
Not able to run 5k thread



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    Two days - it takes my GP's four working days.
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    Hi, thought I would join in here if no one minds!

    Started a walk to 5km training plan about 5 weeks ago and although I definiately improved I just can't seem to do it without walking!! The furthest I have done is 1.7 miles without stopping but since then never managed it again! I am getting worried I won't be able to do the distance! I am running a 5km in just under 5 weeks and the person I am running with did 5km on her first run!!! Argh!

    My problems seem to be more tired legs than being out of puff, I did 3.5 miles last night but ended up walking for about half a mile of it I think...and stopped within the first mile to stretch my legs etc...

     Is anyone having a similar problem or have any suggestions?


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    Lyndsey - it sounds like the age old problem of running too quickly.  Really slow down (you will feel like you can walk quicker) and see how long you can run before feeling the need to stop.  Don't worry about distance at the moment, work on building up time on your legs running continually.  Don't fret pet - YOU WILL GET THERE! image

    Angie x

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    Good evening everyone,

     I am in jubilant mood tonight.  I haven't run much due to time and uni commitments (course ends Friday!) but... I have lost another 4.5lbs this week!  And, I joined a gym on Monday when my son ahd a swimming lesson, had the induction Tuesday and have a consultation tomorrow to work out a programme.  I also went in there whilst Jr had his lesson today, and did about 20 minutes between the bike and run/walking. 

     I'm just so happy that I am not 16 st something anymore... I am now 15 stone something!

    Good luck to everyone for the next couple of days, I'm off to study and write up my last assignment!

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    Milford Snail - well done thats brilliant. Enjoy the gym.

    Am in full hayfever-snuffle-mode at the moment and not feeling very happy.
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    Jeeeez, I'm knackered!! Just done 3 miles in 40mins bang on (I make it 39 as I stopped at a pedestrian crossing image). Managed to do 30/90 all the way, despite it being really humid today and wanting to pass out after 20 mins. (is it me or do those 90-second stints get shorter and shorter?!)

     Been persuaded to go for another run in the m-m-m... morning (there, I said it!) and will aim for another one tomorrow evening and on Saturday. 

     Sunday is the RFL.... 


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    I know most of us are finding it difficult but if we stick with it we will get there.

    I currently have the mindset that I am just gonna keep doing it. I dont care how crap I am or how slow I am I will just carry on - with no real goal. This way I dont feel pressured to improve BUT just by doing it I also know I will improve.

    Does that make sense?

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    Hi Sam and Hi Joe... yes it's hard but we will get there!

    Mrs G, thank you, I do feel brilliant, and even better today!

    I went to the gym, my programme is 75 minutes, starting with a warm up on the bike and then the  Dreadmill for 12.5 minutes.  I am doing 90 secs walk and 60 secs run, and for the first time today I did FIVE runs!!  I was elated!  I did some resistance training, went on the cross trainer, I loved it! 

    Hopefully I won't ache too much tomorrow cos I feel like going for a run again!

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    Did the RFL today, and I've gotta say it was awesome! The time (49mins-ish, much slower than I've done in practice) doesn't matter, as it's difficult to run when surrounded by people of all sorts pushing prams, wheelchairs, wearing tutus and high heels, and carrying dogs (!), but what was great is when it finished I felt like I had loads left in the tank and could have done it much faster, despite it being the hottest day of the year so far. My friend was suffering with a dodgy knee so I couldn't really steam ahead like I'd wanted to. Can't believe how inspiring all the other participants were... it so makes a difference compared with running on your own, it spurs you on. Deffo gonna enter myself into some more 5Ks and set further goals for next year. For the first time in my life, running down the road cheered on by onlookers, I felt like an athlete (ok, still a bit of an imposter maybe!) and I may have turned the corner in coming round to thinking that running is enjoyable after all!


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    Well done Sam!!

    Plodded round park this am

    20 stagger 3 walk (which was probly faster) and 6 stagger

    Hope everyone else id doin ok.

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    Just to convince myself that I can do better than 49 mins, I had a go at 5K round the streets tonight and did it in 37.5! Well pleased with that. I didn't think it could get easier, but it does.

     By the way, has anyone used MapMyRun.com? Despite the ads I find it really good for working out routes and logging progress. 

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    Another 20 min stagger today - seems a bit easier or is that wishful thinking?

    Have used mapmyrun and think its useful but trying to stay on grass at the mo.

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    Well done, slowjoe!  My short term goal is to be able to run 20 mins without stopping!

     Went out at 5.30 this morning - it was a beautiful morning, and I managed my usual stint of 5 mins run / 2 mins walk x 4.  I've been stuck on this routine for about 3 weeks now, and can't seem to manage any more.    But considering I could barely run for 30 secs when I first started a couple of months ago, I'm not too downhearted!


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    yeah, I mean I talk about times, but that's only really to measure my progress, the faster I go, the better I'm getting, is my theory. I'm not chasing a time or anything. You have to keep telling yourself that the fact you're out there doing it, no matter how slow or rubbish you are, is what matters. Anything is better than sitting watching TV doing nothing.
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    Hi all!

     You all seem to be doing so well, and I'm just happy if I don't pass out!  When I started this I was walking, then walking 2, run 30sec x 4.  At the gym on sunday, I managed a 12min 30sec stint, 90 secs wallk and 1 min run, which meant I did 5 runs, and for twice the normal time!  And that was after a 2k warm up on the bike.  I've changed that now (the machine is preset for each user) to 90 sec walk and 75 sec run x5.  I have decided to enter the Ashbourne Fun Run on September 14th, and for the first time in my life, I actually think I'm going to do it!  Oh, and I lost 2lbs this week, which means in six weeks I have lost 21lbs! Whooppee, I feel good!

     Sam, well done on the 37.5!  That's a great time.  I think I'm aiming for an hour! lol x

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    How do u know when uv run for 5 minutes?

    When I first ran 20 i did it using the Forrest Gump formula. I didnt look at my watch and ran til i was feeling it. Then i did a little more and when i thought i couldnt do any more I checked the time., It was 13 minutes. I then figured I could endure the remaining 7 minutes.

    However I still maintain I could set a record for the slowest shamble ever. 

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    Hi Slowjoe

    I just use my watch to time myself.

     A couple of times I've tried the Forrest Gump thing.  I managed 10 minutes which was brilliant for me, but it meant that I was then absolutely shattered and could only manage a couple of minutes walk to recover, and then about three more minutes running.

    I like having a 30 minute run / walk per session, so I prefer to continue with my 5 mins run / 2 mins walk for the moment.  I'm hoping to improve this to 7 mins run / 2 mins walk in the next couple of weeks.

    When I say "run" I mean it in the loosest possible way!  It's more like a stumbling sort of slow jog!  Barely faster than walking.

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    Daft though it sounds I've realised that although trying to run makes me feel good I don't really seem to get any enjoyment out of it.

    I went out this morning and walked for 3 miles, it took about 40 minutes and it was wonderful. The feel-good factor was  there, so decision made I will abandon trying to run and just keep walking.  I know that I can knock about 5 mintues of the route I am doing so I will stick with that for the time being.  

    Good Luck



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    Good luck with the walking Mrs G

    Well went out at 5am and staggered for drum roll please


    It actually seemd to get easier the longer i went

    old joints loobin up maybe

    Im well chuffed.

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    Congratulations Slowjoe.

    I wasn't far behind you I went out about 5.15, met an acquaintance who was walking his dogs and ended up being out for an hour and a half. It was gorgeous.

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    Well done Slowjoe and Mrs G.  Very impressive and I'm jealous!

    I was a late bird this morning, and didn't go out until 6.00 !

    I tried the Forrest Gump thing again, and managed to run for 10 minutes without too much trouble, then I walked for two and ran for five mins a couple of times.

    Gorgeous morning, and I came home feeling pretty pleased with myself!

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    Well done Sue

    Ive just been out and done a mapped 2.5 miles in 33 minutes 

    tomorrow im havin a day off 

    then probably just do twenty mins day after

    dont wanna fall into the trap of trying to go further every time and injure myself.

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    Ok just had to go out again today.

    Took the dog fo a stagger around a lake did 1 circuit - 1.6 miles without stopping.

    Then another walk/ stagger.

    Everyone else doing OK?

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    just started out intending to do 5k, did a rubbish staggering mile, but legs hurting a bit today... I think I might have given up a bit easily though. Gonna do some work, have me tea and try a 5k again this evening and stick with it, even if it ends up just walking.
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    Had a disaster today.  I tried to go for a run after work for a change - I usually go early in the mornings.  After 5 minutes I felt absolutely shattered, had no energy at all and was really struggling.  I walked for a couple of minutes then ran again, but had to give up as I felt that I was literally "running on empty".  I then did a pathetic mixture of jogging and walking home and felt very sorry for myself.

    I'll stick with the early mornings in future!

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    Know what you mean, Sue. Tried again at 7.30pm-ish, legs just feel dead, tight and stiff today, dunno if it's to do with the overcast weather, TOTM or what (I am a female Sam!) but did 2.2 miles in a rather crud 28 mins. Ah well, suppose you have days when you don't feel so great. Entered myself into a 5k race at end of July though so I've got a goal to keep me at this. Giving up for a day or so and gonna have a long, self-indulgent bath!
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    A steady twenty minutes around the park this am.

    I dont want to come across as someone who thinks hes great cos really I am a terrible runner - if I went any slower id be in reverse - but to those of u struggling to run for 20 mins - IT WILL HAPPEN!!

    Its not that long ago i was walking 1 running 1, then running 3 then 5 then all of a sudden it just happens.

    Once u reach that first milestone - all of a sudden what was a milestone becomes a norm.

    I think the curse of this running lark tho is u always forget what u have achieved and aim for the next milestone. 3 months ago i bet i couldnt run for 2 minutes - now I say ill JUST do 20 minutes LOL.

    If i can do it honestly anyone can. And I mean anyone.

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    Sam - I suppose we all have "off" days - it's really frustrating though, isn't it?

    Slowjoe - thanks for the inspiration.  At the moment it feels as though I'll never get any better.  I've been at the run 5 / walk 2 stage for bloomin ages!  I've done the occasional 10 mins run, but it's a struggle.   I really, really want to be able to run for 20. 

    You're right about forgetting what's been achieved.  Instead of feeling fed up I should be pleased with my progress - I couldn't run for a full minute when I first started.

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    I'm a late "joiner" here I fear!! Am running RfL on Sunday in Cambridge. This is the third year I've done it..had a gap last year due to being ill from Aug 07 - Dec 07 and then taking ages to get back to being able to run for longer than 30mins. By October was running for 45mins...probably about 4.5 - 5 miles so I am no paula radcliffe.

     However...something went wrong around Dec 08 and my stamina just dropped away. I started again with run/walk stuff in January and am only now back to managing 30mins without being knackered!! Have done ONE lovely long 50minute run one beautiful sunny evening across the fields...but 30min seems the max.

     What frustrates me is this....I've been doing this 3 x a week since january but when I went out for a lunch time run with a work colleague she...who has not run since last July except for 10mins on the treadmill each week...was galloping away without any breathing problems/stresses etc for 35mins!! I, meanwhile, had to call it a day at 30mins. And why do I breathe so loudly!!! She said I sounded as though experiencing ...ahem...something else other than running! She suggested I try breathing through my nose...as she does...but I did try, and nearly passed out! It was as though no breath was getting anywhere near my lungs. Well, I am just a mouth breather clearly!

    Anyway, I am a plodder ...no doubt about that...and a frustrated one. How UNFAIR is it that one person can do hardly any exercise but run for ages, whilst another works at it three times a week and sounds like a knackered steam engine after a pathetic 30mins. aaaaaaghghhhh. image

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    Those people just make me SICK goldfinch.image

    Its frustrating when they just go out and start cantering around whilst we are killing ourselves!!

    I suppose we just gotta do our best with what weve got.

    At 6'2" and 17 stone im not built for running - but Im more built for it now than when I was cracking on 20 stone - and if i carry on I might one day be overweight instead of obese!!image

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