
Shades Marathon Training



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    I'll tell you what i got when i actually make it down to devon next week VR image

    I did enjoy my turkey joint however and i'm pretty sure the cat liked her bit as she took it out of her bowl and has vanished with it, more a dog thing doing that i thought?

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    Keith - perhaps she thought you were going to come back for secondsand took a chance to scarper!
    Are you planning to see me in Devon then?
    Are you feeling better now?
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    Lol i doubt it, not fully fit yet and i canna be arsed racing right now image

    Be heading to the parents though which is were all my pressies our

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    VR - LOL at the spikes to the wheelie bin.   And there was me thinking you were slaving over a hot stove and in reality you were out for lunch, shame about the gas leak at the Old Inn.

    Keith - that's good news if you can make the trip down south.   The main roads around here are fine and dry but if it rains there is serious ice expected as the road surface will take a day or two longer than the air temperature to warm up.   Bitterly cold here again today, hope it warms up a bit

    bo-bo - hope you all had a lovely xmas

    Htf - have you now finished the cooking?

    bootsie - how did the cooking go?

    Elspeth - now I'd forgotten that, I thought it was Trevor, maybe that was the year before.   LOL at you waking up and remembering!.   You are indeed off the naughty step for 12 months.

    Lunch went well and your Hot Plum Trifle was absolutely divine, my Mum said it was one of the best desserts she'd ever had.   A superb recipe, thank you.   However I confess to slight cheating as I had intended to make the egg custard myself but when I was in Lidl they were selling a fresh luxury custard made with double cream and eggs and Madagascan vanilla seeds so I bought it in case my custard curdled.   Then I was short on time so didn't attempt to make the custard, the Lidl one is lovely.   I will make the custard next time, I promise.

    After lunch yesterday I went down to the local park to feed the ducks but the lake is frozen over and I could see the swans and ducks swimming in a tiny section on the otherside of the lake that hadn't frozen, so it was the few moor hens and the seagulls that got the bread.   Put some nuts out too for the smaller birds

    Today I'm going to cook Tyroneimage 

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    I seem to have acquired an extra 2lb overnight without particularly overindulging - it's not fair. Will attempt a LSR but the forecast is for -9C at 0900hrs, the pavements are covered in ice and compacted snow, it's hills in any direction and I can only run out and back as it's very built up otherwise. I'll be lucky to manage 10 miles but at least it will give me a little 'me' time and I won't be able to eat whilst I'm out!

    I have nearly finished reading the signed copy of Charlie Spedding's book that Mark bought for me - it's very engaging.

    What's everyone else up to today?

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LMh - it won't be 2lb of fat and will go just as quickly.  Hope you find somewhere safe to run.  
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    Happy Christmas and Boxing Day everyone.  Hope you got everything you wished for.

    (((HY4 & Chris and WD and Mrs WD))).

    Amazing Christmas Day spent with D, Flossette and his family.  Three musicians, so we had a jamming session and I sang for the first time with others in 35 years and found can still do it.  Really happy day, ate and drank far too much and had to wait 5 hours before spirit levels dropped and was safe to drive.  D bought me the most beautiful silver bracelet and I spent most of the day admiring it and looking at each other in certain way.  image

    Today, will be out there running (everywhere's frosty white and there was a reading of -5oC at 11.00 pm last night) for about 3 miles and will gently ramp up the mileage over the next few runs.  Chilling out with Flossette and a tidy up, making a trifle and getting ready for a return invasion of D and family on Monday night for dinner.  It's going to be a bit cosy having 7 to dinner in my flat, but we'll manage it somehow.

    Tonight is down the Lord Nelson at the Quay seeing Lady Winwood Maggot in concert.  D is related to one of the band members and hasn't seen him for 35 years.  This is definitely one of the bestest Christmas' ever and haven't enjoyed myself so much in years.

    Hope everyone has a great day today and if you're racing all the best and if you're training - happy training.  xxxx image

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    Lmuh - we are going to my brothers in Hampshire today. Have to take my car as Butlers car's gearbox has gone.
    We have no Internet this morning, god knows why so I'm using my phone.
    Plus Jet kept me up half the night with him whining, got up to find the front door open! Then he wouldn't settle until around 5 am.
    I'm a bit tired!
    Supposed to get a southerly wind today raising the temperature so let's hope the thaw reaches you all and we can get back to proper training.
    Did a poxy 20 miles last week.

    Have a lovely Boxing Day everyone.
    Must get back to boxing Jet's ears !!!
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    Flossie - So happy for you, great that you had a lovely day.
    Nobody touch the slushy song button!!!!
    I'm not in the mood. You can use your earphones!
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    Went out and ran at 7 which meant I could avoid using the paths.  The country lanes were quite snowy but I mostly managed to find clear patches or crunchy snow to run on and managed 10.48 pace for the 6.11 miles image  I am seriously starting to think about getting some winter tights, minus 10 is making the skin on my legs sting at times.
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    You're all nuts. It's been -14 here overnight and I can't run anywhere. This time of year I'm used to seeing the hardcore nutters out doing a bit and even they have stayed at home! So I consoled myself with a full bottle of champagne and tried not to think about the fact that I am ALREADY a week behind with marathon training. I am not really starting this with a good base either. I'm concerned I can't do the LSR's (even the short ones like 8miles) at a pace I'd want to. I'm going to try and get a run in tomorrow and I don't care if it IS on a treadmill and it's only 12mm pace. Something is better than NOTHING I think!

    elspeth fay wrote (see)

    I got a reindeer pinnyimage, a lovely puffin necklace, books, choc. Bit odd without T here but we had a long phonecall this morning from Glasgow.

    Most amusing present was the card from my youngest sister, who doesn't see us often "to my sister, hope your Christmas is as stylish as you are" which got a lot of laughs from the girls as I had just come in from my run yesterday and was dressed in my LIdl running tights, fluorescent yellow fleece and hatimage.

    Hope everyone is having a nice dayimage

    Waiting to hear what Mr LB has done this year!

    Elspeth - you are UBER stylish! Give over child! image

    Mr LB hasn't managed to do much yet. All his presents were going to London and didn't arrive in time so he was devastated. We're going down there tomorrow so hopefully I will start to be "spoilt rotten" as he promised. He's already bought me a CAR this month so I can't really complain can I?image

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Why no more naughty step?  Are you going to stop running?


    Good to hear the meal went down well.


    Bet your cat enjoyed that.  Ours had a tiny bit of smoked salmon & that was gingerly taken from my finger however she did enjoyed it but didn't want seconds.


    Not too much.  It's still fairly icy here but it's currently the warmest it's been so far (4c).


    Sounds like you had a good day.


    What a pain.  One way of looking at things is that Jet did alert you to what was happening.  We had something similar with Millie yesterday as the alarm didn't go off & she woke us by scratching on the door which was just as well because Chris' hospital appointment was at 8.20.


    Well done.


    It doesn't matter what you do it's the fact that you're doing something.  Hope the presents have now arrived.


    We had our present to ourselves earlier on in the year.  A new clock radio with usb port & ipod dock, so it was just a small present, we both got each other socks.  My parents got us the cat behaviour books & a few other bits & bobs.  Chris' sister got us a hamper & we still need to exchange presents between us & Chris' parents. 

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    Happy Boxing Dayimage

    Glad everyone had a good day yesterday. We had a very relaxed day, ran 10 miles in the morning and then basically ate and drank for the rest of itimage Ran a 4 miler this morning and had a bowl of trifle for recovery food! I am not going near the scalesimage

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Just found ou why you're not going to be on the naughty step.

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    Shades - I know but it was still a shock! You wouldn't have liked the -9C I was out in this morning, thankfully there was no wind.

    LB - hope you have a nice time in London and manage to get on the treadie - I guess you have the opportunity now that Mr LB is back and can take care of the girls for a while?

    VR - safe journey. Good job Jet was there to alert you. Last time something similar happened to me I was awoken by male voices shouting, stumbled out of bed, tripped over my dog who had come and hidden upstairs cos the front door was open. The milkman had alerted the police whose voices woke me!

    Mrs Mac - sounds like a great xmas!

    Sounds fantastic Flossie - I'm so pleased for you. Did Flossette like her surprise present? I was thinking about you yesterday and the lovely surprise that she'd have when she opened her hat box.

    12 miles run this morning, albeit slowly. I needed the trail shoes for the first couple of miles then hit quiet country roads which were clear of ice and did an out and back - very hilly for me and some of the miles were rather slower than would normally be considered acceptable! Still, it's done, miles in the bank and all that. I'm hoping that what it finally gets a bit warmer and I'm back in road shoes I'll be flying!

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Had a quiet couple of days talked to familyetc. No presents for each other - just booked flights and hotels for New York in March.

    Went for a short run this morning - I decid ed to see whether I could get near to 8 mins for i mile and shocked myself to manage the mile in 7.55. This is the quickest mile I've done since I got the Garmin 3 years ago- just need to do it 12 times more.

     Flossie glad to hear all went well with you Flossette and D.       image It can be very difficult.

    Happy Xmas to all

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    hiya all.. sounds like it was alll good on the forum.. my cooking went perfectly thanks!! bloody miracle

    managed to run today and yesterday so happy wtih that.. had a shocker today  though.. the old horse on my yard had to be put down today.. one of the saddest things i've been through in a very long time.. very sad day.. still prob for the best..

     going to do a nice run tomorrow.. have a nice loop in mind x

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    Christmas 2010 done - some wonderful memories "banked"; Jnr turned 16. New Year; new challenges and adventures here we come. Really good to read of all your fun and happy times - lets hope 2011 brings us plenty more image

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    bo-bo - hear, hear, let's hope 2011 is a good year for us all

    Flossie - I'm so pleased you had a loved up Xmas with D and things are going so well for you with a new job  in the New Year.  I also want to know about Flossette's present

    VR - poor Jet, you will have to teach that dog to bark.  Bad news on internet (how are you going to shop?) and especially Butler's gearbox.

    LB - a new car, you lucky girl.   Stop stressing about your marathon training, I can always put you through a bootcamp regime to catch upimage

    HY4 - who did the cooking on Xmas day then?

    Mrs Mac - have you eaten all that cream

    LMH - glad you got out for a decent run

    WD - blimey that is fast, great going, you obviously didn't overeat over Xmas

    bootsie - how very sad re the horse...not your horse though?  When I was 14 a friend of mine had to hold his own horse while it was shot and I've never forgotten that.

    Well done on the cooking

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    It was Chris.  We had a lamb & red wine caserole which was very nice.

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    Cooked Tyrone yesterday, my fridge freezer is full now and I will be eating turkey for monthsimage

    Today I'm going to venture out to the shops and have a look at the sales, I think it's going to be very busy out there

    It has finally started to thaw here and some of the ice has melted overnight.   I'm hoping that the next week I can run on the country lanes whilst I have the chance to run in daylight and finally get some training done.

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    HY4 - that sounds lovely, lamb is one of my favourites
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    Shades - thawing here too and hoping to be able to get out in my road shoes tomorrow - though the trail shoes have done sterling work. Off to the sales with my MiL too.

    bootsie - it's always really sad to lose them, the time of year makes it worse too doesn't it? Well done on the cooking - more you do like that the less stressful it becomes.

    HY4 - glad you had a good day.

    WD - speedy! If you can do one you can build to the rest.

    My BiL and his partner came round yesterday and we swapped gifts - I am now the proud owner of a HH warmer - expect the thaw to continue image

    Does anyone have a George Foreman grill? I'm seriously considering getting one in the sales and wonder if you'd recommend them. I used one in our holiday cottage in Whitby and loved making toasted sandwiches as my gf bread held together in there much better than it does if I try to use my ordinary sandwich maker and I thought it should be good for salmon fillets rather than putting the oven on or having to clean the grill all the time?

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Morning!  Please excuse any missing 'O's asI have a dodgy key image

    LMUH - I have a George that I won in a raggle a few years ago (at Slimming World!).  Because we are short of worktop space it tends to live in a cupboard and mstly get used by A to do burgers.  I found the best thing to do for cleaning is to wipe it down with kitchen paper while still warm and then use the pan scrub on any stuck bits.  Hadn't thought of using it for toasties so may try that.

    Seems to be thawing gently here too.

    K, time to go get MiL and take her home image

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    LMUH, we have one and its great. Very little cleaning, as Bridget says, a quick wipe whilst hot. Love making cheese toasties on ours. Well done on yesterdays runimage

    How sad bootsieimage The downside of owning animals.

    Shades, you'll turn into a Turkey if you're not carefulimage

    Its been raining all night here so woke to most of the snow gone. Left with tonnes of slush though. I've successfully managed to run 27 days in December in snow and ice with no mishaps - today, my luck ran out. Fell on the worlds smallest patch of ice and slid right into the middle of the roadimage Luckily the road was quiet but took the full brunt of it on my right knee. Fingers crossed its just bruised. Off out to look at the shops.

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    We did have one & used it once or twice then gave it to Chris' parents.  It's far easier to use a cooker's grill pan.

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    X-Post with Mrs Mac.

    Hope your knee is okay.

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    Ashamed to say our George is still in the box 1 year after purchase!
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    Hi Everyone, Happy Bank Holiday or something like that!

    Bootsie - really sorry to hear about the horse ((())) and Mrs Mac, hope that knee's OK ((())).

    I forgot to mention about Flossette's big present this year.  She was going on and on about getting a prom dress, so I invited her (in November) to go and try one on at Debenhams, so at least she could get an idea of what she wanted.  Well, this is a girl that knows exactly what she wants.  She had a good look at the Debenhams website and went for the most glorious dress, tried it on and looked absolutely stunning.  http://www.debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/prod_10001_10001_008010315047_-1

    She had no idea one night that an outing to get spaghetti for an evening meal would result in the secret purchase of her dress for Xmas hidden beneath layers of gold tissue in a hat box!  She couldn't believe her eyes on Xmas Day because I had invited her to get the accessories as though she already had it, well she did, but didn't know it at that time.

    First part of Xmas Day was spent with Flossette dressing up with all her jewellery and shoes on and deciding what to do with her hair - bless her.  As for D, he had helped to hide the dress for her at his sister's house until a bit nearer the time.

    Boxing Day went really well with an excellent gig at a local pub with a band called Lady Winwood Maggot - D is related to one of the band members.  Have no ears today, but what a night.  Today am cooking for seven peeps tonight and must crack on with housework, washing new plates and glasses and stuff.

    Did get a 2.5 mile run in yesterday.  Wanted to go out today, but ran out of time and feel a bit jaded after late gig last night.  What a Christmas - couldn't ask for better.  New Year will be quiet this year as D has to work on the Eve, but will see him on New Year's Day.  D is best Xmas pressie ever!  image

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     I'm sorry VR but definitely calls for a slushy love songimage
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