain for 10 miles making it even harder for you, as those unexpected pains/twinges weigh heavy on the mind.   I reckon you'll get that sub 4 next marathon, especially if it's not a multi lap event.

    Hope the sunburn and chafing aren't too sore, forgot your sun cream and Bodyglide  ;)  

    Just waiting for Steve to check in now, I did sneak a look at the results last night 🤐

    6 miles this morning, a very lack lustre run, didn't feel like I had any energy.   Nice morning, bit chilly but no wind.
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    Shades - do you think the tiredness is from the Easter double? You hadn’t done that many long runs in the build up? I’m considering Chelmsford mid October but it only gives me 13 days between that and WW50.  Im in for Dorney for October it’s a free entry so will see how things are going.

    3 mile recovery run this morning, hips a bit sore, quads fatigued and felt the twinge in ankle a couple of times.  Please with recovery, that’s improving from my last couple of Dorney runs.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well done Robert. That’s a very decent improvement on your last time around that course, and well done on the recovery run too :) I take it there wasn’t too much wind yesterday?
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    Robert - no, I don't think my tiredness today is related to my Easter races, I was fine last week and running normally by the end of the week.    I think (I hope) I'm just having a tired day.

    Well done on the recovery run and that you're not too sore today, all signs of improvement in your fitness.

    I'm thinking about Chelmsford too in October.   Will decide after I've done the drive to Halstead as to whether I want another drive to Essex this year.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    My Tri club have just had an email from the leisure centre to say they can no longer offer the deal the club had to use the facilities.  It was an absolute bargain compared to the usual rate, so I’m not surprised, but a shame for the people that used it.  I think often the swimming pool was quite full with Triers, meaning the public sometimes didn’t get a look in when it was lane swimming. It doesn’t impact me because for the last 12 months I’ve been cycling on Zwift and not using the velopark, so I didn’t take the leisure centre offer this year, but many Triers made very good use of it all. The leisure centre have offered the club a corporate rate of £35pm or £370 for the year, but that will be a very big increase for the members that are used to the bargain rate they used to have (£80 for the year I think it was). The club running and cycling sessions on the velopark aren’t impacted by this change. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I’m considering a drive up to Suffolk in September. 100MC are having their AGM at a venue there, and including camping etc. I may go up, but not sure yet, although I’ve pencilled the weekend in. I used to live in Ipswich, and haven’t really been back much, except for the occasional work trip. Haven’t been back at all for about 8 years though, but it is a long way from here.

    Robert/Shades, I enjoyed Chelmsford when I did it. :) 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rob-Well done,an improvement is always good to see.
    Big G-Interesting you mentioned Oslo as I was looking at it for my GFA attempt,think it's about 4 weeks before Chicago so ideal timing,think the only thing putting me off was the reviews saying it wasn't a great course with the surface in places?
    I seem a bit better today,definitely not coughing or headache as much,but very tired,sleep pattern is everywhere, will start my tests tomorrow and see when I get 2 negatives together to go back to work.
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    Ian - good you're starting to feel better.  Hope your OH isn't feeling too bad.

    Big G - I've had Chelmsford on my to do list for quite a while and I remember you recommending it.  So it's probably a decision I'll make on fuel costs plus the long drive.

    I did a couple of 100 club AGM marathons, they were pretty grim so I stopped going.   Hopefully they've improved.

    That was an amazing discount from the leisure centre, not surprising post pandemic plus inflation makes that sort of concession unrealistic.
    Our leisure centre have increased their prices too and they're not getting the turnover of new members that they used to have pre pandemic.   Plus new gyms opening in the town so more competition.
    £370 is still a fairly decent price for those that train regularly.
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