
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I'm thinking about getting a hrm and wearing it alongside my watch and seeing the difference,then return it if I get no use or major difference.
    Glad I ran yesterday as worked dragged on today so couldn't run,still highest mileage month ever and possibly beateable next month.
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    Big G - useful link, I think that says it all.

    Ian - many runners have in the past bought Garmins and never used the HRM chest strap.   So you might find one from say someone in your club who is happy to get rid of it for a couple of quid.  You can search to check which chest straps are compatible.  My very first Garmin chest strap is still compatible with my newer watch.
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    Just had an email from Premier Inn for my Frankfurt booking which I paid upfront and nonrefundable.  I am now able to cancel and get a full refund up to 28 days before.  I'm hoping I won't need to.

    But great service from Premier Inn.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Didn’t realise it was that much of a difference with the monitor. Will look into it then. If anyone has any suggestions for brands/models I’m all ears. 
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    Rcouture - you should be able to get a chest strap compatible with your GPS watch and sync the two.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-My watch is Polar,I'm happy enough with my watch but might be interesting to compare.
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    Ian - you might still be able to pick up a Polar one cheaply, .   If not some monitors are compatible with other brands.  But Polar HRM's get the highest rating I believe, probably slightly dearer than Garmin.

    You can also get arm HRM monitors too, I only know one person (a Teignbridge Trotter) that uses one, I think he's fairly happy with it but I think it has the same limitations as a wrist one. 

    A few years ago Tom Tom were the first to really market heavily the wrist HRM and they sold loads, saying no need for chest straps anymore etc.   Well they were inundated with unhappy runners who had expected them to work as well as chest HRM's as that's what they'd been told.  Tom Tom's response was to email patronising instructions on how to wear a watch and if that didn't work use conductive gel.   I believe they've stopped making sports watches now.

    Lovely run this morning, still raining lightly when I went out but the sun was coming out at the same time, gorgeous spring morning.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I got the email too.  I'd only booked nonrefundable too, so it's good to know we can cancel and get a refund should we need to.  I was a bit worried about that one as I had paid in euros so was wondering if that may have impacted any refund scheme, but obviously not.

    I don't know if it's just my imagination but the line of questioning seemed a bit more 'sensible' at yesterday's press conference.  Obviously I fully agree and support that the press have to ask questions and scrutinise things but I was getting a bit fed up with the tone.  It just seemed a bit more sensible yesterday.  This R value is obviously the key now, and at the right time I guess they'll start to loosen the restrictions in certain ways with certain provisos to make sure it stays under 1.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Have ordered a Garmin chest monitor which should arrive tomorrow. In for a penny and all that. Look forward to seeing if there’s a difference. Fingers crossed my HR was about 20bpm too high all along and I can go a bit faster 😀
    Boris to unveil his plan for reopening next week. I very much doubt large gatherings will be allowed by September/October. 
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    Big G - well it's not impossible that Frankfurt will go ahead so I was doubly impressed by Premier Inn's offer of a refund as it's late October.   I rarely book unrefundable but at £128 for 3 nights and 2 minute walk to the start/finish was an offer I couldn't refuse.

    Yes, I agree yesterday's questions were more sensible, even Peston didn't make a complete idiot of himself which he usually does.  I like that they have questions from media outlets I've never heard of so giving different journalists a chance, although they usually have BBC/ITV/Sky/C4 every day.   Actually so far it's been the general public's questions that have been the most sensible.

    Rcouture - one of the major complaints about the wrist sensor is that it's very slow to react to change in HR so that means if your HR goes to high and you ease up a bit to get back into range your wrist sensor is slow to respond so you're probably having to hold back your pace longer than necessary.  

    I think next week's roadmap from Boris will be very vague and will probably just be an order of release measures but without dates, apart from the most imminent changes.   

    Interesting to read other countries release strategies.   I think it's Spain are opening some shops but you have to make an appointment to buy something and only one person in the shop at a time.   But they are allowing exercise from today I think.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Shades - Germany have banned mass gatherings (>5k people) until at least the end of October and their COVID experience has been much better than here. I’d be surprised if the UK allowed them earlier unless things dramatically improve. Who knows though, there’s so much uncertainty. 
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    Rcouture - Germany have 16 states and it looks like they have different rulings by state.   I know Berlin have cancelled events >5000 to 24th October but currently that doesn't apply to Frankfurt, different state.   We had an email from Frankfurt this week, I suspect as after Berlin marathon cancellation there were lots of enquiries, but for now event still going ahead.  I wouldn't be surprised for it to be cancelled though.

    Germany had a slight increase in cases yesterday so not sure if they'll slow their release plans.  I believe they reopened zoos and museums yesterday.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Shades - I think the ban on gatherings in Germany is at national level (other restrictions like shop openings are at local level) but that it expires on the 24th of October whereas the Frankfurt marathon is set for the 25th! Fortunate timing. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Had a quick look on Hamburg marathons site, that's due September 13th and they are still optimistic of it going ahead they said.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    A much nicer run today in sunny but cool conditions - ideal running conditions. I did 10 miles on an out and back route, with most of any uphill bits in the first half which meant that on the return it was gently downhill and hence more running involved. Not sure if that’s ‘cheating’ or not, but my HR was where it should be throughout the whole run so I hope that’s ok.

    I ran past a farm with a lot of lambs in. There was a group of 5 lambs messing around by the fence and rather than run off they kind of crept forward as I ran towards them, and seemed to be inquisitive. Never really had that before and was one of those times I wish I had my phone with me for a pic.

    I’m organising a Trotters Zoom quiz tonight - about 35 have said they’re coming on which I think should be manageable. I’ve dreamt up a range of 25 running/athletics related questions including pictures, dingbats, Trotters questions etc all in a PowerPoint, and a tie break should it be needed. Should be good hopefully. 
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    edited May 2020
    Ian - is Hamburg marathon on your list this year?

    Big G - the one thing with the HR training is that there is no cheating, it is what it is.  A good run from you today.

    I love when the lambs are at that age when they pal up with their peers and become mischievous.  Happens with calves too.

    Good luck with the quiz, that's quite a lot of participants.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, that's good.  I had presumed it would be fine, so may keep a route like that in mind for the future as it was nicer running marginally quicker towards the end.

    That's my 6th day in a row running to HR and I've done 57 miles in those 6 days.  Way too early to notice anything different yet and indeed there is no difference, but I do feel I'm getting used to it and 100% will be doing it throughout the whole of May.  Apart from yesterday, the runs have been okay.  I am very, very wary of doing too much but I don't feel tired at all so will go out again tomorrow, and see how I feel.  Knee isn't totally 100% so I'm keeping an eye on that, but it's more than manageable at the moment.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-It wasn't on my list but it's a possible if they start races then,got a few different ones in different countries depending on what we are allowed and when.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, sounds like you're itching to get back to racing!  I've so far resisted looking at too many other races as with Windermere, Chester, Warsaw and Frankfurt all potentially still going ahead (however unlikely!) that's enough larger events to keep me motivated for now.  You know that I prefer larger events but if any of those 4 go ahead I'll be pleased, although I'm not holding my breath.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Yeah I am,but i was also bored 1 day last week.Have Chester and Barcelona booked for October at the minute.
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    Big G - next time it's windy it would help if you ran into the wind early into the run and saved the tail wind for the last few miles.   As you found yesterday once HR rises it's not easy to get it back under control.

    Great to hear you're not feeling tired, that's a sign you're not training too fast.  But take a rest day when you want.

    You'll be an aerobic monster at the end of this base training. 

    Ian - it would be great for all of us if we can run a few marathons in the autumn.  I think races will in future feel really special and we'll saviour every mile.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I'll be interested to see what happens, although I know probably even until end of May is not long enough.  But if I do a MAF test around that time and there's at least some improvement I'll be happy.  I think from that EA announcement I'll be doing this through June as well with no racing on the horizon, although if it's hot I may struggle even more so I mustn't get despondent if that happens.  But one step at a time...I can't look too far ahead and if I can do it constantly through May I'll be happy with that as a starter.  There have been some very slight glimpses - literally just for a few seconds - where the pace seems to build up very marginally and the HR is still where it needs to be.  Don't know if that's normal or maybe just coincides with an imperceptible downhill, but I'll take it.

    One thing that I don't quite understand is that if I was to guess, on occasion I'm running 12min/miles to try and get the HR down, but still need to walk for a few seconds.  Then I briskly walk at probably 14.5min/miles and HR quickly plummets again if I'm not careful.  I'm disappointed I have to walk so much but I'm sticking with it.  I may do a Max HR test again just to double check I'm not way out, but I really don't think I am.  I looked back over my notes and my two Max HR tests I've done came out the same and I remember on both I couldn't have done any more as I was gasping, with hands on knees etc.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Germany are meant to be announcing what is happening with sporting events on the 6th so may have an idea then.
    9 miles after work,usual route,seemed to be a fair few more vehicles out again today.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    8 miles for me this evening on (still wrist) HR of 143 which is higher than <140 target but had a stressful day of work so surprised I even managed that. Look forward to trying chest monitor. 
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    edited May 2020
    Rcouture - well I hope your run relieved that work stress.   I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on with the chest monitor too.

    Ian - I hope so.   It's even more confusing with Germany having national laws and then state rules on top of that as well.

    Big G - I think perhaps you're being a little impatient.   You did a MAF test a couple of weeks ago of 5 miles with cardiac drift so you can't expect to do 10 mile runs now without significant cardiac drift.   Base training takes time and although you should show some improvements by the end of May when you're doing your next MAF test you should be looking at continuing this for at least 3 months.   You will become more skilled and be able to lower HR without walking in time, you'll know when you need to ease up on pace so that HR doesn't go too high.   You just have to get yourself through the initial few weeks and hang onto those glimpses, they will become more frequent.  If you are finding it too frustrating right now I would shorten your runs, still run an hour a day but maybe just run 10 miles every other day.   You should then see less cardiac drift on the shorter runs and  should find that more rewarding for now.

    You will want good conditions for your MAF test but for training it doesn't matter if the weather is hot.  Remember you're training to HR not to pace so if it's hot you still stick to HR, it's your heart and lungs you're training, you have to ignore pace.  Of course you can always run early in the morning to avoid the warmer conditions.

    You're brave considering another MHR test.   I've only ever done one, but I have checked my HR a few times going up the toughest of the hills doing DD and I've got to 5bpm below my MHR and I know I couldn't push any harder.   Of course if we had some races, or even a parkrun for you that would be a good time to test.

    8 miles this morning, it's Saturday so ran on my route which includes Saturday Lane.   Roads lovely and quiet, chilly morning, only 5 degrees when I went out but sunny.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Big G, how nice to see the lambs. I guess I won't be seeing any this year - I most often see them when I take the train somewhere but obviously that's not happening at the moment.

    Rcouture - my heart rate is rarely below 140 on a run, even at an easy pace. That's just on the watch, though, as I don't have a chest monitor. I generally go by my breathing. Having done plenty of yoga, I'm well in tune with that.

    Shades - definitely a lovely morning!

    My plans for today included a fast 5K but I had to haul myself out of bed at 3.40am to kill a mouse that had blundered onto one of my traps (they arrived yesterday, thank god). So I didn't feel particularly refreshed when I woke up and it took me until 7 to get myself out. I did three miles to warm up as I needed a bit extra, but even then I knew I wasn't going to be on for a very fast time so I did a different route with a bit more elevation for a change. Came in at 25:51 which is OK but puts me in last place currently - the guy currently in first is 10 minutes faster. I remember the first time I ran a sub-26 at Tooting parkrun in 2016 and I was chuffed to bits. How times change. :D
    I did wear my new Peg Turbos - I quite like them.
    Did a further three miles to cool down. Really nice day to be out but I must admit I was rather glad to be done with it so I could go and have breakfast.
    In other news, I've put myself in for Laz's virtual race across Tennessee. We've got 4 months to do 1000km although there's an option to do a there and back. The 1000 is very doable for me as it's an average of just over 5 miles a day - I think the 2000 would be a bit much as I'd have to do over 70 miles a week and I generally peak in the 50s. However, walks to count so I've counted the 5 miles I walked yesterday. If anything, it'll be good incentive to get my arse out for a walk on my rest days - something I frequently struggle with.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, interesting virtual challenge there, in terms of helping to keep the mileage up.

    Thanks Shades. I may do that regarding shorter runs. On this morning’s run though I planned it so that the last 2 or 3 were flat, which helped too.

    I did 12 today, at the correct heart rate. Pretty flat overall and I had an enjoyable run out today as again it was good conditions.

    I’m 99% sure my Max HR is fine so I think I’ll leave it as it is anyway.  I know what I want to get to and first step is to get back to what I was last August/September for the MAF test at 142bpm.

    We did the quiz last night and it went well. People enjoyed it and it was nice catching up with everyone. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    After my run, OH was making her breakfast and she was making banana pancakes with some yogurt and fresh fruit on top. She offered me some so of course I had a second breakfast today :)
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    edited May 2020
    Cal - when you're on one of your mouse killing sprees it always makes me think of the nursery rhyme Three Blind Mice  

    What a pity there wasn't a 1500km choice, that would have been perfect mileage for you.  But a good way to keep motivated mileage wise.

    Big G - that's a good run from you today.  I think you have a good chance of improving on your 2019 times at your next MAF test.

    You would need a 2nd breakfast after 12 miles.   If I have breakfast before a longish run I always have another breakfast when I get home.   That's probably the only part of doing long runs that I miss. 

    Glad the quiz went well.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Ha ha Shades - imagine a sleepy woman in a big dressing gown and that's closer to the mark.
    Big G, a bit jealous of the pancakes! I don't blame you for having a second breakfast.
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