
Shades Marathon Training



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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Big G, Jelly, Keith, Ian - great runs by all of you for different reasons. Ian I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday - not jealous at all ;)

    Cal - nice long run. You obviously had plenty left in the tank if the last mile was one of your fastest.

    Steve - great reps (let's agree to ignore the 5th one haha). How long do you have between them?

    I had pencilled in 5 miles at a hard effort on Sunday morning, targeting around 7 min miling. Got out just after 10am and it was just starting to snow. Wasn't the most pleasant conditions but at the moment I don't have the luxury of rescheduling runs so I knew if I didn't go out then I wouldn't get out at all. Saw a few other runners out, pretty much every time we greeted each other and smiled, probably appreciating each other's madness to want to be out running when it was snowing. Thankfully only an inch or so settled and it warmed up a bit in the afternoon so was no trouble driving home.

    Set off at what felt like a fair effort, not the easiest to tell as it's a slight downhill to start. Watch was showing a very fast pace and I thought GPS must be playing up, but turns out it wasn't and I did first mile in 6:10 whoops (that's 5k PB pace)! After 2km I decided to ease off and recover as I knew I couldn't sustain that pace for 5 miles. Settled in to what felt like a much easier pace but was in 7:00-7:15 region. So I decided to just try and hold that effort for the rest of the run. After the 1st mile was reasonably consistent and ended up 6:56 average. So pretty much what I aimed for but not how I wanted to get there! Overall mile splits were 6:10 / 7:01 / 7:13 / 7:07 / 7:12.

    I feel like recently on the few hard runs I have done I convince myself to back off too easily, I used to be really good at always pushing myself hard. So a bit disappointed in that, but pleased with the pace of the run overall. Certainly suggests I should be looking at sub-7 pace, maybe around 6:45 if I can do some more even pacing.
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    Nick - Nice run! On those reps I had 2:45 recovery in between.
    Shades - Quite tropical then!! That would have been better weather to run in!! I think it was around 2c or lower on both days here!! My local parkrun was cancelled on Saturday because of ice!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Shades/Jelly, not sure if it's changed in the last year or so then, but from what I've read/been told, the chap who now looks after the race diary for the 100MC and the people who validate the members has been checking and querying some races.  Plym Trail was categorised as a trail marathon on the 100MC website (and has been seen the race has been organised), so as far as they're concerned its a trail race, which is why it makes sense to categorise it as a trail race in the 100MC spreadsheet.  The 100MC spreadsheet has separate columns for road and trail races, so I stick Plym Trail under trail.  But of course you can do whatever suits you in terms of recording :)

    Been for a nice walk today; 7-miles, from Dawlish Warren to Teignmouth along part of the City to Sea route.  Stopped for a cream tea (naturally), and it was a nice walk out.  Caught train to Dawlish Warren, walked back to Teignmouth and then caught the train home.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Thanks Big G will put in Trail column and Just put a note to
    remind me it was Tarmac path for myself but saying that don't think I will forget. Don't think I will hit the 100 was in awe of them all on Saturday. Like you were saying Big G it's some how normalises it but it is far from the norm. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Jelly, it is strange when you start seeing the same faces at lots of races.  The lady there who had done nearly 600 marathons I see a lot.  Those two chaps in their 100MC T-Shirts I see a lot also, and that chap who always turns up late for pretty much every race does a lot of the same races that I do (City to Sea, Enigma, Dorney Lake, Milton Keynes, Plym Trail - he's been at all those).  When Davey announced that such-and-such has just done their 100th, or so-and-so has done nearly 600 it is inspiring, but yet becomes kind of normal at the same time.  But as we said, we have to remember that for many one marathon is a bucket list type of thing, so it's just that we associate with and are friends with runners who have done 100s!  

    But what I will say is that changing the mindset for me into not racing them all has made them more enjoyable, and not caring what people think if I do "badly" (i.e, 4:02 for me may not be a great time, and a couple of people did mention it at the party, but I genuinely don't care!).  When I got PBs at Munich and then Nottingham last year, they were really unexpected - I just felt good on the day, so went for it.  I know Allen T from our club says the same as when he got his GFA he said he wasn't even really aware that he was on for it, but just felt good on the day so pushed on.  Allen is a great runner in my view, and if you talk to him he is great to chat with - like me, he can talk all day about running!  He paces other Trotters on occasion and he tries to make it that the first 5K is the slowest of the lot.

    As Shades said, don't worry too much about flagging in the last 3-4 miles or so on that event.  It's really not an easy course.  On a flatter or more even course, I think you'll do well.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    PS, Jelly, I can't help but think that if Plym Trail was ran the other way around (so finishing on a down hill rather than an uphill), times would be quicker.  Also, you and I both overtook quite a few people in the second half of that race, as some went went off too quickly, which I think shows we paced it about right.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Other way round the times would be so different, would know gravity would help.  Don't get why people expect you to do PB every time, wouldn't take any notice. I've ran fair few races with friends and could easily of got better time but wouldn't of been so much fun. I didn't know how it was going to play out Saturday as not done Marathon training cycle due to non Plan break. Was chuffed with result.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Nick-Decent reps there,boding well.
    Looks like a lot struggled here yesterday,after a steady 1st 4k I was 290th then gradually moved up and at mile 18 I'd gotten up to 223rd,then by 22 and the cramp I'd slipped to 258 but even though I jogged to the end I still finished 254 so lots must have faded.
    Next year's has just opened,not sure what distance to do but entered the full as it's only €30 and can downgrade.Thats really good value for medal,tech t-hirt,free pasta party and lots of fruit,0% alcohol and doughnuts after the race
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    Shades -  Headache has gone but i cant rule out it being due to flu thing i seem to have..... I suspect i had it before the race as i have never been ill that soon after a marathon before and i needed high heat on the drive home to remain warm. Wasn't feeling great sunday and seem to be coughing more on my drive home today. KFC for lunch too which as it was my only food of the day so far is fine ;)

    No aches other than some minor leg aches which are probably more to do with the flu than the race
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Get well soon Keith 
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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    Some really good running by team Shades over the last few days, I did a gentle 6 miles this afternoon and no complaints from Mr Achilles.
    Stretches must’ve worked.
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    Jelly - I like Taunton marathon, it's a lot quieter on the 2nd lap for those of us doing the marathon but I quite like that. 

    Ian - that's great news about the achilles, I did expect you to be in a lot of pain after the marathon.  I won't nag you about the flip flops again as I don't need to ;) 

    I like the sound of the GC marathon, I'll put that on my to do list.   Do they do a half marathon for your wife to do next year?

    Nick - there's a camaraderie which is quite heart-warming when we're all out there battling the elements.  That was a speedy first mile :)    Sometimes it's good to be cautious and not go all out in hard runs and just save that for a run when you do want to test your speed.

    Steve - we've sent you some tropical Devon weather, I think today or tomorrow you will have 12 degrees too!

    Big G - the classifications of marathons on the 100MC website are not for guidance on how to fill in the spreadsheet it's to define which races are eligible for the annual competition which is for the runner that runs the most road marathons in UK and Ireland.   That's why there have been some anomalies, like New Forest which used to be road and then moved to trail but they left it in road column for a few years.   Snowdonia is trail but as it used to be road is still in road column.  I won the competition a few years ago as most members do off road events and I've been placed a few times.   

    See here  https://www.100marathonclub.org.uk/statistics/trophy-winners/

    Keith - you're recovering well despite the touch of man flu.   Have you entered any more marathons this year?

    Jugula - that's good news about your achilles, I don't suppose you can ever give up those stretches now.

    Very mild here, I was actually a bit warm running, a couple of showers, very pleasant.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-They do indeed,she's already got the dates for when she's back in work to book it off  :)
    Achilles a little sore today but not really noticeable,still got bad doms though,may try a run in a bit.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, we'll agree to differ on that one then  :)

    Ian, that does sound a bargain and a good race.  I'm tempted also!

    I did the 6-mile social run last night, which was nice, so I had quite an active day really (3-mile run, 7-mile walk, 6.5-mile run).
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Morning all! It’s been busy in here! 

    Big G: I can thoroughly recommend GC. We go there quite regularly and love exploring the island. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Another bonus about GC is that the early bird prices are available until middle of June so the flights should be out by then.
    Not sure why but my doms are the worst ever,could be a combination of things but I'm struggling to walk today.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Ian/Emmy, it's a possibility.  My club are going to Lanza in Dec 2018 but I'm still undecided on that at the moment, as really I'm not sure if I want to go for a whole week where Trotters will be boozing all that time!  Also, I think most people are going all-inclusive, but if I'm still not drinking too much that wouldn't really work for me.  So GC is definitely a contender for the January instead but I'll have a think about it, and keep an eye on flights.
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    Ian - That really is good value for GC!!
    Shades - Thanks, was warmer today (about 4c!)!!

    Disappointing LT session this morning. 10 miles with 40 mins at LT pace. Was hoping to hit 6 miles (at least) in the 40 minutes, but couldn't hold pace, so finished on 5.91 miles. Splits were 6:28/6:46/6:52/6:53/6:57/6:41 pace for final 0.91. I ran a faster 10 with 6 last year during marathon training, so doesn't bode well for running faster this year really!! Maybe last year was my peak and PB's are now behind me? I don't know!! I guess my 10k in a couple of weeks will be a good indicator.
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Steve - maybe the increased amount of speedwork is making it harder to hold the long efforts? (I think I remember you saying you're doing some weekly instead of bi-weekly last year) Or could just be a bad run, I recall last year I had a similarly underwhelming session but then did the same session a few days later and think I was over a minute faster (I was doing 5.5 miles).

    Keith - hope you're feeling better soon. When I get really cold after running it normally means I'm hungry or just very tired. Doesn't happen often.

    Ian - glad the achilles is holding up. Shame about the doms, walking about will help with doms even though it hurts. First time I did a half marathon, I'd been running 3 weeks, very painful 2nd half and home in 2:05ish, could barely walk after. Took me 30 mins to hobble the normally 5 min walk to the car (luckily my wife was driving me home). My wife made me go for a walk around the block in the evening I think as she was bored of me complaining on the sofa haha, it was pretty painful but the next day I was much better and even played a squash match in the evening.
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    Ian and Jugula - glad your naughty Achilleseseeeseess are behaving! And Ian, Nick's right. Force yourself out for a walk, it'll help. (Also, if stairs are an issue, come down them backwards!)

    Steve, although I admit I'm in awe of those splits (because I can't even run one mile that fast) I do understand the worry. Last summer was like that for me. But not all training sessions are going to be great and you'll find you're faster in a race situation anyway. I wouldn't write yourself off just yet!

    I was considering another rest day today but the weather tomorrow looks terrible (high winds and rain) so I spent a good while grinding balls and rollers into myself and then headed out for a pretty terrible 4 mile recovery run. Terrible as in low cadence, short stride and all around sluggish. But it's done, and hopefully that means a better run on Thursday.
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    edited January 2018
    Ian - that's great news about GC for next year then.  I might look at the flights etc a lot earlier although I've pencilled Vienna in as my 'overseas' marathon for 2019

    I wonder if your enforced rest before the race has added to your DOMS discomfort this time.  if you get a little run done, it will help, although it may not feel it at the time.

    Big_G said:
    Shades, we'll agree to differ on that one then  :)

    I was on the 100MC committee for several years so know that's why the definition of road/trail was for the competition, we discussed the subject at many meetings.   It was though unfair that a runner could have used Snowdonia for the competition one year but then not be allowed to use that race the next year.

    Oh that is a big negative to the Lanzarote trip, I had momentarily forgotten about their heavy drinking and subsequent behaviour.   I went to Slovenia with them, would never go on a Trotter trip again and was thankful I wasn't staying where they were.  Lovely people but as Brits abroad they were awful.

    Steve - it must be tomorrow that it will be 12 with you, honest ;) 

    Don't be despondent about your LT pace, of course your race PB's aren't behind you.   You can't expect to hit every training pace target on every training run.   Wait until your next race before you reassess your training.   Did you do all your work sessions early morning last year?

    Nick - ouch to that DOMS you had after your first half marathon.   
    I know someone that got a last minute charity place in London one year, no training but he got round the race then drove from London to Devon.   When he got home he rang his flatmate and asked him to come outside and prise him out of the car, as he was dehydrated he hadn't stopped on the way home and had completely seized up.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I've managed to walk a few miles yesterday and a couple this morning.
    Shades-I was thinking that as I'd only ran once in 18 days before the race,hydration is probably another part as I didn't drink as much leading up to the race as I didn't think I'd be racing until I went the physio on Thursday.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Wish me luck tonight, going to do endurance session at local pool ? warm up is 600 meters and then drills. She is keen swimmer and wants to get fit and slim down a bit, she's lost a bit since Synchronised swimming shut. She will be fine me on the other hand. Please tell me swimming will improve my running. 
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    Shades - I did those LT sessions in the morning last year, but obviously when I was at my previous job, so was about an hour later in the day, but still early at 5:30!. I'll see how I get on in my 10k, as that will give an indication of pace for the half.

    Anyway, back to what I do well and that's easy running tomorrow. Got an early 13/14 miles planned!
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    Ian - maybe the hydration had a part in it too.   I'm sure not running for 18 days and then in hot weather are the main reasons.

    Jelly - good luck with the endurance swimming.   No, swimming won't help your running, only exception is if you can't run due to injury so then swimming can help maintain aerobic fitness.   

    Training should be sports specific, so if you want to run better/faster then run more.    But you are still improving anyway so you're doing fine.
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    1SteveMac said:
    Shades - I did those LT sessions in the morning last year, but obviously when I was at my previous job, so was about an hour later in the day, but still early at 5:30!. I'll see how I get on in my 10k, as that will give an indication of pace for the half.

    Anyway, back to what I do well and that's easy running tomorrow. Got an early 13/14 miles planned!

    Steve - Nick made a good point that you are doing more work sessions now.  That will certainly make a difference.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Shades, yeah I know you were on the committee.  But all I am saying is that on the Facebook group for aspiring members this is brought up.  I would seriously doubt that very many of those are in with a shout of winning that prize you mentioned.  I am quite an active lurker on that group and to be honest I don't remember that prize being mentioned before (I may have missed it of course).   They are concerned with getting their road marathon tally, which is definitely checked as it's been mentioned in a few comments.  Reading between the lines, I think the person who is doing the race diary is quite thorough (I wouldn't like to say "more thorough", because I do not know) as he's said a few times that he is checking lots of things whilst maintaining that diary.

    At the end of the day, why would someone who is interested in the 100MC mark a race that is categorised as a trail race as a road race, or vice versa?  It would make no sense.  Of course if a person is not interested in the 100MC, then they can categorise it as they like.

    Let's drop it :)  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I have a story about Chair nearly getting into a fight in Brussels.  Not that I condone violence, but if he'd have got a smack in the face by a local, he would have deserved it...
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    Big G - the competition is only open to those that have reached their 100th marathon and I think only the marathons run after that time within the calendar year count.   The competition is usually launched with the documents for the AGM and as they didn't have a full AGM last year most of those on that FB group wouldn't know about it.   There's also a photo competition and Counties too I think.   
    I've always categorised my marathon races by surface.  I believe the 100MC are shortly going to have an in depth discussion as to what constitutes a road marathon so there will me more clarity I hope.

    I'm sure there have been a few incidents over the years with the Trotters abroad. :o 

    2 Trotters at my Pilates class this morning, both male.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I won't mention names, but a few members were a bit embarrassing in Germany last year.  You can probably imagine what signs they were doing, and what songs they were singing (it wasn't Chair).  We did get kicked out of one place, because one or two were being idiots (again not really Chair on this occasion).  I know it puts a few people off of going away with them, but I go along and just leave if/when things get too bad, or often there's a "splinter group" that forms so I just tag along with them.  Generally, when the tops come off is the point that I tend to drink up and leave, as do a few others!  I know the evening before Munich Marathon I just did my own thing with a small group, as others went out and got drunk that evening.  I really don't know how they can do a marathon (or even a Half) with a raging hangover and hardly any sleep!
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